HNN Features Articles and Op Eds by Historians
from Both the Left and the Right
Contents: Week of March 29, 2004
Up Front
A Short History of Executive Privilege
Reporter's Notebook: Highlights from the 2004 OAH Convention Rick Shenkman
HNN Readers Who Attended the 2004 OAH Annual Meeting: Their Observations
News at Home
Mr. Clarke Goes to Washington Anthony B. Toth
Alas, the 9-11 Commission Has Lost Its Luster P. M. Carpenter News Abroad Why is Richard Clarke Seething? Judith Apter Klinghoffer
How Can We Know for Sure When a Country Has Succeeded in Becoming a Democracy? Jonathan Dresner
Letter from Japan (Part 3) William Thompson Fact & Fiction Remember Ronald Reagan's October Surprise? It Never Happened. Daniel Pipes
Historians & History
NEW Howard Zinn's Disappointing History of the United States Michael Kazin
NEW Why Rosie the Riveter Deserves a National Park--And Got One Ruth Rosen
What Really Drives History? Thomas Fleming
Should the Allies Have Bombed Auschwitz? William J. vanden Heuvel vs. Rafael Medoff
Contents: Week of March 22, 2004
News at Home