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  The Ranting Witches
Index Page

Pick a Ranter

Good Information

Fun With Bunnies

The Thwap Brigade

Contact Us/Guestbook

Webring and Award

Who are we?
We are an anonymous group of Wiccans each with a minimum of 10 years in Wicca. We've seen the direction the religion seems to be going on the net and we think it sucks. We've come together at this spot to provide REAL information and talk about what is wrong with our religion's community. If you want silly prattle for the barely literate, you've come to the wrong place. If you're ready for rational Wicca, as practiced by grown-ups, come on in. Maybe you'll learn something! Maybe you'll even teach something!!
Why "Ranting Witches"?
Some of us aren't Witches, some of us are Wiccans, and there is a difference. We chose the name Ranting Witches because these very relevant points we are making are often refered to as "ranting." We chose the word Witches in part because it is the Wiccan community our angst is towards, and also because it rhymes with another word that means "rant." But face it, would YOU have come to a site called the "Kvetching Ranters?"
Complain and Praise
Agree? Disagree? Did we offend your bunny sensibilites? Do you want to set us right? Prove us wrong? Congratulate us for a job well done???? Share your opinions and more on our message board. Share your whiny opinion with us to your heart's content-with the caveat that we reserve the right to rant back.

Fun With Bunnies
Bunnies Breed, and so do uneducated Newbie Witches and Wiccans. Boy, golly gee do outspoken Witches tick them off!!! Our fun with bunnies section includes both real and imagined products and practices for ridding the world of the Bunny pagans.
Fun with Bunnies

Join the Ranting Witches
Would you like to post some rants, too? If you are willing to write three (3) rants, Rantmistress Alpha will make you a Ranting Witch, too! You'll get your own ranting witch page, featuring your custom designed Ranting Witch Heritage. Visit the Contact Page for more info!

"Two NEW ranters!!"
Please welcome our newest ranters, Epsilon and Iota-and their TEN new rants! (click the screaming bunny!)
Click here to go to Gamma's Helpful Wiccan Page