is a grassroots organization using science and activism to reduce hazards to public health and the environment from industrial and radioactive pollution.

High-level nuclear waste will be stored at North Carolina nuclear plants for decades.  NC WARN is advocating safer storage methods that reduce the risk of a catastrophic fire from accident or attack.  The Shearon Harris plant in Wake County has the nation's largest waste cooling pools.  Also, a series of reactor emergencies have made Harris one of the nation's most troubled nuclear plants.

Left: A nearly full spent fuel pool.   Click for more Info


See the consequences of a spent fuel fire



25 Years After Three Mile Island, Industry-wide Problems Increase

NC WARN joins citizen groups across the nation this week observing the 25th anniversary of the Three Mile Island meltdown.  Just as the industry and the NRC pretend that Three Mile Island didn’t hurt anyone, they are pushing the deception that U.S. plants now are safer than ever.

Below are several key pieces of information that refute that dangerous mindset: 

Admiral Hyman Rickover deeply regretted persuading President Carter to suppress “alarming” information that TMI was “infinitely more dangerous than was ever made public.”   

"In May, 1983, my father-in-law, Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, told me that at the time of the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor accident a full report was commissioned by President Jimmy Carter. He (my father-in-law) said that the report, if published in its entirety, would have destroyed the civilian nuclear power industry, because the accident at Three Mile Island was infinitely more dangerous than was ever made public. He told me that he had used his enormous personal influence with President Carter to persuade him to publish the report only in a highly 'diluted' form.  The President himself had originally wished the full report to be made public.  In November, 1985, my father-in-law told me that he had come to deeply regret his action in persuading President Carter to suppress the most alarming aspects of that report."

Jane Rickover, Toronto, Canada. July 18, 1986.  (notarized statement)

 "In 2003, the industry saw the highest number of safety system actuations since 1995, the highest number of scrams while critical since 1996; the highest precursor occurrence rate since 1991; and reported the highest [generating] capacity factor in history. The reason that capacity factors are at record levels and safety is dropping fast is related to the first item -- the NRC is prioritizing business at the expense of safety.  If NRC keeps it up, they are going to kill somebody." 

David Lochbaum, Nuclear Safety Engineer at Union of Concerned Scientists   March 2004

Testimonials from residents living near Three Mile Island:

3 Mile Island Cover-Up:  Dr. Rosalie Bertell's Signed, Notarized Statement, 1998

High doses of radiation may have injured people living downwind of TMI, scientists at UNC-CH say:

Refuting the NRC on causes and consequences of the TMI accident, March 2004:

Continuing Problems at Shearon Harris in central NC:  a new summary from NC WARN:
Continuing Safety Concerns at Shearon Harris

Latest News:

Activists ask Progress Energy CEO to Correct Dangerous Flaws, Fire Violations at Nuclear Plants; Nuclear Regulatory Commission Castigated for “Regulatory Malpractice” 

In the past year, the Shearon Harris nuclear power plant near Raleigh has had eight systems failures, along with nine fire violations and two industry-wide design flaws – any of which could lead to a catastrophic loss of cooling water.  The nuclear watchdog group North Carolina Waste Awareness and Reduction Network (NC WARN) has urged Progress Energy CEO William Cavanaugh III to order correction of systems failures and design flaws at all Progress Energy plants, and to acquaint the public with the company’s plans to do so.
Continued... - View the Letter

Group Praises Orange Co. Commissioners for Success on Nuclear Waste; National Implications Cited in Officials’ Extraordinary Move to Protect Public

Environmentalists formally praised the Orange County Board of Commissioners and their political allies this week for helping persuade Progress Energy to stop a major expansion of radioactive waste storage planned for the Shearon Harris nuclear power plant.  The shift in plans will eliminate the risks of transporting “spent” fuel rods to Harris – the nation’s only such shipments – and  lower both the probability and consequences of a disastrous waste pool fire at Harris. 
Continued... - View the Letter

Report released: Bush administration degrading national security to protect financial interest of nuclear energy industry; Calls Bush administration rhetoric “Orwellian patriotism-for-profit”

In the George Orwell classic 1984, the monolithic security state called “Big Brother” combined “doublethink” with “newspeak” to create doublespeak, where “peace” meant “war” and “love” meant “hate.” A new report from the North Carolina Waste Awareness and Reduction Network (NC WARN) shows the Bush administration using “homeland security” to mean “homeland security neglect” when it comes to the giant energy corporations that run the ill-protected nuclear power industry. The administration’s “security for sale” mentality could result in an unprecedented radiological catastrophe.
Continued... - View Report

Awards For 2 Big Victories

On Saturday night, before a crowd of over 200 supporters, environmental group NC WARN recognized two area leaders for their years of work on issues currently in the news. 

Homeland Security: “Nuke Plants are Suicide Hijacker Targets”; Watchdog Group: 70 Light Aircraft Stolen in US Could Be Used in Attacks

DURHAM, NC – A new report by the US General Accounting Office says 70 general aviation aircraft have been stolen in the United States within the last five years.  A watchdog group warned again today that small planes packed with explosives are a threat to nuclear plants, and could represent a “poor person’s Cruise missile.” 

Dump Days Fade

A Long Road to Win Environmental Justice
The Warren County PCB Landfill 1978 to 2003

Energy Bill Defeated For Now

NC WARN members helped defeat the atrocious Bush/Cheney energy bill in December, but it's back again.  Keep abreast of the latest at
Public Citizen's energy action page


Contact NC WARN:
North Carolina Waste Awareness and Reduction Network
2812 Hillsborough Rd. // P.O. Box 61051
Durham, NC   27715-1051
Ph: (919) 416-5077 // Fax: (919) 286-3985

Copyright (C) 2004 NC WARN, All Rights Reserved Worldwide