The Wayback Machine -
when i'm out on the street!

2004 poster art calendar!

This calendar contains 24 of the Collective's favorite posters that until now have only been seen on the lamp-posts of Washington, DC and this Web site. It exposes Mike Flugennock's razor-sharp political wit to a wider audience and stimulates people's minds from a grassroots left perspective.

Mike doesn't just design posters for protests, he sets the tone of the protest. His art sends a signal to all the disparate activists that, "This action is hot!" Whether it's 20,000 people protesting George W. Bush's "Inaugurauction" or hundreds of affinity groups shutting down the World Bank and IMF, Mike has given the social justice movement a distinct look.

The posters are reproduced full-size, 11x17; and the calendar opens to 11x34.

WHOLESALE PURCHASE INQUIRIES: email; a bulk purchase rate sheet is available here.

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