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User:caitlincore (570329)  
Location:Rahway, New Jersey, United States
AOL IM:AIM status wordswontwork (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Interests:126: !!!, 400 years, against me, air, alix olsen, alkaline trio, american football, american nightmare, apples in stereo, appleseed cast, art tatum, as friends rust, azure ray, barcelona, belle and sebastian, beulah, bikini kill, billie holiday, black heart procession, bob dylan, braid, bright calm blue, bright eyes, built to spill, camber, capn jazz, cat power, charles mingus, charlie parker, chick korea, coltrane, count basie, cross my heart, cursive, deathcab for cutie, denali, desaparecidos, dizzy gillespie, duke ellington, ella fitzgerald, elliott, elliott smith, erase errata, fugazi, godspeed you! black emperor, gogoairheart, hey mercedes, hoover, hopesfall, hot hot heat, hot water music, iron and wine, jaco pastorius, jason molina, jets to brazil, joan of arc, julie ruin, kathleen hanna, kind of like spitting, king oliver, le tigre, les savy fav, matt skiba, maximillian colby, mewithoutyou, miles davis, mineral, mirah, modest mouse, mogwai, neutral mik hotel, nico, oasis, owen, paulson, pavement, pedro the lion, pink and brown, planes mistaken for stars, pop unkown, portrait, pretty girls make graves, radiohead, rainer maria, rilo kiley, rites of spring, rocket from the crypt, saetia, saves the day, shotmaker, sigur ros, simon and garfunkel, son ambulance, songs: ohia, sorry about dresden, starflyer 59, stevie ray vaughn, sunny day real estate, sweetbelly freakdown, t(i)nc, ted leo, tegan and sara, the and/ors, the anniversary, the beatles, the casket lottery, the cassettes, the church, the cure, the faint, the flaming lips, the get up kids, the gloria record, the gossip, the police, the postal service, the promise ring, the rapture, the strokes, the white stripes, the wrens, the yeah yeah yeahs, thelonius monk, trembling blue stars, victor wooten, yo la tengo. [Modify yours]
Friends:97: 1020holly, _my_solace, _pillbox, abdicate, adidasred16, allhopelost, and_in_pieces, ant1social, atragicliar, avoid, bangdie, bigpurpleguy, bluecollarmoxie, booch, build_me_up, completedharma, destroythewall, edmcruski, egg2point0, elderlynimrod, electric_skies, emoly, emomixtape, erface, extensioncable, facevalues, fallenforyou, firedancer912, forcedfelony, getupkiddo, getwithit, glowwurm, good_riddance, gotsta_poop, heartatact, i_dig_scars, iamadork, ilikecoffee, imtheendofanera, infamousjessg, instapete, itallwillfall, jbgeek76, jerseyemo, juneair85, l24butrfli, la_scorcha, laurenlovesgc, lazer85, lillux16, lordsmaf, lovelystalker, mascowbell, mc_jesus, megaroni, myglock_yrface, myplasticyou, natalielenina, nfgfirefly, oh_kyle, oi_nj_scene, orangeiscool, pillbox, prologuetoasaga, rainisnice, readytofight, riggedandready, rubberlegs, seanwoodrow, sheenakadina, shining4u, snapher, something_elise, sorata, startatfirst, stephie, stormsandcalm, sweetxsugar, theagelast, themousie, tomorrowisdead, twentyxhorrors, untiedsocks, wastingmylife, whitdawg, withyoures, xdeathsprayx, xevilolivex, xkeelyx, xlivinginspitex, xmaggiesaysx, xunmotivatedx, xxcaedmonxx, you_robot, yourarienette, yumyumeatemup, zoeshdw
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