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About Our Work
The Supreme Court
Federal Judiciary
Appointments of Concern
In the States
Ideology Overall: Alabama Attorney General William Pryor
Reports on Current Nominees and Issues relating to the Judiciary
Like Activist Judges?
Then You'll Love Bush Nominee Myers
Myers wins narrow victory in Senate Judiciary Committee
Despite continual haranguing from the radical right about threats posed by "activist" judges, it is clear the real source of such nominees to the federal bench is the Bush Administration. William G. Myers, a candidate for the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, is unable to separate his responsibilities as a public official from his interests as a private-sector lobbyist and should be opposed.
Justice Scalia: Not on "Team Uniter"
Promoted by presidential candidate George W. Bush as a model for future Supreme Court appointments, Justice Antonin Scalia has marked his tenure as an associate justice with ultra-conservative zeal and an alarming dose of acrimony. An article out on the premium -- free to PFAW/F visitors -- considers how Scalia may have damaged his future shot at Chief Justice, thanks to his hostile nature. Also, see People For the American Way Foundation's Courting Disaster II, documenting the disastrous reversal of legal and social justice progress, should the Supreme Court take on more justices like Scalia and his right-wingman Clarence Thomas.
And the Nominees Are.....
President Bush is not giving up on his agenda to pack the federal judiciary with right-wing extremists. After installing two contentious judges to seats on the federal judiciary through recess appointment, the President continues to buck bipartisan consultation by nominating more troubling candidates. Make sure you're up to date on all of the facts surrounding the most controversial nominees. Visit PFAW's Nominee Central!
Problems with CBS Pickering Profile
A 60 Minutes segment on federal judge Charles Pickering was billed as an opportunity for Pickering to deny charges of racism. But that charge was never the ground on which his nomination was opposed by civil rights and other public interest organizations. By focusing on this "straw man" argument, the segment failed to give a full picture of the opposition to Pickering's nomination, based on his record as a judge and public official.
Confirmed Judges Confirm Our Worst Fears
The vast majority of judges nominated by President Bush have been confirmed; some are already serving in the federal circuit courts of appeal. Did the more controvetial nominees, now confirmed, turn out to be as dangerous as critics charged? PFAW Foundation has analyzed many of these judges' subsequent rulings and the findings are troubling. The eye-popping analysis in found in a new Foundation report.
Eye on the Bench
March 2, 2004
The Wall Street Journal reports on PFAW's role in the fight for an independent judiciary: "But over the past three years, judicial-nomination fights have escalated to a level not seen since the vicious clash over Justice Clarence Thomas in 1991. The president has put up a string of highly conservative and relatively young nominees, in a bid to reshape the courts and appeal to his party's right wing."
William G. Myers: An “Activist” Lobbying from the Federal Bench?
Latest Judicial Nominee Takes Aim at Government's Ability to Protect Rights of All Americans and our Natural Resources
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News From The Right
Right Wing Organizations
Right Wing Watch Online 2004
Stop the Nomination of Right-Wing Lobbyist William Myers
William Pryor: Ideology Over All
Protecting a Woman's Right to Privacy and Reproductive Choice
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in the Supreme Court's 2002-2003 Term
Executive Summary: Kuhl Post-Hearing Report

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