Livejournal's Androgyny Community's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Livejournal's Androgyny Community

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Introduction [27 May 2005|01:34pm]

[ mood | uncomfortable ]
[ music | the radio ]

Hello all. I'm new. This will *gasp* not be a picture post. Maybe later... I don't have a digital camera, so it's a little harder.
Anyhow, a bit about me and why I joined this community:
I'm 24, female, born female, and present pretty much as a woman. I'm generally attracted to other women, but sometimes men and sometimes people of all kinds of genders. So I call myself queer, for lack of a better term. I joined partly because, well, I find androgyny really hot. I also joined because I find discussion of gender presentation in all its forms fascinating. Also, because this is somewhere where people will understand what it's like to randomly just not be okay with how you're percieved/how you present, as regards gender and sexuality.
So that's the background.

Lately, I've been having a lot of trouble with how I present, because I have long hair, and have always had long hair, and I don't really want to cut it, because it's a pretty major part of my self-image (my user icon is not actually me, but looks a lot like me). But I feel like, with long hair, I look straight. This was okay in college, because I was dating a woman and everyone knew that, so I didn't have to "look" gay in order to be perceived as queer (my ex and I used to joke that we were each other's gay accessories). But now I'm single, and I'm wanting to present more "gay-looking" (read: butch), partly to facilitate the meeting/picking up of other women, and partly just because my sexuality is a big part of who I am. The way that's manifesting is that I'm less and less comfortable dressing femmey. Tonight, I'm going to a party at my best friends' house, where I'm usually totally comfortable, but I have just had the hardest time ever deciding what to wear (about an hour in front of the mirror, changing my shirt over and over again, which I never do) and what to do with my hair (still haven't decided on that, but you can be sure it'll be bound back in some way). I started off with a femmey (very tight, low-cut, light-coloured, satin stripe across it, very cleavage-inducing) shirt, and it was just wrong and I couldn't deal with it. Usually, for a party, I'd wear a bit of makeup, but considering my reaction to the shirt I'm not even gonna try eyeliner.

So... any long-haired butches out there wanna give me tips?

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experimenting with eyebrows plucking [25 May 2005|12:21am]

Image hosted by
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mmm, camwhoring. [21 May 2005|01:57pm]

[ music | final fantasy vii - main theme ]

sorry I'm so vain. <3 X3

also, I bring along a spontaneous question - why is it that so many people wouldn't date a transsexual or transgendered in general person? the "because they wouldn't be a real man/woman" is bullshit, because I feel that whatever you feel you are, you are.

it just seems silly.

fun with a leather jacket. )

I love you guys.

(xposted to i_am_pansexual)

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[20 May 2005|10:39pm]

New pics!!!

ok ok, i may not be an androgyne, but i love love love them, and i identify as male (despite how i look) so, of me!!!!
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[20 May 2005|11:38pm]


Camwhoring. Because i'm THAT BORED. They're either masculine/feminine or with aspects of both. :)

To make up for it, i'll post something very relevant which is this article i found ...

and i'm also going to ask a question; what is your religion/faith/philosophy and what does it say about or how does it link up with androgyny/sexuality?

Amateur Camwhore )

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[20 May 2005|09:12pm]

Hello there, this is my first post here.. I apologise in advance if you've already seen these pictures as they've been cross posted across livejournal like a mofo ..but if you are some random pictures from shoots I've done in the last year. Enjoy!

Loads of Photos...Enjoy )
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[19 May 2005|10:22pm]

Because I'm really just a common camwhore (ha, like it's a species)... )

..So I'm bored. >>

*Edit* I should write something too.

I wore that suit jacket to school yesterday XD (with a Green Day shirt and jeans). No one had anything to say against it - everyone just thought it was cool. My blunt but awesome friend went, "omg you look like such a guy!" I asked if that was a problem and she said it was wasn't. Someone did a double-take but then went, "Hey, that's pretty spiffy!" lol I love wearing that jacket. I really just feel like myself in it. <3 Now I want more suits. I feel more boyish every day. XP This new haircut helps with that...^__-

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[19 May 2005|10:51am]

[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Working ]

I finally have pictures! Like I had said in earlier entries, I think I look too feminine. Any suggestions?

Read more... )

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Halluuu! [18 May 2005|08:40am]

[ mood | Sickly..*pout* ]

Guh. Newbie. Run for your life! XD

Yeah.. just got my hair done. It's not bad, but I'll have to adjust to it. I want my black back, but since I have to have dark brown hair for an up and coming anime convention I was told to do heavy highlights. Go light, then dark. Soooooo... Yup.

Introduction! Right..
Name's J., but you can call me Duo. ^^;
I'm an ftm and naturally androgy-like. Though, in these photos it's not too apparant. *sweatdrop* 85% of the time I'm called sir until I speak. I love it. Uhmmm.. I'm also pansexual. Can't think of anything more to say so..

Onto the photos! )

Luff to you all ~<3

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[09 May 2005|08:16pm]

a man in a suit

with stilettos, of course .....
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My Poem (Can Someone Provide A Title?) [06 May 2005|06:06pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | "Beautiful"- Christina Aguilara ]

Looking in that mirror
That lying, deceiving mirror
My reflection glares back at me
My guilt filling my heart
I want nothing
But to be rid of this feeling
To be free
To be who I want to be
I shatter the mirror
The shards falling
My reflection gone
My true self shone
I don't have to listen
I won't conforn
To what you see as the norm
I can be boy
I can be girl
I can be what or who I want
Do not fear what is not known
But welcome change and real feelings shone
For no matter what we are
No matter who we want to be
We are beautiful
No matter our appearance
The beauty lies within
Let that beauty show
No matter what they say
For you are who you are
Whether boy, whether girl
Whether none at all
Let your beauty show
No shame, no one to blame
Stand strong
Feel the love around you from people
Like us
You are beautiful to us

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[06 May 2005|09:29am]

First post here, so I figured I'd say hi, how's it going, and express my joy that there's a place on LJ for people like myself.

My name is Ria, but I most commonly go online as Winter, or some variant their of. I'm 20 years old, and live in Canada, but an British by blood and birth. I identify with neither male nor female as a gender. (Obviously, or else I wouldn't be here, would I?)

The problem with this is that I look so damn female that I'll be half the people I know wouldn't believe me, or wouldn't take me seriously. I'm a large person, and, as such, have extremely large breasts. They are uncomfortable, a nuisance, and I want rid of them. My goal is to lose weight, get down to an acceptable level, so that I can tell my doctor that these things hurt my back so much that I want them removed, or at least reduced.

That'll be step one.

I despise bleeding from my genitals every month. I do not want children in any way, shape, or form (kids wig me out, truth be told), so it's not as if I'll be using these bleeding parts for anything. I'd be much happier if they were gone, too.

I remember looking at drawings in a health-and-body book a while ago, and seeing a sketch of a 12-year-old female, before puberty starts to kick in. No breasts, no defining features of male or female, except for the lack of penis. I realised that this is my ideal body image. I want nothing to associate me with either gender.

I guess that's about it. I'd rant about how my mother doesn't understand, or how my friends are all males-in-female-bodies, but that, I'll bet, doesn't interest most people here. :p

I'll likely be a lurker in this community for a long while yet. I doubt there'll be much in my life and gender-identity situation worth posting about, but heck, if there is . . .

Okay, now I'm babbling.
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[05 May 2005|06:53pm]

I know we are trying to make this less of a picture community, but these are important to me because the come close to rflecting how I feel inside, like a boyish girl and a girlish boy...still not quite there though, not at the right level, but I need to go shopping to accomplish more of my goal. Anyway, I was bored and took these photos of myself and I like them because they are girlish and boyish. I have on a girl's necklace and makeup and hair extensions, but I have on a boy's jacket and baseball hat. I also bought a night dress and some cheap jewelry middle of the night at Walmart when I should have been studying. I am medically FTM, but no longer ID as a male or as a female.

Read more... )
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[04 May 2005|08:23pm]

I've always been attracted to adrogyny. But anyway. I played a man in a recent school play, and thought I'd post a couple of pics here.

onwards )
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so [02 May 2005|04:19pm]

Just letting you all know I'm gonna leave my novel journal (this'un) alone for a while.
Tooooo many things going on in life.
Will be active here at [info]voiceofanarchy.
I joined here way back in October.
As for androgyny, I do my best. And - don't - have - a - damn - camera.

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What to do? [02 May 2005|12:22pm]

[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Lords Of Acid ~ Feed My Hungry Soul ]

   I am seeking advice on how to handle a situation. Like a lot of guys who live in a more rural/conservative area where seeking a potential boyfriend can be rather difficult, & places to meet decent guys are hard to find, so I've been using online methods to try and find someone which has brought mixed results. I'm wanting to find out what other guys think, how they handle these situations.

    The thing is I want to be very honest with the guys I'm talking to, honesty is very important to me. If something is going to develop than I want it start off with honesty that grows into trust. But how honest & upfront should a guy be initially? Too much honesty can sometimes scare people off, too little leaves them in the dark... What personality or lifestyle traits need to be brought out right up front, or saved for later? And where do you find the middle ground between being upfront & honest, but also making yourself seem as attractive & full of potential as possible?
    Sometimes I don't know if I'm handling things right in corresponding with these guys, it's difficult to know where to draw the line between being honest & open or being too straight forward and basically giving out too much information too fast. Another thing that I've been wondering is how upfront should I be about what type of guy (physically) I'm attracted to.

    I don't want to lead anyone on, and I don't want to be lead on either. The situation I've had happen several times is corresponding with a guy who doesn't have a picture on his profile, we get to talking, we have things in common, everything seems ok but then I find out that physically there is nothing there, generally because he's too masculine for my tastes.

    The fact is I'm only attracted to really boyish guys, I really prefer guys who are a bit more femme or androgynous though that isn't a must... but butch is a HUGE turn off. Actually most masculine traits turn me off severely. Maybe that's because physically I am the masculine type... I don't know. Nothing must to discuss there really, that's just the way it is. But I'm wondering how to handle that situation, because I hate rejecting people probably more than I hate being rejected myself. Of course I've both been rejected & had to reject guys because they just weren't my type. But I'd like to avoid getting let down or letting someone down as much as possible. I'd like to figure out how to minimize that & deal with it more tactfully. Suggestions would be appreciated.

       ~ James                          

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[01 May 2005|12:44pm]

[ music | Damien Rice - Cheers Darlin' ]

I don't know if this has been posted before... but i found this while snooping the internet today: Crimethink has some nifty posters you can buy,one of which is labled the CrimethInc. Gender Subversion Kit #69-B. It's pretty groovy looking. If you're too lazy to actually click on the link to get the description, here it is:

" Part poster, part zine, and made to be deployed in almost an infinite number of environments, the Gender Subversion Kit #69-B is a huge 23"x14" two-color poster on the outside and a line art illustrated gender-fuck coloring book road map for both kids and adults on the inside. Inspired by and adapted from the excellent boys will be girls will be boys . . . coloring book by JT and Irit, we decided to take the parts we loved the most, make a few small changes here and there, and mass produce it as inexpensively as possible to be disseminated around the world. These were printed on a web offset press onto real white paper (not newsprint). We are charging almost exactly cost for these, and part of the reason they are so expensive is that 25 copies weigh over one pound, and thus require $1.84 just for postage alone. Here are pdfs of the poster front and zine inside."

The end.

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[30 Apr 2005|06:00pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Androgyny - Garbage ]

This comm lacks text, so I'll write something (and then post pics because you know I'm just a picture-poster like the rest of you XD). :P I love identifying myself as androgynous even if other people just see me as a girl, because it gives me more freedom to be myself, not just a girl and not exactly a guy, but just whatever. I look in the mirror and don't think of myself as being a girl. I used to, but I really don't see it anymore, I dunno. It's weird when people refer to me as one, like on the phone the other day there was a "thank you, ma'am" - it just sounded wrong. Or when people assume that I like guys I think, "Why would they think that?" and I'll hint until they figure it out or just tell them, because I don't have any weird homophobia anymore and I'm not afraid to talk about it. Androgyny is just such a good, clear state of mind. It's like after all these years I've finally found myself by identifying myself like this - by not identifying myself in saying I am androgynous. People used to think I was depressed and I didn't think so, but looking back I think I was, and now I've finally opened up by discovering who I truly am, the self that finally lets me be comfortable and open.

whatever you want )

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[25 Apr 2005|12:00pm]

hair, or lack thereof )
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[24 Apr 2005|04:47pm]

[ music | Plastic tree - Wareta mado PV ]

Picture post... again. I've posted quite a few rambling entries here, so I am trying hard to not feel guilty because of posting just pictures. Ehh. I'll post another rambling when I have something new to say, I guess. Pics x to the posted from my own journal.

... )
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