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User:anti_manifesto (654444) anti_manifesto
Name:I can't believe it's not sXe Christian hardcore
About:For all lovers of the one, the only, animal-friendly . anti-fascist . gay-positive . and pro-feminist band: Propagandhi.

Can YOU believe they're not sXe Christian hardcore?!

Questions, comments, concerns - Contact [info]beforethiszero
Interests:83: 1984, activism, activist, ad busters, anarchism, anarchist, anarchy, animal farm, animal liberation, animal rights, animal-friendly, anti-capitalism, anti-fascist, anti-government, anti-homophobia, anti-manifesto, anti-racist, anti-religion, anti-terrorism, anti-war, atheism, bisexual rights, bisexuality, bisexuals, bowling for columbine, boys don't cry, chris, collectivism, collectivist, crimethinc, daniel quinn, dumpster diving, feminism, feminist, fuck the border, g-7 welcoming committee, gay, gay and lesbian studies, gay rights, gay-positive, george orwell, homosexual rights, homosexuality, homosexuals, how to clean everything, i spy, inside front, ishmael, jeanette winterson, john k. samson, jord, killthemanwhoquestions, lesbian, lesbian rights, less talk more rock, malefaction, matthew shepard, mondragon cafe, noam chomsky, peta, peter singer, philosophy, politics, pro-feminist, propagandhi, punk, purina hall of fame, roof hopping, shoplifting, the laramie project, the weakerthans, thrash, today's empire tomorrow's ashes, todd, trial, undying, vegan outreach, veganism, waking life, winnipeg, women studies, women's rights, zines. [Modify yours]
Members:70: 40wattsofbroken, _at_sea_, absintheaddict, allgeekslut, anewpoetry, antiglam0ur, apology, atlas_shrugged, beforethiszero, bemydestruction, bloodiedupxo, boxbox, boyfunk, cutyourhair1, davidtiffany, deathsquad, deesse_thanatos, defythenorm, dontprayonme, drunkskunk, dustinarson, euge, exploding_heart, foldedpagesfade, foulmouthedpixi, fullupofyou, godlikerc, hopoffthewagon, intensify, ispy, jade68, jadedfreak, jdm5k, jimmypunkass, kaaron, kane5187, karina, kirstobol, koneko_kami, leftovercracker, lesskelter, miss_laurenski, misslucky13, mixedmetaphors, mold_, ms_absinthe, pekingspring, punktothecore13, quinecht, reluctantorchid, retro_ascension, ribbon_stairs, sdf, secret_agent, sewage, sixcents, skanky_mcstevo, starbellyboy, superbrava, terralphasia, thebeej_hustles, toolateforme, turkish, twiggy_twee, uses4safetypins, veryproudofya, xaxisofevilx, xlorinx, xriotx, youwereintheair
Watched by:42: 40wattsofbroken, anewpoetry, antiglam0ur, atlas_shrugged, beforethiszero, bemydestruction, cutyourhair1, davidtiffany, deesse_thanatos, defythenorm, dontprayonme, drunkskunk, foldedpagesfade, foulmouthedpixi, godlikerc, ispy, jade68, kaaron, kane5187, karina, kirstobol, leftovercracker, miss_laurenski, ms_absinthe, pekingspring, quinecht, rated_pg13, reluctantorchid, resist_stance, retro_ascension, sdf, secret_agent, sixcents, skanky_mcstevo, starbellyboy, stinkycore, thebeej_hustles, turkish, twiggy_twee, uses4safetypins, xaxisofevilx, xsmokinfoolsx
Account type:Free Account

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