Monday, September 27th, 2004
9:04 pm - ^^ Yay! Candy!
Taken From Icelightning... ( Candy! )
Argh... Studying is so hard when you're sleepy...
^^ Shawn came home for the weekend... I'll write about that later...
current mood: sleepy
| Thursday, September 23rd, 2004
11:14 pm - Mourning...
Dr.No Murdered Tulli...
My sister is officially terrified of that fish... she couldn't sleep in the same room with it, so I had to move Dr.No to the living room.
I'm so sorry Tulli... =(
current mood: okay current music: Beastie Boys - Body Movin'
| Wednesday, September 22nd, 2004
11:41 pm - Update on Puff & Tulli
Puff is being a bum. So Tulli had to move in with Doctor No ^^.
10:23 pm - Hey Ya!
^^ Just waiting for Shawn to check the one for "Apology".
John Kennedy is ugly! (Not the president or his son. My LSD prof. Yes he has the same name and no he's not related to them.)
Oy. I got another fish! Neon tetra (red) ^^. It's so tiny and cute! I named it Pastullio (If you know where the name came from you get a cookie ^^)! Tulli for short =D. Although I'm quite scared to release it into the tank, I fear Puff is going to kill it... O_o. So I need to purchase a net from Wal-Mart.
current mood: accomplished
1:29 am - ...
So fuckin' pissed.
current mood: pissed off current music: Linkin' Park - P5shng Me A*wy
| Tuesday, September 21st, 2004
8:23 pm - Oy!
Miss Abby, Je suis tres confusee! =P Hence... the WTF!? *Hee!*
Logical Self Defence continues to suck! I dread going to that class. O_o 2:30 - 5:30!!! I'm quite thankful it only lasts one semester.
Other news: Shawn is coming home! *squee* Also, my uncle is coming in from California! *Yay! Shopping!*
It's my sister's birthday party on Saturday. O_o ack! Seven year olds! In my house! Apparently, my mom wants me to help with the festivities.
Grar... Must... Work... On... Assign... ment
An average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it.
Oh. Porcupines float in water. =D
current mood: working current music: Sum41 - Makes No Difference
| Thursday, September 16th, 2004
8:48 pm - Damn you LSD!!!
By LSD I mean Logical Self-Defence... =P
I fell asleep doing part of my reading for that course. It's Wishbear's fault. I've noticed the moment I'm huggin' that bear, I'm so sleepy! I can't help it! She's so cuddly & cute O_o!
Today was long. Last week we found our LSD prof so hilarious. Now he's so boring! Every other phrase that comes out of his mouth is either "Holy Shit!" or "Oh Fuck!". Dude. use them sparingly or find some other swear words to entertain us with! =P.
I'm thinking that the computer is going to have to move down stairs. Oy. Not too sure yet.
Anyways, going to feed Puff and continue reading now =P.
Hi... How are you I'm pretty fine. Your eyes are red, Well, I am tired. Please stay away from what is mine, Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...
current mood: blah current music: The Cardigans - Blah, Blah, Blah
| Sunday, September 12th, 2004
9:19 pm - New user pics ^^.

That is all.
current mood: amused current music: Linkin Park - PLC. 4 Mie Hæd
| Saturday, September 11th, 2004
7:12 pm
| Wednesday, September 8th, 2004
Well, college is going okay... BORRRRRING!
Abby came! Whee she finally got her timetable! We have the same classes except on Tuesdays and Thursday, we just have different lab times.
Oh, we tried to scam our theory prof.
Prof. Schwind: Okay, we are going to test your "intuition". Pick someone you don't really know, and make prediction about them regarding these questions I will post. Abby: Hey Kim, can you act? Me: Sure! Abby & Me: *fake it* Prof. Schwind: *walks over* Well, what were you right with? Abby with her bad hearing: I wrote with this! *holds up a pencil* Me: *cracks up* Prof. Schwind: No, I was talking about the predictions, did you get any correct? Abby & Me: Errr... Prof. Schwind: You two are friends aren't you? Abby & Me: Heh... *insert anime style sweatdrops* Abby: I thought she asked, "What did you right with?"
Yeah, she's got nursing intuition! LOL!
Then something really, really, extremely stupid happened today after theory.
Abby and I went to go check if the line up had died down at the bookstore, sadly it didn't. So, Abby needed to make a pitstop to the bathroom. So off to the bathroom we go. I was holding my course outline in my hand because it had the list of books I needed. The moment, I get into the stall, I'm trying to figure out where am I going to put this thing. I didn't want to put it on the floor, so I put my course outline on the toilet paper dispenser.
This is now where the stupid thing happens.
Right after I get up, I turn around and knock the damn thing into the toilet. Along with Neha's pen AND the pack of gum I JUST bought.
Me: NOOOOOOO! Abby: What happened!? Me: ... Abby: What? Me: STRUPID TOILET! I dropped the course outline into the strupid toilet! Abby: *is laughing her ass off now*
Heh, RIGHT before nutrition, I ran to Schwind's office and got another copy. She was highly amused at my mishap in the bathroom. =P I'll get Neha a new pen.
Oh, and Abby made me eat healthy veggies today. =P Schmaa!
Gah, 8:30 - 5:30 day tomorrow. O_o I'm going to hate Thursdays.
current mood: sleepy current music: Maroon 5 - Sunday Morning
| Monday, September 6th, 2004
10:22 pm - Great.
School tomorrow. Blah.
I've got mixed feelings about this one.
Still have to work on DUX Monthly stuff. I highly doubt I'm getting this pic in on time.
Still have some stuff to sort. Trying to figure out what crap I can bring and shove into my locker.
"As your leader, I encourage you from time to time, and always in a respectful manner, to question my logic. If you're unconvinced that a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest, tell me so, but allow me to convince you and I promise you right here and now, no subject will ever be taboo. Except, of course, the subject that was just under discussion. The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or American heritage as a negative is - I collect your fucking head. Just like this fucker here. Now, if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, now's the fucking time. I didn't think so." -O-Ren Ishii
current mood: blank current music: Seal - Don't Make Me Wait
| Saturday, September 4th, 2004
10:34 pm - Blank.
For the past few nights, I've been crying myself to sleep. Honestly, I saw this coming, but I couldn't stop it. Stupid Queens. Why does it have to be so damn far.
Last night, I went with Shawn and his mom to Ikea to pick up some stuff for his dorm. Also bought some bowls that looked pretty. Then had dinner at his house and watched The Ladykillers.
Shawn brought me home last night. He ended up staying for a lot longer than he thought he would be. My fault really. I couldn't help but cry for almost two hours about him leaving. I know it's only for a total of about six months, but it so hard for me to see him leave...
Went to Centreville today with Hazel's family. It was okay I guess...
Shawn came to drop off my yearbook and to see me one last time before heading for Kingston. I broke into tears almost immediately. It's hard...
I know it's just university. I know that he'll be back. I know that he'll call. I know that he'll be online.
It's so fuckin' hard...
I just want to curl up and cry even more.
current mood: heart-broken
| Thursday, September 2nd, 2004
2:09 am - I made a meme! Squee!
| Wednesday, September 1st, 2004
9:58 pm - I'm Funshine Bear! The fun starts here!
Eee! Shawn got me Carebear plushies! ^^ The yellow and the mint one! He went to my house, only to find I was at the college... So he came by and gave me the yellow bear ^^. Apparently, the mint one was at my house already =D.
Yesterday was orientation day at college... Gah it was sooo long! We found our for our labs in Health Assessment, we have to wear shorts and a tank top.
Abby & Me: Noooo! We have to shave our legs in winter!!!
We kept getting lost looking for the the lady we're supposed to hand our CPR certificates to. Stupid info people, even THEY didn't know where the room was.
After our stroll through the school, we went to Malvern Town Centre for some food. Big Mac day! =D Employee discounts rock!
Me: *orders* Abby, you wanted iced tea right? Abby: Yeah... *pauses* Wait... Me: =D Abby: I have money! Me: So? *pays* Abby: You're so Filipino!! *smack*
Also yesterday, my family went out for dinner with Shawn's family - minus the dads (our dads had work), at Swiss Chalet... All was good ^^. Then Shawn wanted to go for a movie after. We ended up watching The Bourne Supremacy. It was pretty good.
Went out with Shawn today, he got me an Aquapet! It's sooo cute!
Also, today I got fishies!!! I got a blue male betta (fighter fish) and a golden molly... Eee! The male bettas puffs up when they encounter another male and try to kill it. It's hella fun holding a mirror up to it =D.
*goes to play with the fish*
current mood: happy current music: Maroon5 - Sunday Morning
| Monday, August 30th, 2004
12:06 am - Well, well.
Work was quite entertaining... ^^.
At around 10pm, a group of four stupid teenage boys enter, head over to my register and all order at once. I'm standing there, telling them one at a time because I can't understand all of you at once. Eventually, after a few minutes, they get it through their thick skulls and order one at a time. Half an hour later, they were running around the store, shooting spit balls. So I yelled at the to stop and started mimicking me. Aww, how cute. Not.
Then I called Shoma, our manager for the night then they all ran out the store. However, they left their tables a mess. One of the idiots left behind a bag with wet swimming trunks. So, Shoma and I took and bag and threw it in the garbage. Why? Because we knew they would be back =D.
Stupid Guy #1: I left my shorts here. Me: Oh? You did did you? *walks away to serve another customer* Stupid Guy #2: He left his shorts here! We were just right there! Me: I'm with a customer at the moment. Besides, perhaps if you had cleaned up your mess, you would have found them. Shoma: *enters* Stupid Guy #1: I left my shorts here! Shoma: Well, we didn't see them. How are we supposed to know what your doing when you're dining in the back? Stupid Guys #3&4: *start shooting spit balls* Me: Stop that now before I call security. ALL Stupid Guys: *start complaining to the next customer* Next Customer: You guys are stupid. That's your problem. Stupid Guys: But... Shoma: Now get out of my store before I call security on your ass!
Haha, one of the best nights ever!
current mood: accomplished current music: Default - Slow Me Down
| Sunday, August 29th, 2004
2:57 pm - Delicate boy... In the hysterical realm...
^^ Garbage rocks.
Let's see, Friday, we went to the baseball game you can read what happened there in Shawn's LJ ( darkflake). Prior to that, Shawn opened up a new account at the bank, while waiting, I grabbed myself a sub from Subway. Heh, it was kinda- no, hella funny on the way back...
Shawn: *driving* Me: *eating* Shawn: *leans in* Me: ^^ *kisses Shawn* Shawn: No... I wanted a bite of the sandwich =( Me: ... Shawn: *driving* Me: Now you have to wait for a red light! =P Shawn: *sees red light* Yes! Light: *turns green* Shawn: GRRRR!
Heh, all the lights were green =D.
Saturday was my goddaughter's 2nd birfday! ^^ Aaaah she's so cute! I got her a yellow Care Bear plushie. I wanted it for myself =P, but she looked so adorable when she picked it up, snuggled it and started talking to it! If she didn't like it, I was gonna take it. Pah, now I gotta buy one for me...
My cousins and I took a "hike" through the park... We discovered how well I throw rocks at wood when I have issues. Oh, and speaking of issues, Bryan and I have the same dislike towards someone! Then played some volleyball, then ate and ate and ate.
Later, I stayed and Hazel's for a bit, watching MXC! Then Paul, Hazel and I got hungry, but they had no food. So when my parents arrived we were fed ^^.
That's pretty much it. Off to work I go in 2 hours!
current mood: sleepy current music: Garbage - Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go!)
| Wednesday, August 25th, 2004
10:50 pm - *plops*
I am so exhausted.
Well, walked over to Revi's house to find that she was watching "Drag Queen Idol II" on Ricki Lake and that her younger brother Joel keeps taking everyone's clothes! *falls over laughing*
I was just sitting there then I noticed he was wearing a pink t-shirt, then I saw penguins on it. I thought to myself, Where have I seen this before? Then it hit me. Dude. That's his mother night gown. Apparently, he likes it because it's big and loose... Riight *LMAO* Oh, and a big nasty moth flew inside the house. Joel has a pet now =D.
So by 11:30, Revi and I strolled over to Hazel's house and Paul just got home. Then off we went to Ikea!
Saw so much stuff we'd like but can't afford... Well, maybe I could but I still have to fix up my room and see what I reeeally want.
Lunch was so cheap! Eee! Fifty cent hot dogs! Hot dog and drink combos only $1.25 and FREE refills! Haha, I paid for lunch. LOL it came out to $4.01!
Later, we waited for the damn bus. It took so long... we could have just taken the free shuttle bus from Ikea to the mall. Eventually, it did arrive.
Walked around, looking for sales. Bought a new halter-top dress at Dynamite, only $15! To think, I was going to buy it back in June when it was $35 =P. Auntie Vivian picked us up and got Revi her new glasses. Then Hazel and I headed over to my work and had lunch =D. McDeal's rule and they rule even more with employee discounts =D.
Boardwalk Shoes is having a sale! Buy ONE get THREE free! Too bad I have too many shoes already =P. Headed over to Hazel house after to find that her mom got free stuff at work! Eee! She gave me tons of perfume samples: Givenchy, Oscar De La Renta and more! Also some new lip glosses and hair care supplies ^^. We ate some more, then played some tennis at the recreation centre. I have gotten better! Whupah! I don't suck!
So now, I am at home and really tired... *STILL* sorting out closet.
current mood: exhausted current music: Maroon 5 - Sweetest Goodbye
| Tuesday, August 24th, 2004
11:02 pm - Whupah!
I'm not blind! My prescription only went up by 0.5! Yaay!
Went out shopping today, bought some school supplies: binders, paper and snackies XD!
Afterwards, went to Revi's house for dinner and I also got my hair done =D.


Going to Ikea tomorrow then Fairview Mall, Hazel, Revi and I are going to go crazy with the digi cam - again! Bwahaha!
Off to clean and draw!
current mood: happy current music: No Doubt - Sunday Morning
| Monday, August 23rd, 2004
11:12 pm - I'm weird. You guys already knew that. =D
I did laundry today, and it felt good ^^. My room is also a lot cleaner than it was last week, and I feel even better =D.
Goin' to the optometrist tomorrow, and now I'm freaked. Pah, she always get me nervous because I know my prescription is going to get higher. Phht. If I didn't wear contact, who knows how thick my lenses would be. Buuut, I do feel a hella lot better knowing that I have friends who have higher prescriptions than I do. I know, I'm horrible =P.
John rocks! He told me at the managers meeting they asked who they feel should get a promotion and he mentioned me! Eeee! LOL 'Cause I'm Kim Possible!
Well onto more cleaning, and then Shawn is coming over. Yaaaay!
current mood: bouncy current music: Northern State - Girl For All Seasons
11:41 am - Coffee or Tea?
Taken from Emily ^^.
Heh, I got two results for this one.
Buzz buzz, I am Coffee flavoured.
I am popular in the workplace, even though I am often bitter. I am energetic to the point of being frenetic; buzz buzz, out of my way. I tend to overwork myself and need periods of recovery time. What Flavour Are You?
Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.
I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?
Going to work at three. Worked back yesterday again, yay! Now if someone calls in sick, I can take their place for that position.
So now I'm going to draw and do some laundry.
Going to Ikea on Wednesday with Hazel! Yaaay!
Oooh AND I got my timetable for school! I get a three day weekend! YAAAAAAY!
current mood: artistic current music: No Doubt - Trapped In A Box