Permanent link to archive for 2/23/04. Monday, February 23, 2004

Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us

"A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world."
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More: Key findings of the Pentagon

"Future wars will be fought over the issue of survival rather than religion, ideology or national honour."
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BBC: US 'does accept climate threat'

"The administration is a prisoner of its own determination not to do anything that would affect the lifestyle of US citizens."
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Permanent link to archive for 2/20/04. Friday, February 20, 2004

Don't pick a fight with people who buy their ink by the barrel

(my mom taught me this a long time ago) I really don't care one whit about the gaming industry, but this is a funny story.
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Wear a foolish hat in public, make someone's weblog

Let that be a lesson to you. Okay just to clarify - I was participating in a forum at BloggerCon in which the moderators sat among the audience and wore foolish hats for identification. Seemed like a good idea at the time...
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Permanent link to archive for 2/18/04. Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Fertile women rate other women as uglier

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Scientists Accuse White House of Distorting Facts

(requires registration) "The Bush administration has deliberately and systematically distorted scientific fact in the service of policy goals on the environment, health, biomedical research and nuclear weaponry at home and abroad, a group of about 60 influential scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, said in a statement issued today"
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Permanent link to archive for 2/17/04. Tuesday, February 17, 2004

France considers military action in American hemisphere

Haiti has no oil reserves, and probably represents little profit potential for Haliburton. People are starving while violence engulfs our close neighbor. Would this be an embarrassment to the US -- to have France recognize the need to act and then take action in our hemisphere while the White House thrashes around trying to spin the president's National Guard record as honorable?
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Krugman: The Health of Nations

(Requires registration) "But the administration can't offer such an answer, both because of its ideological blinders and because of its special interest ties. The Economic Report of the President has only negative things to say about efforts to hold down drug prices. It talks at length about insurance reform, but it mainly complains that we rely too much on insurance; it says nothing about either expanding coverage or reducing insurance-company overhead. Its main concrete policy suggestion is a plan for tax-deductible health savings accounts, which would be worth little or nothing to a vast majority of the uninsured."
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Sunset theme gets a few compliments

A few people have told me they like the new theme. It is of course a modified Bryan Bell theme, and I'm thinking it's a little dark, but thanx to everyone for the comments.
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Permanent link to archive for 2/11/04. Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Researchers Pinpoint Brain Areas That Process Reality, Illusion

Spawns new hope that we may yet find a cure for right-wing thinking.
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Intel Says Chip Speed Breakthrough Will Alter Cyberworld

(Requires registration) Buy Intel stock now - this is a huge breakthru that most certainly will change the tech world as we know it. Read to the bottom where it says these chips can be produced using Intel's current production facilities.
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The Pentagon's 'Yoda' Ponders Global Warming

Credit: Village News. Well, if the Pentagon is taking global warming seriously, could the Bush dynasty be far behind?
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Australians are a rugged lot

When the shark refused to let go, Mr Tresoglavic swam 300 meters (1,000 feet) to shore, walked to his car and drove to the local surf club.
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Permanent link to archive for 2/5/04. Thursday, February 5, 2004

We're going to need a lot of hydrogen in the future

This is good news.
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