I love this Administration.
Hey now! The report found the brochures were legal, which means they're not crooks. Kerry should've said "liars OR crooks."
The Senator from Massachusetts has leveled an unpardonable slur against Republican liars who are not crooks, and Republican crooks who are not liars, and I demand an apology.
Posted by: Grumpy at March 11, 2004 07:35 PMThere's a pattern here, and I think we need to make sure everybody sees it:
--Deceptive and partisan taxpayer-funded ads touting Bush's medicare bill;
--Deceptive and partisan taxpayer-funded PR campaign touting Bush's Sierra Nevada forest management plan (SF Chronicle, 3-10-04);
--Taxpayer-funded website for House Committee on Resources consists almost entirely of partisan attack on Kerry (via Josh Marshall).
The meme here is: Republicans using the government as an adjunct to their presidential campaign. I'll bet if we really try we can find another dozen examples like these.
Posted by: Tom Hilton at March 11, 2004 07:36 PMJesse, Ezra... put this in a new post. Call it "The Muhammad Horton ad". Kos and Atrios are running with this. We need to destroy this ad.
Posted by: catacon at March 11, 2004 08:39 PMWow, the Republicans must thank God every second of the day for the lowest common denominator.
Posted by: jse at March 11, 2004 09:08 PMIf misrepresentation is lying then Al Franken reigns king once again...
Posted by: AL FRANKEN at March 13, 2004 06:07 PM