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April 2, 2004   
  Photo by Laura Cavanaugh / UPI  Photos
All Talk
by Jason Zengerle
Why Al Franken's new radio show won't work. web only

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  Both Houses
by Martin Peretz
Everyone failed to fight terrorism.
  Nota Bene
by Spencer Ackerman
The Pentagon should thank the aide who left his notes in Starbucks. web only
  Reality Television
by Lee Siegel
"Ghosts of Rwanda" correctly fails to offer consolation. web only
  Distant Relations
by Tim Luckhurst
Why is Blair keeping his distance from Kerry? web only

Friday, April 2
Strike Out by Michael Crowley
Senate Republicans want to hurt John Kerry. But they keep hurting themselves.

Thursday, April 1
Distant Relations by Tim Luckhurst
Why is Blair keeping his distance from Kerry? web only

Nota Bene by Spencer Ackerman
Why Pentagon officials should thank the aide who left his notes in Starbucks. web only

Reality Television by Lee Siegel
"Ghosts of Rwanda" correctly fails to offer viewers consolation. web only

All Talk by Jason Zengerle
Why Al Franken's new radio show won't work. web only

Films Worth Seeing
This week's picks from Stanley Kauffmann. web only

Wednesday, March 31
Brooks Shield by Noam Scheiber
David Brooks is under attack. His critics are wrong. web only

The Surrogates by Reihan Salam
The strategy behind Terry Holt's bland persona. web only

Cornered by Daniel W. Drezner
Divide foreign-policy thought into four quadrants. Note Bush and Kerry's positions. Account for the hidden influence of the other two squares. Now pick your candidate. Choose wisely. web only

Unionize by Robert Lane Greene
The EU botches its response to the Madrid bombings. web only

Tuesday, March 30
Split Decision by Clay Risen
Why Europe needs to buckle under to America's antitrust philosophy. web only

Civil Rites by Andrew Sullivan
Shelby Steele is a subtle, brave writer. But he gets gay marriage wrong. web only

Same Motown Song by David Kusnet
In Detroit, Kerry borrows liberally--that is, moderately--from Clinton. web only

Red All Over by Jonathan Cohn
Cheney is right that Kerry's budget doesn't add up. And wrong that anyone should vote Republican because of it. web only

Trade Imbalance by Spencer Ackerman
Offer Rice, spare Bush and Cheney: Not a bad deal for the White House. web only

Monday, March 29
Shatter Proof by Lee Siegel
Some have said HBO's "Deadwood" shatters the Western genre. But it doesn't even come close. web only

Run Around by Massoud Ansari
How did Ayman Al Zawahiri get away? web only

Frist Responder by Spencer Ackerman
Bill Frist claims Richard Clarke lied to Congress. All evidence suggests Frist is wrong. web only

Loud Speaker by Michael Crowley
Why is Dennis Hastert newly emboldened? web only

Swear Off by Spencer Ackerman
The White House floats a false compromise on Rice's testimony. web only

Sunday, March 28
The Manufactured Dream by Stanley Kauffmann
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is filmically dazzling.

All Bark, No Bite
The seriousness of Clarke's allegations was matched only by the comedy of the White House's reaction to them.

Saturday, March 27
The Shadow by W.E. Burghardt DuBois
"We Americans have settled the race problem and we will not have our settlement tampered with." web only

Departmentalism by Spencer Ackerman
In the hoopla over Richard Clarke's book, one thing has been lost: His account of Bush's 2002 about-face on the homeland security department confirms Democrats' worst suspicions. web only

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