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[05 Apr 2004|10:25pm]

[ mood | discontent ]

***i'm not sure if FPS is ok to post here, if it's not, pls. let me know and i'll delete this post***

well, as i've been (perhaps unwisely *wink*) encouraged to keep trying to finish my Aragorn/Legolas series, Willow Song, i've decided to post a fragment of a scene i've had in the back burner for some time. i just revised a bit of it before posting. a bit heavy on the angst (gee, what a shocker), post major-character-death.

there's a shitload of stuff that happens between the last published chapters of the series and this, (and some of it has even been written already!) and there is much rewriting to be done on *that*, but here goes. do remember, it is only a fragment.

links to the archived series are here (go to FPS under legion2012) and here (go to archive, FPS, under Legion) if anyone's curious. these too are pending revision.

Beyond the Wake (fragment)

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Something which might be of interest... [04 Apr 2004|04:46am]

Brand new slash fanfiction archive, this one specifically dedicated to angst and dark fiction.

It is barely populated, and only starting to be publicized. I thought it might be a good idea to get in on the ground floor, so to speak. Every new person who comes to check it out is going to take a look at the stories there, and right now, there are only 10 of them. Might be a good opportunity to pick up some new readership. And by all means, pimp the site anywhere you think it might be welcome.

Crossposted: [info]blackened_souls, [info]squicky, [info]ashes_of_beauty, and [info]suffer_slash
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Let each other go (ViggOrli) [01 Apr 2004|10:51pm]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Tori Amos - Silent all these years ]

just a short, mildly angsty entry. beats boredom. hope u like. cheers.

Let one another go

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A new community... [29 Mar 2004|12:14pm]

Ladies and gents!!

[info]eclipsethesun and [info]orlibloomedme would like to introduce everyone to a new community for Orlando Bloom fanfiction: [info]ashes_of_beauty Everything is welcome - there are no limitations!! Please come in and join!

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[21 Mar 2004|01:43pm]

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Perduto - Benjamin Marcantoni ]

Short (for me) Viggorli drablet/thing. Angst. No happy endings here.

In the beginning

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Elijah's Issues [16 Mar 2004|08:52pm]
Title: Elijah’s Issues
Pairing: Orlijah, slight Viglijah
Summary: Elijah has a problem, and Orlando tries to fix it. The story is more interesting than what I’m letting on, I swear. A would-be romantic story with a twist, I guess you could call it.
Rating: Hmm, as of this moment, I don’t know. PG-13.
Disclaimer: Never happened, implies nothing.

Read more... )
4 Caresses| Give Comfort

Shattered - part 2 [14 Mar 2004|01:06am]

Wow, it's been ages since I posted the first part of this story.
It's high time for a new part, innit?

Title: Shattered But Not Broken (WIP)
Author: autumnsparkle
Rating: R
Pairing: Orlando/Vigs, eventually
Warning: Slash, rape, angst
Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Orlando or Viggo. I do own the plotline though. Hurrah!

Shattered But Not Broken - 2 )
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el fico [04 Mar 2004|11:13pm]

[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | Rocky Horror Picture Show - 'Touch me' ]

i spent all fucking evening writing this, and i kinda hate it, but it had to be done, and once done, it had to be published. it's sappy and needy viggorli. let me know how much it sucks. that, in itself, might be its own reward. i decided to go with the more formal headers, disclaimers and such, so i put the whole shebang behind the cut, cause it's kind of long, and it would annoy me if it took half my friends page. (sort of like this rambly intro, heh) i should mention the ending is nearly borderline happy, which only goes to show you how low i've fallen *wink*.

TITLE: Cowards

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a request of sorts [23 Feb 2004|04:01pm]

hi, lurker here.
i love all the fics, but i'd like to request a story. umm... i'd like something written based on the following lyrics. do anything you'd like with them, just make sure it's domlijah. you can have other pairings too, but the main one should be domlijah.

thanks :D


'One' U2 )

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part 2, i guess [20 Feb 2004|06:18pm]

this is the rest and end of Rest in peace. damn, that was annoying. sorry for the split post. i don't know if it was just too long or what. whatever. read on. enjoy.

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there. i hope that did it.
2 Caresses| Give Comfort

[20 Feb 2004|06:07pm]

[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | Jeff Buckley - Lilac Wine ]

i wrote this a while back (when i actually had time to write, sigh.) and i wanted to share. it's a pretty long fucker. hope it doesn't suck.

thanks to the lovely May at Aniron Slash for keeping this archived for me. i love you, hon. you can see her fab website here:

Fic: Rest in peace
Author: legion2012 (or just legion)

Original notes and disclaimers behind the cut
Major angst warning: Death story
PAIRING: EW/various

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i don't know why it would not post the whole thing. i will post the rest separately now. sorry.

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You Seem To Move On Easy [17 Feb 2004|09:52am]
Title: You Seem To Move On Easy
Author: _reality_

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Everytime (Orlijah) [16 Feb 2004|03:34pm]
Title: Everytime
Author: _reality_
Pairing: Orlijah
Summary: Orlando passes on, leaving behind a suicidal Elijah. Read more... )
8 Caresses| Give Comfort

Shattered - part 1 [08 Feb 2004|06:02pm]

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Alanis Morissette - Ironic ]

Title: Shattered But Not Broken (WIP)
Author: [info]autumnsparkle
Rating: R
Pairing: Orlando/Vigs, eventually
Warning: Slash, rape, angst
Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Orlando or Viggo. I do own the plotline though. Hurrah!

Part One )

52 Caresses| Give Comfort

[07 Feb 2004|08:06pm]

[ mood | crazy ]

Title: Pretty When He Cries

Author: HMC

Pairing: Orlilly, with small nod to Monaboyd.

Rating: R for hints of non-con and violence.



Don't Panic )

4 Caresses| Give Comfort

Welcome... [07 Feb 2004|12:51am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Sarah Mclachlan - Fallen ]

to this abnormal yet needed community.

Yes. Needed. Many people amongst us (the ones you least expect it from *wink*) may find the need and desire to simply only read fiction that contains Angst. Some may find it weird, but it isn't really. Please, let me explain.

When angst is in a story there will be suffering (the more, the better *winks again*). Suffering is maybe not the goal we want to achieve when writing/reading but it's the comforting that comes along with it: the sweet whispers, the tight hugs, the gentle caresses, the passionate kisses. And maybe even the mind-blowing comfort-sex? Either way, that is what this community is for.

I recommend you read the rules of this community on our info page before posting any story. And damn, how I hope people will actually post!

Anyway, enjoy the bittersweet ride of this community. Sit back and relaaaaax!! Oh no, i mean wriiiiite!

Your moderator

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