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Mother's Day! [09 May 2004|05:07pm]
[ mood | blavers ]
[ music | brtlmn - what happens when you... ]

Listen to my new song.
I made it for my Mom. Happy Mother's Day.

Title: what happens when you look at the trees and only the very top of them are illuminated by the sun
Length: 4 min, 07 sec
Size: 4.7 meg

I tried not to go too crazy, since it's for my Mom and all, so it's a bit less glitchy and strange, and more nice.

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the barn cats (part 13) [02 May 2004|06:25am]
[ mood | hospitate ]

part 13

I take pictures of people as they die and then I sell them on the network. They generally sell for anywhere between thirty and nintey dollars a piece. It is an easy living because people die very often. It is a hard living because I have to be there and I have to take the picture at the moment they die.

But more often I go to abandoned places on the lower levels of the cities and take snapshots of various whatevers I happen upon. Sometimes I hear a SIREN.

You see that SOMETHING there?

I do not use a digital camera because they are rediculous and terrible. If the flash is on, it will illuminate dust particles and make them appear as ORBS. These are called 'FALSE ORBS'.

It is very cold down there, and there are, for some reason, a second layer of clouds. It is nearly always raining or snowing. Have you ever seen it when it snows inside of a building? It is miraculous and absurd and wonderful. It is almost like watching a falling drop of water. Temporary things are beautiful and fleeting, but perhaps only I feel this way.

So, I take pictures of people as they die. The last moment of anything that is temporary is the most exciting and lovely. It is especially exciting and lovely when it is of another human being. This is because most of them do not realize that they are temporary until that last moment, that succulent moment, that gorgeous, honey-like moment. I have several photos that I refuse to sell, they are too perfect. Many other's eyes are undeserving and ignorant, the image would be lost on them, it would be like giving fine wine to a child. A silly, wasteful action.

I still think about that snowy day that summer day.
Some children had written 'Billy Pilgrim Lives!!' in the snow. I wish it snowed in Orealis.

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the barn cats (part 6) [28 Apr 2004|09:44pm]
[ mood | Dragon ]
[ music | Yo Yo Ma ]

part 6

I asked Moloko [not her real name], "Where are you from?"
She said, "West Korea".
I stammered, then, realizing she was joking, said nothing.
"Not many people KNOW about it," she said, emphasizing the word 'KNOWN' as I have indicated via capitalization in the transliteration of this conversation [being, originally, in Icelandic].
I was utterly silent in the exact opposite way of annoying background birds, themselves being utterly UNsilent.
As she removed her sunglasses in the way that a person does when they wish to indicate that they have no interest in you, she said, "You don't believe me."
Then she left, and I was alone, staring at the painting, 'Pear Blossom and Moon', by Yun Shou-P'ing, which is NOT the following painting:

The next day I woke up to find the cats on my bed. Which was strange because I Only had one cat. It had APPEARED that my cat had cloned itself. It was odd, and I was left with a sense of bewilderment. Of course I kept the clone. It behaved in exactly the same way as the original cat. They really were the same cat. They got along really well, too. It was amazing. I had a feeling that living in Orealis would be nerve wracking, but so far, it's really nice.
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the barn cats (part 5) [27 Apr 2004|07:07pm]
[ mood | frampold ]

part 5 :

I live alone. I'm looking oustide my window. The clouds are crisp today. Crisp but billowing. They are so CRISP that if you bit into one of them they would crunch like a potato chip. The clouds are soft, too. They look like an explosion of steam in extreme slow motion. They are so SOFT that if you bit into one of them they would be like mashed potatoes, the sunshine the butter.

I'm listening to K-- K----. A man says, "You'll find that any of these discs provide great music for counting money by." Turntabalism is like pizza. The base is always the same in pizza,,,,,, dough, sauce, cheese......... but the toppings are always different.

I heard K-- K---- say to me once a few months ago, before the demilitarized zone incident, "You won't not give in." He was talking about Orealis, at least I think he was. It was apt. APT!

What is Orealis?, I hear you asking. That is like asking what the barn cats are. The barn cats are as much cats as Orealis is an enourmous city on stilts. They are both more than that. But what are they? I'll tell you what they are. They are what happens when you look out the window and see the top of a tree, and only the very tips of them are illuminated by the sun. It reminds me of something that Einarr told me the other day: "The world is nothing but food for the eyes and ears. Taste as much as you can before you die." I told him that was pretty accurate but sort of cliche. He said that all that matters is that it is accurate.

It's dinner time.

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A NEW MEME [27 Apr 2004|03:57pm]
[ mood | loudful ]
[ music | Liz Phair - Fuck and Run ]

Hey check out this new MEME!

DO NOT ask me three questions and I will not answer them!!

I will not answer the non-questions with silence and then after a suitable period of silence I will laugh at you. Sarcastic questions will earn you a severe berating from me, followed by me beating you with my infamous 'hitting stick', and perhaps I will also sodomize you. Depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm not really in the mood to sodomize you, but I usually am. So GET READY FOR IT, BITCH.

I'm glad that some of you peeps out there like my rambling, bizarre writings. I'm saving all of them and will one day release the fury that is THE BARN CATS onto the world of books and literature. Imagine a raging storm of hellfire and the standard, near obligatory, BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT raining down directly into your mouth, if you have the GOD DAMN CAPABILITY to do so. That's a mouthful of blood and fire. That's THE BARN CATS!!!

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the barn cats (part 4) [26 Apr 2004|08:09pm]
[ mood | nabble ]
[ music | ]


"So, you heard what happened in the demilitarized zone?"
That is Haruko talking to me. She is a very sexy asian girl who I see sometimes. I am extremely attracted to her. She covers her body with lots of clothing. It confuses me. I want to see her body, not clothing.

"No, I didn't."
That is 'William' talking to me. He is an asian boy who is very attracted to me. I like his beard. He has something of a gut that I find sexy. He hides the fact that he is asian. Of course he told me because I am also asian. My name is Haruko but I am actually Chinese. I think it's cute that he wants to be European.

"Well, as soon as Orealis pulled out it all went to hell."
All I can think about is having sexual intercourse with her. I have had sex with her on two occasions in the past. On one occasion we were drunk and on another occasion we were very stoned. In America you can't smoke weed but you can in Orealis. We stayed at a hotel and we had sex for a long time.

"That doesn't surpise me, they should have known East Calgary would attack. I have no idea why the West Calgarians wanted Orealis to leave."
I can tell, through his dark sunglasses, that he is looking at me. He is remembering the times that we had sex in a hotel. I enjoyed it, but those moments are rare. There are only special moments in which we can have sex, it is not something that I can describe. It is a feeling. Right now, if we were both on Orealis, if we were both very stoned, we would be having sex.

"It's a huge mess now. The immigrants from that planet... ahh, Enindendis I think? They're all moving to the Ameri-China domes, now."
I remember how smooooooooooooooooooooth how smooth the sides of her torso were. So smooth and creamy. I could swim in it, it was so creamy. I could reach in and drown in it, a mouthful of whipped yogurt and cream that tastes like rose petals suffocating me. A peaceful death.

"Are they, really? What about the robots that lived there?"
What I remember is his cute gut. He got a little shy when I told him how much I liked it. But I didn't care. All I wanted to do was lay my head on it and rub it all evening. It was so soft with just a little hair on it. I kept imagining that there was a baby in there. A very small baby. Or maybe a cat. When I squeezed it he went YIPE and it was so cute.

"You know the robots, they don't care about human political affairs. They're just ignoring it. Besides, they have enough sense not to attack areas with high robot populations."
Her lips are like two beautiful, succulent, red tomato slices that I want in my mouth. She has a cigarette in her mouth right now. I want to take it out and put my fingers in her mouth. I want to grab her hair and ...


"Oh, yes."
"Okay, I'll be there soon."
"Okay, Bye"


"Well, I have to go. Work. Sorry to leave like this. Let's meet at Orealis next week, yeah?"

"Sure, how about the SOMA district?"

"You always want to go to the SOMA district."

"So do you."

I passed by a theremin in a store on Orealis one day. It said to me, "What is desired is desirable."

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the barn cats (part 3) [26 Apr 2004|06:00pm]
[ mood | opuscule ]
[ music | the sound of the elevator, the sound of the cats ]

it's important to understand something

Have you ever wanted to die? What I mean is, have you ever wanted to know? Orealis is a city on stilts where you can PURCHASE anything you like. There are prices there and there. The word I use the most is THE word THE. Now I hear a little clicking sound. Now I hear a bass sound. The barn cats never rest and they don't live in a barn. They wander. They have no tails. They are, perhaps, looking for their tails. That is speculation. The barn cats are a mystery to us non-barn cats. There is a person standing directly beside me in the elevator. I think his name is Harper. I WONDER 'WHAT IS HE DOING' to myself. That man named Harper is a mystery to us non-Harpers.

One time I heard a robot say:
"Non-loneliness is just the illusion that you aren't alone."

Then he said:
I was reminded of the song which he took it from, Sister Mary Nelson. The elevator door opened and he stepped inside. I decided to go home.

When I got home I heard that song on the radio. After that song I turned off the radio and then I listened to Tom Waits [cemetary polka] and was happy. I got a phone call from S. He spoke on the phone but I didn't listen because I knew I should have gone to Orealis, why didn't I go? Why didn't I go? Why didn't I go? Why didn't I go? should have gone to Orealis, why didn't I go? Why didn't I go? Why didn't I go? Why didn't I go?

Tomorrow I'll go and I'll show that robot who's God is coming down.
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the barn cats (part 2) [25 Apr 2004|07:24pm]
[ mood | corn syrup ]
[ music | the softies - i can't get no satisfaction, thank god ]

Back in Iceland I have a friend named Einarr. He once held three young girls hostage and requested an unmarked jet of some kind. He wanted to fly to Orealis. They don't let planes fly into Orealis though, for obvious reasons. They shut him off with a remote. The girls were fine.
Einarr was reprogrammed and set free. Robots make mistakes like that. We went to Orealis a few years later.

The elevator is made of metal and glass. It is large, almost like an auditorium. On the way up you can see the rockets blasting off on the nearby islands. The sunset. The Clouds. There's a station on the moon. There's a bridge that takes you from America to Europe. You can see it when you're halfway up. There are seats like an auditorium. The news plays in several languages on the large screen. I speak English but I listen to Einarr's station. It is like a modem sound, but fast, clicky, snippy. Robot voices are nothing but the number zero and the number one. On and off.

The top of Orealis is actually like a hubcap, like a flat dome, like a egg shell, like a contact lens. It's on stilts. You can see it from space. Now the earth looks like an eye. Orealis doesn't watch anything, though. Earth doesn't watch anything, though. I don't think Einarr cared for Orealis. It's hard though, to tell what a a robot is FEELING.

He looks like a person. That is to say, he is shaped like a person. He is made of metal. He had some wooden parts added later. He is now made of wood, plastic and metal. He talks like a human being or one of the animals they have on TV these days. The kind that can talk. There's an island of bears that have their own society. Einarr is like them, he speaks like an animal.


I've never said that to him, but I can hear him say that to me.
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uhhhhh [25 Apr 2004|03:25am]
[ mood | quite jolly! ]
[ music | Goldfrapp - Horse Tears ]

Hey, the last post was only a little story, I just used myself in it. I didn't mean to trick anybody. I thought the wierdness in it would make it distiguishable as fiction.

Really my name is Sjon Einarssohn and I live in Canada, in Calgary. My parents are Icelandic, they moved to Canada when I was young, so I don't speak Icelandic very well.
I have a completly black cat named Anita. She sits on my window and looks outside. We don't let her outside. If you've never been to Calgary you don't know about the wild dogs that roam the street. A woman was attacked by one just two days ago. It's safer for Anita to be inside.
My friend Gerhard says that I'm an asshole, maybe I am? Maybe by coincidence? Anita doesn't like Gerhard, though, and I trust her more that I trust him.

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the barn cats [24 Apr 2004|09:19pm]
[ music | Sister Mary Nelson - Judgement ]

Not many people know about this, but I am Japanese. I wear sunglasses so people won't notice, and tell them my name is 'William'. I grow a beard so that I look more European. I was born and raised in Japan and moved to Greenland when I was fourteen. I've lived here for eight years. At one point I lived in Korea as well. Only for a short time, just before moving to Greenland.
Let me tell you something I remember about my mother. Sometimes she would put a small cloth over the clock in our car. We would drive to Shinjuku. It takes about an hour to drive from Shinjuku back to my house, north of Bunkyo-Ku. Not because it was really teribly far, but because of traffic and other little factors. Anyway, it took an hour by car, but my Mom would put that little piece of cloth over the clock. It would feel like an hour had passed but when we got to Shinjuku she would removed the cloth and it had only been fifteen minutes.
We moved from Japan because of the assualts. We weren't assaulted. I'm sure you've heard of him, though. The man that would sneak into people's houses and tie them down. He would tie you down and then he would pop your eardrums with a long and thin metal needle, then leave you there to be found. Nobody died. But we left anyway. Mom was always looking for an excuse to leave Japan.
We moved to Korea, and we soon moved out of Korea. South Korea, to be specific. Outside of Seoul. My mother never got used to the fact that they ate dog. She had sworn off dog when she was a child. I like dog meat, though, so I miss it here in Greenland.
It's also interesting to know that the Vietnamese eat the Koreans. My mother and I were walking down the streets and some Vietnamese people attacked us, but when my mother called my name, "Rokusaburo!" she called out, the Vietnamese guys stopped and apologized. They didn't prefer to eat the Japanese. They were out for Korean meat.
Later, my friend Li, who is Chinese, told me that in China they are not so picky like the Vietnamese are. The Chinese will eat any meat, but based on how he spoke of it, I think he preffered Korean meat as well.
My mother would always tell me: "Rokusaburo, always feed a barn cat when you see one. Once you pair off with a barn cat, that's another barn cat that's on your side."

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AT THE SEA [22 Apr 2004|10:28pm]
[ mood | socratic [no!!] ]
[ music | Amon Tobin - Back from Space ]

One critique was that the head may be too small, but I'm not sure that if I made it bigger it would look right?
I hope the effect doesn't look cheesey. I think it looks cool.

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hardcore obelisk!!!!! [22 Apr 2004|02:54am]
[ mood | frgko ]
[ music | Happy End - Kaze wo Atsumete ]



Haruki Murakami ROCKS [thanks WURDSALUD]

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SQWEEN [21 Apr 2004|03:29pm]
[ mood | bitches! ]
[ music | Legendary Pink Dots - The Plasm Twins ]

look at that they said from outer space from the stars ... the aliens looking down at us from the stars, LOOK AT THAT they said its not good quality it's good though that thing they sent out to MARS LOOK AT THAT they said it's a probe from that planet!!!!!!!!!!!
DID YOU SEE THAT they just sent out a probe from that planet and right now it's landed on FECKING MARS.

:::::that is a direct translation of 'alien speak':::::

a great golden shimmering spherical acsended like every other morning but on the morning ten years ago........!!!! five brilliant glimmering white angels came down and did all but rip the eyes out of every individual on the planet and they stood there for what seemed like

AN ETERNITY and no one knew what to DO!!!

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lartece [16 Apr 2004|01:33am]
[ mood | klortitit ]
[ music | wordsalad - Oodlon Bod Mof ]


Here's some new music. Why not listen to it? Why not review my tracks, or at least RATE them. HELP A GUY OUT, HUH?

[music is here] - the top two are new

Here's some new art too -

see ya, folks!

31 comments|post comment

$ell [14 Apr 2004|04:00pm]
Well, it's time for more acution stuff:

I seem to $ell my art in bulk.

Nothing else new, really.

See you-
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Ehhhhhhhhhh h h h h h h h h [10 Apr 2004|03:24am]
[ mood | beh ]
[ music | lexx ]



HERO starring JET LI made CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON look like a pile of quivering eggs and mucus [yes, that is how it is spelled]

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[08 Apr 2004|04:15pm]
[ mood | firenderrae ]
[ music | wordsalad - ursine returner ]

i don't do anything anymore except play princess maker 2 and watch tv while drawing. the flowers. meepe come home. no money! ayahuasca disaster. waste of time and MONEY. sell porno again? yeah sure. drink soda. smoke cigarettes. i read your entries. everyone's doing something. SOMETHING. contact TEVILDO? i keep fogetting to. drive alot drive my little brother around because he came over and that was fun. here comes easter! or as the satanists call it, retsae. becasue they are ignorant children. watch uzumaki that was okay that was alright (is that word in the dictionary yet?) the comic is better though it would have made a good series. film it in black and white. verses is great that was great it was great before too. take a shower why don't you finish something for once why dont you that's my message to me from me use the sigils for it to make it real for once why dont you. pretzel and cheese and tuna dinners. the upstairs is clean. STICK WITH FUCKING KING BABY that's what the goddess herb told me that's what the mimosa told me that's what the syrian rue told me to STICK WITH THE FUCKING KING BABY forget about the others but the king doesn't mind the pearly gates he doesn't mind the heavenly blue he doesn't mind the flying sacuers. sell porno sure. yeah sure. drink soda. no one likes it when they have clothes on you have to give them what they want it reaches to a base part of the brain no thinking involved just looking no thinking just looking don't think just look just look just look just make them fucking so they can watch them fucking lets get popular lets watch them have intercourse and spend money on groceries lets have the penis pay for my food because THAT'S WHAT I'M FUCKING DOING

fuck it it it's easy.
19 comments|post comment

mEH!!!! [03 Apr 2004|02:53pm]
[ mood | WARGH!! ]
[ music | brtlmn - K U ]


New topic:
In the same way that Simcity made building a city fun and easy as opposed to hard and boring, so does the game Uplink do this, but for computer hacking. I've been wasting alot of time playing it recently. mEH.

That Space Paste tasted gross and was only 'okay'. I think it needs more nutmeg. I'm still waiting for 'Verses' and 'Uzumaki' and 'ayahuasca'. mEH.


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[30 Mar 2004|02:08pm]
[ mood | lookng frwrd 2 n xprience ]
[ music | Ladytron - Light and Magic ]

today, things were sent to:


I ordered Syrian Rue seeds and Mimosa Hostilis bark yesterday. WHENCE they arrive, it will time for an intense journey into the subconsious of my mind. AYAHUASCA [although, a non-traditional variety of it].
I was going to make some SPACE PASTE today, but I forgot that the grocery stores were closed for the union vote, so I'll just make it and try it tomorrow after I drive TEEK to work.
Have any of you tried space paste or ayahuasca? Do any of you experiment with entheogens?

Occasionally, when it comes up, I refer to myself as a PSYCHONAUT. It's a bad idea to stuff yourself into a category, especially when it comes to occultism, but since my core occult theories are rooted in Chaos Magic and the Morphic Fields paradigm [both of which easily lend themselves to Discordianism], it seems the most appropriate. However, yesterday I found out that a Psychonaut is also a subconscious traveller whose means are entheogens. Therefore, I fit into both definitions of the word 'PSYCHONAUT' [you yourself will have to imagine the reverb that accompanies that word]. I found that interesting. But you probably don't care, I don't see why you should. It's my journal, though, so I'm typing it in anyway. har.
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delicious tremens [29 Mar 2004|01:41pm]
[ mood | milk soda ]
[ music | brtlmn - [unfinished untitled track] ]

I bought 'Verses' via [what a stupid word], [and then subsequently found it for far cheaper very soon after, FUCKING INTERNET]. I also just bought Uzumaki. Um, hmm, what am I trying to think of? Oh, yeah, I remember... FFFFFUCKING HELL YES fuck. I've been waiting to see Uzumaki for a long time. The comic, if you haven't read it, is HOT [not like temperature, like sexiness, and by sexiness I mean terrifying and incredibly well crafted].
I was going to send things out today, but Kritz needed the car to visit his Mo and Po, so I'm going to have to get it out of the way tomorrow.
Still no hours at work, so I guess I'll sell something again soon.



Have you tried that Inu Yasha game on [adult swim].com? Inu Yasha SUCKS THREE [3] VERIPEEPLE'S ASSES but that game's battle system is really well made and it's addictive like the oxycontin I take to make my cancer not hurt.
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