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Below is information about the "suburban basement alliance" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:garreth (815201)  
Name:suburban basement alliance
About:HI everyone. I'm Garreth, Emily's car. I'm red and I get good gas milage. I enjoy long drives, industrial music, and banjos.

I've decided to start a livejournal community so that everyone in The Family (copyright pending) can stay in touch with each other through a means other then Marc's cell phone and Bray's basement. Don't get me wrong, Marc's phone is really pretty, and Bray's house... well, it doesn't have any food, and the toilet is scary, but it's really nice. But since you're all spread out across the country now, I thought it might be nice for you to have a common place to all find each other. So here it is. Have fun.

Love, Garreth

Interests:86: agnostics, airplane toilet seats, ambiguity, ambler, baby, bad drivers, bad movies at 3am, basements, bayom hahu, beastiality, bed, boats, bofty, brandon slattery, bryn mawr, bus rides, coafty, communal showering, dad, damn jews, daria, dark city, digital cable, dinosaurs, dirty sea chanties, elections, event horizon, fireworks, flaming ashen rainfall, floyd the platypus, group showers, guster, harlam, harleysville, havdalah, hell, hula hoops, jewish food, jewish grandmothers, judaism, krausen's tattoos, late night, marc, mars, maternal neglect, mix tapes, mom, mom being an idiot, mom's cane, mom's van, mystic seaport, naked hula hooping, new jersey, nfty, nfty par, office, par, par bear, pennsylvania, people going awol, phone tag, pi, platypi, plymouth meeting, procrasturbation, pyromania, real music, rocky horror, satan, scary toilets, services, shavua tov, shty, skissors, sleeping on the stage, sleepovers, speeding tickets, suburbia, talking iguanas, tank girl, toasty, torah study, uncooked ramen, voicemail tag, wawa, wawa runs
Members:9: britez, earthdotprime, gargleblaster, gumtreecanoe, jelli_bean, lrw1983, mcpunkels, nrdysweaterkid, runlikehell
Watched by:7: britez, earthdotprime, gumtreecanoe, lrw1983, mcpunkels, nrdysweaterkid, runlikehell
Account type:Free Account

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