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Thursday, July 22nd, 2004 | 12:28 am [eight_forty]
1 Corinthians 14:33-35 Will someone please explain (short & sweet) 1 Corinthians 14:33-35 to me. I'm not sure why women are supposed to remain silent in the church, or why it is disgraceful for them to ask questions. "For God is not a god of order but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husband at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church." Posted elsewhere. | Wednesday, July 21st, 2004 | 3:00 pm [_sunshinegirl]
// not a personal ad [[humor me]] Male/Female: Do you have a SO: Ratio of female/male friends: Traits/characteristics you look for: Is your current SO a believer: Ratio of past SOs [believers/non]: Would you date someone with a disorder [mental/physical]: Your age: SO age:
x.posted christ4illness, christianity, christianrock, friendsnchrist, ga_christians, girlsofgod, jesusfreaks, seekinghisface | 12:40 pm [desolateangel83]
I don't know about you, but I found this website hilarious! we're at it, let's do away with country (there are a lot songs about adultery and drinking) and jazz (a lot of jazz artists became addicted to heroin in the '40s and '50s)! Current Mood: amused | Tuesday, July 20th, 2004 | 8:43 pm [aminsupreme]
God and Mathematics I have faith in that the Bible is the complete and indisputed Word of God. Here is some overwhelming mathematical evidence that only a mind with Infinite Complexity can craft the 66 books of the Bible: A Mathematical ChallengeIvan Panin, the discoverer of this pattern, sure indeed made a great discovery. I wonder why he is not spoken of today. This article is not a quick read, but definatly worth your time. Eat up, fellow Believers. -Amin Current Mood: geekyCurrent Music: Ferry Corsten- Trance Nation 2001 | 3:28 pm [godisprolife]
A New Community... rejectreligionFor those who desire to give mercy instead of sacrifice... | 2:20 pm [wc_helmets]
militant christianity vs. militant islam This article was posted on another community site I frequent. My reason for puting up the article is not because I agree with it, but because I wanted to hear divergent opinions on what is expressed in the piece. ( Read more... ) Current Mood: full | 11:27 am [hisprophet]
I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore, choose life. Deuteronomy30:19 Sometimes we complain about things that we could change if only we would stop feeling sorry for ourselves long enough to do something about them. For example, if we are lonely, we can be a friend to someone else. We can choose to be free or remain in bondage to self-pity. We can choose to be pitiful or powerful. Psalm 25:12 says, "Who is the man who reverently fears and worships the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way that he should choose. He himself shall dwell at ease, and his offspring shall inherit the land. The secret of the Lord have they who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant and reveal to them its deep meaning." Coming back inside to the office today I almost bumped into a man. I did not see him leaving for in the glass doors I was focused on my reflection, and not what lay beyond. Look beyond today. | 3:14 pm [trinity_gal]
In addition to a few many well-known movies about Jesus/cruxification that have been made, I wonder whether there were ever movies exploring The Revelation/Second Coming of the Christ? Sorry if the question is a Thanks x | 12:50 am [tallymatt]
Proverbs 3:1-2 BIBLE KEYS TO WELL-BEING Proverbs 3:1-2
My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart, for they will give you a long and satisfying life.
Memorizing scripture is an investment in your future! | Monday, July 19th, 2004 | 8:26 pm [etruth]
Baptism by Fathers On the way back from a Florida vacation my family stopped by Southeast Christian Church in Louisville for their Sunday service. Now this Church is one of the churches that put the "mega" in "mega-churches." We're talking stadium style parking, recreation center, escalators, a third level balcony, and what essentially was a jumbo tron with big screens three different ways. I mostly just gawked at my surroundings whole time. But I'm not really asking what anybody thinks about that, I have a inquiry on baptism. During the service there was a segment of baptisms, what I found interesting, along with the gorgeously decorated tank, was that some fathers were allowed to baptise their children instead of the minister. In one case a man was baptised, then immediately baptised his own wife and child. I'm curious as to whether this has any background in church history, and what your opinions on it are. Is this a legitimate way to administer baptism? X-posted. Current Mood: curious | 1:29 pm [hisprophet]
Turn to Him Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand. Proverbs 19:21 Even though you might still be operating in old habits, especially in your thoughts, you still have hope of change - but you can't change yourself. God will change you, if you seek Him with your whole heart. Don't be in a hurry for God to finish working in your life. We want things to be done instantly, but God isn't interested in our schedule. The enemy may thwart your plans, but God's plan does not get thwarted, and He has a unique plan for you. Seek God's plan for your life. Stay passionate, zealous, and alive within Him. There is nothing in this world worth seeking more. | 12:43 pm [desolateangel83]
prayer request My folks bought some land in Easton, Maryland, a few weeks ago. The house isn't built yet, though. Should be by the end of this year. Anyway, the builder requests that our current house must be sold first before construction begins. So from the time we sell our home to the time when our new house is finished...where are we going to live?????
We have a few offers. We could move into my grandparent's house, their next door neighbor Michelle's house, or my stepgrandmother. We haven't decided yet.
So if you could keep us in prayer, that would be wonderful. Thank you and God bless! | 12:14 pm [cess]
| 6:57 am [somewillshine]
Question In Luke 11:41, what do you think Jesus meant when he said, "But as to what is within, give alms, and behold everything will be clean for you."
x posted | 12:49 am [poeticremedy]
Peace: A state of tranquility or quiet. Freedom from disquieting, depressive thoughts and emotions. Harmony in personal relations. State of mutual concord between people. God gives us the same holy spirit which is speaking in all of us. He will give us peace, he will nurture us and he will take care of us. No one of us is better than the other. Read Ephesians 2:17-18. Thank you God for today! Current Mood: happy | 12:49 am [2tall_06]
Hey Praise the Lord! I am new 2 da community n I am a christian young lady wit God's anoiting. I am juss tryin 2 surround myself wit christian men n women 2 help me futher grow in Christ Jesus! I got saved at 8, but have been straddlin da fence, n I have decide 2 turn my life back around n give it fully 2 God. So, wit that said, please pray 4 me n I hope that some1 can say somethin in here 2 help me along. In His service 2 Tall Current Mood: amusedCurrent Music: Switchfoot-Meant 2 Live | Sunday, July 18th, 2004 | 8:49 pm [kinkybeaver]
x-posted This happened a few months ago, but I just now thought of it while talking to somebody, and thought it'd be a good, maybe inspiring, thing to post around, for it definately inspired me.
There is this girl who rides my bus who is the stereotypical delinquent: she sleeps around, does drugs, starts or is at least involved with most of the fights at school, and hangs out with others that are "like her". I never really got involved with her, at all, until one day I overheard her talking to her friends, telling them that she had gone to church with another friend. Of course her friends were like, "Church is stupid!" and a bunch of other obscene comments about church and Lord Jesus, etc, but she said, "No, they were really nice; they're Christians." That totally stopped me; we always hear that we must be like Christ to others, no matter what they are like, but hearing someone "like her" saying that inspired me to be good to everyone, for they'll be paying attention to details.
That also made me think more about Jesus' teachings, because he's been right on everything so far! :D
Current Mood: indescribable | Monday, July 19th, 2004 | 12:39 pm [tinylittlestars]
Praise be to God! Just a big praise point! I went on a kids camp this week, and we had about 14 kids who gave their lives to the Lord, or re-committed their lives to the Lord. It was great to see God working, especially among all the teenagers who had given up as a week of their school holidays to go along and just be friends to these kids, some who have never heard about Jesus, and some who have really big problems. Praise God for the work he is doing through CYC Camps. X-Posted in prayer_shakers Current Mood: cheerfulCurrent Music: Michelle Branch - "Breathe" | Sunday, July 18th, 2004 | 9:26 pm [jjostm]
*Prayer Request* I have a small request to pray for the repose of my fiancee's grandmother's soul. She just passed away about an hour ago. D's grandmother was in ill health, and was not expected to survive for much longer. In fact, she was wasn't going to live as long as she did. Regardless, she lived a long happy life, and had the love of all her family. Her husband passed away a little less than a month ago...and as I said, it was not a surprise when she also passed away. Regardless, prayer for D's family, and for the repose of her grandparents' souls is most appreciated. V: Rest eternal grant unto her O Lord. R: Let light perpetual shine upon her. May her soul, and + the souls of all the Faithful Departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.-j | 4:49 pm [loisboy]
Giving Jews a Free Pass In a post below, I made a simple point. "Man, they just don't make jews like Jesus anymore." As quickly as it was posted, accuastions of anti-Semitism started to fly. Though they made a few solid points, their accusations simply hold no merit. Sadly, the responses were exactly as I expected. I mentioned in reply to one of the accusation-makers if it would have been so bad had I said "man, they just don't make Christians like Jesus any more," a statement equally as 'anti' in its nature, as well as being pointedly absurd and incorrect (Jesus wasn't a Christian, people, he was Jewish!), but had I posted it, I'm pretty sure those who were so quick to label the previous statement as anti-Semitic would have had no problem with it, and I'm sure there would have been a great deal of 'amen!'-type posts. Yet how can this be? How can one post be patently offensive and the other statement that's equally 'hateful'--it says the same thing, except targets a different group of people--how can this be considered acceptable? It led me to think of Gibson's The P*****n, (no dirty controversy words, please!) where accusations of anti-Semitism were hurled simply because they told a story, a story that, unfortunately, the Jews could not escape. It seems that any blemish--or any semblence of blemish--towards Judism is instantly labeled as 'anti-semitic.' Why are Jews so overprotected? Are they not above criticism? Can a Jew not be wrong? Must any word or statement that holds them accountable for their actions automatically be labeled as anti-Semitic? Or is this merely the work of a growing-paranoid ADL, so desperate in upholding the good name of Jews around the world, that not holding them above reproach equals hate? I think it's sad that we've come so far in our sensitivity that criticism is not only not allowed, but is considered hateful or dangerous. |
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