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City Lights Publishers Forthcoming Books
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Forthcoming books from the City Lights Publishers Fall/ Winter 2003 & Spring/ Summer 2004 catalog.
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Written in Water -Luis Cernuda
Ingrid Caven -Jean-Jacques Schuhl
Globalize Liberation - David Solnit
No Man's Land -Eduardo Antonio Parra

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Written in Water Written In Water:
The Collected Prose Poems
by Luis Cernuda
Translated from the Spanish by Stephen Kessler
Available May 2004
ISBN 0-87286-431-6
Paperback original, 128 pp

Prose poems by one of Spain’s greatest poets

While Cernuda’s verse is vivid testimony to various aspects of his biographical itinerary, it is in his prose poems that he traces more explicitly an outline of his life’s journey. Reviewing this work, Octavio Paz wrote: "In these memories and landscapes, in these notes toward the history of his sensibility, there is great objectivity: the poet doesn’t set out to fantasize, or to lie to himself or anyone else. He attempts only to illuminate, with an almost impersonal light, something very personal: a few moments in his life. (But is it truly ours, this life we live?)"

Luis Cernuda (1902-1963) was one of the leading poets of Spain’s Generation of 1927, which included Federico Garcia Lorca, Rafael Alberti, and Jorge Guillén.

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Ingrid Caven Ingrid Caven:
A Novel
by Jean-Jacques Schuhl
Translated from the French by Michael Pye
Available June 2004
ISBN 0-87286-427-8
Paperback original, 250 pp

Winner of the Prix Goncourt 2000

A novel about the life of German cabaret singer and film actress Ingrid Caven, who was once director Rainer Werner Fassbinder’s star, and his wife, muse to Yves Saint Laurent, and a protégé of Pierre Bergé. Consisting of memories, mixing real and invented people and events, Ingrid Caven reveals the cold heart of the European counterculture of the 1970s, an era of celebrity glitz, cocaine-fueled excess, gay bathhouses, and young idealists-turned-terrorists.

Jean-Jacques Schuhl is a Parisian dandy who lives with Ingrid Caven and who had not published a book for twenty years until this one. Ingrid Caven was an immediate bestseller in France where it sold over 235,000 copies in its first year of publication. It has been translated into seventeen languages.

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Globalize Liberation Globalize Liberation:
How to Uproot the System and Build a Better World
edited by David Solnit
Available June 2004
ISBN 0-87286-420-0
Paperback original, 248pp
100 b&w illustrations

A post-9/11 look at the new radicalism that has captured the imagination of activists worldwide

The attacks of 9/11 have renewed a hunger for insight into what is wrong with the present global order and for ideas and analysis about how to effect change. The strategies and hard-won victories of dedicated activists from global justice and community struggles can provide vision and hope, and in this collection of 33 articles and essays, we hear first-hand accounts from North America, Europe and Latin America.

In recent years, a new radicalism has inspired hundreds of thousands of protesters worldwide to flood the streets in an effective challenge to the global economic system. Yet, rarely is this radicalism clearly articulated or widely circulated. Globalize Liberation aims to deepen, popularize, update and provide concrete practical ideas for this growing spirit of resistance and innovation.

Contributors include: Betita Martínez, Starhawk, Walden Bello, Naomi Klein, Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Midnight Notes Collective, Chumbawamba, and more.

David Solnit was a key organizer of the 1999 anti-WTO protests in Seattle. A twenty-year veteran of global justice, anti-war, environmental justice, and community struggles, he has worked to popularize the use of direct democracy to build mass movements in the United States and globally. He is a founder of Art and Revolution, which has helped popularize the use of art, street theater and giant puppets as an innovative form of resistance in numerous movements across North America, and from Israel and Palestine to Argentina. He is a trainer in grassroots organizing, direct-action strategy, and street theater. He lives and works as a carpenter in Oakland, California.

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No Man's Land No Man’s Land:
Selected Stories
by Eduardo Antonio Parra
Available August 2004
ISBN 0-87286-429-4
Paperback original, 144 pp

Stories from northern Mexico, the apocalyptic urban zones and desert landscapes just south of the border

In the no-man’s land of Mexico’s far north—harsh desert landscapes, bruising border towns, urban wastelands and fantastical rural villages—migrants, campesinos, and travelers find themselves lost between reality and delirium, tragedy and exaltation.

Ten stories with an unflinching gaze onto the fragility and brutality of life: A tabloid journalist tracks a pair of homeless lovers; a blackout extinguishes the lights of Monterrey, unleashing anxieties and criminal tendencies; a visiting teacher in a remote village witnesses a brutal incident of vigilante justice; a desperate young boy crosses the border in search of a father lost to the North.

"Eduardo Antonio Parra's short stories fill the void between traditional Latin American literature and the best new writing from south of the border. His exploding visions from desert landscapes lead us on journeys where there is no turning back. Whether our location within his world is pin-pointed or not, these vibrant texts are more lethal than the most accurate map." — Ray Gonzalez, author of Touching the Fire

"These tight stories could be photographs taken from the lurid pages of Alarma!; they depict the scarred face and psyche of modern Mexico, a country filled with casual violence and mindless rage. In a style reminiscent of Juan Rulfo’s classic work The Burning Plain, Parra gives voice to the new underdogs of Mexican society—the petty clerks, disillusioned workers, transvestites, brujos, and vengeful campesinos—and we hear their cry for a long time after." —Alejandro Murguía, author of This War Called Love

Eduardo Antonio Parra (León, Guanajuato, 1965) is the author of two collections of stories, Los límites de la noche and Tierra de nadie. His stories have received numerous national prizes, including Mexico’s National Prize for the Short Story. They have been published, along with his essays, in various journals and magazines in Mexico. This is his first publication in English.

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