UPCOMING APPEARANCES: As mentioned below, Sergio will appear at the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, California on March 20 to kick off an exhibit of Peanuts parodies that appeared in Mad Magazine.  Go here for details.  Also, Sergio (and his friend Mark) will be at the Wondercon in San Francisco, April 30 of 2004 through May 2.  There will probably be a Groo Panel and a rousing game of "Quick Draw," plus other fun Sergio-related activities.  This website will tell you the place to be and how to be there.

March 5, 2004 - The Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, California is about to kick off an exhibit of the many times Mr. Schulz's immortal Peanuts was burlesqued in Mad Magazine.  Sergio will be there to open the exhibit on March 20, with appearances at 1:30 and 3:30 PM.

February 7, 2004 - We've been a little slow with the updates here because, as some of you have surmised, we've been working on a big Sergio Secret Project.  We'll have details as soon as feasible.  We also hope to soon post a release date for the next Groo mini-series, which will be more like a maxi-series.  Stay tuned.  And in the meantime, why not visit Mark's daily weblog and The Official Pogo Possum website?

December 12, 2003 - Sergio is back from all his travels and we soon hope to post some photos of some of the places he's been.  He just answered two more questions for our Ask Sergio page and he says to tell you that the story he did about Richard Nixon (see below) is now out in Autobiographix, a new book from Dark Horse that should be available wherever fine comic-type books are sold.

October 2, 2003 - Sergio just completed another short biographical story (like his award-winning one about diving in a gorilla suit) for an upcoming anthology that Dark Horse is putting out.  This one is the story of how Sergio met Richard Nixon.  Honest.  Sergio has also recently returned from a trip to Washington (The Foolscap conference and an appearance at the Olympic Cards and Comics shop.  He and Charlene had a very good time at both.)  As usual, he is busy at work on his next article for Mad.  This one is "A Mad Look at the Holidays," which follows the upcoming "A Mad Look at Bars."  On a sad note, he was dismayed to hear that his friend, Kell Ståhl, who served as editor of the Swedish edition of Mad, passed away recently following a short period of illness.  Sergio has only fond thoughts about Kell who hosted him in Sweden, drove him all over and generally showed him a grand time.



September 6, 2003 - Today was Sergio's 66th birthday and to celebrate, he cooked his specialty for a small group of his friends.  At left is an actual photograph of the paella that he made in his backyard barbecue.  For those of you who don't know, a paella is a traditional Spanish dish containing (in this case) mussels, clams, shrimp, chicken, pork, sausage, lima beans, peppers, rice, saffron, and wine.  Sergio is as fine a cook as he is a cartoonist, so it was very good.  His friends devoured about 90% of it and a smaller, seafood-only paella made by Sergio's daughter, Christen.  Don't tell Sergio but we liked hers even more than his.  The two paellas were followed by birthday cake, during which several of the guests did a Mr. Creosote and exploded...but it was worth it.

August 25, 2003 - Just alerting folks in the Seattle area that Sergio will be coming your way in September.  Foolscap V is the 19th through the 21st.  Then on the 22nd, he'll be at Olympic Cards and Comics in Lacey, signing cards and comics.  Tell him you learned about it on his website and he'll tell you how little he understands about how this thing works.

August 12, 2003 - Last year at the International Book Fair in Guadalajara, Mexico, Sergio was the recipient of their top award, which is called La Catrina.  This year, if they can pry it out of his hands, he'll be presenting it to one of the best cartoonists in the world, Quino.  Here's a link to the website of this great Argentinian artist.  Also, Sergio just answered another question for our Ask Sergio page.

July 1, 2003 - Sergio made it!  He got out of his studio by the end of June.  But it took an awful lot of his time so he still hasn't been able to answer any new questions here.  Soon, though.

June 10, 2003 - Sergio has been busy moving his studio so he hasn't had time to answer any questions here lately.  We'll get to some before long.  In the meantime, many of you have written to ask about how you might purchase Sergio sketches or original art.  The answer is that he'll have a few pieces for sale at the Comic-Con International in San Diego next month and eventually, we'll have a gallery here of stuff to look at and stuff to purchase.  So please be a little patient, he says.  Thanks.



April 28, 2003 - Acclaimed photographer David Baker has created an awesome photo mosaic of Sergio and you can own a copy.  Sergio was photographed in his soon-to-be-vacated studio and then David fashioned over 90 of those photos into an 18" by 24" mosaic poster.  From afar, it looks like a picture of Sergio's face.  Up close, you see the images of him posing in his unnatural habitat.  Only 200 prints have been made and many are already gone or spoken-for.  Each poster is numbered, embossed with an authenticity stamp by the photographer, and then personally signed by Sergio.  The price?  Only $75.00.  Shipping is included on U.S. orders.  For foreign sales, inquire of Dave at david@ojaiimages.com.   That's also the PayPal address if you'd like to pay that way, or send your check or money order to David Baker, 300 Running Ridge Trail, Ojai, CA 93023.

April 18, 2003 - Sergio has given notice to his landlord of twenty years that he is vacating his studio (the one over the Radio Shack) and moving his base of operations into his home while his new studio is being built.  Ojai photographer Dave Baker spent an evening photographing the studio (and the artist), just to record it all for posterity.  Maybe he can make a set of prints available some time.  Also, we have another question (in Spanish, no less) over on the Ask Sergio page.

April 9, 2003 - Sergio just answered another question for Ask Sergio.  And he asks me to remind you that he does not have e-mail.  Several people have written to him via the address on that page (which goes to me, Mark Evanier, not him) and assumed that he can somehow e-mail them back.  He cannot.  Someday, he says, he will be able to -- but not at the moment.

March 14, 2003 - Sergio answers two new questions over in Ask Sergio.  And we're experimenting with a link that will translate this page into not-very-good Spanish.

March 10, 2003 - Announcing a policy change!  For years of convention and bookstore appearances, Sergio has signed everything folks brought him to sign.  Lately, this has included huge piles of comics and trading cards, and he has decided enough is enough.  Henceforth, the following rule shall prevail: He will sign three (3) autographs per person, plus he will write his name on whatever you purchase from his table.  Beyond that, each signature will cost a donation of one dollar to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.  Many other cartoonists have found it necessary to place such limits, and Sergio regrets that it has become necessary.  But it has.

February 24, 2003 - So far, the number one question posed over for our Ask Sergio page is whether or not the Señor does drawings on commission.  The answer to that is yes, but so far that really only happens at convention appearances, and only until his "dance card" fills with orders.  At some point in the future, we'll probably set up a way to arrange for drawings via this website.  So keep checking back.

February 21, 2003 - Well, it's taken a while but we finally have something on Sergio's website.  It's not finished yet but if we wanted to get it up here before the Internet was obsolete.  In the months to come, we'll be adding an exhaustive checklist of the man's work, a gallery of art to gaze upon, a display of artwork for sale, and all sorts of other fun stuff.  We're also starting a section called Ask Sergio where he'll be answering your questions.  For now, we have a bio and a page of links and especially a page where you can buy Sergio books.  A fine choice would be Groo: Death and Taxes, which was recently released by Dark Horse Comics.  Sergio continues to work for Mad Magazine, and those folks will soon be issuing a deluxe book collecting some of his best work for that publication.  We'll announce it here when a publication date is set.  Check back on this page often for that and other vital information.


© 2003 Sergio Aragonés
Webmaster: Mark Evanier