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SuuAnda [私を殺した私心]

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new and old fanarts [07 Apr 2004|11:32pm]
[ mood | irate ]
[ music | H.O.T. - ILLUSION ]

I'v done this drawing of what I intented to be a young Snape with a young Sirius looking mischevious, but instead, I got


-_-,,, Si, I still don't know who this perso could be. Maybe a somehow too young Tom Riddle. Well, he just looks to threatening to be Sirius. Dogs can't look *that* impressive. Mmh... Now, if I drew someone looking dumb, that would do. Woah, I'll stop taking my anger out on this poor (dead) Sirius. It's not his fault I can't draw! >.< (well, at least not what I want..)

Other drawings I did a while back (last week during some class I should have been listening and taking notes from):

Yound and fragile Severus? )

Draco aquarelle )

Sirius as a samurai x_x )

SD Snape and Lily school time )

Well, now I'm going to finish reading some recs I've found on [info]snape_potter, that's good to find some Snarry I haven't read yet. But even in these links, I've already almost been through everything! Now I ask myself this : Do I have a life outside books, TV, and music? O_o;; Don't answer, it would only ashame me further.

4 kisses| K+I+S+S+M+Y+A+S+S

Snarry art drawings. [06 Apr 2004|11:01pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Rasputina - Nov.17dee ]

And a few drawings I did actually 2 weeks ago and still haven't got time to upload on my site.

Severus kisses Harry tries )

Naked Severus is being kissed by naked Harry on bed  )

This sounds kinda obscene, but it's not really. Not that I'd mind doing such art drawing, I just can't do it, because I don't KNOW how to do it. I'm such a shit. I totally despise myself today. No wait. I hate myself everyday. And this is going to go on for a long time. For instance, where should I be right now? I should be in bed. sleeping. not in front of the computer. Not when my japanese homeworks aren't done. Not when my last exam's marks have been 11.5/20 !!! I hate myself!!!!

KILL ME !!!!!!!

4 kisses| K+I+S+S+M+Y+A+S+S

[05 Apr 2004|06:12pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Les Choristes - *-* - ]

I must remind people that my Lj in french is [info]killmelover, although I don't friend people with it, because I'd rather look only at my lj friends page on this LJ. Anyway, when I answer comments, I'm logged as SuuAnda, so... yes, this is supposed to be my english LJ. T-T... All this is so complicated! But I love to write in english, and what's more, I'd rather write some things in english, because lots of people can't read it, and some can. Uh, do I make myself clear? Anyway, private things come the right way in english, when they don't in french. French sucks you know! ;___; . French is an horrid language that can transform the sexyness made man (aka 'Snape') into a complete prat with greasy hair (aka 'Rogue') !!!!!! blah!!!

[info]greeksong, one of the best HP art maker, has put this lovely entry full of sketches, that almost made me cry for beauty. Oh, greeksong is so cool! I wish I could write something that would make her want to illustrate it! *loves this art*


random thougts [31 Mar 2004|04:54pm]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | MTV2 - some rock band ]

I juste spent a part of the afternoon reading the wonderful and best written fic from [info]scribbulus_ink "The Way of The World" that you can find here, and well, it's done my day. And what an awful day it was, btw. I mean, before I read this. And it's a Lupin/Snape, for heaven' sake! I finally read a fic with this couple that I absolutely love. Not one word of this is too much, or too less. It's truly perfect, and what a praise it is, coming from me. I soooo love scribbulus' Remus. He's everything I've imagined, and god knows it's very hard to write about this character, since J.K. Rowling hasn't exactly been wordy about him. As for her Snape, well, he's as good, if not better. I so love this fic, I just wish I had more time so I could read it all over again. The worst is, I didn't MEAM to read it at all. I just wanted to save it for later. I meant to learn my kanji and make my japanese translations for school before that (since I was too lazy to wake up and go to school, and was feeling like shit this morning.)
I'm a bit sorry about asking (begging would be an even word) [info]obsceneblue to come to class early so I could talk to her (she's such a good disctraction from homework), and I didn't come at all. Maybe she didn't come, so my guilt hasn't pop up yet. But I feel a bit guilty about missing a day of school. Oh no, shouldn't be thinking that. I'm not, I'm not I'm not. To say the very truth, I was not feeling well, and knowing I would be spending mu afternoon alone when the others would be having fun somewhere else, it made me a bit envious, so I thought 'have better not seeing them today'. I don't want to wonder why I act this way. I don't turn msn, cause I absolutely don't wish to speak to anyone but myself.
I'll post a review to [info]bloodyscary's new chapter tonight, after I'd done and printed this CV that I hope to turn it to various interim job searchers (have no idea what it's called in english so well...) tomorrow. I need a job, or I'll end up crazy and entirely filled up with guilt. It's not something I look forward to.
I have NO food left in the appartment. Time to go out and actually *buy* something. But I just wish I could live without eating. It'd save money, and I could freely buy a new manga or book. Why is food so necessary to human beings, uh??
Damn, I'm angry that Sonia isn't available on saturday, because I wanted to invite the girls to play a game and just hand around. Next week is out of question, since it's the Eve Of Destiny concert, and after that, I'm going back to my parents' (with no internet too. TISCALI have yet to answer our email.. shit heads!!!!! I hate internet providers!!! graa!!)
Have to leave the computer, at once!! >.< damn addiction.

PS : Oh!! MTV2 is now broadcasting HAPPY TREE FRIENDS, so... can I hug someone?? that makes me kinda... yeah... ecstatic.

4 kisses| K+I+S+S+M+Y+A+S+S

[30 Mar 2004|01:58pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Dido something on tv ]

I juste realised I haven't posted the link to my new fanart page here! O_o, So I'll just post it now.
FANART SITE *_* I'll post more pictures on the site tomorrow maybe. Since the girls will be going to a friend's place and I'm the only one left ^^; I'll give me time to update the page!
Oh, "Ghost" music PV "enchanted melody" on VH1 ! So cool ! It's such an old song, and yet, it makes my heart ache each time I listen to it! T-T *cries cries*
Well, I have to get going. Have school in about... 2 hours, and still haven't done the housework. It's so hard to leave my bed when it's so cosy!! :/ I probably shouldn't have brought a mezzanine, you never want to get down of it. ^^;

3 kisses| K+I+S+S+M+Y+A+S+S

terrorism in Paris' trains [04 Mar 2004|11:09pm]
Yes, I'm still alive, so I guess there are not so many 'bombs', but it seems that the trains are stopped for an unsaid time, thanks to these incredibly nice people who decided to threaten our gouvernment with bombs hidden in trains and subway. There are policemen everywhere in Paris underground, armed with dogs and weapons. Geez, makes you want to take a walk, uh? Kinda reminds me "Die Hard"...

On a brighter subject, I'm watching Wrestling on TV and it's fun!! I was always watching it on TV when I was little... I don't know why, but these men fighting for "make it real" was quite fascinating to me at the time. The weirder thing is... It still is. Of course these guys are american ones. But the commenters are french, and such fun ones! uhuhuhuh, I'm sure they'd love to play themselves, but they look more like geeks than Muscleman !! XD
5 kisses| K+I+S+S+M+Y+A+S+S

5 Days (in Heaven)DVDs [01 Mar 2004|07:54pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]

Someone Kills me !! I don't know what my name is anymore. Who am I? Where am I?
Ok... It's just that.... Yes!! I've watched the 5Days dvds todays!!! An entire afternoon of happiness !!! Love in a box !! >o< Thank Youuuuuuuu [info]rotten_girl !!
The Box itself is to die for. The live concerts are... like... what? perfection? They look really handsome, Kyo SINGS very well, the lights and special effect are *great*, songs are so well chosen (I think I have finally seen all my fav songs live), what else? Everything is so good. I didn't dare hoping for such a marvelous thing! Anyway, I feel blessed and happy, yet, I'm a little depressed (because I want these dvds, of course, and I know I'll have to fight demons and evil to get them) and sad. It's so good that I'm even more impatient to get a job and finally GO TO JAPAN!!! >< I want to go there again, and I want to see Dir en grey live, too !!
But I eventually will, some day. I'm not desesperate. My time will come too. (it HAS to!!) And I want it to be perfect, because I've been waiting for such a long time, it has to be perfect when it comes. XD

Anyway, I'm happy, because I've realized something important today : human beings like to interact, yet they can never understand each other. None of my friends understand me, but I'm somewhat grateful for that, after all. What would it be to talk to my friends and be aware they know everything of my mind?
So I've decided to stop analyse my own feelings and mind, but instead I'm going to live for my goal, and only for it.
Today, watching Dir en grey lives and sharing thoughts with someone who can understand why my heart pounded so hard into my chest during -mushi-, I was dearly happy, and a little melanchlic. I like being this way. I like to have fun, to be happy, but the best is being melancholic. I'm weird, aren't I?

I almost fell asleep in the subway. My head was so heavy, my eyes sore and stomac was hurting (is still hurting) like hell. I don't know why, but when I was watching zakuro and then undecided and mushi (heaven!), the *whatever his name is* muscle above the muscle started hurting like I was having a asthma ache or something.. Now it's a bit better, but stomac still hurts. My chinese noodles poisonned me!!!

Well, that's all for tonight. I have to make icons for my other lj ([info]killmelover) and have to burn the 5days mpegs into CDVideo to rewatch the lives!! *___* <=== heartshapped eyes

1 kiss| K+I+S+S+M+Y+A+S+S

observation [28 Feb 2004|01:45am]
[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | L'Arc en Ciel - Milky Way ]

only Toshiya gets to have adidas gloves!
I should probably point out that, in the last zappy, Kaoru is so very close from looking like Kiyoharu that I'm beginning to wonder things about the "why" of it. Er.... No, I'm not thinking what you may thing I'm thinking!
Although Kaoru is 30 now... He looks the same so far. Good, that!
*watches pics of Kyo showing off his fancy fake hair* ....... burst out laughing I sooooo have to make an icon of this!! ohohohohoh, and this is in the 5 days DVDs too! It's going to be so much fun! yeah!
I'm off to sleep. is 2 in the morning and heve to get up at bloody 8h30 ! (on saturday, yes! never say I don't love my friends!)
*sings laruku's Milky Way, because it's a HAPPY song! yes! I love Happy SONGS*

2 kisses| K+I+S+S+M+Y+A+S+S

still awake at his time of the night ...>.< [24 Feb 2004|02:52am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Harry Potter 2 dvd ]

Today it's our little baby from Dir en grey's birthday! So, happy birthday Shinya. Woo~ what an amazing and original thing to say, isn't it?

I'm so happy, Shadowphoenix has updated her Shades Of Grey fic!! ^_^

I'm going to go to bed now.

(damn, MIRCX is definitly down, and SHI-RAN doesn't work either... what's wrong with the internet lastly??)


[16 Feb 2004|01:59pm]
I'd have done something special, but well, I don't feel like it now. A bit sick and coughing so... Have missed school this morning too. I'm writing an HP fic in french, do you believe that? hehehe. Tonight, will post it to ffnet if the first part's done.

random crap [03 Feb 2004|04:31pm]
I feel like write down my favourites today. I need to try and tell apart things I really like and need to buy from things I merely like without buying them.. Er... Does it make sense? Anyway, here it is.

* Actors I Love (and buy dvd with them acting):
- Alan Rickman
- Jason Isaacs
- Bill Nighy
- Tobey Maguire
- David Thewlis
- Sean Astin
- Richard Deab Anderson
- Michael Shanks
- Gary Oldman
- Billy Boyd
- Julia Stiles
- Kirsten Dunst

I think that's all.

* Manga Authors I need (in japanese) manga from :
- Takashima Kazusa (I only have Harlem Beat 1&2 for now...T-T)
- Yamato Nase
- C.J Michalski (which, I suppose, is not her real name)
- Nakajo Hisaya (I miss some volumes of Hanazakari no Kimitachi e...)
- Mamahara Ellie
- Nitta Youka (for this one I'm certainly going to wait til I go to Japan because I don't like all her works very muchand manga is expensive damnit!)
- Aya Oda (because I've really liked Paradistar)
- Mukai Natsumi (I sooooo need to buy +Anima manga!!!! It's so beautiful!!)
- Yazawa Ai

* Authors I need books of:
- Storm Constantine (I miss many still)
- Poppy Z. Brite (because I only have the french versions)
- Mary Renault (everything I can find in any language)
- Pullman (because everyone says it's good)
- Judith Tarr
- CJ Cherry
- Mercedes Lackey (because I only have french versions except for one)
- Robin Hobb
- Robin Wayne Bailey
- Anne Bishop
- Tanya Huff
- Tanith Lee

Well that's a lot to get!! I definitly have to find a job!! >.< But I can't seem to find anything..Blah, it upsets me!
I heard from a friend I'll have to wait 2 more weeks at least to get my f***ing exam results!!! Damn ! Do they think

[02 Feb 2004|01:14pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | Kelly Osbourne - Come dig me out ]

OMG !!! I'm always so late (brain lack surely), I had NO IDEA there was going to be a new ALEXANDER THE GREATmovie this year !!!!!!!!! *cries* That's so BLOODY great!!!! Yeaaaah!! Even if it *is* Val Kilmer and Collin Farrel (this one's good ^^) playing in it. Oh, I feel so hyper right now! *dances* Alexander !!!! I so love Mary Renault's books and I've always liked Alexander when I was studying him at school. (of course, any powerful historical man who was homosexual gets my respect and interest, yet, he's quite more than that!)
I was already very happy about TROY with Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom (bless them), because I love peplum and guys in armors and helmets XD. Oh dear oh dear, I'm not coming off it!!
*dances around and feels stupid*

2 kisses| K+I+S+S+M+Y+A+S+S

[02 Feb 2004|01:14pm]
Here is my new (old/new...) Lj in french, I'll try to post more often there, with pics too, when I get my scanner back (*miss it*).

[info]killmelover <= don't ask why this screen name! I have no idea what I was thinking at the time! Anyway, I can't change it and have no spare Lj code, so I'll have to used this one, that's all.
2 kisses| K+I+S+S+M+Y+A+S+S

bad mood Power !! Why China has to be region zone 6 ????? [01 Feb 2004|10:17pm]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | MTV bullshit, Jackass ]

Blah! Life is so unfair, my middle name is Unlucky !! *cries* I've bought a F4 live concert DVD (F4 is a Taiwanese pop band whose members are oh-so-hot and plays the Flower 4 of Hana Yori Dango in Meteor Garden...) for only 10euros BUT my DVD player can't play it! It's a zone 6 DVD... Fuck it!! So I'm desesperatly trying to find a damn code on the internet, but can't seem to manage it... *OKAY* let's not panic, I'll phone this "magma" shop tomorrow morning (if I can get up , that is...) to know if they can dezone it. Shit, that sucks. Next time, when something's cheap, I'll have to check twice before buying it! x_x;
Anyway I spent the whole day doing nothing!! It doesn't change, you'd say... But I'm fed up about it. I'd like to find a job or something. I'd like to have friends too ! Not that I *don't* have any... I have some, I know but.. I seem to depend on too little people, you know? And they must be fed up with *me* (who can blame them?) and my unchangeable mad mood behaviour! I'm always nostalgic or sad these days. When I try to think about it, I must be a pretty annoying person lately. Not that I wasn't already annoying, but it gets worse (yes, I assure you, it's possible).
I used to have many IRL and internet friends, where have they gone? No need to think much more... Jessica is completly *gone*, *missing*, *out*, *blah*... So I don't know if I'm going to even try again to write her or phone her.. Do we even have any common interests left? She's so hooked on Aurore, I don't think she'll shade a single tear if I suddenly disappeared or died! But the worse thing is : is she happy at least? I'm not so sure!
Daphne... now I should try again to ask her and Heishiro or Thomas out, to hang out like we used to. But she seems busy, understandable, it was much the same for me the past 2 years when I was in Cholet.
Celine, Caroline and Laetitia are the farthest *physically* from me, but they seem to care for me a lot more! *love to Celine*
As for my friends from Paris... they funny thing is : I haven't seen any of them since I *live* here! Except for Morgane (*hugs*), Eve who (sometimes ^^;) dares to visit Jussieu :/, and Justine that I'd like to meet more often but well... I'm not going to beg for it. Oh, I'm sad I don't see more of Romain too. Because he was my first friend from Paris. The main problem is that this guy is too friendly and nice and has like... 10 millions friends! x_x; My other male friends have desappeared :P

* People I want to see/hang out with/ invite if they wish to come to my place ^^; =
- Kyo
- Heishiro & Moko
- Daphne & Thomas
- Ngoc
- Justine & Faustine
- Eve
- Kuroko
- Celine & Matthias
- Jonathan (Rayusgnal), kei, Godzy...

So, if you're alive, still somehow wish to hear from me... er... well, whatever.

I had this dream about Kyo... And... It made me hate waking up... I was unable to return to my real life for 3 hours after that. I can't even put this dream into words... It *was* Kyo... I woke up thinking "damn, it was him!! really!! how is it possible??? Did we both have this dream at the same moment?" I've heard about a shared dream thing... It *is* possible isn't it? Well, it's stupid really.. But I'm convinced I must understand and *see* Kyo pretty much how he really is. *there comes one hundred screaming fangirls throwing stones at me* ... Well, I only have dreams, so leave me alone.

On this happy note I'll end up :/ I'm going to try and find my other LJ screen name because I'd like to start a french LJ as well.. If some of you want to read it, I'll post the link.

4 kisses| K+I+S+S+M+Y+A+S+S

exams are OOOOOOooveeeeeeeeeeeeeer ! yeepee! [23 Jan 2004|12:07am]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | la croisière folle amour! ]

Yes, that's done and over! Can't say that's not a serious relief (a SIRIUS one ahahah.. I'm so funny.. -_- ;;). Even if it was only one week, it seemed like ages to me! I was stuck in my bed reading over and over again the same history lessons about ancient japan... awful. It *is* interesting, this is true, but no matter, when you know you have to write it back on a fucking test, everything seems all the more hateful to you x_x.
Anyway, I'm going to the cinema on saturday with Sonia chan, yeah! I'll see Mona Lisa' Smile with Julia stiles (LOVE) and Kirsten Dunst (LOVE) and other movies I don't know yet, maybe Creepers creepers 2 (though I only have a very vague memory of the first one..), or Dead of Alive 1,2,3 ?? Well, all I want is to *relax* in front of a big screen with moving (handsome) people and friends next to me when it gets scary/funny. ^^
Hum, I think I'm going to sleep a full night until tomorrow morning!


[16 Jan 2004|06:30pm]

Which HP Kid Are You?

I got my ਍ ware!! [13 Jan 2004|07:13pm]
That's a great !! ^^ This photobook is certainly one of my favourite! I loooove it! The pics are funny and I kinda like the opening and ending message from the staff &/or the members themselves. Considereing the bad english I guess they had a say in the matter :D
I have to go back to my History lessons but .. just a quick word about "BT'X" Does someone know this anime? buahahahah *dies laughing* It may be the worst anime I've ever laid my eyes on! I mean, honestly, what's the story about? It's bullshit all along! The chara design is quite good at moments, and I must say, being from the same author as St Seiya manga... The male characters look anything but male! And the slashy(yaoi) vibe *is* here.. But the french voices!!! ahahahahah *dies laughing a second time in 2 minutes* Such manly voices (and so bad voices too!)for these girly guys in armors... Oh .. I never laughed that much when watching an anime I dislike!
I laughed a lot thanks to Ware as well! There are definitly... fun pics! I won't say which ones but.. I can't wait to get my scan back so I can put many pixpixpixpixpixies ^_^ hihihihi ooohohhh STOP.. Shit I can't find the thingy on my computer to install Japanese language >.< I can't write japanese now! except on my JWPce program but I can't copy/paste on LJ! damnit! it sucks! T-T
Weird noses come from my tonari no tokoro x_x something that sounds like "wrroooooooooooooooo" ... what's that?? *runs away screaming*


Oh, it's stopped! XD
There's Jerry Srpinger on TV next.. What an awwwwwwful TV show!! Euuuuurh *pukes* Are all Americans really like that ?? I begin to have serious doubts about their so-called 1rst power in the world or something. Even French aren't that ugly/fat/stupid/gross .. So, if *that* doesn't speak for itself... uuuh *changes channel*

[09 Jan 2004|08:40pm]
How do you spell "Ralph Fiennes" ? is it fines, or feens ... fin"S"
It sounds stupid but I'd like to know how I have to *say* this name!
2 kisses| K+I+S+S+M+Y+A+S+S

[09 Jan 2004|08:15pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | FRIENDS is not a music! ]

Aouch! What a day, gosh! Lost in Translation is a bit... boring would be a good word. But GOTHIKA ! It was mind blowing, yes sir!! greeaaaaat kicking ass movie it was! :D
I feel bad about not putting a lot of reviews on my friends LJ !! aaawww sorry! It's just, I haven't got time to read the Lj yet and.. hum..I'll post more reviews and more often soon ^^
anyway, I'm watching FRIENDS on TV... I haven't watched this series for a long time!


Diru *_* [09 Jan 2004|09:04am]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | MTV2 Clips (metal I don't know) ]

Hey! It's 9 in the morning here and... Well for once I'm up! ^^ (and not *still up* from the previous day..hem..) I've been on the Dir en grey off page to take a look at the 5days DVD Box previous. Well..damn... >.< It's a LOT of money and trouble to get something.. But it seems really good. I suppose I'll have to beg some friends (ne?) for a copy, except if I win money from something x_x... Or maybe if I sell some stuff. But it's a bit late to ask now :/ I could still ask my penpal Saki to suscribe me but I'll have to find the money anyway. Blah, I'll just try and think "not everyone can spend that much money on something".. Not that it helps, but I'll feel less *guilty* ^^; But what the Hell is Nanba Hatch ?? x_x wanna see it!!
However, Yeeeeeeeee for The FINAL single !!! (and as someone whom I won't tell the name here said "is it the last one?" huhu) It's a bit.... scary for a title !! x_x;;; But I can't wait to hear it! I hope it sounds a bit different from VULGAR anyway, not because I don't like it (of *course* I luv Vulgar), but because change is good isn't it!!
I'm going to the cinema in a few hours! ^^ I'll see "Lost In Translation" and "Gothika". They both seem like kicking-ass movies! Doesn't Bernard Hill play a part in Gothika? I may have heard that somewhere.... :) And Lost in translation means "yeeaah I'm going to hear japanese and see funny japanese TV shows!! hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii".
I have a new and red velvet curtain for my window! *finds the word "curtain" very funny* Now, everytime I look at it I think of Sirius' death (oow, I'm kinda spoiling it for people who haven't read HP5). That *may* be why I find the whole thing hilarious!
I found a good reason to dislike Sirius Black ! It's because I've been bitten by dogs 5 times, and they poo on my street everywhere and I just hate that! (it *is* one the things I hate about living in Paris) Well that's a bit stupid reason to dislike someone (Ok, I know Sirius doesn't really stand as "someone"...or does he?), but well... Then there's always the "he bullied Severus" thing. I only like Sirius begging Sev on his knees as Laura says ^^ Oh... and in Sev's bed.

I'm wondering... When is Season7 of Stargate SG-1 going to be released in DVD ? I want to watch it! ;_; I have only seen a few eps like 701,702,704,707... How much is there already? finished yet? Have to look on the off site later.

Well that's all for now!

2 kisses| K+I+S+S+M+Y+A+S+S

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