Below is information about the "We Don't Need No Steenkeeng Smileys!" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | dot_cattiness (457516) | |
Name: | We Don't Need No Steenkeeng Smileys! | |
About: | Important safety tip: Do not drink any beverage while reading dot_cattiness. You may want to remove all beverages from your household before reading some posters's contributions. You have been warned. Now, go read the community for a bit. I'll wait. Notice something? People post bitchy --perhaps one might even say "catty"-- rants (hopefully, amusingly rants, but amusing is in the eye of the beholder) about whatever they want. Notice that: Whatever. They. Want. Their parents. Their job. Their lover. Their ex-lovers. The previous post. The previous poster. Whatever. They. Want. So. If you think that you can't deal wth that sort of community, keep on moving. If you find that sort of cattiness refreshing and uplifting in its own twisted fashion, come on in. The only rule is "If you are going to dish it, be prepared to take it in return." One final note, a quote from one of the greatest curmudgeons of all time, H. L. Mencken: "Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong. All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who have doubted the current moral values, not of men who have whooped them up and tried to enforce them. The truly civilized man is always skeptical and tolerant, in this field as in all others. His culture is based on 'I am not too sure.' " Have a nice day. ==== Who knew it would become a meme? Here are several other "dot_" communities. dot_bdsm_snark dot_childish dot_crankiness dot_gimp_snark dot_irony_oops dot_malicious dot_pagan_snark dot_pedantic dot_poly_snark dot_warmfluffy Perhaps if you aren't feeling especially catty you can go post to one of them. Have another nice day. | |
Interests: | 12: bacon, bitchiness, cheese, ferrets, intellectual elite, irony, llamas, satire, schadenfreude, snarkiness, tezcat, wit. [Modify yours] | |
Members: | 667: View Members . | |
Watched by: | 507: _o0o_, a_sockpuppet, abbey_norml, ac111, adriang, aegidian, agua_clara, aibas, aiglet, ailbhe, aintgotone, alexiademalheur, aliad, aliciar, all_widdershins, allannah, almeda, altfanme, alymid, amaltheae, amenquohi, anach, anaughtie, androktone, angilong, annaoj, anxietygrrl, ariedana, arkady, armbarred, artemisjade, asciikitty, ashley_y, ashtabulafish, asrana, ataniell93, atlantagajoe, autographedcat, avalon_bliss, azazelle, b_s_, badfae, bandhiaduit, bbblakey, bbwoof, bcholmes, bea_in_a_bonnet, beckyzoole, belladonnas_web, beltainelady, betnybean, bklyngirl, blackfyr, blackthornglade, blessedmess, blueingenue, boku2, bonkoif, bookteacher, bookwurm, bpende, britgeekgrrl, brokenmellcifer, brooke7860, bufflie, byblis, cakesniffing, calieber, camfangrrl, carebearssparky, caritas_skunk, cassidyrose, catamorphism, cattitude, ccprince, chaos_whisper, charlesks, cheshire23, cheshyre, chibikazz, chicsheep, chiefted, chorus, chriso, ciaran_h, cindygerb, cjsmith, cmeckhardt, colubra, coyote3502, crimsonblossom, crossfire_, cshiley, cumaeansibyl, curiousangel, cyberangel_, cynthia1960, cyphersushi, da_bwat, daddy_o, dafydd, dakiwiboid, damiana_swan, dancingshaman, dandelion_diva, daneel_olivaw, dangergrrl, darthgeek, dassa, davidkevin, deadkatrina, deedeebythebay, deifire, demmie, denizsarikaya, deoridhe, devil_bunny71, deza, dialysis_effect, dilvishthedamnd, dindin, disaster77, dissolvedgrrl, dkoleary, dodging_fate, dpaul007, dragonflycat, dreama, dreamsneak, dree_mer, drishnak, dryadgrl, duality, duranorak, dustin_00, dv8dragonfly, dyanearden, easy_living, eeyore_grrl, eeyorerin, eggtray, ejde, elise, elynne, en_ki, envoy, equiraptor, ericcoleman, erikvolson, erin_c_1978, ... | |
Member of: | 2: dot_poly_snark, paidmembers | |
Account type: | Paid Account |