Campaign website More foreign policy statements

Campaign website More foreign policy statements

Wesley Clark
Howard Dean
John Edwards
Dick Gephardt

Bob Graham
Joe Lieberman
Carol Moseley Braun

Dennis Kucinich
Al Sharpton


Article: Alarm over sending U.S. jobs overseas is misguided. The practice provides more benefits than costs, argues Daniel W. Drezner in the May/June issue of Foreign Affairs. More

Interview: Former Council President Leslie H. Gelb says that, for the first time since the 1972 Nixon-McGovern race, foreign policy will take center stage in a presidential election. More

Meeting: Political journalists E.J. Dionne, Jeff Greenfield, and Mark Halperin discuss foreign policy and the race for the presidency. More

Meeting: James Lindsay and Max Boot brief Washington reporters on foreign policy in the race for the White House. More

Meeting: Top pollsters and political strategists discuss the role of foreign policy in the 2004 election. More

Meeting: Senator Kerry calls for a foreign policy that is "collective, not imperial" and says Iraq reconstruction should be turned over to the United Nations. More