I’m pleased to announce that John Holbo and Belle Waring have joined our group and will be posting regularly on Crooked Timber from now on. John and Belle are famous for the catchphrase “and a pony!”, but apart from that I’m not going to attempt to summarise them.
Like me, and some other members of the group, they’ll be maintaining their own excellent blog as well.
You know, one day y’all are not going to invite a guest poster to join, and there’s gonna be some feelings hurt.
“Like me, and some other members of the group, they?ll be maintaining their own excellent blog as well.”
That’s not very modest.
Congrats all around. CT blog-coolness continues to dominate all rivals…
A great blog just got greater. Cliopatria will try to restrain her envy.
Wo, cool.
Now, Ralph. Cliopatria has nothing to be envious of. Not a thing.
No Zoë? I hope she didn’t get a better offer from the Volokh Conspiracy.
Excellent, well done. The best blog going just got better.
I think the Timberites should take a design tip from John and Belle: each of you should find an old, gloriously pulpy paperback, and select a face from it to serve as your posting avatar. Class up the joint. Y’know?
Word to that, Kip.
Happy happy happy! Oh boy oh boy, I can’t wait for tomorrow and having my CT dose include John and Belle!
Yes…“and a pony”, too.
Definitely one of the great “memes” of the era.
A friend and I spent all day yesterday day working it into sentence after sentence. (That, btw, at a horse show.)
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