Cheney's Pre-9/11 Task Force On
Terrorism Never Met
Statement of Democratic Leader Daschle
on the War on Terrorism, 24 March 2004
EXCERPT: During the nearly nine months it took the Administration to
develop and sign off on its terrorism strategy, it does not appear the
Bush Administration took any decisive or effective action to cripple Al
Qaeda. Perhaps the most potentially significant action the
Administration took prior to September 11 was in May 2001. At that time,
reportedly in response to an increase in "chatter" about a potential Al
Qaeda attack, President Bush appointed Vice President Cheney to head a
task force "to combat terrorist attacks on the United States." But,
according to The Washington Post and Newsweek, the Cheney Terrorism Task
Force never met. The American people need to know whether this is true.
The War on Clarke
A former colleague of Richard Clarke
speaks out on his experience with the controversial man, and why he's
being attacked.
By Larry C. Johnson, 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: Richard Clarke must be wondering if explaining what the United
States did not do in the war on terrorism is more dangerous than
actually fighting the terrorists. Clarke, the former terrorism czar for
both Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, is now being vilified
by a host of Bush officials, including Dick Cheney and Condeleeza Rice,
as a liar. The attack on Clarke, which consists of leaks, threats and
intimidation tactics, has become the genuine hallmark of the Bush
presidency. ... I was neither a personal friend nor fan of Richard
Clarke when I was in government. Richard Clarke, in my experience, was
arrogant and intense. He probably still is. (People who know me would
suggest that I am the pot calling the kettle black.) However, Richard
Clarke also is a competent professional who has served faithfully with
Democratic and Republican administrations since the 1970s.
Clarke's View of Terrorism Unclouded
(Common Dreams)
Clarke and the Media Failures of 9/11
(Common Dreams)
The Real Record: Two Administrations, Two Views
The 9/11 Bog: Partisan Bickering Drowns Out
Revelations (Nation)
Ashcroft Quit Flying Commercial
Jets in July, 2001
By Matt Bivens
The Nation, 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: Here's a head-scratcher of a CBS News report from July 2001:
"Fishing rod in hand," the report begins, "Attorney General John
Ashcroft left on a weekend trip to Missouri Thursday afternoon aboard a
chartered government jet ... In response to inquiries from CBS News over
why Ashcroft was traveling exclusively by leased jet aircraft instead of
commercial airlines, the Justice Department cited what it called a
'threat assessment' by the FBI, and said Ashcroft has been advised to
travel only by private jet for the remainder of his term. ... Neither
the FBI nor the Justice Department, however, would identify what the
threat was, when it was detected or who made it." So apparently, six
weeks before 9/11, the FBI was aware of a terror threat involving
commercial airliners -- and in response, made sure that its boss
wouldn't be on one.
The Original CBS News Report
Celebrate National "I'm
Embarrassed by My President" Day
DemocracyMeansYou, 1 April 2004
EXCERPT: Are you embarrassed by the arrogance, greed, shortsightedness,
selfishness, and outright lies told by George W. Bush and his
administration? Join tens of thousands of others across the country and
world and wear a brown armband or ribbon to symbolize all the BS coming
out of the White House. It's not just that I disagree with the current
administration. I'm outraged. And I'm downright embarrassed to talk to
anyone from another country. I'm embarrassed to have a President so
arrogant, so dishonest, so hawkish, that in three years, he has nearly
destroyed any good relations we had before he took office, and worsened
those that were already bad. I find myself apologizing to my foreign
friends both in this country and abroad while trying vainly to explain
the sheer idiocy and illogic of the current administration's policies.
So this April 1st, April Fools day, join tens of thousands of others who
are wearing brown armbands or ribbons to signify the bullshit flowing
down from Washington.
Bush's Odd Warfare State
Experts See No Law Barring Rice
AP in Yahoo! News, 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: There is no ironclad legal doctrine buttressing National
Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites)'s refusal to
testify publicly before the panel investigating the Sept. 11 attacks,
law experts said Monday. Rice already has spoken to the commission in
private. But she says public testimony is protected by executive
privilege. That principle says presidential advisers cannot be legally
forced to disclose their confidential communications if that would
adversely affect the operations of the executive branch. It is rare for
White House advisers to testify publicly before Congress or
congressionally appointed panels like the Sept. 11 commission. But
exceptions exist, and legal scholars say they poke holes in Rice's
Bush's Press Slaves
It's time for the Washington press corps to probe candidate Bush just
as enthusiastically as they have John Kerry.
By Philip J. Trounstine
Salon, March 29, 2004
EXCERPT: The disclosures by former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill,
weapons inspector David Kay, counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke and
other Bush administration insiders have altered the dynamics of the 2004
presidential contest. Whether George W. Bush has competently and
honestly managed the nation's foreign and military affairs has become
the central issue in the campaign. The question now is whether political
writers covering the race will choose to continue to frame the election
as the Bush-Cheney campaign has -- as a battle between the "war
president" and an "unsteady" senator -- or whether they will shift their
focus to what has finally emerged as the actual crux of the election.
This is not to say that the economy, taxes, medical care, education and
the environment are unimportant issues. Of course they're important. But
in the light of 9/11, with U.S. troops deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq,
and with a president who has defined his status as commander in chief as
his overriding quality, it's time for political writers to place
accountability of him on that measure at the center of their reporting.
Terror Aides
Strangely Keep Turning On Bush
by Josh Marshall
The Hill, 25 March 2004
EXCERPT: Its hard to remember another president who
has suffered more abuse and betrayal from the governments career civil
service than George W. Bush. Again and again, it seems, the president
hires some seemingly seasoned career counterterrorism hand, only to find
out later that hes actually a Democratic plant, a partisan stooge or
just a plain fool.
"We Should Have Had Orange or Red-Type of Alert in
June or July of 2001"
A former FBI translator told the 9/11
commission that the bureau had detailed information well before Sept.
11, 2001, that terrorists were likely to attack the U.S. with airplanes.
By Eric Boehlert
Salon, 26 March 2004
EXCERPT: A former FBI wiretap translator with top-secret security
clearance, who has been called "very credible" by Sen. Charles Grassley,
R-Iowa, has told Salon she recently testified to the National Commission
on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States that the FBI had detailed
information prior to Sept. 11, 2001, that a terrorist attack involving
airplanes was being plotted. Referring to the Homeland Security
Department's color-coded warnings instituted in the wake of 9/11, the
former translator, Sibel Edmonds, told Salon, "We should have had orange
or red-type of alert in June or July of 2001. There was that much
information available." Edmonds is offended by the Bush White House
claim that it lacked foreknowledge of the kind of attacks made by al-Qaida
on 9/11. "Especially after reading National Security Advisor
Condoleezza Rice [Washington Post Op-Ed on March 22] where she said, we
had no specific information whatsoever of domestic threat or that they
might use airplanes. That's an outrageous lie. And documents can prove
it's a lie." [bwusa italics]
Backlash Builds Against Bush
Plan to Delay Mercury Clean-Up
BushGreenWatch, 26 March 2004
EXCERPT: Opposition to the Bush Administration's efforts to
substantially delay a scheduled cleanup of mercury contamination gained
momentum today when joined forces with the Environmental
Working Group (EWG), the Learning Disabilities Association and former
EPA Administrator Carol Browner at a Washington, D.C. press conference
denouncing the Bush plan.... "Most people think about mercury as an air
pollution problem, but it's winding up on the end of our forks, spoiling
one of the best food choices on the planet," EWG President Ken Cook told
BushGreenwatch. High levels of mercury can be found in a wide range of
America's ocean, stream and lake-bred fish, including large-mouth bass,
swordfish, catfish, tuna, some shellfish and trout. President Bush has
proposed classifying mercury as "less hazardous under the Clean Air Act,
so he can delay a previously scheduled cleanup of this toxin, which
contaminates fish from coal power plant emissions," according to a media advisory.
UN Warns Sewage and Fertilizers are Killing Seas
Global Warming Spirals Upwards
(Independent via ZNet)
29 March 2004
Clarke Challenges Rice to Reveal
Secret E-Mails
Guardian (UK), 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: Richard Clarke, the former terrorism adviser whose revelations
threaten to torpedo George Bush's re-election strategy, launched a
counterattack yesterday at a White House that he said was determined to
destroy him. In a riveting television performance, Mr Clarke called on
his principal critic and former employer, the national security adviser,
Condoleezza Rice, to release the entire record of their emails in the
months up to the September 11 terror attacks to prove his contention
that the White House did not then take the threat of al-Qaida seriously.
He also agreed to Republican demands to declassify testimony he gave to
the Senate two years ago - to "prove" there were no inconsistencies.
"Let's take all of my emails and all the memos I sent to the national
security adviser and her deputy from January 20 to September 11 and
let's declassify all of them," Mr Clarke told NBC television. Mr
Clarke's bravura presentation surprised the Bush administration. The
decision to stand his ground could also be destructive to Ms Rice. She
has been under intense scrutiny for a week--largely for being the focus
of Mr Clarke's charges that the Bush government did not see al-Qaida as
a priority before September 11, but also because she refused to testify
before the commission.
White House Tension Rising
Clarke wants release of 9-11 notes to Rice; she's urged to testify
Knight Ridder Newspapers, 28 March 2004
EXCERPT: Former White House counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke on
Sunday challenged the White House to declassify documents related to the
Sept. 11 attacks, as national security adviser Condoleezza Rice came
under increasing pressure to testify publicly about the administration's
efforts to thwart terrorism. ...Mr. Clarke also challenged the
administration to release his communications with Dr. Rice when he was
the top White House adviser on counterterrorism. "Let's take all of my
e-mails and all of the memos that I sent to the national security
adviser and her deputy from Jan. 20 to Sept. 11, and let's declassify
all of it," Mr. Clarke said on NBC's Meet the Press. Top officials from
the Sept. 11 commission pressed Dr. Rice to meet with the panel again in
open session, but they stopped short of threatening to subpoena her. "To
get into a court battle over a subpoena we don't think is really
appropriate right now, nor will it help us," former New Jersey Gov.
Thomas Kean, a Republican and the panel's chairman, said on Fox News
Sunday. "We are still going to press and still believe unanimously as a
commission that we should hear from her in public." Commission member
John Lehman, another Republican and a former Navy secretary, called Ms.
Rice's refusal to testify in public "a political blunder of the first
order" that has created the impression that White House officials have
something to hide.
Shooting the Messenger
Conservatives should hail former counterterrorism chief Richard
Clarke, but instead they're smearing him.
By James Pinkerton
Salon, 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: Conservatives, ever suspicious of Big Government, should love a
whistle-blower -- unless, of course, hes former counterterrorism czar
Richard Clarke. The Washington Times calls Clarke "a political chameleon
who is starved for attention after years of toiling anonymously in
government bureaucracies." For neoconservative columnist Charles
Krauthammer, Clarke is "a liar" and "not just a perjurer but a partisan
perjurer." According to Ann Coulter, Clarke is a racist. Exiting the
known world and entering into her own fantasyland, Coulter depicts
Clarke musing about Condoleezza Rice: "the black chick is a dummy," whom
Bush promoted from "cleaning the Old Executive Office Building at
night." This ad hominem defamation is obviously intended to discredit
the man in order to discredit his argument. But such low tactics arent
usually attempted against a man whose allegations are corroborated by
others, including the implicated parties -- and, most palpably, by
events themselves.
Commission Calls for Rice Public Testimony
By T. Christian Miller
LA Times, 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: Top Republicans on the Sept. 11 commission joined Democrats Sunday
in calling for national security adviser Condoleezza Rice to testify
publicly under oath about a former subordinate's claims that the White House
did not take seriously al-Qaida's threat to the United States. One
commissioner called her failure to appear in an open session "a political
blunder of the first order." But Rice again refused to do so, saying such an
appearance would violate the "long-standing principle" of executive
Rice Defends Refusal To Testify
Compromise Sought With 9/11 Commission
By Dana Milbank and Walter Pincus
Washington Post, 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: National security adviser Condoleezza Rice, at the center of a
controversy over her refusal to testify before the Sept. 11 commission,
yesterday renewed her determination not to give public testimony and said
she could not list anything she wished she had done differently in the
months before the 2001 terrorist attacks. Administration officials were
searching for a compromise last night with the commission that would limit
the political damage from her refusal to testify. But a defiant Rice gave no
hint of that as she defended the Bush administration's counterterrorism
performance on CBS's "60 Minutes" -- the same venue used a week earlier by
former White House counterterrorism chief Richard A. Clarke to launch his
criticism that the Bush administration did too little on terrorism before
Sept. 11, 2001, and wound up strengthening al Qaeda by pursuing war in Iraq.
President Asked Aide to Explore Iraq Link
to 9/11
New York Times, 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: Republican leaders have responded in force, suggesting that Mr.
Clarke's testimony last week was at odds with the closed testimony he gave
before the joint Congressional panel in 2002 and that he may have lied in
one or both appearances. But intelligence officials familiar with his
classified briefing said they were aware of no obvious contradictions. Mr.
Ben-Veniste said he thought Mr. Clarke's earlier testimony should be
declassified to resolve any dispute, but he added that "it is not my
recollection that there were any notable or substantive differences in
testimony. Mr. Clarke's Congressional testimony, given while he was still at
the White House, put a more "positive spin" on the administration's
counterterrorism efforts, just as he did in a 2002 press briefing that was
released last week, said a senior Democratic Congressional aide who spoke on
condition of anonymity. But factually, it did not appear to contradict what
Mr. Clarke told the Sept. 11 commission last week, the aide said. Mr.
Clarke's assessment last week is also generally consistent with journalistic
and Congressional accounts of the early Bush administration's approach to
terrorism. In Bob Woodward's "Bush at War," the president himself
acknowledged that Osama bin Laden had not been a central focus in the eight
months before the attacks. "I was not on point," Mr. Bush was quoted in the
book as saying. "I have no hesitancy about going after him. But I didn't
feel that sense of urgency, and my blood was not nearly as boiling."
...Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld appeared on "Fox News Sunday" and
ABC's "This Week," disputing Mr. Clarke's charges that the administration
had not devoted sufficient attention to terrorism and had been unduly
focused on Iraq. And Terry Holt, the chief spokesman of the Bush campaign,
called Mr. Clarke "a political opportunist" on CNN's "Inside Politics
Sunday." Mr. Clarke said the administration is intent on attacking him
personally through a "character assassination campaign" rather than debating
the arguments he has raised about Mr. Bush's prosecution of the campaign
against terrorism. "After 9/11, I say that by going into Iraq he has really
hurt the war on terrorism," he said. "Now, because I say that, the
administration doesn't want to talk on the merits of that. They don't want
to talk about the effect on the war on terrorism of our invasion of Iraq."
To rebut the administration's criticism of his credibility, he produced a
handwritten letter from Mr. Bush at the time of his resignation, dated Jan.
31, 2003, that read: "Dear Dick: You will be missed. You served our nation
with distinction and honor. You have left a positive mark on our
government." Last week, the White House produced a resignation letter of its
own one from Mr. Clarke to Mr. Bush in which the seasoned adviser
praised the president for his "courage, determination, calm and leadership"
on Sept. 11.
Signs of desperation?
Bush Campaign Blasts Kerry for
Quoting Bible
By Nedra Pickler
Associated Press, 28 March 2004
EXCERPT: John Kerry (news - web sites) cited a Bible verse Sunday to
criticize leaders who have "faith but has no deeds," prompting President
Bush (news - web sites)'s spokesman to accuse Kerry of exploiting Scripture
for a political attack. Kerry never mentioned Bush by name during his speech
at New North Side Baptist Church, but aimed his criticism at "our present
national leadership." Kerry cited Scripture in his appeal for the
worshippers, including James 2:14, "What good is it, my brothers, if a man
claims to have faith but has no deeds?" "The Scriptures say, what does it
profit, my brother, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?"
Kerry said. "When we look at what is happening in America today, where are
the works of compassion?" Bush campaign spokesman Steve Schmidt said Kerry's
comment "was beyond the bounds of acceptable discourse and a sad
exploitation of Scripture for a political attack."
Bush Cited Himself as Example of the Good Religion Can
Al Franken on Bush's Bible Reading
(Skeptics & Atheists)
Bush, Bible Not in Agreement
(Daily Lobo, March 2003)
Drastic Medicare
Reforms Hurt Seniors
By William D. Novelli
Dallas News, 28 March 2004
EXCERPT: In 2011, the first of 77 million baby boomers will turn 65.
Coupled with the fiscal challenges documented in last week's Medicare
trustees' report, there should be new urgency among political leaders,
policymakers and the public to act now to ensure the long-term fiscal health
of Medicare. But simply shifting the cost of health care from the government
to individuals through such drastic measures as means testing, higher
premiums and co-pays will not solve the problem. It may only diminish the
quality of life for people as they age. And it could add even greater costs
to the nation brought on by poorer health, decreased productivity and
greater dependency
Medicare Drug Card to Offer a Plethora of
Cures -- or One Big Headache
By Sarah Kellogg, 28 March 2004
EXCERPT: In the coming weeks, CMS, which oversees the program, will alert
seniors about the new cards. Solicitations from card-sponsoring entities
will follow in April and May. Participating seniors can begin using the
cards June 1. While the discount program may lessen the pain of high drug
costs for many seniors, some observers fear it will sow confusion and
frustration, and that ultimately it could prove to be little more than a
bait-and-switch operation. "There's so much latitude here (for the card
sponsors) that it's distressing to me," said Peter Pratt, a health care
analyst at Public Sector Consultants Inc., a Lansing policy group. The
latitude comes in the design of the discounts, which is entirely left to the
sponsoring companies and organizations. They decide which drugs are covered
and the size of the discounts, and those details aren't guaranteed.
Companies can change the discounts and covered drugs on a monthly or weekly
basis, under the law. Dissatisfied seniors will be given one chance to
switch card sponsors at the end of 2004. The cards expire Dec. 31, 2005.
...Nationwide, 103 pharmacy chains, drug companies and health plans applied
to CMS to sponsor the cards. The cards are free to the poor, but they can
cost up to $30 a year for most retirees. ...On Thursday, CMS announced that
49 different card programs will be available. Of the total, 30 will be
available nationwide, including a card from Aetna Health Management. The 19
others will be available only in certain areas, including First Health
Services Corp., which will offer cards in Michigan and 19 other states.
US Will Not Reduce Nuclear Arsenal
to Moscow Treaty Levels
Agence-France Press, 25 March 2004
EXCERPT: The United States will not cut its nuclear arsenal to levels
designated by an arms accord it concluded two years ago with Russia because
it must hedge against an uncertain future, a top administration official
announced. The Moscow Treaty signed with great fanfare by Presidents George
W. Bush of the United States and Vladimir Putin of Russia in May 2002 calls
on both sides to reduce their strategic nuclear warheads to between 1,700
and 2,200 by 2012. But it refers to "operationally deployed" weapons,
essentially offering both governments a loophole that allows them to move an
unlimited number of warheads into storage and keep them indefinitely under
lock and key. While US officials have often praised this option, Wednesday's
remarks by Undersecretary of Energy Linton Brooks before the Senate
Subcommittee on Strategic Forces represented the first official indication
the Bush administration had actually decided to exercise it.
WWGRD: What Will Gay Republicans Do?
By Bill Berkowitz
Working for Change, 26 March 2004
EXCERPT: In 2000, the gay vote made up 4% of the national total and Bush
received about 25% of that vote -- more than one million votes -- compared
with 70% for Democrat Al Gore and 4% for Green Party candidate Ralph Nader.
Given Bush's endorsement, who will gay Republicans vote for this November?
Currently, gay Republicans appear dazed, confused and divided. Some gay GOP
loyalists are undertaking a Herculean effort; swallowing hard and trying to
explain away Bush's endorsement by citing the president's gay appointments
and his gay-friendly demeanor. Their argument goes something like "in his
heart of hearts he doesn't really mean it" and "he's only playing to his
amen corner, but he actually likes us." Also in this camp are gay
Republicans that believe same-sex marriage is only one of a whole series of
issues they should consider before determining for whom they will vote.
Unprincipled Liar Karen Hughes Back in
Saddle for Bush
Texan to release book, return to Bush's side for re-election campaign
Dallas Morning News, 28 March 2004
EXCERPT: As counselor to the president, Ms. Hughes was one of George W.
Bush's most trusted advisers, and even after returning to Texas in the
summer of 2002, she remained in close contact with the White House. Now
she's packed and returning to Mr. Bush's side as a vocal political advocate
first with a six-week book tour promoting her new memoir, Ten Minutes from
Normal, and then full-time on the campaign trail for his re-election.
Click here for articles in our
questions, comments, etc. to
 |
Russia Says New Weapon Will Make US 'Star Wars'
Missile Defense Useless
Canadian Press, 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: Russia has designed a "revolutionary" weapon that would make
the prospective American missile defence useless, Russian news agencies
reported Monday, quoting a senior Defence Ministry official. The
official, who was not identified by name, said tests conducted during
last month's military manoeuvres would dramatically change the
philosophy behind development of Russia's nuclear forces, the Interfax
and ITAR-Tass news agencies reported. If deployed, the new weapon would
take the value of any U.S. missile shield to "zero," the news agencies
quoted the official as saying. The official said the new weapon would be
inexpensive, providing an "asymmetric answer" to U.S. missile defences,
which are proving extremely costly to develope. Russia, meanwhile, also
has continued research in prospective missile defences and has an edge
in some areas compared to other countries, the official said.
19 Killed in Uzbekistan Terror
AP in Guardian (UK), 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: A series of bombings and attacks linked to Islamic militants,
including the first known suicide missions in Uzbekistan, killed 19
people and injured 26, officials said Monday in this key American ally
in the war on terrorism. The oppressive regime of President Islam
Karimov, the former Communist boss, had held Islamic extremists in the
Central Asian in check through brutal policies that forbid political or
religious freedom. The last known terrorist attack of this magnitude
came in an assassination attempt against Karimov 1999 that led to the
arrests of thousands. Prosecutor-General Rashid Kadyrov said the blasts
Sunday and Monday were connected and aimed at destabilizing Uzbekistan.
Female suicide bombers carried out the blasts at the Chorsu market, the
biggest bazaar in Tashkent, near the "Children's World" store, and at a
nearby bus stop, Kadyrov said.
Uzbekistan Launches Terror Attacks Probe
Bush Adviser: Iraq War Launched
to Protect Israel
By Emad Mekay
Inter Press Service via Information Clearing House, 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: IPS uncovered the remarks by Philip Zelikow, who is now the
executive director of the body set up to investigate the terrorist
attacks on the United States in September 2001 -- the 9/11 commission --
in which he suggests a prime motive for the invasion just over one year
ago was to eliminate a threat to Israel, a staunch U.S. ally in the
Middle East. Zelikow's casting of the attack on Iraq as one launched to
protect Israel appears at odds with the public position of President
George W. Bush and his administration, which has never overtly drawn the
link between its war on the regime of former president Hussein and its
concern for Israel's security. The administration has instead insisted
it launched the war to liberate the Iraqi people, destroy Iraq's weapons
of mass destruction (WMD) and to protect the United States. Zelikow made
his statements about "the unstated threat" during his tenure on a highly
knowledgeable and well-connected body known as the President's Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), which reports directly to the
president. He served on the board between 2001 and 2003. "Why would Iraq
attack America or use nuclear weapons against us? I'll tell you what I
think the real threat (is) and actually has been since 1990 -- it's the
threat against Israel," Zelikow told a crowd at the University of
Virginia on Sep. 10, 2002, speaking on a panel of foreign policy experts
assessing the impact of 9/11 and the future of the war on the al-Qaeda
terrorist organization. "And this is the threat that dare not speak its
name, because the Europeans don't care deeply about that threat, I will
tell you frankly. And the American government doesn't want to lean too
hard on it rhetorically, because it is not a popular sell," said Zelikow.
Israel Enjoys Broad-Based, Bipartisan Support on
Capitol Hill
Pro-Israeli PAC Contributions to Congress,
1999-2000 (ICH)
In Return, Israel Gets $91 Billion in Aid
Jews Against Zionism
Assassination Strengthens Hamas
(Common Dreams)
Shia Protests Aim to Scupper Iraq
By Nicolas Pelham in Baghdad
Financial Times, 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: Protests erupted in many of Iraq's Shia Muslim areas on Monday
as Shia leaders sought to increase pressure on the US-led coalition and
scupper Iraq's temporary constitution. ...The unrest followed a poster
campaign and petition drive by supporters of Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the
Shia's reclusive but paramount religious authority, who is seeking to
overturn Iraq's temporary constitution, agreed this month. The elderly
cleric's face now adorns posters plastered across the country denouncing
the document. Signed by Mr Bremer and his appointees in the Governing
Council, the temporary constitution includes a bill of rights and was
hailed as the most progressive in the region. But Mr Sistani fears the
Governing Council has enacted a permanent constitution by the back-door.
In addition to the poster campaign, last Friday imams at thousands of
Shia mosques across central and southern Iraq began distributing a
petition addressed to the United Nations and Mr Bremer, demanding the
law be revoked. "It is illegal because the administrators who have
drafted the law lack legitimacy among ordinary Iraqis," says the
U.N. Leader: Security Vital for Iraq
AP in Yahoo! News, 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: The head of a U.N. team said Monday that better security in
Iraq (news - web sites) is vital for elections to take place by a Jan.
31 deadline. A U.S. soldier was killed in a bomb west of Baghdad and
British troops in the south fired rubber bullets to disperse
anti-coalition activists.
Troops Shut Down Iraqi Paper
The Straits Times, 30 March 2004
EXCERPT: US soldiers have shut down a popular Baghdad newspaper after
the occupation authorities accused it of printing lies that incited
violence. Thousands of Iraqis protested against the closing as an act of
American hypocrisy, laying bare the hostility many feel towards the US a
year after Saddam Hussein was toppled.
Pakistan Scales Down al-Qaeda Hunt
SUCCESSFUL MISSION: The government said its main objectives had been met
but did not rule out further efforts to rid the Afghan border region of
the militants
AP, 30 March 2004
EXCERPT: Pakistan called its mission to chase down and kill Taliban and
al-Qaeda militants a success and began withdrawing troops after
tribesmen along the border with Afghanistan agreed to release captured
soldiers and politicians. Officials said, however, troops would remain
in the unruly western border region while tribal leaders negotiate the
hand-over of other foreign militants.
Terrorists Don't Need States
The danger is less that a state will
sponsor a terror group and more that a terror group will sponsor a
stateas happened in Afghanistan
By Fareed Zakaria
Newsweek, April issue
EXCERPT: The Bush team, distrustful of anything Clinton's people said,
did not see Al Qaeda as an urgent threat. They held few meetings on it
and in other ways were inattentive to it. One example from the panel's
report: the senior Pentagon official responsible for counterterrorism is
the assistant secretary for special operations and low-intensity
conflict. Even by September 11, 2001, no one had been appointed to that
post. The Bush administration came to office with different concerns.
During the 1990s conservative intellectuals and policy wonks sounded the
alarm about China, North Korea, Cuba, Iran and Iraq, but not about
terror. Real men dealt with states. Even after 9/11, many in the
administration wanted to focus on states. Bush spoke out against
countries that "harbor" terrorists. Two days after the attacks, Paul
Wolfowitz proposed "ending states that sponsor terrorism." Beyond Iraq,
conservative intellectuals like Richard Perle and Michael Ledeen insist
that the real source of terror remains the "terror masters," meaning
states like Iran and Syria.
zones' In World's Oceans Are Growing, Say Alarmed UN Scientists
By Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor
Independent, 30 March 2004
EXCERPT: It is as sinister a development as any in the list of things
going wrong with the planet. Marine "dead zones" - oxygen-starved areas
of the oceans that are devoid of fish - are one of the greatest
environmental problems facing the world, UN scientists warned yesterday.
There are nearly 150 dead zones across the globe, they are increasing,
and they pose as big a threat to fish stocks as over-fishing, the United
Nations Environment Program (Unep) said in its Global Environment
Outlook Year Book 2003, released at a meeting of environment ministers
in Korea. These lifeless areas of the sea are caused by an excess of
nutrients, mainly nitrogen, that originate from heavy use of
agricultural fertilizers, from vehicle and factory emissions and from
human wastes. They have doubled in number over the last decade, with
some extending over 70,000 square kilometers (27,000 square miles),
about the size of Ireland, Unep said.
Saudi Arabia to Call for Opec Output
By Carola Hoyos in Vienna and Javier Blas in Madrid
Financial Times, 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: Saudi Arabia will on Tuesday push the Organisation of Petroleum
Exporting Countries to cut output despite some members' opposition and
high oil prices.
29 March 2004
Iraqi Detentions Fuel Anti-US
By Thanassis Cambanis
Boston Golobe, 28 March 2004
EXCERPT: The American military is holding some 8,000 Iraqi security
detainees without trial or formal charges, most of them in a prison
where at least six US guards have been criminally charged with abusing
inmates. While legal under the Geneva Conventions, the detentions are
proving disastrous to the public image of the US-led occupation
authority, as hundreds of Iraqis freed this month spread stories of
dismal prison conditions and say they were never told why they were
arrested. US officials insist they treat the prisoners fairly, but the
widely circulated stories about seemingly arbitrary arrests fuel the
sense of injustice here; even as the coalition builds democratic
institutions for Iraq, including a new court system, a parallel legal
system for detainees persists with few apparent rights for the accused.
In one such case, Mahmoud Khodair said American soldiers blasted into
his basement apartment six months ago and dragged him off, accusing him
of aiding insurgents. He was held under a procedure that allows
occupation forces to imprison without trial those suspected of "anticoalition
activity." Like hundreds more, he was released earlier this month, with
no explanation of why he was arrested in the first place or why he was
ultimately cleared to go home.
Ukraine to Investigate
Disappearance of Hundreds of Missiles
People's Daily, 28 March 2004
EXCERPT: The Ukrainian military will launch an in-depth investigation
into the disappearance of hundreds of missiles, Defense Minister Yevgeni
Kirillovich Marchuk has promised. In a recent review of the military's
arsenal, the armed forces found that hundreds of missiles had been lost,
Interfax-Ukraine News Agency quoted the minister as saying late Friday.
Marchuk said the missing missiles were all air defense ones inherited
from the now-defunct Soviet Union. Ukraine declared independence in
The Middle East Needs Its
Democracy Home-Grown
Washington's latest initiative has
Arab leaders worried
By Jonathan Steele
Guardian (UK), 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: Little noticed in the west as yet, the Bush administration's
latest Middle East adventure has been making furious waves in the Arab
world. Dubbed the Greater Middle East initiative, the plan aims to press
democracy on one of the world's least democratic regions. Its details
were due to be unveiled when the leaders of the industrialised world
hold their annual Group of Eight summit in June. US officials compare it
to the 1975 Helsinki charter of human rights which gradually forced the
Soviet Union and its allied regimes in eastern Europe to open up and
ultimately collapse. The initiative is a neo-conservative brainchild, a
follow-up to the toppling of Saddam Hussein by force, and an effort to
use his removal as the first in a line of Middle Eastern dominoes. The
notion of pressing reform on the Arab world has wide support in
Washington. As long as it is predicated on generational change which is
accepted by Arab rulers themselves, rather than being hastily imposed by
sanctions or military might, its fans include the secretary of state,
Colin Powell, as well as Democratic party liberals such as John Kerry.
US Sets Up 14 'Enduring Bases' in Iraq
(Chicago Tribune)
Expansion Overseas Fuels Suspicions of US Motives
(Sun Herald)
Pentagon Counts Psychological Cost of Iraq

Punchline: "Those weapons of mass destruction have
got to be somewhere."
Death Toll Climbs in Iraq as US
Forces Clash with Guerillas
By Patrick Graham
Observer (UK), 28 March 2004
EXCERPT: A spate of violent clashes has left 22 people dead across Iraq
this weekend as fighting erupted between US forces and guerrillas armed
with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades. In Baghdad yesterday, five
Iraqis were injured when a bomb exploded on a street. US troops sealed
off the area. In Tikrit a three-year-old boy died yesterday after being
shot by US troops when the car in which he was travelling failed to stop
at a checkpoint. Rebels in Mosul fired a rocket at a government building
yesterday, killing two civilians and wounding 14 others. But it was
Falluja where the fiercest fighting raged as marines and guerrillas
fought for hours through the alleys of the city, leaving one marine, at
least six Iraqi civilians, including an 11-year-old boy, and a
television cameraman dead. In the fighting, which began on Friday, 25
Iraqis and five marines were injured.
(Repeated from the weekend)
Virginia Senator on Iraq Invasion: "My Vote Was
Wrong" (AP)
US Troops 'Shoot Three-Year-Old Boy' (The
Sistani May Issue Edict Against Iraq Power
Transfer (Reuters)
A likely
Israeli Secret Services Faulted for Iraq Forecasts
By Dan Williams
Reuters in Yahoo! News, 28 March 2004
EXCERPT: Israel overestimated Iraq's military capabilities but the
miscalculation in no way influenced the U.S. decision to topple Saddam
Hussein, a parliamentary inquiry found Sunday. ...Officially at war with
Saddam, its avowed enemy, Israel shared intelligence with Washington,
its closest ally, before last year's invasion. Then, as now, it played
down its cooperation to avoid deepening Arab ire at the campaign. Yuval
Steinitz, a lawmaker from the right-wing ruling Likud party who led the
inquiry, said Israeli input played "a very minor role" in Washington's
prewar planning. ...The report complained of a snowball effect in
intelligence sharing, whereby some Israeli assessments, analyzed by U.S.
counterparts, eventually found their way back to Israel in repackaged
form. "It is not inconceivable that (such) analyzes had a bolstering and
authenticating effect as though authoritative," said the report, parts
of which were kept classified.
Summit's Collapse Leaves Arab Leaders
in Disarray
New York Times, 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: Arab governments were in disarray on Sunday after the Arab
League summit meeting, set to grapple with vital regional issues like
democratic reform, Arab-Israeli bloodshed and the American occupation of
Iraq, was abruptly called off just before it was to open Monday. The
exact reason is a matter of some dispute, but all sides viewed the
meeting's collapse even as some heads of state were on their way as
an embarrassment. It was a stark public admission that the commitment to
change voiced by Arab leaders risks becoming just more words. The Arab
League is infamous for its fractious gatherings, but even its most
experienced bureaucrats described the cancellation as extraordinary.
Some commentators thought the collapse inevitable from the start. The
very idea of reform remains too divisive, and many nations' governments
have yet to decide how to deal themselves with issues like elections.
...Given the the American invasion of Iraq, and spiral of violence in
the region, including terrorist bomb attacks from Casablanca to Riyadh,
there had been some expectation that Arab leaders might commit
themselves to change. Certainly the Bush administration had hoped for
some kind of broad endorsement of reform that might demonstrate that its
decision to overthrow Saddam Hussein was having a positive echo. Senior
officials and analysts here said events in Tunis, while not without
precedent, represented in stark colors the Arab world's inability to
cope with American efforts to redraw the region's political map. ..."To
fail to even hold a meeting is a disaster, taking into consideration all
the challenges of the region," said Hoshar Zubairy, the Iraqi foreign
minister. "This encourages extremism, when people see that even the
formal Arab system is not functioning, not operating. The sense of
frustration will only deepen."
Haiti's Troika of Terror: Thugs,
a Buffoon, and The Pirates
By Glen Ford and Peter Gamble
Black Commentator, 27 March 2004
EXCERPT: The United States has delivered George Bush's ghoulish brand of
democracy to Haiti. The nightmarish components of Haiti's ruling troika
gathered last Saturday, in Gonaives, the country's fourth-largest
city--a macabre assemblage that seemed designed to assault the
sensibilities of civilized humans.
IMF Director Selection Process
is an Insult to the Rest of the World
By Larry Elliott
Guardian (UK), 29 March 2004
EXCERPT: Imagine Bill Gates announcing, out of the blue, that he is
leaving Microsoft to spend more time with his family. Within minutes,
Microsoft's finance chief says he reserves the right to choose the
successor to Gates from his team. "That's the way we've always done
things here," he says. No, of course, you can't imagine it. If Microsoft
or any other company were to choose its top executives in such a bizarre
fashion, the share price would plummet and with good reason. There would
be real doubt about whether the new CEO was up to the job. Yet this is
the scandalous way in which the international community is going about
choosing the next managing director of the International Monetary Fund,
a position of pivotal global importance. The previous MD, Horst Kφhler,
has resigned to stand for the job as president of Germany, and this
Friday Europe's finance ministers are gathering to discuss who should be
his successor. Why just the Europeans you might ask? Simple. Ever since
the IMF and the World Bank were created at the Bretton Woods conference
in 1944, there has been an arrangement - stitch-up describes it better -
under which the Europeans decide who should head the Fund and the
Americans pick the president of the World Bank.
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