To The Point

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Monday, December 01, 2003

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Sunday, November 23, 2003
In my more psychotic moments, I find Ann Coulter hilarious.

Ann Coulter: The party of ideas

You know, it's quite possible that a substantial portion of the American power structure elite has subscribed to the values of a low level personality disorder. Coulter is cruel. At least my friends chide me for going over the line. Her friends must be like, 'Ann, your last column urging people to murder Democrats had a sort of literary charm. More brain truffles, anyone?'

Saturday, November 22, 2003
Shorter David Brooks

"When liberals argue for gay marriage, it's because they are into stupid immoral things like civil rights. When conservatives are for gay marriage, which they don't do enough, it's because they are moral and good."

Now, how does the salacious homoerotic detail mongering of the conservatives, the man-on-dog commentary, fit into this schema?

Friday, November 21, 2003

Thursday, November 20, 2003

This is damn cool.

And ya know, violence is bad, yada yada, and I hate war, and all that, and force should be used as a last resort, and but this is really neat. And useful in killing bad people.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Bosnia: Time for Europe to Step Up

We're leaving Bosnia to put more resources into Iraq. It would be great if the Europeans would take over for us, and help keep the country secure. Yeah, we did bad in Iraq, but that's no reason to sacrifice where we did good a few years ago. Bosnia. Well, I guess you could say that helping us in Bosnia would give an incentive for us to continue bad behavior, allowing us to offload our responsibilities to others so we could concentrate on dominating the rest of the world.

You could say that. But, really. Come on.