That's What This Guy Says
20 most recent entries

Date:2003-12-11 17:50

Congratulations! You're Merry!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Date:2003-12-01 22:39

Well, the interview went well enough. I still only a quarter expect to get differed, but c'est la vie.

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Date:2003-12-01 22:35

In hindsight, I wish I had analyzed a Lynyrd Skynyrd song.

"...When Skynyrd says 'Gimme three steps' he is actually saying 'Gimme three steppes,' thereby clearly alluding to the Golden Horde's captivity of Muskovy, Novgorod, and the former lands of Kiev..."

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Date:2003-12-01 21:43

The Day Daniel Lost His Boxers
Based on "The Day Zimmer Lost Religion"

The first Schoolday I did not wear boxers on purpose
I waited all day for someone to expose me
Like a ten thousand watt lightbulb from their secure space and
Mock my half nude frame, to ridicule
My seditious hips and drop me like
Scalding Chai, the cold whipping in
To pinch my undefended bum.

It was a long chilly way from the old days
When betightied or boxered I strode
About the wooded forests with whispering leaves
A long way from the frigid gusts that left
My bum untouched like octopi on the bottom of the sea
Where Cthulhu reigned aloofly as a
Multi-tentacled monstrosity hell-bent on mankind's destruction.

The first Schoolday I did not wear boxers on purpose
I waited all day for someone to expose me
Like a .45-wielding grunt did the VC, dirt and scrapes
Upon his face agleam, and blind me
Till all my paleness is exposed.
But of course none came, knowing that
Nobody can see that you're not wearing boxers.

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Date:2003-11-30 13:13
Music:Van Morrison - Tupelo Honey

savage dan7 (12:03:22 PM): New pants
AllHailButtercup (12:03:27 PM): sizzle!

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Date:2003-11-30 09:36
Music:something corporate - I dont want a job

Well, I'm back from Thanksgivinging. Homework and Kelly time today, as well as new pants from Target. Why in need of new pants? Why, an interview for Harvard tomorrow, of course. *gasp* Yes, indeed. Nervous? Check. Though, interviews are what I do. Regardless, regardless - it's what I do sometimes.

You're Generally Indie. There's nothing wrong with
this. You like music all over the map and
aren't adversed to listening to some Top 40
here and there. You just know to comment that
The Neptunes are the best producers around
right now. You don't feel the need to debate
constantly with other music geeks, because you
know that Pavement were the best band of the

You Know Yer Indie. Let's Sub-Categorize.
brought to you by Quizilla
This one's for Jaime: FUCKERS!
"I'm so Indie it hurts."

I got into FSU - found out online. This is nice, in that I now know I have someplace, at least, to go after high school. I don't have to be a bum on the street! Yay! Unless...

Does anyone know if you can raise bread with grow lamps?

I finished Candide, and thought about it. Cathy, the Bible Study teacher, noted at one point that "You should never forget that everyone, everyone is suffering. Rich or poor." (Or something very much to that point.) Now, I don't really recall that I am currently suffering, nor do I note that I have suffered extensively in the past month or so. So...problem there in that statement, eh? Maybe I have flies in my eyes.

So mugglenet claims that Hermione means "well-born" in Greek. Thus, I am forced to compare that to Bene Gesserit. A skilled, wise female who is "Well Born"? Wheels within wheels, indeed.

More Euro and World History now. oi.

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Date:2003-11-26 09:00

I'm off to Ft. Myers 'til Saturday. Turkey? Check. I might as well not let it go to waste..

I'm sure (at least, I certainly hope) y'all'll miss me to some degree or another. *bows*

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Date:2003-11-24 19:35

A Girl Scout walks up to Iago's door and rings the doorbell
Iago answers, and the Girl Scout says, "Would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies?"
Iago grunts, and says "NO, you little runt!"
The Girl Scout, not the least bit upset by this rejection, continues - "But, Sir - why? They are so tasty!"
Iago replies, "I've said it before, and I'll say it a thousand times hence: I hate the 'Smore!"

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Date:2003-11-24 07:14
Music:Aimee Mann - Momentum

Excess ain't rebellion'

I'm full of dreams - maybe if I fulfilled some..?

Apparently, Elton John ordered five pizzas from Barnaby's.

Yesterday, Kelly, the 'rents, and I went kayaking/canoeing (me in my new kayak..*swoon*) at Wacissa. It was certainly good. At Big Blue, a huge sink connected to the river, there's a gi-normous American flag strung across the river - it's ridiculous. Wheels within wheels, indeed.

Kelly and I made it onto a Mu Alpha Theta (competitive math) Calculus test question. It was great. I was described as 'reckon'ing. It helped that the test was written by our respective, yet amicatory, ex's.

Lit has become massively excessive, yet without any consequential gains. I'm fine with working hard, so long as their are returns. However, without any reinforcement-through-edification, I'm simply frustrated. Such is the slow-boil madness of Senior year.

Indeed, Cheryl Henley's Wu-Name is "100-Watt Warlock"

Most notable are Cassie's Wu-Name being "Inscrutable Drama Queen," and Srikant's being "Asthmatic Enemy of God." The Word of Wu for the People of Wu - Thanks be to Ghostface Killah. (No relation to Michelle Wu)

Have added UNC: Chapel Hill, and perhaps Oberlin and/or Reed to college apply-list. Let's give a big round of applause to Lacey. *applause light switches on*

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Date:2003-11-22 07:25
Music:REM - Stand

Now what you say, you're gonna sue me!? Because the baby hurt his leg and got a boobie?

-Cars and Shoes
The Coup

Considerations: Taking a year off to go abroad before going to school. This would be very easy if I stayed in state, and would provide me valuable time to do awesome thing, as well as find out more of what I want to do. Oh, and it would be fantabulous. Africa? New Zealand? Costa Rica? Oui. More later.

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Date:2003-11-17 07:08
Music:Guster - Airport Song

Been livin' most our lives / Livin' in a pastime paradise..

O, Stevie Wonder - thou art so wonderful. Vunderbar, as Doc might say.

Yesterday, I bought myself a Kayak. Yes, indeed - good stuff. Likewise, I ate the wonderful scones produced by the collective hands of Teagan and dear ms. Kelly.

Today, I have a film to make, an essay to write, a test on mining and its environmental effects, and scads of statistics problems to do/learn. Oh, and some more lit to do.

...But I'll find time to eat lunch with Marti, Jane, and Haley. I do believe, however, that our very own Ms. Katherine Hobby shall be approaching home soon. While I do envy her Episcopal sabbatical about Africa, I missed/miss her more than just wishing I were there. Sometimes, if we're lucky, we get Christian, Tim, or Jordan. We sit in the sun, and eat and doze and talk, and it's good.

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Date:2003-11-12 22:37

Things I learned today at Externship:

  • The reason so many Old World religions used/use lambs as sacrifices of choice is that when burned, they smell like cooking human flesh.
  • Decomposing human bodies smell like orange blossums. (blossa?)

However, under ideal conditions (pv = nrt? no.) I keep my closet organized, from left to right, pants to tshirts to short sleeved collared shirts to button up shirts to togas. Within each section, from left to right, it goes redgreenblueblackwhite.

I am become euro notecards, destroyer of REM cycles.

Speaking of the ideal gas law, baked beans not withstanding, at Bible Study last week, we were asked to define "pressure."

Lo, my thoughtstream at the time:

Note that next week is International No-Shaving Week, as decreed by me. If anyone has questions, just tell them it was my idea.

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Date:2003-11-11 23:03

Me: And they sent in a confirmation slip
Michelle Wu: great
Michelle Wu: hehe even better
Me: It felt great to just get something on their letterhead.
Michelle Wu: hehe
Me: I have no idea about my chances - I'm wholeheartedly expecting to be differed, and maybe even rejected..but still I have that flickering matchlight of hope inside me that I'll be able to wear a big, sloppy grin on my face for weeks at a time.

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Date:2003-11-11 21:36
Music:Tears For Fears - Head Over Heels

I know...I could be happy in Florida - of that I have no doubt. Archaeology, marine biology, oceanography - it's all here for me. reminds me of my situation at Florida High, right? I could've stayed; I would've been content. But it wasn't pushing myself. I could push myself farther. That's..just me.

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Date:2003-11-10 22:29

savage dan7: I mean
savage dan7: I have no idea if I'll get into these schools
savage dan7: I probably'll just get differed into nothingness
savage dan7: and end up at FSU or UF
savage dan7: and there's not a damn thing I can really do about it now
savage dan7: I mean, sure
savage dan7: excel as best I can now
savage dan7: planned on trying that anyways
savage dan7: but it's absolutely fucking terrifying
TastesLikeCherri: ...and so goes senior year

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Date:2003-11-02 12:45
Music:Pearl Jam- Dissident

A surprisngly accurate node on Everything2:

Things guys think girls should know

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Date:2003-11-02 09:15

I'm trying to get all my Livejournal friends' locations plotted on a map - please add your location starting with this form.
(Then get your friends to!)

What a neat meme...

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Date:2003-10-30 18:58

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
wildmandan goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Donnie Darko.
1sweetwhirled gives you 8 dark green root beer-flavoured gumdrops.
_melissa_ tricks you! You lose 5 pieces of candy!
bene_gesserit tricks you! You get a broken balloon.
chardish gives you 10 dark blue vanilla-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
etfingers gives you 18 white coffee-flavoured jelly beans.
manash gives you 18 light orange passionfruit-flavoured wafers.
mediocredoker gives you 11 light orange chocolate-flavoured jelly beans.
milophoenx tricks you! You get a block of wood.
okeedokee5 gives you 12 light orange coffee-flavoured pieces of taffy.
onesweetllama gives you 7 red-orange peach-flavoured gummy bats.
wildmandan ends up with 79 pieces of candy, a broken balloon, and a block of wood.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

okeedokee5 45%
pandora48sch 43%
yearbook50 40%
jaimethenerd 40%
thisgirliknow 37%
manash 30%
smileandnod05 28%
lilibel 26%
_melissa_ 25%
etfingers 19%
baphomet257 12%
xkylex 0%
foreverreticent 0%
bicentennialman 0%
How sexually compatible with me are you?
Take the NEW sexual compatibility quiz at LJMatch!

That is...interesting. Amusing.

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Date:2003-10-27 23:32
Music:john mellencamp-just another day

So, if nuclear bombs had been tested on me, instead of the Bikini Atolls, would beautiful young women wear Daniel Godwins?

And, more importantly, can I possibly work in the word "callypigian" into my Euro essay?

Best advice I can give any males in the audience:
Do not eat tacos containing massive amounts of habnero sauce, and then later on in the evening, scratch your jimmies. Why? Well, burnination ensues. Though, if you want a short-term way of developing some real empathy with those suffering from STDs, go ahead.

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Date:2003-10-27 18:29

This is very keen.

How to make a digital picture frame on your own. w00t.

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