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CLINTON're gonna LOVE this!!!
Brain Terminal ^ | 3/27/2002 | Evan Coyne Maloney

Posted on 03/28/2002 9:35:18 AM PST by libber-tarian

The Shallowness of Clinton

By Evan Coyne Maloney

I recently wrote an article in which I referred to Bill Clinton as a shallow man, and was asked to explain myself by a reader who went on to claim that Bill Clinton "righted the wrongs of active exclusion, willful ignorance, and offensive pity" and "[led] the nation through its longest period of peacetime expansion of economic, social, and individual opportunity."

What I've never understood about the Clinton apologists is that they apparently value talk over action. Other than make speeches filled with feel-good rhetoric, what did Bill Clinton actually do? People may have felt comforted by his words, believed that he cared about them and felt their pain, but in the end, all of Clinton's talk amounted to nothing.

Whenever I talk to supporters of Bill Clinton, I ask them to list the things he did. Most people can't name a single thing, and instead credit him with presiding over an expanding economy, as though coincidence--the dumb luck of having his presidency aligned with the business cycle--somehow proves that he caused it to happen. But what did he do that was so beneficial to the economy? For that matter, what actions did he take to "right the wrongs of active exclusion"? Don't ask, don't tell? Hardly the epitome of inclusiveness.

My memory may be failing me, but when I try to recall the achievements of the Clinton presidency, I can name only two of any significance: Welfare Reform and NAFTA. Despite the fact that neither of these bills originated from the Clinton Administration, I do give him credit for signing them; most Democrats would not have signed either bill. On the other hand, neither of these bills could pass Congress until the Republicans took over in 1994. So I guess the real achievement of the Clinton presidency was scaring enough people during his first two years in office that he put the Senate and the House of Representatives in the hands of the Republicans for the first time since 1954. But I doubt the fans of Clinton would celebrate that monumental achievement.

Lucky Bubble

As far as the economy goes, there is no doubt that Bill Clinton presided over a favorable economy and a remarkable expansion in the stock market. But remember that most of this expansion was due to the rise of the Internet and the resulting speculation on Internet stocks. Remember when the economy started to go south? That's right, just when the Internet bubble burst. Al Gore's attempt to take credit for inventing the Internet notwithstanding, nobody in their right mind would claim that the Clinton Administration was somehow responsible for the Internet boom.

But if you insist on crediting Bill Clinton with the rise of the stock market, then you must also blame him for the "irrational exuberance" that led to its collapse. You must therefore also blame him for the recession. Otherwise, you're crediting him for handing out the drinks at the party and blaming his successor--the guy who has to clean up the mess--for everyone's hangover the next day.

Getting back to my claim that Bill Clinton is a shallow man, it seems to me that someone who squanders an opportunity to achieve greatness and instead uses his power for nothing more than the satisfaction of his own wants and needs is shallow. Bill Clinton is pathologically self-absorbed, which is why he constantly found himself bungling into scandal after scandal.

Now, one may scream that there was a vast right-wing conspiracy to bring down Bill Clinton; even if you believe that nonsense, you have to wonder why Bill Clinton went out of his way to hand his enemies so much ammunition on such a regular basis. And when I say scandal, I'm not even thinking about the "lying under oath" thing, which Clinton supporters dismiss as inconsequential. I'm talking about other serious stuff, all of which is well-known to people who were paying attention, but most of which was underreported due to the media's focus on the more salacious--and therefore media-friendly--Clinton scandals.

Scandal After Scandal

If you'll recall: Under Bill Clinton, the White House became a glorified motel, where the Lincoln Bedroom was rented out to contributors who coughed up enough dough. Military secrets ended up in the hands of the Chinese, who laundered money that ended up in the hands of the Democratic National Committee just in time for Clinton's re-election campaign. Al Gore was dispatched to hold illegal fundraisers at Buddhist temples, where he collected money from dozens of nuns who--despite having taken vows of poverty--each managed to produce a $5,000 check for Clinton's re-election. His top fundraiser, Terry McAuliffe, the current head of the aforementioned DNC, made $18,000,000 from a $100,000 investment in Global Crossing, now bankrupt and under investigation for shady government contracts during the Clinton Administration. When Enron's Ken Lay was staying in the Lincoln Bedroom during the Clinton Administration, Enron came to ask the federal government to underwrite foreign loans on 20 different occasions; on 19 of those 20 occasions, the Clinton Administration said yes, to the tune of $2 billion dollars. And let us not forget about selling presidential pardons to drug-runners and fat-cat tax-cheat felons on the lam in Europe. Or the looting of White House furniture for their new home, which is unfortunately located in my home state. And all that's without even getting into Whitewater, the Travel Office firings, or the perjury scandal.

Bill Clinton is a low-life thief, a petty swindler, and a smooth-talking scam artist more suited for Tammany Hall than the White House. But I will admit that Bill Clinton was a man of action, as long as that action involved greasing his palms (or anything other body part for that matter) or furnishing his house. Somehow, Bill Clinton found the time to conduct all of that "business", but he was too busy to take Osama bin Laden when the Sudanese government offered to hand him over to us in 1996. Think about it: we wouldn't be chasing bin Laden around the globe right now if Clinton had focused a little more on taking care of the threats against us and a little less on figuring out every conceivable way that he could cash in on his power or use it to get women.

Depends on What the Meaning of "Peace" Is

Which reminds far as giving Clinton credit for presiding over a time of peace, what kind of peace was it? During the Clinton Administration, there were 6 major terrorist attacks against the U.S. which left over 415 dead and 6,500 injured. It seems to me that it's very easy to maintain the illusion of peace by ignoring the dangers that surround us. You may look back fondly at the 1990s as a time of peace, but it was a peace during which we relaxed while our enemies were getting stronger and preparing to annihilate us. That's a pretty shallow peace if you ask me.

Bill Clinton is shallow because he spoke often of his convictions but did nothing to realize them. He's shallow because he was given remarkable gifts and the opportunity to do great things with them, yet he achieved nothing substantial. In the end, his presidency amounted to little more than talk and corruption. He rarely took any action unless it somehow benefitted him. But whenever action mattered for the good of the nation, Bill Clinton was nowhere to be found. And that is why the man who spent the final days of his presidency fretting about his legacy will find it to be recorded quite accurately by history: Bill Clinton is a shallow, failed man.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events
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This is GREAT! I've been looking for a good cataloguing of why Clinton was a TERRIBLE president...I finally have one! I'm gonna e-mail this to all the Clinton-loving morons I know AND to the Clinton-haters, so they have more ammo against him!!!
1 posted on 03/28/2002 9:35:18 AM PST by libber-tarian
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To: libber-tarian
2 posted on 03/28/2002 9:42:14 AM PST by knews_hound
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To: libber-tarian
So I guess the real achievement of the Clinton presidency was scaring enough people during his first two years in office that he put the Senate and the House of Representatives in the hands of the Republicans for the first time since 1954.


3 posted on 03/28/2002 9:42:45 AM PST by Semper Paratus
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To: libber-tarian
Clinton hating bumpty bump bump!
4 posted on 03/28/2002 9:43:13 AM PST by jamaly
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To: libber-tarian
Bookmarked and catalogued.
5 posted on 03/28/2002 9:43:32 AM PST by stanz
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To: libber-tarian
Very nice summary of the past 8 years.
6 posted on 03/28/2002 9:45:36 AM PST by FITZ
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To: Semper Paratus
Bingo indeed!
All things considered, we have much to thank Mr. Clinton for.
For example, showing the world what a slimeball a Dimocrat can be!
7 posted on 03/28/2002 9:45:43 AM PST by Redbob
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To: *Clinton Haters
This article has been indexed to the following Bump List folders: Check the Bump List folders for articles related to the above topic(s) or for other topics of interest.
8 posted on 03/28/2002 9:45:54 AM PST by seamole
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To: libber-tarian
This is GREAT! I've been looking for a good cataloguing of why Clinton was a TERRIBLE president...I finally have one! I'm gonna e-mail this to all the Clinton-loving morons I know AND to the Clinton-haters, so they have more ammo against him!!!

Can I give you my mother-in-law's email address to add to your list of Clinton-lovers?

9 posted on 03/28/2002 9:46:01 AM PST by ladtx
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To: libber-tarian
10 posted on 03/28/2002 9:46:32 AM PST by medved
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To: libber-tarian
A walk down memory lane........ however they forgot to mention "Tainted blood," another money making scam.
11 posted on 03/28/2002 9:50:05 AM PST by Great Dane
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To: libber-tarian
Good post. Also, don't forget to mention, for those that want to spend all the time they
have looking into the artifacts of the MOST CORRUPT 'PRESIDENT' IN HISTORY, goto:

Alamo-Girl's Downside Legacy of bill clinton

12 posted on 03/28/2002 9:51:41 AM PST by Two Thirds Vote Aye
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To: libber-tarian
NAFTA passed in 1993, while the Dems still controlled Congress. Then GATT was passed by the lame-duck Congress after the '94 election, before the Republican takeover.

Actually, I suspect the business establishment saw to it that Clinton was elected in '92 precisely so as to get NAFTA and GATT passed. Without a pro-"free" trade Dem president in office, the congressional Dems would have opposed NAFTA and GATT, and they would never have gotten through Congress.

13 posted on 03/28/2002 9:57:00 AM PST by aristeides
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To: libber-tarian
Bump for later read.
14 posted on 03/28/2002 9:57:04 AM PST by mickie
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To: libber-tarian
15 posted on 03/28/2002 10:08:34 AM PST by Balata
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To: libber-tarian
My memory may be failing me, but when I try to recall the achievements of the Clinton presidency, I can name only two of any significance: Welfare Reform and NAFTA. Despite the fact that neither of these bills originated from the Clinton Administration, I do give him credit for signing them; most Democrats would not have signed either bill.

EXACTLY!!! These are the only real accomplishments--and both are Republican initiatives. Welfare reform, in particular, was a staggering success and helps explain the long run of prosperity.

16 posted on 03/28/2002 10:08:42 AM PST by Hagrid
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To: libber-tarian
A very well-balanced article.
But, he should have included mention of the co-president, co-scumball, co-thief, co-traitor.
17 posted on 03/28/2002 10:09:04 AM PST by aShepard
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To: libber-tarian
Bumped and saved. Only one problem

He's shallow because he was given remarkable gifts

The only gifts the Clintons had were the ones they stole from the White House.

18 posted on 03/28/2002 10:12:41 AM PST by techcor
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To: libber-tarian
Whenever I talk to supporters of Bill Clinton, I ask them to list the things he did. Most people can't name a single thing...


Whenever MurryMom asks Bush supporters to list the things Bush has DONE, all she receives in response is some vague reference to tax cuts. When MurryMom points out that Dumbya's tax cuts have reversed the Clinton-Gore budget surpluses, along with higher interest rates, no employment growth, and a stagnant DJIA, the Bushies generally retreat into their standard Repukie rants about Monica and oral sex.

19 posted on 03/28/2002 10:13:46 AM PST by MurryMom
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To: MurryMom
For one thing, did you not notice our recent military successes? There was a war. We won. It was on all the programs. It probably even interrupted a soap or two.
20 posted on 03/28/2002 10:18:11 AM PST by fdcc
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To: MurryMom

21 posted on 03/28/2002 10:18:13 AM PST by Howlin
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To: libber-tarian
My memory may be failing me, but when I try to recall the achievements of the Clinton presidency,...

Exactly, every successful president (even a few modern ones who weren't) have some sort of legacy to hand their history on, i.e. (since WWII):

FDR--The New Deal
Truman--Rebuilding war-torn nations
Eisenhower--The Interstate Highway system
Kennedy--Man on the Moon
Johnson--Great Society
Nixon--Opening of Red China
Ford--Restoration of country post Watergate, Vietnam
Carter--Camp David Peace Accord
Bush the Elder--Gulf War
Clinton--????(Oval Office B.J.)
Bush the Junior--War on Terrorism

22 posted on 03/28/2002 10:18:40 AM PST by meandog
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To: aShepard
But, he should have included mention of the co-president, co-scumball, co-thief, co-traitor.


23 posted on 03/28/2002 10:19:29 AM PST by Kathleen
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To: libber-tarian
Great find! Worth a bookmark!
24 posted on 03/28/2002 10:19:44 AM PST by NotJustAnotherPrettyFace
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To: seamole
Thanks for indexing to the "Clinton Haters" bump list. You perform a great public service, I assure you.
25 posted on 03/28/2002 10:20:39 AM PST by Liz
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To: MurryMom
Interest rates are down, unemployment figures are improving, and we are out of recession according the the experts. Sorry, MM, your man was nothing more than a lying male slut and never achieved anything within his control over his 8 years. And you are what you support.
26 posted on 03/28/2002 10:21:39 AM PST by anniegetyourgun
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To: Howlin
That is a truely inspired graphic. Who designed it?
27 posted on 03/28/2002 10:22:44 AM PST by KC Burke
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To: meandog
Carter--Camp David Peace Accord

Carter - Iran hostage crisis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

28 posted on 03/28/2002 10:22:57 AM PST by RetiredArmy
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To: Two Thirds Vote Aye
Hi! Good to see you.
29 posted on 03/28/2002 10:23:25 AM PST by KC Burke
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To: KC Burke
That I'm not sure of, but RedBloodedAmerican changed the date from 2000 to 2004.........I like it, don't you?
30 posted on 03/28/2002 10:25:12 AM PST by Howlin
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To: Mia T
31 posted on 03/28/2002 10:25:18 AM PST by Graewoulf
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To: MurryMom
Besides tax cuts, the following accomplishments:

Appointing a stellar cabinet, including Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell, and others, without regards to race or sex; reversing some terrible EO's foisted on the American people at the last minute by a malicious administration; rallying the nation and the world to combat terrorism; freeing the people of Afghanistan, particularly the women, from the brutality of the Taliban regime; passing an education bill which requires accountability by the schhols; initiating a new relationship with Russia based on mutual respect; dumping the Kyoto protocol; pushing forward with the missile defense shield despite the whining of the left and the EU; promoting a culture of life as much as is legally possible; restoring dignity, honor, and pride in the presidency by his stellar conduct and that of his gracious wife; promoted volunteerism and charity; restored the Peace Corps to Peru and began a new, positive relationship with its people; redecorated the White House in good taste; AND demonstrated to the world that he can use a chain saw.

Please file this list away for referral. Thank you.

32 posted on 03/28/2002 10:25:46 AM PST by Miss Marple
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To: meandog
The other day, somebody told me I'd be screaming bloody murder is Clinton had signed a bill like CFR; to be honest, I tried to remember what I felt like when Clinton signed a bill I didn't agree with.........I couldn't think of ONE.

Did he even send ONE bill up to the Hill?

33 posted on 03/28/2002 10:26:48 AM PST by Howlin
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To: meandog
Good list, meandog!
34 posted on 03/28/2002 10:27:29 AM PST by Salvation
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To: Howlin
Clinton made executive orders - he didn't need to sign no steekin' bill.
35 posted on 03/28/2002 10:28:16 AM PST by mountaineer
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To: mountaineer
That's "steenkin'," for all of us dialectically challenged.
36 posted on 03/28/2002 10:29:33 AM PST by mountaineer
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To: MurryMom
Whenever MurryMom starts referring to herself in the third person, it's time for MurryMom to wear the white jacket with the funny sleeves and go into the room with the matresses lining the walls.

the Bushies generally retreat into their standard Repukie rants about Monica and oral sex

I don't know about you, but we've really forgotten about Monica for the most part -- that is until the classless one opens his big mouth. The war and all.

37 posted on 03/28/2002 10:31:34 AM PST by AmishDude
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To: libber-tarian
"Think about it: we wouldn't be chasing bin Laden around the globe right now if Clinton had focused a little more on taking care of the threats against us and a little less on figuring out every conceivable way that he could cash in on his power or use it to get women."

Do you think the $200 billions we spent on 9/11 so far, and the three thousand lifes lost can impress on this scum to just commit suiside, like Mr. Foster did!

38 posted on 03/28/2002 10:33:36 AM PST by philosofy123
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To: Howlin
The only bill I remember was the loathesome Healthcare Security bill....remember him holding that ID card and saying how we would ALL have one? Yikes!
39 posted on 03/28/2002 10:33:58 AM PST by Miss Marple
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To: MurryMom
MurryMom is obviously forgettting that Bush has only been in office less than 18 months ... and yet Bush hasn't soiled the White House with requests for BJs from interns, admitting ChiComs and Russian Mafia in while looking for campaign contributions.

Bush has waged a MUCH better job on the war against terrorists ... unlike Clinton. Clinton only released missiles as cover-up for bad news (release of news showing how he clearly was a Liar ... ("I did not have sex with that woman ..." that is a lie) ... and a Perjurer and someone who attempted to obstruct justice (felonies!!).

But MurrayMom is a brain-dead liberal (probably redundant) ... who can never admit a Conservative is doing good, and will NEVER NEVER NEVER be willing to admit a liberal like Clinton is an immoral cheat who disgraced the country. But then I suspect MurrayMom is jealous of the opportunities Monica L. had.


40 posted on 03/28/2002 10:34:29 AM PST by Vineyard
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41 posted on 03/28/2002 10:35:47 AM PST by Khepera
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To: MurryMom
Whenever MurryMom asks Bush supporters to list the things Bush has DONE, all she receives in response is some vague reference to tax cuts. When MurryMom points out that Dumbya's tax cuts have reversed the Clinton-Gore budget surpluses, along with higher interest rates, no employment growth, and a stagnant DJIA, the Bushies generally retreat into their standard Repukie rants about Monica and oral sex.

Hi, MurryMom; where the heck have you been for the last several months?

To answer your rhetoric, this McCainiac has to admit that Bush will go down in history as the president who successfully attacked terrorism...Clinton will go down as the president who shot his wad on a blue dress!

42 posted on 03/28/2002 10:36:03 AM PST by meandog
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To: libber-tarian
You don't go into detail on his "peace" legacy. Somalia (yes, I know Bush Sr. got us there, but Clinton botched the ops), Haiti (we sent troops, declared triumph, nothing changed, same old place), Balkans (troops still there, watch what happens when they leave, kangaroo court in The Hague).
43 posted on 03/28/2002 10:36:36 AM PST by aardvark1
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To: libber-tarian
Hey,Where Have You Been?You needed this article to confirm that"BeelzeBubba"was an absolutely self-serving LOW-LIFE???Come On Now,You Knew It All Along!!!I've ALWAYS BEEN A CHARTER MEMBER OF"THE VAST RIGHT-WING CONSPIRACY"(AKA-CLINTON-HATER)!!!!!!!!!!
44 posted on 03/28/2002 10:39:01 AM PST by bandleader
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To: MurryMom
Of course, you all notice that our favorite hit and run liberal nickel ho Murray Mom doesn't have squat to say about the article. Michael Savage is right: Liberalism IS a mental disorder...
45 posted on 03/28/2002 10:39:27 AM PST by Noumenon
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To: libber-tarian
Rainbow Bump!

46 posted on 03/28/2002 10:39:50 AM PST by Phlap
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To: RetiredArmy
Carter - Iran hostage crisis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I prefaced "also some not successful"--my point is that Clinton was/is an absolute fraud who'll be known 100 years from now as a pardon-dealing crook who shot his filthy wad on a blue dress while getting a BJ from an intern who was only two years older than his daughter!

47 posted on 03/28/2002 10:40:45 AM PST by meandog
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To: libber-tarian;howlin;seamole
Another dubious assertion is that Clinton is a “compelling politician.” Howzat again?
Here's the record of political failures only avid Clinton worshippers would be proud of.

(1) In 1996, incumbent Clinton garnered less than 50% of the vote with a bubbling economy,
peace and a raft of spinmeisters and adoring Big Media behind him glorifying his shady dealings.

(2) In '94, under Clinton, the GOP took control of both houses of Congress first time in a generation.

(3) Clinton's '92 race garnered him 43% of the vote, the same percentage
Democrat losers Carter, Mondale and Dukakis got in landslide defeats.

48 posted on 03/28/2002 10:44:26 AM PST by Liz
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To: libber-tarian
Next time just check the downside legacy. Would've been easier.
49 posted on 03/28/2002 10:51:43 AM PST by TomServo
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To: libber-tarian
One problem I have with Clinton bashing is that often times things are repeated that aren't true (Lay stayed in Lincoln Bedroom on his watch) or aren't provable (the Famed Death Lists). Why is it that people deem it necessary to make up things about the Clintons when the simple facts will do? They're both opportunistic, greedy, elitist, limo-liberal socialists. If you keep lying about someone like that you end up with zero credibility and then when you do say something that's true, no one believes you. (not you, libber-tarian, specifically, I know you didn't write this) For example: "Enron's Ken Lay was staying in the Lincoln Bedroom during the Clinton Administration." There's actually nothing concrete that he stayed at the Clinton White House overnight at any time, let alone the famed Lincoln Bedroom (and if there is please point it out to me, the only concrete thing I can find is he did stay at the WH overnight, but it was on the watch of Bush I). And frankly, beating Clinton and the Dems on the head with Enron, is a tad hypocritical. Those guys donated to EVERYONE. Now if you want to go after the Clintons for Loral/China, Global Crossing, the Rich Pardon (among others), etc, etc. go for it, but don't make s--t up, it's not worth it, leave that up to the Clinton Revisionists (and when they do, and they always do, nail 'em!). Basically, there's a LOT of good, true, ammo here, but one wrong "fact" can cause the whole to be tossed out by someone who might be willing to listen (i.e. so-called "moderates", RINOS, Libertarians, right-leaning Dems (yes, there's a few) and so on).
50 posted on 03/28/2002 10:58:05 AM PST by billsux
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