April 06, 2004

They Can't Fly It, So We Will

I'm a bit slow on the draw, but here goes.


Need a Migraine?

No problem. Just mix logic with anything Ted Kennedy said.

April 05, 2004

Late April Fooler?

The Other Xrlq thinks Talk Left is a class act. I'm still not sure I understand why, unless "class" has been defined so far down as to capture just about everyone who isn't as tasteless as Kos, Atrios, Hesiod or Acidhole. It's an interesting discussion, though, so go check it out.

Posted by Xrlq at 06:52 PM, Category: Blogging Matters
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The Southern California Law Blog linked with Continuing the KOS, Talk Left Discussion

Googly Goodness

Right now I'm #1 for the Google search terms Alanis naked and crying. Heh.

A Grammarboob Thinks I'm a Grammar God

I've already said more than I wanted to say about that silly "How Grammatically Sound Are You?" quiz. Nutshell version: Yes, I got the highest possible score. No, I'm not particularly proud of that because the test is worthless.

April 04, 2004

Screw Him

In a whinepost aptly dubbed by Spoons as ""The Passion of the Kos," the hate-filled Markos "Kotze" Zuniga writes:
But the final tally was -- about 30 hate-filled emails, about 15,000 hate-filled visitors, and the pulling of three advertising spots that are going to be replaced in less than a week. (I had two emails today about people wanting to advertise despite the controversy.)
Calling this the "final" tally seems a bit premature. The "three" lost ads are now four, and at the rate they've been pulled, by the time you read this that number may be out of date as well. Here's John Kerry's take, for good measure.
That was it. Oh, they're doing their best to turn me into the devil, and they're making racist comments about my heritage and family and threatening to kick my ass -- you know, typical right-wing shit.
Silly me, I've read quite a few posts critical of Kotze, but I haven't read a single one that threatens his family or makes any racist comments (or, for that matter, non-racist ones) about El Salvador. Unless Kotze considers himself a citizen of Asshole-Land, I have yet to read a single post by anyone than can reasonably be read as an attack on his heritage.
But if that's the best they can throw at me, I'll simply echo Kerry.

Bring it on.

I agree that in all likelihood, the worst thing the blogosphere will do to Zuniga is to chase away a few advertisers from his blog, maybe chase away a client or two from his consulting firm, and generally destroy his credibility among anyone who isn't off the left side of the spectrum. Judging by the comments that typically get left on his site, that might not even be a sizeable chunk of his own readers. But it's always a mistake to confuse can with will. That the Blogosphere generally does not resort to courtroom battles does not mean that it can't, and I'm not entirely convinced even that it shouldn't. Perhaps Marky needs to be reminded that while saying "screw them" of Fallujah's victims was merely disgusting, falsely referring to them as "mercenaries" (not once, but at least four times) was more than disgusting - it was actionable libel.

Continue reading "Screw Him"


This post is for the rubberneckers on I-5 who made me an hour late to yesterday's rally. Everyone else can just move along, there's nothing to see here.

Yo, drivers. Remember those huge, concrete "boobies" at the San Onofre power plant that you slowed down to get a closer look at? I'm going to let you in a little secret about them.

Continue reading "Rubberneckers"


As promised, I attended yesterday's counter-rally, which was organized by Citizen Smash. Also present and representing the Blogosphere were Breaker, Bryon Scott, and Matthew Hoy. Notably absent, however, was my digital camera, so you won't find any pictures here. Hoy, Smash and Scott al have them, however, so be sure to follow the links.

I first arrived shortly before 1:00, almost a full hour later than intended due to abysmal traffic conditions. As the march to and from the Naval Station was originally scheduled for noon, I was afraid that I had missed the first round and would have to kill time somewhere until 2:00. That's not easy to do in Logan Heights, which is San Diego's answer to East L.A. Anyway, when I did arrive, there were more signs than people, and my first thought was that I had missed the march and A.N.S.W.E.R. had left a few dozen supporters behind to hold down the fort while they were gone.

To avoid making eye contact with these guys, I approached the back of the park. From the road, I could just barely make out the separate group in the back carrying signs that said things like "Bush is a Dictator" and "Saddam only killed his own people - it was none of our business." I was a bit hesitant to go near them since I couldn't be entirely sure whether these were the good guys being sarcastic, or whether they were the worst of the worst, and were so radically anti-warAmerican that even A.N.S.W.E.R. wanted nothing to do with them. Then I noticed that several of them, unlikely all but one of the A.N.S.W.E.R. ralliers, were holding American flags. Then Breaker, the only person in the group I had met before, recognized me from a distance and introduced me to the group.

Continue reading "Counter-Rally"

Posted by Xrlq at 11:23 AM, Category: Current Events
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Watcher of Weasels linked with Submitted for Your Approval
Citizen Smash - The Indepundit linked with Mission Successful
Citizen Smash - The Indepundit linked with Mission Successful
The Southern California Law Blog linked with Diary of a Counter-Protester

April 02, 2004

Support the Troops

A.N.S.W.E.R. only supports the troops when they shoot their officers. Those who support them the rest of the time should attend the anti-ANSWER rally to answer ANSWER's trumped up charges. I'll see you there. Unless, of course, you're not going, in which case I won't see you there.

Caption Contest

I'm, like, a honor student and stuff.

"My Bad."

Posted by Xrlq at 05:01 PM, Category: Morons
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The Review linked with Blog Roundup

FoxNews Needs a New Editor

Spoons was right - Audrey Seiler's "kidnapping" was a hoax. But get a load of the following paragraph from the Fox News story that identifies it as such:
Police have declined to say whether Seiler was sexually assaulted.
Don't want to be too rash or anything, but given that neither her abductor nor her abduction even exist, isn't it safe to assume that she wasn't?

Seiler should thank her lucky stars that her self-abduction (I won't even speculate as to whether or not she also "sexually assaulted" herself) took place in Rockford, Minnesota, Madison, WI, and not in Latrobe, Pennsylvania.

UPDATE: Don't miss the caption contest.

Posted by Xrlq at 12:10 PM, Category: Media Lameness
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Signifying Nothing linked with ScumWatch

Jobless Recovery Update

Polipundit reports (hat tip: Puppyblender) that 308,000 new jobs have been created in March, and that payroll growth figures for the previous two months have also been revised upward.

<sarcasm> Remember, though, that unlike the full employment that America enjoyed from January 1993 through January 2001 uninterrupted, some people don't have jobs. For them, it remains a "jobless recovery" indeed. </sarcasm>

Random Riddle

What's green, and has little red wheels?

Continue reading "Random Riddle"

Posted by Xrlq at 10:03 AM, Category:
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Daily Kotze Lives Down to its Name

Spoons links to the smoking gun that proves that all persons of goodwill should de-link the Daily Kotze immediately. I agree, but seeing as I had never linked to that virtual rag to begin with, there was nothing for me to de-link. No problem. Just to be a real bastard, I added these turkeys to my blogroll, then promptly removed them. That'll learn 'em. Take that, Daily Kotze.

UPDATE: Fried Man is going beyond the delinkage ceremony and hitting Kotze where it hurts. Assuming, that is, that Mr. Kotze isn't too much of a commie to even care about lost advertising revenues.

UPDATE x2: After re-reading the entry, I note that it was dated yesterday, i.e. April Fool's Day. Even if this was an April Fooler, it was a pretty tasteless one.

UPDATE x3: Wrong again. Today's entry makes it clear that yesterday's was not a sick attempt at a joke after all.

YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Kotze has pulled a Kerry and removed yesterday's entry, replacing it with a redirect to today's non-apology apology. According to Charles Johnson (LGF), he's even gone as far as to delete the entry from the Google cache, which I didn't know was even possible (for anyone not employed by Google, that is). Unfortuately for Mr. Kotze, he can't delete his post from LGF's site, nor for that matter, from mine. Here it is, for posterity:

Continue reading "Daily Kotze Lives Down to its Name"

Posted by Xrlq at 07:54 AM, Category: Liberal Morons
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Patterico's Pontifications linked with Will Leftists Denounce Kos?
Patterico's Pontifications linked with Will Leftists Denounce Kos?
Patterico's Pontifications linked with Will Leftists Denounce Kos?

April 01, 2004

Watcher's Council Winners

The votes are in. Congratulations to to Justene Adamec for the winning non-Council entry, "That Xlrq Has Gone Too Far," and to me for the winning Council entry, "More of Justine's Crap."

Continue reading "Watcher's Council Winners"

Posted by Xrlq at 09:32 PM, Category: Watchers Council
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Calblog linked with April Fools day

Bloggers in the Media

Recent entries by Justene Adamec and Howard Bashman ran in Tuesday's Daily Journal on the topic of so-called "so-called 'partial-birth abortion.'"

Damn, Damn

Boalt has just lost one of its best IP professors, Mark Lemley, and its top 10 ranking by Useless News and Distort.

The worst part is that unlike almost everything else I've blogged today, this one is not an April Fooler.

Some People Just Can't Take a Joke

Apparently, Justeen is still miffed even though several of her readers suggested that my attacks were real some kind of April Fool's joke. You'd think she might have backed off at that point, but noooooooo, she had to beat me up over my recent flap with Lambert. Lambert himself handled the matter gracefully enough, so why can't she?

Maybe she should go back go doing what she does best, i.e. navel-gazing over what is "truth." Just try not to get into any arguments with "Justin."

Posted by Xrlq at 11:21 AM, Category:
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Patterico's Pontifications linked with "Dog Trainer" Term Retired
Calblog linked with It never ends today

Humor from the Dog Trainer

Until the Boi reminded me, I had forgotten that today was April Fool's Day. Not so for the staff of the L.A. Dog Trainer, who were all over it. This editorial on gaming is downright hysterical.

Republicans for Nader

No, I don't want Nader to win. There's no danger of that happening anyway. All Republicans, even the Clam, want Bush to win this one. Nor is this another tired post about how great it would be for Republicans if liberal Dems all split their vote for Nader. That would be great, of course, but we Republicans are in no position to do anything about that. What we can do is to vote for Nader ourselves.

Bear in mind, Republicans who live in swing states like Florida or Ohio should not attempt this stunt. Neither should residents of Maine or Nebraska, who split their electoral votes proportionally or by district rather than awarding 100% of them to whoever captures 51% of the statewide vote. My post is directed to everyone else: the vast majority, who live in "safe" states, be they red or blue. For those states, which are most of them, either Kerry or Bush already owns all of your electoral votes anyway. The only factor that was ever an issue in your state was the number of electoral votes to be awarded to it. That was determined by the 2000 Census, so if you admitted to the Census that you resided in your state in 2000, you've already "voted" for one candidate or the other, even if you don't show up to the polls in November. That means that if you do show up and vote for either Bush or Kerry, all you are really voting on now is which one of them will get to whine about winning "the popular vote" if he loses.

On the other hand, Nader has a strong track record of fouling things up for the Democrats. He did a splendid job of that in 2000, and is right on track for a repeat performance in 2004. If he gets at least as many votes now as he did four years ago, then who knows? Maybe he'll feed his ego even more and run yet again in 2008, or even 2012. Karl Rove couldn't pull off something like this, but you, the voter, can.

Justine ... Um, I Mean, "Justin"

Justyne's delusions seem to have gotten worse than I thought. Apparently, she's been playing this good-cop, bad-cop game with her alter ego "Justin" for so long that she is actually starting to believe herself that there is a guy named Justin (pronounced, "just IN," no doubt). Whatever. Maybe Justean and her imaginary friend, "Justin," should put their head(s) together and see if they can come up with a single, coherent explanation of why he/she/they/etc. think I am the one being immature here.

Boifromtroy thinks I'm kidding. Yeah, right.

More Justine Nonsense

Take a look at the sidebar on Justine's blog. You'll notice it has a couple of new additions: recent trackbacks, and recent comments, right down to the level of comment permalinks. Gee, I wonder where she got those from!

Posted by Xrlq at 07:57 AM, Category: Morons
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BoiFromTroy linked with April Foolery

Justine "Responds"

"Jfef," huh? Real mature. Note also that the link claiming to show I defend names by calling them sexist points to this entry, which doesn't even mention sexism! Did Justine... or maybe that should be Jstuein ... really think no one would notice?

Meanwhile, Justeen, who claims to be a Republican Republickin, has another new entry praising the Iraqi Communist Party. She even tried to slip this one through under an assumed name. I guess when she wants to say something she knows is controversal, she ceases to be Justine and starts being - get this - "Justin Levine." It doesn't get more transparent than that. Next time I have something controversial to say, maybe I should post it under the name "Xrlevlq." I'm sure no one will figure that one out.

Posted by Xrlq at 07:16 AM, Category: Morons
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BoiFromTroy linked with April Foolery
Calblog linked with Un -- Jeffin - believable

More of Justine's Crap

"Ooh, don't call me the 'mother hen!' That's so, like, sexist!, y'know?"

Give me an effing break.

Earth to Justine: all gender-specific words are "sexist." Duh! Would you really feel that much better if I called you to the father rooster instead?! Yeah, that takes care of the "sexism" problem, fer shure. Maybe I should call you "Justin" instead of "Justine." Feel better now? Moron. No, wait, maybe that should be "morine." Sexist, my [insert symbol of Democratic Party here].

Posted by Xrlq at 06:55 AM, Category: Morons
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BoiFromTroy linked with April Foolery
Calblog linked with Following the damnum logic

Blogtard of the Day: Justine Adameck

I know I shouldn't attack a fellow Bearflagger, let alone the mother hen, but this has simply gone too far. How on earth could that commie get behind Jennifer Lopez?! "Dance moves should not be protected by intellectual property or any offshoot theories" my [rhymes with "glass"]. And what's this shite about how great it is that some stupid initiatives don't make the ballot?! Did it ever occur to Justine - if that's her real name - that others do? Give me a break.

Go back to blogging about chickens and lame-ass rock groups that think they're punk, Justine. That crap bores me to death, but at least no one gets hurt.

Posted by Xrlq at 06:02 AM, Category: Morons
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Electric Venom linked with Letter Of The Day: L
blogoSFERICS linked with Blog Feud
BoiFromTroy linked with April Foolery
Calblog linked with That Xlrq has gone too far

March 31, 2004


Anyone who actually cares what Al Franken has to say (yes, I mean both of you!) should check out Bore America, which is temporarily being hosted at this site.

I'm falling asleep even from typing this, so I'm going to turn in now. G'night.

Posted by Xrlq at 10:37 PM, Category: Media Lameness
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Blog o'RAM linked with Fingers in Ears

Fire Hasn't Been Patented for Years

Add Reuters to the list of news agencies that can't tell a patent from a trademark. And add blogger Stephan Kinsella to the list of bloggers calling the media on their inexcusable sloppiness.

All Fired™ Up

I mentioned on Monday that the first federal trademark application for the name "You're Fired" was abandoned in 1996. Yesterday I noted that a certain Susan Brenner of Northbrook, IL was challenging Donald Trump's current mark. However, I missed the connection between the two. As it turns out, the abandoned mark, No. 75554719, was originally filed in the name of Art N' Soul, Inc., a corporation of which Brenner is the secretary. The original application listed International Class 035, and U.S. Classes 100 101 102. Trump's lists International Classes 028, 041, and U.S. Classes 022, 023, 038, 050, 100, 101 and 107. So there is a minimial overlap between the classes sought on Trump's application vs. those previously sought, then abandoned, by Brenner. I don't think that really matters, though; what does matter is likelihood of consumer confusion, which at this stage appears to be nil.

Meanwhile, a seventh applicant has joined the fray.
Continue reading "All Fired™ Up"

Posted by Xrlq at 12:45 PM, Category: Current Events Law
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BoiFromTroy linked with Final Four Foibles

Three Strikes "Reform"

Anyone considering voting for the initiative to water down three strikes should take Patterico's quiz. Questions 1 and 2 are up now. More will follow.

UPDATE: Here's question 3. This time the example is not a hypo.

FINAL UPDATE: Question 4.

Posted by Xrlq at 06:39 AM, Category: Law
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BoiFromTroy linked with L.A. D.A. Cooley speaks out