Nifty McNiftington's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Nifty McNiftington's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, May 6th, 2004
    11:20 am
    Yo LA Nerdy Party People
    I saw this ad in the [info]la_geeks community:


    Dungeon Master The Play in NoHo
    Welcome to all Geeks and Mundanes. This audience participation show has been successfully running nearly 3 years in the L.A. Area.

    Dungeon Master is a role playing game staged in a theatre using real actors as the monsters and non-player characters. This is Live Action Role Playing LARP and MORE!! Each week, a new scenario is written which provides the framework for an adventure. The adventuring party is chosen from audience members who submit their name before the play starts. The party is supplied with costumes, foam weapons, the use of ten spells (which must rhyme), and given a task—which must be completed in the allotted time. Meanwhile, the rest of the audience can root for the heroes…or the monsters. In the end, it is you, the player who decides the line between reality and fantasy. It's your world, play it. Website

    DUNGEON MASTER's next shows are: The 1st and 3rd FRIDAY nights every month @ 11:00PM

    NEXT SHOWS Friday May 7th @ 11pm
    Friday May 21st @ 11pm
    Saturdays June 5th and 19th @11pm

    Starting June 5th DM moves to SATURDAY nights at 11p.m. Let all your friends know!
    Whitemore/Lindley Theatre Center, 11006 Magnolia Blvd., North Hollywood, CA.

    Due to the great success and the large audiences seating at the show will be on a first come basis. Ticket sales start at 10:30pm.

    $10 tickets, $8 if you come in a costume.


    What kind of nerd would go to a show like this. Yeah, you're right. I would. Anyone interested in going with me to the show on the 21st?

    I swear I have a girlfriend. No really, I do.
    Monday, May 3rd, 2004
    6:18 pm
    Amazon order arrived
    Which book should I read first?

    Which book
    The Confusion, by Neal Stephenson
    Winning Low Limit Hold'em, by Lee Jones

    The Confusion is 832 pages. It's the sequel to Quicksilver. Stephenson is one of my favorite authors, but I was disappointed in Quicksilver. On the other hand, according to the Amazon review, The Confusion focuses on the one character I really liked.

    Winning Low Limit Hold'em is 200 pages, and bound to be more technical and less enjoyable. It will, however, be more profitable to read.

    EDIT: Hmm, something seems to be wrong with the poll generator...
    Monday, April 26th, 2004
    11:15 pm
    (yoinked from the [info]la_geeks community)

    Who would win a fight between The Bride from Kill Bill, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

    Compare. Contrast. Debate. Argue. Call each other names.
    8:03 pm
    Movies I have yet to see
    In preparation for USC, I figure I should start seeing some of the famous/classic/critically acclaimed/great movies that I've gone my life without seeing. I went to the AFI lists of top 100 movies, top 100 comedies, and top 100 thrillers, and copied down the ones I haven't seen. There are 50 of the top 100 movies, 62 of the top comedies, and 43 of the top thrillers that I've missed.

    I trust ye all's tastes more than the AFI's, so I want to get your help on this. Which of these movies is it a complete travesty that I have missed? Which ones must I go out and see tomorrow, lest I be something less than a human being? And which ones just plain suck?

    I await your recommendations:

    Top movies I haven't seen )
    Saturday, April 24th, 2004
    11:27 am

    create your own personalized map of the USA
    or write about it on the open travel guide

    I'm not counting airport layovers. Unsurprisingly, I have flown over a lot of the flyover states.
    Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
    9:10 am
    Adventures with bananas
    As I was heading out to work today, I grabbed a banana for breakfast. Then I noticed a long brown stripe running down the side.

    "That's strange," I thought. "I've never seen a banana go bad in that way before." I dropped it in the trash and grabbed another banana. It had the same stripe on it.

    That's when I realized that the bananas were on top of the toaster oven. Which I had used last night.

    I'm dumb.
    Tuesday, April 20th, 2004
    5:04 pm
    I do a lot
    Come the end of August, I'll either be quitting my job or working part time. In preparation for this, the CFO asked me to put together a list of my regular duties/responsibilities.

    I spent the last 10 minutes writing down various tasks off the top of my head. So far, I'm up to 65.

    My bosses keep telling me how hard I'll be to replace. I'm pretty sure they're right.
    4:08 pm
    This reminds me of half my friends list:

    Libertarian Reluctantly Calls Fire Department
    CHEYENNE, WY—After attempting to contain a living-room blaze started by a cigarette, card-carrying Libertarian Trent Jacobs reluctantly called the Cheyenne Fire Department Monday. "Although the community would do better to rely on an efficient, free-market fire-fighting service, the fact is that expensive, unnecessary public fire departments do exist," Jacobs said. "Also, my house was burning down." Jacobs did not offer to pay firefighters for their service.
    Saturday, April 17th, 2004
    9:54 pm
    Dear Stephen Friedman

    On behalf of the Graduate Admissions Committee of the Division of Writing for Screen and Television, it gives me great pleasure to offer you a position in the Fall 2004 entering class. Due to the quality of the applicants, and the small number of spaces available, acceptance into this class has been highly selected. You should feel justly proud.

    Blah blah blah bunch of details...

    Howard A Rodman
    University of Southern California
    School of Cinema-Television

    [does the happy dance] I got into USC! I got into USC!! I got into USC!!!!

    Of those people going to the best screenwriting school in the country, I am among them.

    Woo hoo!

    On a related note, I got rejected from the UCLA MFA program, but I already knew that because they hadn't called me for an interview. But that doesn't matter because I got into USC!!!!!!

    w00t w00t w00t!!!!!

    Saturday, April 10th, 2004
    10:24 am
    Off to the South. Yee haw!
    I'm leaving for a week in Memphis and New Orleans. I'll have Internet access, but I probably won't be updating. Talk to y'all in a week.
    Friday, April 9th, 2004
    8:53 am
    Something I bet you didn't know about me
    I don't like hot coffee.

    Warm coffee, however, is fine and dandy.
    Thursday, April 8th, 2004
    6:10 pm
    Holy crap!
    I just argued with someone on the Internet, and he admitted I was right.

    Does this mean the apocalypse is coming?
    12:27 pm
    Busy busy busy
    My boss is on vacation. You might think this would be an opportunity for some quality slacking off time, except that I have an assload of things to do before I go on vacation next week. This morning I wrote up a to-do list. There are 17 items on it.

    So far, I've completed 3 of them. Time to go to lunch!
    Thursday, April 1st, 2004
    2:01 pm
    That wacky buff
    Anyone know who [info]mos_18c30vw3w9 pissed off this time to get suspended?
    Tuesday, March 30th, 2004
    9:18 am
    I just received an invoice at work from Savvis, formerly Cable and Wireless, formerly Exodus, formerly Digital Island, formerly Sandpiper.

    Seven years ago I hooked [info]greyface up with a job at Sandpiper, when they were a tiny fledgling dotcom that shared a HR person with the tiny fledgling dotcom I worked at across the street. It's weird that after so many mergers, acquisitions, name changes, and bankruptcies, they're still around.
    3:03 am
    Weird dream
    I just had a very bizarre dream, and I'm writing about it before I forget.

    In this dream, I was reading a post by [info]candid, who for some reason was in the Army and bitching about the stupidity of the new recruits. My perspective then switched to first person, in which I, acting as [info]candid in the Army, was participating in a war game. I mock-killed a bunch of rookies who were being incredibly stupid, and yelled at some more for being so stupid. Perspective then switched back to an LJ post, in which [info]phanatic, [info]ikilled007, and [info]ernunnos compared the tactics used by me/candid and the tactics used by the stupid people to a few famous historical battles. Then Candid described some idiots who were sitting on the treads of a moving tank, treating it like a playground ride.

    By the time I got to the end, the author had changed to [info]electricia, and the comments were discussing various mods to Doom/Quake like games. There was a general consensus that there should be a skin applied that lets everyone properly appreciate her beauty, but, in order to give people a sense of retro-satisfaction, has primitive graphics such that you can't tell the difference in texture between her skin, clothes, and the tank.

    No, that doesn't make sense to me either.

    Anyway, I'm going back to sleep. Hopefully when I wake up and have completely forgotten this, I'll have all sorts of interesting comments waiting for me.
    Monday, March 29th, 2004
    10:54 am
    Will you be my friend?
    Elicia and I have been talking lately about how we really don't have a lot of friends living in Los Angeles. And what friends we do have seem to keep moving away. (I wonder if that's some sort of subtle hint) The latest casualties are her non-LJ friends Stephanie and Jeff, who are moving to Austin, and my non-LJ friend Nate, who just got into Cornell Business School.

    If one or both of us feels like doing something and/or getting together with friends, there's only about 4 people we can call, and they're all people who are frequently busy or are homebodies.

    An additional problem is that somewhere between 95 and 99% of people fit into the category of people we don't like. Not that we necessarily dislike them. Just that we don't get any positive benefit from actively spending time with them.

    We've tried various things that haven't worked: The [info]los_angeles community is mostly full of people promoting their crappy bands and asking for hair stylist recommendations. Neither of us have met interesting people in any of the classes we've taken. Nobody at my office is friend material, and the two people at Elicia's office that she liked are the ones moving to Austin. We haven't made any friends through LA People Connection, though we did find a nice regular poker tournament. (Admittedly, we've only been to one event, and plan to go to more in the future.) Neither of us like bars or clubs, and we've never been able to meet people at them anyway. The friends of friends route is always a good way to meet new people, but I think we've fallen below a critical mass of first ply friends and thus won't have enough opportunities to meet second ply friends. The Objectivist Salon fizzled, and we didn't meet anyone through it that we'd really consider to be friends.

    But enough whining. What I'm really looking for are suggestions as to how we can meet people that don't suck. Anyone have any ideas?


    Update: I just glanced through some of the users in the [info]la_geeks community. After filtering out those who have unreadable journal formats, are whiny, are hipsters, were born after 1983, post poetry, are boring, or are just using the journal to coordinate leftist political activity, I'm left with... a few people who were already on my friends list. Great.
    Friday, March 26th, 2004
    12:00 pm
    Mario Kart DVDA
    I just got the new Mario Kart game, and it's pretty disappointing. They seem to have focused completely on the gimmick ("You can have two characters in your kart! It's twice as fun!") and haven't bothered making the game, you know, entertaining.

    I keep looking in the back of the instruction manual to see if there's some aspect of the game I missed, but nope. It just seems to be 12 not very exciting courses and a few battle levels. It's not as fun as Mario Kart 64. Not even as fun as the original Super Mario Kart. And it certainly doesn't compare to Crash Team Racing for the PlayStation. In that game, not only were there far more courses, but they were much more interesting. And there were a lot of fun ways to try to run them. (Normal race, a race where you also needed to collect hidden objects on the course, time trials that weren't just running around an empty track, but instead had special item boxes that would stop the clock, etc.) And you could unlock hidden courses.

    Even the gimmick in Double Dash isn't at all entertaining. All that having two characters really does for you is let you occasionally carry two items. Whoopdie-doo. The Monkey Race module of Super Monkey Ball lets you carry 3 items, and that was just an add-on to the main puzzle game.

    Have any of ye played Mario Kart? Am I missing some aspect of the game that makes it, you know, good?
    Thursday, March 25th, 2004
    2:02 pm
    Testicle Chins for Everyone!!!
    After a year of rumors, today's Variety is reporting that Family Guy is officially back in production.

    w00t w00t!

    New episodes will air on either Cartoon Network or Fox in early 2005.
    9:33 am
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