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dental school update:May. 10th, 2004 @ 07:15 am

29 DAYS -OR-
9 TESTS (soon to be 8) -OR-

Current Mood: chipper
Current Music: Russ Landau - I Can See It

NECROPHILAC NO MORE!May. 7th, 2004 @ 09:47 pm
Anatomy and Anatomy Dissection are all over forever! That was 8 wonderful credits (12 quarter credits) of intense fun and lots of memorizing! Maybe I'll sorta rest my brain for part of the weekend! Yay!

Visited with the grandparents this afternoon and evening. It was dandy. They're great!

(Don't Leave Home Without It)May. 1st, 2004 @ 11:15 pm
As many of you, my friends, know, I am a huge advocate for quality-based tipping. I don't feel it's appropriate to always tip everybody a flat rate, and so I tend to tip less (or nothing) if the situation is crappy and will tip more for excellent service. I have frequently joked that I would one day make up a sheet to leave with the tip so they knew why I was leaving the amount I was leaving... BUT THE JOKE IS NO MORE!

Introducing the all new RESTAURANT TIPPING FEEDBACK FORM!! Now all you need to do is carry these full-page quarter-page sheets with you to restaurants and note the quality of service you are provided throughout the meal. Once it's time to pay, simply whip out the form, fill it out and calculate the appropriate tip. Room has been provided to add additional comments and percentages as well!

I plan to use this very soon. I'm very excited. Must go to bed first, though. Happy May Day to all!
Current Mood: giddy
Current Music: Belle & Sebastian - Sleep the Clock Around

the IMPORTANCE of free ice creamApr. 26th, 2004 @ 10:43 pm
don't forget that both tomorrow (ben and jerry's, noon to 8pm) and wednesday (baskin robbins, 6 to 10pm) are excellent opportunities for free ice cream. i know i never miss out on the opportunities (and will keep with tradition of trying flavors i would never otherwise buy)...

happiness with sweetened dairy to you all!
Current Mood: creamy center!
Current Music: Love Actually OST - Glasgow Love Theme

(maybe he'll buy a jaguar, too?)Apr. 24th, 2004 @ 06:03 pm
for the fellow lander-4-ites that read the journal: former resident and trouble maker (he smashed somebody's pumpkin on our floor!) reggie williams was selected as the number nine pick overall in the NFL draft by the jacksonville jaguars. that means he's going to make between $12-14 million over the next seven years. i wish i was gonna be that rich by the time i was 28. maybe i should go and buy a powerball ticket (the jackpot's over $100 million according to some store in center city)...
Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: Micaeal Bublé - Mack the Knife (Thanks, Mike!)
Other entries
» **cool-ICIOUS**
so, sometime in the past month, AT&T; wireless significantly expanded my national coverage and now i don't have to pay roaming anywhere in the USA (as long as there's cell coverage). not that it really mattered since i'm hardly in roaming areas, but it makes me happy to know that i CAN go anywhere in the country without worrying.

maybe now i'll go on a trip somewhere just to use my phone. meet me in montauk...
» (((CLV down, XXXIX more to go)))
one-hundred-fifty-five days down, thirty-nine more to go this year!

twenty percent of the way to graduation! yippee!

gonna play some this weekend in addition to some school work. wanna play with me?
» ((blistered)FEET)
Yesterday was a great day! It was about 80 degrees and beautiful outside! I decided it would be a great day to get some chores done, so I decided to walk downtown and get my haircut, buy some clothes, and do other fun things. Well, it would have been fantastic, except I decided to wear sandals for my 10+ mile stroll. I got huge blisters after all that walking. I hit up many touristy places, though, so it was fun! Today also includes a lot of sun and about 85 degrees, but I have more local chores to do today (cleaning, laundry, groceries).

What a happy weekend! The Pacers won yesterday, too! Yay!
» -sixty-wins-
went to the pacers game tonight. did some self upgrading of the seats because the crowd was maybe at half capacity. we first went to our original seats (see the other post to see the view), but it was too tempting to move closer since nobody was at the game. we moved to the $87 seats (paid $15 for the pair) and got this view (sorry, my phone is getting worse at taking pictures, so Minh is researching actual digital cameras for me to purchase):

good times. the pacers won their 60th game of the year--quite a feat since they have the best record of the year. bed time soon.
» [splendid, splendid]

It's been a nice relaxing weekend. I studied some for my tests this week and also had fun with several different friends throughout the weekend. I also watched Mary Poppins for the first time in many, many years. It's funny how much more sense it makes now that I'm older. I can't wait for it to come to Broadway next year (also coming before I graduate: The Little Mermaid and Tarzan). Early bedtime tonight because I'm tired and not feeling well (I need a spoonful of sugar, it appears).
» || Five Mile Walk for a Taste of Home ||
Well, I had a great evening after a pretty frustrating day in school. At school, I spent all day working on drilling this tooth and then I had to do it again. Oh well! Anyway, afterwards, Jennie and Jen invited me to go on a walk with them to downtown and to Trader Joe's. I decided it would be fun, so I walked over to meet them and then we headed for downtown. I bought Oregon Chai Tea from the store, a tasty treat that's manufactured a mere twelve miles from the family house in Vancouver. We then walked to Rittenhouse Square to look at apartments we might live in during third year and got ice cream at Scoop DeVille. It was a tasty treat, just like the chai will be. Anyway, it was so fun getting in some exercise (five miles worth of walking) after a long day of sitting in lab cutting teeth poorly. Bedtime soon.
» (No Subject)
this man is my hero... i would try to beat his blood donating record (he's donated 301 times--i've donated only 33), but by the time i'm 77, they'll probably be using some synthetic blood product... i'll do my best to get to at least 31 gallons (248 pints), which, at the current rate, i'd reach at age sixty...
» Wax on, Wax off // Pacers Mania // 04-04-04
The molar wax-up test is tomorrow. I plan on doing my best and hope I do decently. I practiced several times this weekend making my outline form of the tooth look as good as possible. I'm looking forward to the fun!

Secondly, I have been a VERY BAD basketball fan this year! It was my plan to go to several Pacers games this year, and since I don't have cable, I have yet to see a single game of my favorite team (who happen to also have the best record in the NBA). I missed seven opportunities to see the Pacers playing in either Philly, NYC, New Jersey or Washington, but I didn't miss my last chance, which is a week from tomorrow! I just bid on and won some cheap seats tickets off of eBay. The seats are really crappy, but they were cheap!

Yeah, this is the view from my seat. However, they'll do (especially now that I have contacts!), and considering I got two tickets to the game, free parking (in case I con somebody that drives to want to go) and get them shipped to me all for $15. A bargain!

Yeah, so that's about all. It's nearly bedtime. Happy 04/04/04 to everybody! Next year, Cinco de Mayo will be the happy studdering date. How fun!
» (worst ride ever)

so, it turns out that seven people got hurt on the gravitron in miami. i tell you, the gravitron is scary. i used to LOVE it when i was a little kid, but then we went to the fair once in 1998 or something (it was cara, nancy, sarah and probably some other people, too), and i got sooooo sick on the stupid gravitron because i pulled my head out away from the wall. i didn't throw up because of it, but sarah threw up on somebody's shoe after another ride (though i'm sure it was REALLY because of the gravitron). stupid gravitron!

in other news, i'm listening to the radiohead com lag 2+2=5 ep that is released on tuesday in japan. it's so fun to get things early!
» [friday]++(i'm in love with you)
the end of the week has finally come! rotation this morning in radiology, then another class officially finished! we're also halfway through dissection after today's session! in just four more weeks, we'll have only about 4 hours of class every tuesday and friday (8 the other three days) and get to enjoy more of a break from school! plus, there are only 55 more days in this year!

lame post, i know. here, i'll try to spice it up: kerri, a girl in my class, doesn't know how to say "caulk." she says it more like the male variety of chicken. anyway, she told us a story last night how she asked the maintenence people multiple times for caulk (because her windows were drafty) but they never really fixed them. we informed her that they were probably confused with her request and probably thought she wanted something else from the maintenence man. it was fun.

okay, still a lame post, but must go to class. happy april 2nd! happy birthday to lots of people i know!
» ++sail-those-shadowed-trees-to-the-top-of-the-world++
i feel a sickness coming on. i think my body is getting confused and thinks a break is coming up soon. sadly, that's not true, so i'll try to push through it at full strength to avoid the yucky feelings.

it was 80 degrees today in seattle. only 50 here.

tomorrow i'm doing a study at the dental school (get paid $70 each week for three weeks) and then donating blood after dissection. action packed indeed. test today went decently but not great. more tests on thursday (dental materials) and next monday (a hard wax-up test on making a maxillary molar in three hours--i already know i'm going to fail). goody!

58 more school days to summer!
» [the band game]^SUPERSIZED
Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:

I'm gonna try with three bands (listed one after the other):

Are you female or male: Paranoid Android // Clueless // Surprise
Describe yourself: Everything in its Right Place // Best Imitation of Myself // Completely Pleased
How do some people feel about you: Climbing up the Walls // Not the Same // All Worked Out
How do you feel about yourself: Permanent Daylight // The Luckiest // Singing in my Sleep
Describe your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend: Worrywort // Bruised // Made to Last
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: Pearly // Magic // One True Love
Describe where you want to be: Nice Dream // Rockin' the Suburbs // Gone to the Movies
Describe what you want to be: The Tourist // Wandering // Delicious
Describe how you live: Optimistic // In Between Days // Ordinary Life
Describe how you love: No Surprises // Just Pretend // DND
Share a few words of wisdom: Bulletproof... I Wish I Was // Learn to Live With What You Are // Who's Stopping You?
» (No Subject)
something i forgot to mention...

minh and i saw eternal sunshine of the spotless mind on tuesday night after dinner with four very cute dental school classmates (cyelee, jen, jennie, and michelle--of course, i alphabetized the names)... the movie was fantastic!
» ::updated:: -- ::by:request::
well, according to ameera, a super snazzy girl in my dental school class, i haven't updated recently enough! she asked me when i'd update and let her know it'd be tonight. well, i hope you're happy! leave an anonymous comment so i know you read!

anyway, i have had a great but busy and stressful week! minh, erik and katie came last thursday night. they eventually made it here right at midnight, and we went to bed soon after! i had an exam last thursday, friday and then this monday and tuesday, so i had a lot of school work for which to prepare. hopefully i did well on them all. i know i made a few mistakes on the anatomy dissection quiz because i didn't study nearly enough. oh well.

anyway, the four of us got the obligatory cheesesteak on friday night, and then went to NYC on saturday morning. we left here at 5:30 in the morning and dropped katie and erik off in front of the lion king before 7:30. they were first in line, and after the four of us switched off waiting, we got four great standing room only tickets. we even got to sit in the orchestra for the second half since some people didn't show. we did other new yorky stuff and left sunday.

minh came back with me and was probably bored most of the week (since I had 8 hours of school on friday, monday, wednesday and today and 4 hours on tuesday), but i enjoyed his company when i was home. i won't get to see any of them for three months, so that's sad.

okay, time to do a bunch of random chores, and then eat dinner, then do a little early studying for next monday's test. i should make notecards or something so i can keep myself ahead of schedule. no class tomorrow until 1pm! maybe i'll sleep in until 8...

ta ta for now...

oh yeah, at the end of the day today, a girl in our class got proposed to! we were all in the old yucky pre-clinical lab and he came in with flowers and a ring and stuff and proposed... it was a great distraction from the drilling and filling we were supposed to be doing!
» *fun*and*pink*
i've had this on my desktop for about 2 weeks, but i keep forgetting to post it...

for all those who want to brag about me (or any other justin) being easy, run to urban outfitters quickly to snag the shirt...
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