Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "poly".
105 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in poly. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
00ramxoid - ©¿©¬ Ramxoid
aekajin2 - aekajin2
aela_j - Drunk on Mango Blood
aiela - Angie Burke
aiyume - AiYume
ajdelmorte - ElfShot
akshuman - Amy Shuman
alem - Alem
alexiswolfgang - Alexis
allendt - Allen Thompson
alwayssinful - alwayssinful
amara_m - Amara
amazon_waryr - amazon_waryr
ambar - Ambar
americanrajah - Jon Rosen
amzngjen - amzngjen
andrianna - Kiss of Death
angelicentity - Herb
angelovernh - AngeloverNH
anhedonias - Damaged Beyond Repair
annaoj - dr. annaoj
antigoneschase - Nori
archangel2003 - Ariotofpassion,joy,and,infinite,merriment,inmysoul
arianrhodstorm - Ari
arielspirit - Shakespeare Jubilee
arlon - The Buck stops here
askmamaliz - mama liz
atlantagajoe - Joe
autographedcat - Rob
autumnlaughing - Kat
awfulhorrid - Fred 'Barbarian' McDonald
azteca - Azteca
bearsir - Bear
belgiandom - Alain
bensong1 - bensong1
beowabbit - Beowabbit
beyondbliss - Indigo Is Not In The Gray Area
bigfatwolf - Gordo Lobo
binaryathena - Athena Bifurcate
bjorker - Kayla P.
black_reaver - Funk, E.
blackpage - Black Page
bluejade - BlueJade
bodgirl - Feesch!
brian1789 - Brian
brighn - Paul Kershaw
brigideire - Kathleen
briseis - Briseis
brittany_femme - brittany_femme
brzrabbit - Janra
bujew - Bujew
bytepilot - Duke Euphoria De'Gryn
canuckgirl - Clearly Canadian
catbirdgirl - Web/Catbirdgirl/Robin
catnyp - Mo P.
cay3nn3 - non-sequitur
cbeveridge - Chris Beveridge
cemeterygates - Delilah
charliesvixen - SultansSlaveGirl
chelona - Turtle
cheshcat - Chesh - BraCatFigment Extraordinaire
chouette - Sheila Arnold
chown_me - grep_me chmod_me chown_me
chrisla - Chris LaPlante
chrisv - Chris
citore - Citore
claudialioncour - Claudia de lioncourt
cloudancer - Greg
cmkprismatic - cade
coginthenose - Karina n'ha Shaiha, et al
commlal - Faith
coquii - coqui.
coracaskia - Peregrin
corrupt_kitkat - Katharsis
cortejo - Ina Morata
crazedcamel - Xenos Makellares
cronan - Ivan Cronyn
cuddlycthulhu - Renfield
cunninglinguis7 - 0r41 10v3r
curlygrrrl - Ruth Lawrence
cynan_poly - Cynan (Keith)
cz_unit - Musings from the CZ unit
d_rider - D-Rider
daddie - Daddie
daerkannon - Daerkannon
dagibbs - David
dalek - Marek
dalious - Dalious
daltong - Dalton Graham
damashita - inanna
dancingdeer - Dancing Deer
dangerine - mysterious baselope
darkanamcara - DarkAnamCara
dead_saint - DeadSaint's Angst Machine
deathbringer - Mike
desertdawg - Curious Traveler
dgreywolf - D Greywolf
dietrichn - dietrich
divergence - I'll Never Tell
dl_dafydd - Dafydd the Diaper Lover
dlynightshade - dlynightshade
dmason - D!
dom_mm - Dom MM
domdepot - DomDepot
dominanefret - Love As Thou Wilt
donegoneawry - Kiss My Wild Irish Ass
dragontdc - DragonTDC
dramaticpause - Your Corn Forest Spondent
dubhtaobh - Darkside
dubie - Dubie
dyanearden - Diane de Arden
earthymamawitch - Earthymamawitch
eather - Heather
eck - Iain
effrontery - effrontery
ejde - ejde
elflet - elflet
elfric - Lee
elliottmall - Elliott
enchantedwahine - Enchantewahine
esapphire - Elspeth Sapphire
evildman - Michael
evilgeek - Evil Geek
evultreefrog - Evul Kerry
ewx - Richard Kettlewell
faey - Faey
fairyceltic - Fairy Celtic
farmount - Nightshade
fayster - fayster
femery - femery
feychick - cipher
flowergal - Flowergal
forbidden - Forbidden
ftalex - Xela
fumblingwisdom - heirophant
futabachan - Sue
galeogirl - The Predator Femme
garybear - gary jacobson
gay_ga_dave - Dave
gement - Mana Gement
giasdarkrside - GIA
giulianna - giulianna
golemkennels - golemkennels
gomory - Thomas Dantalian
gori11a - Gorilla
gothboy - Gothic Man-about-town
goukipoo - Goukipoo
gryphinenchaine - Gryphin and enchaine
gwynnethsmith - Berenjena
hagboo - hagboo
handyscandal - handyscandal
happilymyself - Happily Myself
heathersub - Heather the Queer Femme Princess
hegotgame - He Got Game
hippiegeek - Michael
hlw - Howard
huddyn - Huddyn
inki - Peppermint
isarma - Sarah
ivyvigne - Seven Inch Alex
jackconstantine - Mr. Constantine
jaketherake - Jake The Rake
jasonhollister - JasonHollister
javagoth - Tammy
jaye_nick - Buzzboi
jazzminarino - Jess Balk-Huffines
jbutch - Genderbent and rambling
jenx - JenX
jes5199 - Alec Hidell
jgryphon - Gryph
jhulten - J Hulten
jimweasel - Jim Murdoch
joecaloric - A.J.
joetriadj - Joe
johns_life - Superman John
joyflgrrl - Jolene
jupitercornwall - Brian
ka_haku - Ka`haku Pôpoki`o`mauna
kabbit - Trenton
kaliclysm - the girl your mother warned you about
kalmn - betsy
karenbynight - Kathleen by day
khatru - amqueue
khavren - Khavren
killmeperfect - kill
kilsharion - Kilsharion
kitminx - Kit
kitty_goth - Kitty
kocho - Ivory
koshka3 - Koshka
krez - Elliot
kslave - Kslave
kyttin - Kyttin
laan - Sara
ladyamanda - Amanda
ladypeacem - LadyPeace
lambentmoonbeam - Mo-licious
lasirenadolce - La Sirena Dolce
laurens10 - laurens
lavablu - Karnage Kitty
lazuli93 - lazuli
leatherdykeuk - Rachel
leatherskyn - LeatherSkyn
legalmoose - Commissioner Moose
letsgetpissed - uberfallz
lil_pixie - lil pixie
lina70 - lina70
lisawolf - Lisa Wolf
littlefrogling - lady blue
llamachameleon - lamacar to carry on shoulder
loitl - Loitl
lolitasir - Lolita
lordbear - Bear
lostkayla - Kayla, The lost
lovingboth - Ian
lustkenabe - Speedy G
lytlwlf - Lytlwlf
mactavish - Mary
macthud - Thud. Mac-Thud.
malacat - Anne
mariposa_libre - Princess Hope
marybelle - Mary Tinsley
mattlistener - Matt Listener
mavreela - mavreela
maydela - Shannon
mekanikalangel - LilRivetGirl
melinika - 'Nika
mischievousmile - Try to Make Everyone Smile
missk - Kim
misstessa - misstessa
misstracy - Tracy
missyinchains - Missy
mommydomme - Empress Wu
moonchildshadow - Moony
mopecat - Harris
morebang - Foogas
morebanglesmoke - Foogas
morgananduin - Morgan Weiss
mouser - Mouser
mpoetess - The Scourge of Something Or Other
mrtrystan - Trystan Angel Reese
msbehaving - Kitty
much_ado - much_ado
mugafuga - sean
musichetta - Musichetta
mycroft - Mycroft
mythicalenigma - Golden Dragon
mzrowan - Rowan
nachtegal - Nachtegal
nadeera - nadeera
naesa - Kait
necromimesis - Umsteigen
neeuqdrazil - La Zie
nephrozym - nonstandard deviant, living just to find emotion
nigel_hawthorne - Mr. Nigel
noressa - Noressa
northbard - The Trollish Bardboy
nullfate - nullfate
nytemare1456 - nytemare1456
onecheshire - Kate
oneonthehill - OneOnTheHill
oscuridad - Oscuridad
ostia_malaise - Ostia Malaise
ottawaluc - Luc
ottercat - Matt Williams
ozgolith - Ozgolith
paganmommy - Ethel
pandemona - Stephen
panzerwalt - Just Another Day
papabearyg - (Papa)Shahn
paralysedforce - Eyes I Dare Not Meet In Dream
patgund - PatGund
peregrinegray - Peregrine-Tselem
phoenix_glow - phoenix_glow
phoenixology - Ben
photomoviegeek - BigBoy
pieman - Simple Simon
pinupfemme - Cherry Shameless
pir - Peter
plautus - Old Man Sean
pliny - Pliny
pollyportland - Polly Obeah Cimmeron
polybayarea - SF Bay Area Polyamory Community
polybook - Josh's book on polyamory - a work in progress
polyfrog - The Archangel Shemp
poppywill - PoppyWill
pornstargirl - PornoYummie
ppkt - Viktor
prideleader - Master Simba
princessnetters - Princess Netters
prjt2501 - Project2501
prophyt - Paul
psy - Psy
psychonautilus - Mr. Research
psylphpdx - psylphpdx
puddlediving - Lana
purple_terror - fubar
puzzld1 - puzzld1
pyrodocs - PyroDocs
queerfemmedyke - Queer Femme Dyke
questioner - seeker
quinnclub - The World Headquarters of the Verb
rabbitorf - Rabbit
rainbowk - Rainbow
rampallion - Phaedra Rampallion
ravenboi - This Bird
ravenonyx - RavenOnyx
ravensbreath - Raven
razorstarlight - cruxstar
retcon - dj.retcon
riff_77 - riff_77
rishkintyre - Tyre
rivermyst - RiverMyst
romeodemon - Romeo Demon
rooster - Rooster
rustedwrists - rock and roll killing machine
sameyeamsez - ★♀☠Fairy Dyke Riot☠♀★
sarahpender - emilyshadow
satikat - satikat
scorpionturtle - scorpionturtle
sea_gaagii - Grizzly Weinstein
secretsevarg - Secrets Evarg
seorgia - Murasaki Ten
serenejournal - Oakland's Finest
sexyjoodles - Judy Ledford
shadowsslave - Shadow's jayde
shadowwolf13 - ShadowWolf
shaktiboy - Phoenix
shazear - Shazear
shazzawriter - Maria
shelxev - shelxev
shipofools999 - The Gina
shrubera - shrubera
silver_hawke - Silverhawke
simonb - Simes
sionnagh - Sionnagh
sir_mark - sir_mark
sirenscall - sirenscall
slave_workbook - annissa
slavekahi - kahi's slave journal
snake_tongue - snake_tongue
snowfoxxe - Snowfoxxe
southernstyle - Falstaff
spikeylady - Jessamy Barker
spydrr - Spydrr
srenka - Sabrina
starrmoonchyld - Starr
starstraf - Star Straf
stonebender - Guy, the lizard boy
subverse - annissa
sueboston - Sue
sultan - Sultan
suniedays - suniedays
susanoftheq - SusieQ
sweetkahi - sweetkahi
swisscelt - SwissCelt
switchbit - Switchbit
swtvixen - Swt Vixen
talek - T. Alexander Popiel
tallizen - Tallisen
tanac - Tracey
tavalon - Terri Avalon
technomom - Cyn
telynor - harper
terrilyn - Terri Lyn
tgt - The Good Twin
tgwarrior - michael munson
thaisa - Thaisa
thanos73 - James
the_geoffrey - the_geoffrey
the_magician - The Magician
theboynamedwolf - Vuk
thechick - the Chick
theirfaeriegirl - TheirFaerieGirl
thewhitegoddess - Guenevere
thurisaz - Jack THorn
timuri - timuri
tmonsta - Tamara
tnkgrl - Max (Myriam)
tonyawinter - Tonya Winter
tormenta - Cara
triadj - Amy & Deedra
triple_entendre - Triple Entendre
triplemare - Mare
truejabber - punk chick's geek man
truenight - Nikki Knight
trybonun - Atl_is_me
tsiankiio - Tsiankiio
tsukata - TsuKata
ubiquity - Pace
ultramarine - ultramarine
unehepginagal - sixteen, clumsy and shy
unitzero - Proto Type
urbanbard - UrbanBard
vadriede - vadriede
valkyrwench - Ali
vexen - Vexen Crabtree
violetvixen - Skyfae
voltbang - Secret Agent Man
walbourn - Chuck Walbourn
wanderingangel - Wanderingangel
weare - We are who we are
webbitch - webbitch
who_is_she - LilRed
willabark - Willow
willj - Will
wiredferret - Wired
wish4love - JM
wishfire - Robert
worldforger - Lord of the Underpants
xauenmurph - the contingent mutation
xmurf - neuro
yesthattom - Tom
ysabel - Ys
zammis - Zammis
zaratyst - Laura
zelda_the_satyr - zelda_the_satyr
zhaneel69 - Zhaneel
zsquirrelboy - Chaos Pope