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June 9th, 2004

10:53 am
At least the Washington Post has resisted at least a little bit misty-eyed Reagan nostalgia. They published this obit today.

I'd like to see some commentary about the sillier aspects of the Reagan presidency, though. Ketchup as vegetable, slashing school lunch, Star Wars, trees cause pollution. That stuff was totally wacky, and front page news for weeks.

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June 8th, 2004

01:17 pm - oh yeah
Today there are a bunch of people protesting the biotech industry, in which I work. Well, mostly they are pissed off about Monsanto. But they are protesting not just Monsanto, but the entire industry and the technology as well. I'd like to see some of them try subistence farming for a while, and see how much fun it is. Technology is not inherently evil!

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12:11 pm
Sometimes I respect Andrew Sullivan and enjoy what he writes. Now is not one of those times. Sullivan is HIV+, and today his weblog is full of tributes to Reagan. Does he not remember Reagan appointing people who thought HIV was divine retribution on homosexuals to his AIDS committee? Apparently not.

When I think of the Reagan era, I don't think of Morning in America or any of that bullshit. I think of the woman who froze to death outside the HUD building in DC, while it was being run by Leona Helmsly. I think of a psychiatrist from St. Elizabeths, a mental institution in DC, telling my mom he sees a lot of his former patients out on the streets. I think of my friend's parents, new immigrants to America, who lost their entire life savings (100K +) in a Savings and Loan, and that Michael Milken and the rest of them have never seen the inside a prison.

Just Say No to misplaced Reagan nostalgia.

I'm avoiding TV and newspapers until his !$#*&% state funeral is over.

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09:25 am
I had a busy weekend, but lots of fun. Saturday I mostly prepared for my friend Leslie's arrival and my Pinnacles National Monument birdwatching excursion on Sunday. Leslie's plain got in 5ish. We went out for dinner, did a little bit of food shopping, and then I packed up and headed down to Sunnyvale.

We headed out early early Sunday morning, got to Pinnacles around 8 am (I think) and headed up the Condor Gulch trail. We were rewarded by a nice long look at a giant condor, both perching on a rock, and then soaring above us. We could see the white patches under its wings and its pink legs really well. It was a juvenile so its head was grey, not red. We also saw a ton of other birds. Some new ones for me (besides the giant condor, of course) were: Acorn woodpeckers (in the parking lot!), a prairie falcon (I only got a brief glimpse), rufous sided towhee, yellow billed magpies, and violet-green swallows. I was expecting to be super hot out on the trail, but I think I wore the right clothes and I didn't do too badly. I was good with the sunscreen and didn't get burned. There were a ton of whiptail lizards running around, and Kevin saw a new snake so he was stoked. Then we got to drink beer and sit in a hot tub and relax. I made it back home around 10ish and basically crashed.

Yesterday I called in sick (*cough**cough*) and spent the day lounging around with Leslie. Since it was such a nice day we decided to go down to the Alameda beach and lay out for a while, but we we didn't stay too long because the wind kicked up and we got sandblasted. After we left the beach we got some food and headed over to SF. I had to pick up my contacts at City Optix (I've been without contacts for the last week or so- as I was putting my last pair for the first time one of them ripped, argh) and we were meeting Carter (whose BBQ I missed) and another girl named Kristen who I also worked with at Fibrogen for dinner (cheap indian food in the Tenderloin).

Dinner was a lot of fun and I had a great time, except by that time the sunburn I'd gotten earlier in the day was in full effect. I thought I'd been good about turning and not laying on one side too long, but only the backs of my legs and my ass were burned. I felt compelled to give the ass report every five minutes:

My ass is burning.

(time passes)

Christ, my ass hurts.

(time passes)

Damn, my ass feels like its on FIRE!

etc, etc.
Fortunately my friends are nice and just ignored it. My sunburn is better today but still a little painful. Its no surprise that I got burned, really. My legs haven't seen the sun in ages.

I dropped Leslie off at the airport on the way to work this morning. I had a lot of fun playing hooky yesterday. I think I needed that. It was really nice to see Leslie again, though I had to do some handholding because she's having problems with her boyfriend. Her problem is her boyfriend. I had to sit through a lot of, "I love him but he makes me miserable", and "He treats me like crap but I love him SO MUCH". I never thought I'd hear those words from her. It was kind of shocking. She been supporting him while he doesn't have a job, too. Do Not Get It. What happened to the confident, ass-kicking Leslie? This dude destroyed her, and she let him!
Current Mood: [mood icon] tired

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June 4th, 2004

11:23 am
Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are a Square!
You are a total dork. The pocket protecter and thick-lensed glasses give it away. Try watching some popular TV.. Get yourself some fashion sense already! On the plus side, no wait hang on, there is no plus side! Nerdsville, population YOU!
Cool quizzes at

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June 3rd, 2004

07:16 pm
I ended up at this riddle site via Neil Gaiman's blog, and I must be stupid because I can't do a single riddle! I've tried all the answers I can think of for the first question of contest #2 and I'm stumped. And I have no idea for the first question of contest #1. I hate riddles.

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10:23 am

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June 1st, 2004

03:06 pm
I am really useless at work today. I had a lot of fun this weekend, though. My housewarming party on Sunday went really well, I think everyone had a lot of fun, and of course I did too. I was really frazzled the morning of, because I had of course left too many things till the last minute. I was actually still at the store buying things for the party at the time I had said the party was going to start. But fortunately I have friends that procrastinate as much as I do and no one showed up til I was somewhat ready. And then there were mojitos, and my lack of preparation didn't matter anymore. Also my friends were really great and brought stuff and helped.

Yesterday I went hiking on Point Reyes with Keith and Tracy. It was really beautiful up there, and I saw two new birds - a Wilson's warbler and a phainopepla.

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May 28th, 2004

10:59 am
I decided to wear a nice summery skirt and sandals today, except today is cloudy and kinda chilly. Doh.

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10:32 am
Hey! The Legendary Pink Dots are going to be here in a few weeks! They are playing Cafe Du Nord on June 23rd and 24th, with Big City Orchestra.

Info here.

Who wants to go? I'm going to buy my ticket asap - I'll get a bunch if I have takers.

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May 27th, 2004

01:22 pm - more craigslist
Ok, this one is even worse, and not in a funny way.

He's 39, and fat, and wants to get with a slim 24-36yr old.

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May 26th, 2004

04:26 pm
Today has been going by really slowly. Every minute that I'm sitting here bored silly I'm thinking, "I could be at home decorating, or sleeping". Very sleepy. I fell asleep in my chair deeply enough to give the jerk, which woke me up again. This place totally needs a couch to nap on.

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01:19 pm
Ok, fess up. Who posted this?

Not to mention he SHOULD be looking for a Gaz.

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12:04 am
My housewarming party will be on Sunday, the 30th. There will be bbqing. And drinking. Hopefully it will be warm enough during the day to justify drinking mojitos.

Last week I totally bit off more than I could chew. I crashed hardcore at [info]incorpere's birthday party and I haven't really recovered yet. I slept most of the weekend, and then yesterday I came home from work, ate, and then went straight to bed. Today I left work early, crawled into bed and took a nap for about 4 hours. Now I'm awake, of course. I've been folding my laundry, which is left over from a week ago. There so much to do to get ready for the party still. Starting with unpacking the very last box (dishes)!

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May 24th, 2004

12:19 pm
While I was unpacking last night (and also putting together my futon, whee!) I was intermittently watching a movie on Bravo with Sean Connery and Christian Slater about strange deaths in a monastery. I missed the beginning so I imdb'd it, and discovered it is The Name of the Rose. It is a very good movie, albeit very Sherlock Holmes-like. Tho I have to say that the ending was rather contrived, and odd.

I think I will add it to my queue, so I can see the rest of it.

Apparently it is an adaptation of a book by Umberto Eco (who also wrote the script for the film).

I'd never heard of either the book or the movie until yesterday. Ah, the wonders of television.

Netflix doesn't have it! Wah. I dunno what to do. I got netflix because I didn't want to deal with regular video rental places. Maybe I'll just buy it.

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10:39 am
*All* of my books are now unpacked, yay. I need to get the boxes out of my house, and distribute the NFDS. Also fold my laundry from a week ago that has now taken over my bedroom.

One of the catfish that I bought last week wasn't looking so good yesterday. I looked closer and he is missing an eye! He had two eyes when I bought him...someone in my tank ATE HIS EYE. I put him in the tank with the betta so he'd be safe, at least. The other little cory catfish is ok, oddly enough.

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May 23rd, 2004

09:38 pm - Short short story for today .
I had just put the orange goop on my face when the doorbell rang. I looked outside and saw uniforms. Fortunately it was the fire department.

"Fire inspection!"

Fire inspection? Have I been teleported back in time and space to college? But they just wanted to know if I had a fire extinguisher and a fire alarm.

The End.

Other news:
Most of my books have been unpacked. Slowly, slowly.

I'm thinking next weekend for housewarming party. Thoughts?
Current Music: Bananarama - Hazy Shade of Winter

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May 21st, 2004

10:49 am
A new way to teach children about the futility of life and inescapable certainty of death.

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09:54 am
Ok new band names for the year:

Brood X


Suicide Pigeons.

I'd like to start up the Suicide Pigeons, except I have no musical talent. Oh wait, that doesn't matter. Rock on.

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May 20th, 2004

04:59 pm
I'm feeling pretty crappy. I know its sleep deprivation coupled with the brown bottle flu, but knowing that doesn't help any. And my back hurts.

I just got a whole fuckload of work dumped on me...I'm going to be super busy for at least the next two weeks. I have been super useless today...tomorrow will be better.

The other cichlid in my tank at work died yesterday, so now there is only one. Since I'm sure he bullied the other two to death I'm naming him Vlad. And I'm not going to buy him any buddies...he can live out the rest of his life in solitude.
Current Mood: tired, cranky, and hurty

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