The Wayback Machine - was started to link all the news stories on Bush's plans for a draft, and provide a place where people can find non-biased reports and articles about the draft.

If you know of any news about George and his upcoming draft that I havent linked to anywhere, please submit them on the new forum. You don't need to register to post!

If you would like to help spread the message about Bush's draft plans, you can download an A4 sized flyer here

Many people question this website and its premise. Many people have said that they don't believe a draft will ever happen again. Believe me! There will be a draft in 2005 if Bush is not stopped. Click the proof button above and read some of those links. Only 44% of troops in Iraq have said they are going to re-enlist. War is dirty, demoralizing and its hard on the troops. And now Bush has cut veterans benefits! When you get injured you have to pay for your meals in hospital, some of our brave soldiers are living in such bad conditions, with such minimal supplies that many men are writing home to their families to get them to buy anti-biotics, boots, body armor and many other basic things. This is not a fun war, the men in Iraq are not having fun, they are demoralized, and the current suicide rate among our troops in Iraq is higher than it was during Vietnam, over three times the usual rate. This is NOT a war I want my friends or myself drafted to fight! And the men and women currently fighting it don't want to fight it either. With the threat of 56% of troops not re-enlisting Bush is going to need a draft unless he changes his policies soon.

I'm sure you agree, I'm sure you don't want your friends, family and coworkers drafted either. To fight for what? freedom? When George Bush passed the Patriot Act and now the Patriot Act 2 he took away many of the rights that we cherish so much. Why are we "bringing freedom" to the Middle East when Bush has shredded the constitution and taken away our freedoms at home? It doesn't make any sense.

Look at the other candidates for next year, Howard Dean is committed to freedom, while still fighting the War on Terror, as is John Kerry, Dick Gephardt and Dennis Kuchinich. Every single candidate from every party is dedicated to restoring the constitution, fighting terror efficiently (If you think Bush is winning the War on Terror look at the current spate of bombings! Look like a victory to you? Or look like he managed to piss off every Arab in the world by attacking an Arab country?) Frankly I don't care who I vote for next year, anyone but Bush. I can't take another 4 years with the prospect of him shredding our constitution even more, taking away more and more rights while spending hundreds of billions on wars. Money which could be used to fix our education system. Bush spent more on wars in 2003 than he has on education during his entire term!

Bush claims to be some sort of National Security genius. Why? Because he has done a good job of going to war on false evidence? For those who claim he has a good National Security record think about this: During Vietnam he dodged the draft, used his family connections to get a non-combat job in the national guard, skipping over 100 thousand men already on the list for the Texas National Guard and then he didn't bother showing up! Thats right! He went AWOL for 18 months! Do you really think a man with a record like this should have the right to send OUR kids off to war?

If you would like to help spread the message about Bush's draft plans, you can download an A4 sized flyer here

Cost of the War in Iraq
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