The Latest
March 29, 2004 -- Destabilizing
Investment in the Americas II, co-authored by Nadia Martinez
of SEEN, shows
that the billions in taxpayer money is being used to support destructive
fossil fuel projects throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
March 22, 2004 -- Report
from a Rainbow-Covered Rome Phyllis Bennis reports
from the March 20 Italian peace march.
March 21, 2004 -- Profiting
from the war
by Jim Vallette of SEEN
in the Bangor Daily News
March 16, 2004 -- Talking
Points: The Iraqi Constitution & Events in Spain by
Phyllis Bennis
March 16, 2004 -- Rebirth
of a nation by IPS Senior Scholar Norman Birnbaum.
In the aftermath of the Madrid bombings, the election in
Spain changed the European dynamic in the war on terror. From
(Non-subscribers can get a free day pass by viewing some advertising.)
March 12, 2004 -- Impeachment
and the Imperial President by Marcus Raskin
When should a president and officers of his government be impeached?
When should Congress move to initiate impeachment proceedings against
a sitting president? This question is raised more times than it
is answered.
March 5, 2004 -- Toward
a Progressive View on Outsourcing by Sarah Anderson
and John Cavanagh from The
March 1, 2004 -- New Report: Over-Emphasis
on Military Spending Short-Changes National Security
Defense/National Security Experts Call for Unified National
Security Budget, from Foreign
Policy in Focus
February 26, 2004 -- Lessons
of European Integration for the Americas by Sarah
Anderson and John Cavanagh. A new study that
compares the EU integration approach with the model of the North
American Free Trade Agreement. These alternative ideas are particularly
timely, given the deadlock in talks on the Free Trade Area of the
Americas and in World Trade Organization negotiations.
February 23, 2004 -- "The
Policies and Pathologies of the National Security State"
by Marcus G. Raskin and A. Carl LeVan.
Chapter 1 of In Democracy's Shadow. A comprehensive collaborative
study on the National Security State was conducted by Marcus Raskin
over seven years. The volume to emerge from it is edited and written
by Raskin and Carl Levan. It will be published in 2005. (PDF
file, 563kb)
February 17, 2004 -- Security
For Whom? by IPS Senior Scholar Norman Birnbaum
February 2-7, 2004 -- Free Speech TV featured
John Cavanagh speaking on Alternatives to Economic Globalization.
for when you can catch the program on the Dish Network, or to
order the video.
January 31, 2004 -- Cities
for Peace presents Shape the Debate, Detroit:
January 29, 2004 -- Talking
Points: The U.S. Begs for UN Backing in Iraq by Phyllis
January 21, 2004 -- IPS State of the Union responses:
January 9, 2004 -- FPIF's
special "The Progressive Response" e-zine on Petropolitics
January 6, 2004 -- C-Span
coverage of the National Summit on PetroPolitics. Participants
discuss "Big Oil's Role in the Political Process" and
"Domestic Subsidies and the Energy Bill."
January 6, 2004 -- PetroPolitics
conference report is now available online
January 6, 2004 -- Terry Lynn Carl answered questions
on the ways in which our nation's dependence on oil impacts the
economy, foreign policy, human rights and the environments in a web discussion.
January 5, 2004 -- Steve Kretzmann was the guest
on a
web discussion about the PetroPolitics Summit.
December 18, 2003 -- Factsheet
on the NAFTA Record: A 10th Anniversary Assessment By
Sarah Anderson and John Cavanagh
December 15, 2003 -- Saddam's
Arrest Raises Troubling Questions By Stephen Zunes
for Foreign Policy
in Focus The capture of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein
by U.S. occupation forces is likely to result in one of the world's
most brutal tyrants of recent decades finally facing judgment for
his crimes against humanity. Unfortunately, Saddam's capture will
not likely improve the situation for U.S. occupation forces or for
those seeking justice against war criminals.
December 10, 2003 -- Critique
of the Geneva Accords by Phyllis Bennis for
the U.S. Campaign to End Israeli Occupation
December 1, 2003 -- Solemn
Commemoration of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian
People Trusteeship Council Chamber, United Nations, New
York, Remarks by Phyllis Bennis
Conference -- El caso Pinochet: Lecciones de
30 años de una lucha transnacional contra la impunidad. 14
de noviembre 2003, Santiago, Chile: Papers
and program; Pictures
IPS's Iraq index
Upcoming Events
March 31, 6:00-8:00 pm -- Columbus
Shapes the Debate: Cities for Peace Townhall Forum for the
People's Platform 2004 at the Columbus Metropolitan Main Library.
See Columbus Fact Sheets on Housing
and Health.
New Publications
The Genius of American Ideals By Marcus G. Raskin
"Martin Luther King said, 'The curve of history
bends towards justice.' In Liberalism Marcus Raskin gives
us a long glance down that road. He too has a dream, for which he
offers a hopeful, yet realistic roadmap. . . Liberalism is
a rare combination of deep insight, apt anecdote, and genuine concern
for others--a wonderful book."—Congressman John Conyers,
Jr., (D-Mich.) (Read
more reviews)
PRE-EMPTIVE EMPIRE: A Guide to Bush's Kingdom by Saul
Landau. From Pluto Press.
Saul Landau covers everything from terrorism and US
foreign policy to Bush's wondrous election victory; from Enron,
Chile and Pinochet to Cuba, the Middle East, the IMF, the environment
and sexual and cultural politics, with wit and gravitas, and makes
a ringing call for citizens to participate in making their own history
Trip: U.S. Unilateralism and Global Strategy After September 11.
In Power Trip, editor and Foreign Policy In Focus advisory
committee member John Feffer collects the work of leading legal,
geopolitical and cultural analysts in one comprehensive volume.
Power Trip charts the new terrain of foreign policy after
September 11 and is one of the first book-length critiques of this
fundamental shift in U.S. foreign policy to consolidate and extend
U.S. global control. The result is an unerring appraisal of this
tumultuous moment.
Read excerpts: An
Alternative to Empire By John Feffer and
Miriam Pemberton on Alternet. Also Racism,
Exploitation and Neglect: Bush and Africa By Martha
Power Trip from
Video -- "Stand Up Rise Up: February 15th
2003 The United for Peace and Justice Rally" -- For information
on how to order this video, go to:
IPS Alumni Network
building an alumni association to help connect former staff, interns,
and board members with one another and with the current work of
the Institute. Join.