Purple(rabbits) Prose Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Purple Rabbits" journal:

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June 7th, 2004
11:28 am
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You know, people underestimate the value of a good ramble
The weekend got off to a bad start when I got shamingly drunk on friday night after work and was then very ill on Saturday morning. In fact my body didn't really forgive me all weekend, so I'm going to be not drinking for a week or so to recover.

In spite of this I managed to do a number of fun things, including The Meadows Fair where we got a microscope, a bunch of minerals including the lodestone I've been looking for for the past year, a video of The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, a couple of CDs and a couple of 50p books (Teach yourself Dutch and The Starlight Barking, which is the insane sequel to 101 Dalmations). Oh, and Sandy got a beannie facehugger... Then I went to The Elephant House with Sandy and met up with Paul, which took Sandy by surprise, since he didn't know Paul was in town. We looked at crystals with the microscope in the coffee shop, which seemed like a very cool and very Edinburgh thing to be doing...

Anyway, I had good chats with Paul, and incidentally got web and mail going on the Treo as well as succumbing to the moblog thing. You can now see my phone pictures at [info]rabbits_photo, in case you care.

I did go to Gigantor briefly, but left early when it became clear that my body wasn't going to cooperate. I did get to show Paul The Forest on the way there though, which was cool, especially when the offered by left over nachos to someone else when I couldn't eat them - where else will do a thing like that?

And Sunday I sat round in heaps and read Orange County (Kim Stanley Robinson, very good), and saw Paul and Alex and Jon, and slept. Mmm, sleep.

Current Mood: mellow
Current Music: Johnny Cash: Carter USM

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June 6th, 2004
05:25 pm
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Awooga awooga
Yes, and now I'm posting by mail from my Treo while sitting in front of my computer at home. Does something strike you as wrong about this picture? (And yes, it is sunny outside)

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04:35 pm
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Posted on the Treo with GPRS. Very silly...

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May 31st, 2004
11:45 am
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Open your ears or tentacles or whatever orifice it is you listen with
Well I did less socialising this weekend than I intended, but on the other hand I did a lot more useful stuff, and got a bunch of stuff off my to do list, which was worth doing. So now I have a floor I can see again, and sound surround that works, again, and I've actually sorted out the several piles of random papers that were lying around on assorted surfaces - woo!

Also managed to watch Secretary, which was cool, even though it didn't feature enough of James Spader doing sex for my personal needs. I was pleased that I found the whole creepy employer issue a lot less icky than it might have been, largely because Spader came over as fucked up and (hence) vulnerable.

Meanwhile, watching certain people on my flist is a bit like watching a car crash in very ve-ry slow motion, but do I have the willpower not to read them? Not unless I can find another more enjoyable way to waste my time at work...

Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Sad: The Playboys

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May 25th, 2004
03:37 pm
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I know of one sure curative for brainlock. Natural. Organic. Drugs.
Yes, I saw the final episode of Farscape last night; so now I, too, can join the legions of angry fans who want to know how the hell they were planning to get out of that one. There is allegedly a mini series in the offing, but I'm not holding my breath. Boo! Hiss! to the SciFi Channel...

Meanwhile, I had a lovely weekend doing very little with Soph, bravely looked at my finances and realised that I have to live on thin air for a while, sold a corset (which helps), bought cheap stuffs at LiDL, made salads, and generally felt better. Sunlight is good for me.

Current Mood: apathetic
Current Music: XTC: Hang on to the night

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May 20th, 2004
04:21 pm
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My soapbox, my pulpit
I hope that everyone noticed that the last post was exactly 200 words long - I pasted it into Word to check just so it would fit the title.

And to answer my own questions:

Web comic: I currently read Dilbert, Doonesbury, W00t and Sinfest through LJ and Diesel Sweeties separately since the feed seems to be defunct. The only obscure one I can recommend is Hello Cthulhu which is sort-of-weekly-ish.

Classic Literature: I think The Moonstone is somewhat under-rated

Witty Writing: Neil Gaiman's A Study in Emerald is great if you know your Holmes.

Thoughtful writing: Jared Diamond's Why do some societies make disastrous decisions.

Legal MP3 - I use and endorse Epitonic. They have Spiritualized and No Means No as well as a heap of more obscure stuffs.

Salad: I'm at a bit of a loss here, since I like ready packed Caesar salad and have yet to make anything from scratch that I like as much (or can be bothered to make).

Famous LJ people include Warren Ellis, Charlie Stross (well he's getting there), JWZ and Momus. Other famous type blogs I read are Noam Chomsky, Ken Macleod, Bruce Stirling, Neil Gaiman and William Gibson who sems to have stopped. Most of the links are in my info page, if you want to add them.

Current Mood: bored
Current Music: No More Mosquitoes - Four Tet

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12:34 pm
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Two hundred words. We live in hope
The other thing that I should have said in my previous entry is this. I should not assume that just because I suddenly feel like crap on a stick it has to turn into a whole depressive episode. Yesterday felt so like the start of a month of awfulness, but today I'm sort of OK; not great, but some of the doomladenness has lifted. So, in the interests of feeling alright, here are some random questions which I would turn into a poll, but then it's a bugger for me or anyone else to read the answers...

To cheer me up and help me waste my time, can you recommend: a web comic, a classic piece of literature that might be available free online, a piece of witty or thought-provoking writing online, a legal MP3 and a way of making salad nice.

Who's the most famous person you know of on LJ? Can you recommend any famous-ish people with LJs or blogs with LJ feeds to me?

And I leave with this thought that occurred to me last night and seemed important enough to write down before it fled:

Narcellipsy = putting '...'s in your posts in your sleep. Ithankyou

Current Mood: Working on it
Current Music: Water Song (Dream Mix) - Momus

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May 17th, 2004
12:16 pm
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I have Dragel's Mobile. If anyone knows how to contact him other than on his mobile can you tell him? I'll be in tonight if he wants to pop round...

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11:28 am
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In heaven everything is fine
Well that was less of a party and more of an At Home day, but it was no less fun for that. Between 2.30pm and 2.30 in the morning we had about 20 folk including: [info]nickys, [info]skx, [info]hfnuala, [info]chillies, [info]keyeto, [info]dragel23, [info]atropinesulfate
[info]gnomatron, [info]selectnone, [info]akicif, [info]kisin, [info]cairmen and two friends of Hugh's whose names I am embarrassingly forgotten (I think one was an Alex?) As usual the LJ user names outnumbered the non-LJers including Gav, Justin and a late and very loud Andrew W, who I got quite angry with. Still, any party where topics of conversation range from fullerenes to the Kama Sutra has to be good. And there was Sangria and Peach Spritzer and rhubard crumble and cookies and slightly dangerous pakoras and stuff. And I found some lovely bread that Tara had made that I'd completely failed to notice and had it for breakfast today, which was a nice surprise.

Current Mood: chipper

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May 4th, 2004
11:15 am
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Giants and fairies and strange effigies, sacred and artificial trees
Beltane was awesome. I kept meaning to do a full write-up over the weekend, but didn't get round to it and don't have time right now, but in brief - we handled the crowds, we looked superb, the Air Point crew were cool and made me very welcome and I did the monkey song with them. Fire Point put on a stonking show as always, the drums got right into my gut, all the naked painted people were gorgeous, and just - wow. I didn't take anything stronger than a wee tot of rum before coming off the hill and I still got the full on high I've had in previous years from major poly-drugs. Participation is highly recommended.

The club was also very fine. I got to hug and kiss many people and got at least four proper snogs, including one full on floor show one with a nearly naked air girl... mmm pretty blue tits...

Current Music: Elvis Costello: Clown Strike

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April 30th, 2004
06:40 pm
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I'm building a fire, a flame for always
Everything is going to be alright.


I now have another rabbit called Coinnin.

Change of plan for tonight is that I am now at the Air Point and joining the LHS of the procession from there. This is because I can't safely get down the big fucking steps from the Parthenon with my short little legs. This is OK, though, because I get a Role.


Thunderbirds are go.

Next year's god will be Mercury.

*heads off to get face painted*

Current Mood: energetic
Current Music: James: Destiny Calling

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April 29th, 2004
03:42 pm
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Incense and peppermints, the color of thyme
Brief update for which I technically don't have time...

Good things

The council has lifted the impractical and unnecessary alcohol ban on the hill at the eleventh hour. Huzzah! It's still no glass containers, which is probably wise...

I have Good Hair. It's full of red and purple and conditioned to fuck. I like it.

I only have just over an hour to go and then I don't to go to work again till Tuesday.

[info]lolliepopp is coming!

My magic Beltane plans are coming together ;-)

Bad thing

One of my eye teeth broke in a really dramatic way yesterday. I am going to need a crown, which I can ill afford. £150! and that's the NHS price. Thing is I no longer trust my dentist, and she's the only NHS dentist in the practice. I have no idea how much it will cost to go private, but I wouldn't be surprised at double that. I have no idea what to do. I have an ugly but roughly effective dressing in now, though, and I am NOT going to think about it till after the weekend.

Current Mood: excited
Current Music: Personality Crisis: New York Dolls

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April 28th, 2004
11:07 pm
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What vision is left and is anyone asking?
There is a good survey about your views on legal marriage up at http://www.freecfm.com/r/rjharding/questionnaire.cfm - it's for someone's dissertation and is quite well worded: though it only allows you to describe one of your relationships it does allow you to list the relationship as "open", is open for all genders and sexualities and has a "bisexual" box.

My answers turned into a fairly accurate summary of my views on marriage... here they are )

Current Mood: thoughtful

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April 27th, 2004
02:43 pm
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On the neon, neon side of town
Wow, I'm still happy and I've been sleeping fine for the last week. I'm full of food after Monster Mash with [info]nickys, and I feel like I've achieved loads of stuff. Look wot I've done!
or you could skip it, cos it's dull )

Current Mood: good
Current Music: Kalifornia: Fatboy Slim

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April 26th, 2004
09:27 am
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The koala, the echidna And the platypus too says
I am a happy, contented and unworried rabbit: make a note in your diaries.

So there I was yesterday afternoon, wearing trousers and a sleeveless top, shouting and clapping and doing the Hokey Cokey with 200 people on top of Carlton Hill in the bright bright sunshine. I am very grateful to Zander for the factor 30 sunscreen which means that today my skin is only mildly dry in spite of being up there for four hours.

The walkthrough went well, with only a couple of obligatory snarls to sort out. It was really good to see everyone up there to do their bit and when the drummers first started I had a brief flash of tears thinking "wow, I'm part of this!" Yes, I think it's gonna be good.

And working backward on Saturday I had a whole bunch of people come to my flat to cut and paint and sew laces on tabards. Irene measured and ripped through cloth with very professional confidence and made us enough pieces for the hoods, most of which have now been put together (thanks be to Wundaweb).

All this and a happy Friday in with Jon, a Saturday night curry followed by K Jackson's, and a pleasant salad and stroll and chat with Pavlos yesterday. Am pleased.

Current Mood: sunny
Current Music: Sons of Pioneers: Japan

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April 23rd, 2004
04:13 pm
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They'll see my work in a different light when I go
I was not equipped to know how to care
And on the occasions I came up for air
I saw my life and wondered
what the hell I had been living

Ah well, at least that decision excuses me from giving a shit in future

Or in other words - yergh. At least I don't ache right now, but I do feel far too much up to my eyes in stuff (and not all of that stuff is torchie costume fabric, though lots is).

I expect I'll feel better when I get out of work, but today has been a real drag, and I don't have a free day until next Saturday, when I will be falling over...

Current Mood: Yergh
Current Music: Where is my mind? - The Pixies

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April 21st, 2004
09:47 am
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Who's that yonder all in flames?
I ache all over: I feel as if I've been put through a tumble drier in the night. And I have no idea why.

So yesterday I succeeded in making the health and safety briefing, which almost had the effect of putting me off altogether, but to be fair health and safety often does that and I suppose that not setting fire to people is marginally more important than checking your computer plug every month in case it has miraculously got frayed. I am annoyed though that there will be no secure area for performers to leave bags. It means I have to carry everything in my pockets, but then how am I to carry my money when I go to the club?

How many of you lot are going to go to Beltane anyway? Or to the club after? If you ask nicely I can get you tickets for the hill (they cost £3), which would please the organisers as they need some money up front. I don't think it's possible to get you tickets for the club in advance, but it costs a fiver, just so you know.

Current Mood: sore
Current Music: The Killing Moon: Echo and the bunnymen

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April 20th, 2004
01:45 pm
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The giant killer bee landing on my knee says
We're thinking of holding a pot luck/party on May 15th - does anyone know of anything we'd be clashing with?

And are there any good clubs any of you'd recommend apart from the Beltane after party? I like boppy techno or trad goth or alternative 80s, but not super bleepy goth or terribly banging techno at the moment...

And in the longer term, since I am unlikely to be at either BiCon or Whitby, what should I do with my holidays? I'll be taking a week for Amsterdam in September, but I'd kind of like to arrange to see people from far away at some point. Are there any mega London parties gigs or music festivals you'd like to recommend?

Current Mood: calm
Current Music: World Shut Your Mouth: Julian Cope

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April 19th, 2004
11:10 am
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There's a groan, there's a cough, there's a rustle of cloth
Two announcements

Today is New Moon, so I'm opening applications for a new god for next year. Any god who wishes to be considered should apply at the usual address. Gods of money, luck, affordable houses and health are especially encouraged to apply.

And this week is Nick Cave week. Be afraid.

Current Mood: hopeful

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April 13th, 2004
12:24 pm
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Shiny happy people
That was a good weekend (of course the length of it helped...). I am told that my tendency to post only when I'm down is scaring people off (and reading some of my recent entries I can kind of see why), so in the interest of balance here is a run down of my good long weekend... feel the niceness )

Current Mood: chipper
Current Music: Floorshow: The Sisters of Mercy

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