Article: Alarm over sending U.S. jobs overseas is misguided. The practice provides more benefits than costs, argues Daniel W. Drezner in the May/June issue of Foreign Affairs. More
Interview: Former Council President Leslie H. Gelb says that, for the first time since the 1972 Nixon-McGovern race, foreign policy will take center stage in a presidential election. More
Meeting: Political journalists E.J. Dionne, Jeff Greenfield, and Mark Halperin discuss foreign policy and the race for the presidency. More
Meeting: James Lindsay and Max Boot brief Washington reporters on foreign policy in the race for the White House. More
Meeting: Top pollsters and political strategists discuss the role of foreign policy in the 2004 election. More
Meeting: Senator Kerry calls for a foreign policy that is "collective, not imperial" and says Iraq reconstruction should be turned over to the United Nations. More