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The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy didn't cease operations when Hillary climbed onto her broomstick and flew out of the White House. In fact, it has been more active than ever! Now you can win arguments with your liberal friends and initiate new members into the Conspiracy with this clever, dead-on, and helpfully concise guide to the conservative take on issues. It's a perfect source of ammunition for conservatives and education for prospective converts to the Conspiracy.
In brief, bite-sized portions, this book answers liberal lunacy point for point. Armed with The Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, you'll be able nimbly and eloquently to win discussions with friends, family and Al Franken on these issues and more:
Iraq * The War on Terror * Affirmative action * Israel * the UN * Crime * The death penalty * Abortion * Health care * School vouchers * Gun control * Reaganomics * Immigration * The liberal media * The environment * Racial profiling
After you've won them over, you can even make them card-carrying members of the Conspiracy -- a membership card comes with the book!
In the grand tradition of conservative respect for our history and heritage, this handy book summarizes the essential ideas and arguments of conservative geniuses from James Madison to Ann Coulter. It synthesizes and distills the masterful conservative writings of Ronald Reagan, Rush Limbaugh, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and hundreds of other right-thinking authors and scholars who have already explained why conservatism is true and correct. Armed with it, you'll be ready for this evening's cocktail party, or your next college class, or your next appearance on The O'Reilly Factor.
One final bonus: once you master the arguments in The Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, Hillary will kick you out of her village.
Get the answers from The Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy:
- 9/11: why the Blame-America-First crowd is wrong
- Conservatives: how in reality we're more compassionate than liberals
- How tax-and-spend liberals suddenly become parsimonious cost-cutters when it comes to defending America
- Osama bin Laden: why, if he could vote, he'd vote Democratic
- Occupying Iraq: will it create more terrorists? Why this is balderdash
- Why the U.S. has no moral and legal obligation to support the UN
- Why we don't need the UN to keep the peace internationally -- which America has done time and time again without UN help
- A missile defense system: how it's both morally necessary and technologically feasible
- Profiling: why it's not only justified in the war on terror, but essential
- The true, hidden reason why liberals want high taxes -- behind all their talk of compassion for the poor
- The Gipper vs. Slick Willie: which one really saved the economy
- Proof: when government relaxes control, citizens prosper
- The Reagan-era deficits: how they were really the fault of the very Democrats who were blaming Reagan for them!
- Lies Slick Willie told that won him the White House in 1992
- Why lower taxes are better for everyone -- even liberals
- Government regulation: why it's virtually always bad for the economy
- The freedom factor: how prosperity is directly related to how much freedom a government allows its citizens
- Death by a thousand paper cuts: how regulations are strangling America
- How liberal judges have twisted their legitimate authority to "interpret the law" into a mandate to make the law -- even when these new laws contradict the Constitution's very words
- Why regulations designed to prohibit the manufacture of slipshod or dangerous products actually make us all less safe
- America the beautiful: why our "arrogant, unilateral, racist, gun-crazed society" is the envy of the world
- We stole the Indians' land? Why the best response is "So what?"
- America: a racist society? Why nothing could be farther from the truth
- How the welfare system has strayed far from its original ideals
- America's health care system: why it's still the best in the world
- Why "tax cuts for the rich" are actually quite fair and benefit everyone -- including the poor
- The American poor: how they're better off than most of the people in other countries, poor or not
- You've gone a long way off the deep end, baby: why every woman should reject radical feminism
- Why the feminists' denigration of housewives and the traditional family is unconscionable
- Proven false: the common liberal claim that women make less money than men for the same work
- Why real concern for the environment doesn't require Americans to walk lockstep with the radical environmentalist agenda
- The compelling incentive private companies have to keep the environment clean -- without being burdened by niggling and red tape from the EPA
- "Free" health care: why it could be the most costly thing Americans have ever bought
- Why adopting the health care system of Canada or Britain would be a disastrous mistake
- Health insurance: why the liberal hysteria about some Americans not having it is vastly overblown
- Public schools: why the best thing we could do for them would be to issue school vouchers today
- Why it's false that people turn to crime because of poverty, illegitimacy, and lack of economic opportunities
- The death penalty: neither inhumane nor "cruel and unusual"
- Why it's a clever -- but ultimately empty -- rhetorical dodge to claim to be "pro-choice but not pro-abortion"
- Melting pot sí, multiculturalism no: how we must bring sanity to the immigration issue
- No liberal media bias? Why this may the most ludicrous liberal fantasy of all
- Plain truth about the 2000 election, proving that Bush really won