March 05, 2004

Flashmob supercomputer needs your help!

Hey, it looks like a bunch of folks are planning something pretty cool, putting together a supercomputer which consists of a bunch of systems that people will contribute for the day.

Specifically, on April 3, 2004 University of San Francisco will host the first Flash Mob Computing computer, FlashMob I, with the purpose of creating one of the Top 500 Supercomputers on the planet.

They do need your help:

  • they need people to bring computers, particularly IT people and CFO people who may be able to bring multiple computers
  • they need presenters or lecturers for the day of the event. We are pulling together a diverse program for event day and USF is providing a number of rooms and forums for us to play, and we are creating a science fair type event that will have something for everyone.

contact Avenne McBride,, for more and also check out

Posted by craig at March 5, 2004 11:43 AM
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