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April 10, 2003

Dude, Where's My Car/Gun?

The Daily Cal reports that actor/geopolitical expert Jeff Spicoli Sean Penn had his car stolen Tuesday afternoon. Unfortunately, that's not all they stole; Penn also left a loaded Glock in the cab and an unloaded revolver in the trunk. So much for liberals working to keep guns out of the wrong hands.

Berkeley Police Officer Mary Kusmiss seems a bit confused as to the laws she is charged with enforcing. The linked Daily Cal article quotes her as saying that it was legal for Penn to leave the guns in the car because he has a concealed carry permit. This is complete nonsense, of course. A permit to carry is just that, a permit to carry a gun for one's own protection. It is not a license to leave a gun unattended in a vehicle parked on public streets and hope nobody steals it. It's bad enough that spoiled celebs like Sean Penn, Robert Blake, etc. are given permits that are routinely denied to more deserving, or even law-abiding (unlike Penn himself), commoners. Why exempt them from other laws? At the very minimum, his CCW ought to be revoked.

UPDATE: Clayton Cramer has more. Link via Instapundit.

UPDATE x2: Clayton emailed to say that California has no law against leaving firearms in unattended vehicles, and a brief perusal of Cal. Penal Code § 12020 et seq. did not reveal anything to the contrary. So apparently the cop was right about the law. Still, leaving a loaded gun in an unattended in a vehicle does not strike me as a particularly wise thing to do.

UPDATE x3: Tim Lomcevak has been following this issue more closely. Apparently, Penn's rap sheet is longer than I thought, raising questions as to whether he should have been issued a CCW in the first place. Link via Instapundit.

UPDATE x4: Spicoli got his car back, but not the guns.

Posted by Xrlq at April 10, 2003 12:57 PM
Category: Guns Liberal Morons
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