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8, 2003
Bush's War on Non-Citizens
Review of David Cole's Enemy Aliens
With Enemy Aliens, David Cole offers us a compassionate
and compelling book about the U.S. government's discrimination
against aliens since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
Cole is a law professor at Georgetown University Law School and
legal affairs correspondent for The Nation.
Cole's thesis in Enemy Aliens also serves
as a warning: Americans should worry about the way their government
treats immigrants, for it is often a precursor to the way it
will treat its citizens. Quoting Justice William O. Douglas,
Cole reminds us that while it is easy to be aware of creeping
oppression, and difficult to fight it, "[W]e all must be
most aware of the change in the air...lest we become unwilling
victims of the darkness."
Cole's Background
As an Attorney: A Primer on Persecution
Cole finds the root of today's witch-hunt
in the Cold War. To explain the parallels, he discusses several
cases in which he represented defendants alleged to be communists.
In the 1980's, Cole represented Margaret
Randall, who faced deportation for advocating "world communism."
He explains how, then, immigrants who fit the "red scare"
profile were targeted for discriminatory prosecution and deportation.
The government's modus operandi was: Target, snoop, charge, and
Since 1987, Cole has been involved in
the case of the "L.A. 8" -- seven Palestinians and
the Kenyan wife of one of them. The government claimed that they
were associated with the Popular Front for the Liberation of
Palestine (PFLP), an organization that advocated "the doctrines
of world Communism."
Time and again, the government sought
to deport the L.A. 8, but federal judges found no cause to justify
deportation. (Under the McCarran Act, those involved with an
alleged Communist organization were eligible
for deportation. But in 1990, Congress repealed the McCarran
Later, FBI Director William Webster admitted
that his agency never found evidence of criminal or terrorist
activity. Yet, according to the Immigration and Naturalization
Service district director who authorized the deportations and
whom Cole interviewed, the FBI insisted on deportation proceedings.
Cole argues that the same tactics used
against Randall and the L.A. 8 are now being repeated. Those
who seem "suspicious" -- then, Communists; now, Muslims
and Arabs -- are targeted. Then the government makes every effort
-- and invokes every possible pretext to deport them.
Ironically, since Cole's book was finalized,
two of the L.A. 8 have once again been arrested. They are charged
with supporting "terrorism," based on their past association
with the PFLP - and the government is again trying to deport
Cole told me that the new charges are
based upon portions of the immigration laws that were amended
as part of the USA PATRIOT Act. The charges are also bolstered
by the fact that -- in a 1996 opinion penned by Justice Antonin
Scalia, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Comm. v. Reno -- the
Supreme Court has sanctioned the selective enforcement of immigration
laws in unspecified "extreme" situations.
Guantanamo: A Flashpoint
in the War on Noncitizens
As even the cover of Enemy Aliens indicates,
the situation at Guantanamo Bay is a major focus of Cole's book.
The cover bears one of the first photos of the prisoners held
there. It is a depressing sight: Clad in orange jumpsuits, brown-skinned
men wearing hats, goggles, and masks are kneeling on the ground,
with their hands tied together in front of them. Leaning over
them is an American military man in camouflage.
President Bush designated the over 650
Guantanamo prisoners "enemy combatants" -- as opposed
to prisoners of war, who would be entitled to the protections
of the Geneva Conventions. The government has taken the position
that the "enemy combatants" -- captured mainly in Afghanistan
and Pakistan two years ago, where they are alleged to have been
fighting for the Taliban or Al Qaeda -- are not entitled to attorneys,
or even to hearings to determine if they are being wrongfully
Some day, these men may be tried before
military tribunals, but it is unclear when that will be, and
what protections, if any, the tribunals will afford them.
Cole points out that those who believed
this treatment would never have been applied to Americans have
been proved to be very wrong indeed. To the contrary, American
citizens Yaser Hamdi and Jose Padilla have now been declared
"enemy combatants" as well. (Hamdi is alleged, but
has not been proven, to have fought for the enemy abroad; Padilla
is alleged, but has not been proven, to have conspired on U.S.
soil to aid terrorists in procuring a "dirty bomb.")
As a result, both men are being held,
to this day, in military prisons. Neither citizen has been charged
with a crime. Neither citizen has been afforded access to a lawyer.
And when these two U.S. citizens finally go on trial -- or face
military tribunals -- the government may prosecute them based
on "secret evidence - "proof" that they will never
have the opportunity to challenge because they won't know what
it is. So much for limiting civil rights infringements to aliens
Witch Hunts and Deportations:
The Fallout of September 11
Besides the treatment of "enemy
combatants" -- both citizens and noncitizens -- Cole's other
major concern is post-September 11 immigration proceedings.
Immediately after September 11, the government
rounded up of thousands of Arab and Muslim men. It held them
without charges and without access to attorneys or their families
for far longer than the law allowed.
On October 21, 2001 the USA Patriot Act
was enacted. It sanctioned law enforcement holding immigrants
without charges for seven days. But -- as a report by the Inspector
General of the Justice Department has since revealed -- men were
held months at a time. And many faced physical abuse in the local
jails where they were held.
Finally, many were deported -- after
closed hearings -- for minor infractions of immigration law that
prior to September 11, would have been entirely overlooked.
According to the Inspector General's
report, not one of these men was even charged with an act of
terrorism. Cole argues that this is hardly surprising: "[W]hen
the government uses the immigration process to get a 'terrorist,'"
he notes, "you can be "fairly certain that it does
not have the evidence that the individual has actually engaged
in or supported any terrorist act."
In this context, it seems absurd that
Attorney General John Ashcroft and his Department of Justice
have touted such deportations as evidence of fighting and winning
the "war on terror." Actually, this is more like a
war on immigrants.
An ugly conclusion cannot be avoided:
The U.S. government is using the "war on terror" as
a justification for selectively targeting and prosecuting foreign
nationals from Arab and Muslim countries, virtually none of whom
have ever been remotely involved with terrorism.
The Strategic Argument,
and the Human Rights Argument
Cole criticizes all of these tactics
as both strategic and human rights failures.
From a strategic point of view, Cole
argues that if the U.S. indeed has reason to believe that terrorists
are lurking in Arab and Muslim immigrant communities, then it
ought to work with the communities to identify the threats. Instead,
however, it has discriminatorily targeted these ethnic groups
for selective prosecution for immigration violations.
The result, Cole says, is a loss of goodwill
among these communities. And that loss, he contends, will have
a long-term negative effect both on the war on terrorism, and
on our relationships with Arab and Muslim communities both here
and abroad.
Cole deftly presents the legal issues
that abound in the treatment of immigrants post-September 11.
Granted, he concedes, the Supreme Court has long allowed -- at
least since Johnson v. Eisentrager -- the differential treatment
of alien fighters captured on the battlefield abroad. But that
ruling does not extend to aliens who are not fighting against
the U.S. And that may be the case with respect to a significant
number of those still on Guantanamo. Moreover, it was certainly
the case with those illegally detained after September 11.
The Bill of Rights generally refers to
"persons," not citizens -- a significant choice since
other parts of the Constitution (such as eligibility for the
Presidency) depend on citizenship. It suggests that citizens
and noncitizens, as equal persons, should be treated the same
-- not differently.
In the end, though, Cole's most passionate
argument is moral and constitutional, rather than legal. It is
that the way the U.S. government has treated immigrants is morally
and constitutionally wrong. Indeed, Cole argues that the only
morally acceptable option is a simple one: to treat them as human
beings entitled to the same fundamental rights as citizens. But
the U.S. government, especially since September 11, has fallen
terribly short of this ideal.
This moral argument should be justification
enough for changing the government's policies. But Enemy Aliens
also emphasizes another reason for doing so: The historical truth
that constitutional and human rights violations, though they
begin with immigrants, will not end with them.
Cole's valuable book is a must-read for
anyone interested in the profound legal and governmental changes
the U.S. has seen since September 11 -- and, especially, for
anyone concerned about the harms those changes have inflicted
on civil liberties.
Elaine Cassel
practices law in Virginia and the District of Columbia, teachers
law and psychology, and follows the Bush regime's dismantling
of the Constitution at Civil
Liberties Watch. She can be reached at:
Edition Features for Oct. 25 / 26, 2003
Saul Landau
Bono? The Cuba Embargo as Rip Off
Noam Chomsky
Empire of the Men of Best Quality
Midge Decter and the Taxi Driver
Brian Cloughley
"Mow the Whole Place Down"
John Stanton
The Pentagon's Love Affair with Land Mines
William S. Lind
Bush's Bizarre Korean Gambit
Ben Tripp
The Brown Paste on Bush's Shoes
Christopher Brauchli
Divine Hatred
Dave Zirin
An Interview with John Carlos
Agustin Velloso
Oil in Equatorial Guinea: Where Trickle Down Doesn't Trickle
Josh Frank
Howard Dean and Affirmative Action
Ron Jacobs
Standing Up to El Diablo: the 1981 Blockade of Diablo Canyon
/ Hermach
Liar, Liar Forests on Fire
David Vest
Jimmy T99 Nelson, a Blues Legend and the Songs that Made Him
Adam Engel
America, What It Is
Dr. Susan Block
Christy Canyon, a Life in Porn
Greeder, Albert & Guthrie
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