Every once in a while, you stumble upon a blog entry that is so disturbing you feel like you have been kicked in the gut. (via Cobb.)
This appears to be a hoax.
Check out the comments and following blog entries.
Posted by: Mike at October 13, 2003 12:14 AMI don't necessarily agree that it is a hoax. Even if it is complete fiction, it is no less disturbing.
Posted by: So Cal Lawyer at October 13, 2003 10:28 AMI don't know why Mike thinks it is a hoax. If it is, I guess we'll have to link to the other million or so similar entries per year (though most fortunately do not have the racial component and do not require the homeowner to pull the trigger).
Posted by: Xrlq at October 13, 2003 06:40 PM"million or so similar entries per year..."
Oops, Freudian slip there. I meant similar stories, not "entries." Most people who have to defend their families don't blog about it.
Posted by: Xrlq at October 13, 2003 06:42 PM