Wednesday, April 28th, 2004
3:30 am - quote of the night
"if you dont want yo thang to bleed, put a tampon between yo knees" ~Ryan (trying to make a ghetto tampon commercial)
another that i just heard on Kids in the Hall: "There is so much crap in the world, why even bother wiping your ass?"
and yet one more from kids in the hall: "are you american" "no I am canadian... which is like american but without a gun."
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| Saturday, April 24th, 2004
5:58 pm - so excited for Damien Rice tomorrow night...
"Well I don't know if I'm wrong, Cause she's only just gone Here's to another relationship Bombed by excellent breed of gamete disease I'm sure when I'm older I'll know what that means
Cried when she should and she laughed when she could Here's to the man with his face in the mud And an overcast play just taken away From the lover's in love at the centre of stage
Loving is fine if you have plenty of time For walking on stilts at the edge of your mind Loving is good if your dick's made of wood And the dick left inside only half understood her
What makes her come and what makes her stay? What make the animal run, run, run away? What makes him stall, what makes him stand? And what shakes the elephant now, And what makes a man?
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know No I don't know you any more No, I don't know if I'm wrong 'Cause shes only just gone. Why the fuck is this day taking so long?
I was a lover of time and once she was mine I was a lover indeed, I was covered in weed Cried when she should and she laughed when she could Well closer to god is the one who's in love
And I walk away cause I can Too many options may kill a man Loving is fine if it's not in your mind But I've fucked it up now, too many times
Loving is good if it's not understood Yeah, but I'm the professor And feel that I should know What makes her come and what makes her stay? What make the animal run, run away and What makes him tick apart from him prick And the lonelier side of the jealousy stick
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know No I don't know, I don't know, I don't know No I don't know, I don't know, I don't know Hell I don't know you any more No, Well I don't know if I'm wrong 'Cause she's only just gone
Here's to another relationship Bombed by my excellent breed of gamete disease"
current music: damien rice... the professor
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| Thursday, April 22nd, 2004
2:12 am
SiLvErRaZe: its pretty sad when you eat a dozen big cookies with frosting on them in a matter of a few days MsDelirium27: its really sad that when i look next ot my bed, there is an empty pop tars box and a bag of lays SiLvErRaZe: hahaha MsDelirium27: haha, we typed our "its sad" stories at the same time SiLvErRaZe: we know whats up MsDelirium27: maybe we shouldn't move in together. MsDelirium27: we'd never go out- just stay homer and eat MsDelirium27: *home SiLvErRaZe: haha dude SiLvErRaZe: our asses woud not be able to fit through the door SiLvErRaZe: when the lease is up they have to break down a wall and get like a crane to get us out SiLvErRaZe: and while they are pulling us out, we are in moomoos with crumbs everywhere eating whole pies with spoons right out of the pan MsDelirium27: LOLOL SiLvErRaZe: hah too much detail MsDelirium27: moomoos! SiLvErRaZe: hell yes! MsDelirium27: we could sell ALL of our awesome clothes and make a ton of money, and just buy a couple moomoos that we rotate MsDelirium27: ands then spend our money on take-out SiLvErRaZe: hahaha
current mood: amused current music: jem (sounds jus like dido)
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| Tuesday, April 20th, 2004
8:12 pm
i took out my lip ring so that i could switch it to a labret stud. the labret studd took forever to go in, and then i found out was too short. it hurt like hell getting it in, too... so i put the ring back in and my lip is completely swollen from messing with it, and all red i don't knwo if i should just take it out? i dont want my face to be all swollen and get infected. grrr this sucks. maybe i should just take it out and get it repierced with a studd. damn it all. i dont know what to do
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| Monday, April 19th, 2004
8:50 pm - so what if this thing is old?
| Wednesday, April 14th, 2004
9:18 pm
i am in a very very bad mood
i have been working on statistics for hours and i have literaly only gotten 1 problem done. i hate that
i went to somerset earlier because i got a bunch of gift certificates to that mall for my birthday. i went in search of new pants and shoes. well, every fucking pair of pants in that damn mall are "capri!" or "cropped!" fuck you cropped pants. i hate you. you can either be shorts, or you can be pants, but you can not be both. if anyone comes near me with cropped or capri pants on i will slap them upside the head and tell them to go change.
AND. every single pair of shoes in the mall are either sandles or pointy-toed. pointy-toed = pizza slice for foot... need i say more? and i have an extreme dislike for sandles as well... because, well... feet are gross and should be hidden at all costs.
so yeah. i got one shirt that is cool. one freakin shirt when i actually had money (certificates) to spend. oh and a black hoodie because i accidentally shrunk my other one, so that doesnt really count as something new.
so, in conclusion....
i would like to give a big fuck you to the following: statistics capri/cropped pants pointy shoes sandles
thank you.
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| Tuesday, April 13th, 2004
10:03 am
who here is skipping class because it is the most pointless class on earth?
statistics class... teacher has no personality whatsoever, just teaches wht is in book, doesnt check homework or attendance, and i dont learn anything from him because he is so boring (mind wanders) I have been going to that class and just reading and taking notes from the book by myself, totally disregarding that there is a lecture going on. and you know what? it works better now that is a good teacher.
anyway. it is very hard for me to actually get up and go to a class that i could teach better than the damn professor. pointless
current music: nirvana... you know your right
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| Saturday, April 10th, 2004
2:49 am
last night was amazing
Ryan cooked me an awesome dinner then we hung out with Pig until Steve came over. The stick was awesome. I have never been so drunk in my life. never. but it was so much fun. I danced my ass off. So many people came it was great. thank you to everyone who came. i love you guys
Ryan drank a bit too much so we went to Kitty's friends apartment to sit around till he could drive. They had guinea pigs there, and i remember him saying something about how they looked like slippers and he wanted to stick his feet in them Steve got sick and was in the bathroom nearly passed out. I, of course, took this opportunity to draw on him. I dont even remember what half the shit i put on him was. apparently i drew music notes, i drew a picture of garfield, wrote A.C. Slater on his arm, drew earrings on him, a picture of a heart with an arrow through it that said MOM, I wrote 'suck it' on his hand, and wrote 'P.H. balanced for a woman' on his shoulder with an arrow leading to his arm pitt. haha. I woke up with burt bacharach and BAMF (bad ass mutha-fucka) written on me. when we were leaving the apartment i fell down a bunch of stairs... then whilei was on the floor i told them that i didnt want to get up and i was just going to sleep there. haha. i dont remember it hurting but i am all sore with bruises today. I woke up today not feeling so hot... so I went back to sleep. then i woke up again later with vomit in my mouth. oh so sexy, eh?
Today I had the party with my family and Ryan came to that. that was very fun. we went to olive garden and then to my sister's for cake and presents. i got some wonderful stuff. thank you!! then strangely enough John Morales called me to wish me a happy birthday... that was very very cool. I didnt even know he remembered my birthday! all in all this was probibly the best birthday i have had... at least the past few years. I had so much fun with everyone at the stick. and the family party was very nice. thank you so much to everyone for being so awesome
current mood: cheerful current music: David Bowie... heathen (thank you!)
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| Thursday, April 8th, 2004
6:01 pm
did anyone understand that my last entry was a joke? it was from a quiz! haha sheesh.
anyway... i knewwww this would happen, haha its actually hilarious. who cares what ive done for you before... right? its all about you. even on my birthday. but i'm not going to make a big deal... you can let your conscience drive you. it's not my job.
today is going to be great anyway :)
current mood: amused current music: vast
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| Wednesday, April 7th, 2004
6:27 pm - steve... i stole your fire, and your virginity.
Today was really mediocre I got out of bed just before breakfast because the smell of cooking bacon woke me up.
I feel unusual because my antidepressants are making me hairy.
I'm so hardcore. Me and Buzz went to the mall today, and I stole a whole heap of stuff. I got a Good Charlotte CD, a couple of DVDs and some new boots. Buzz got caught, but he fought his way out, and then we stole some lady's car and smashed it into a phone booth.
Last night I had to masturbate twenty times. I'm so horny. Click here to see my website.
I want to tell the world that they dance like a turd
Today, I got a digital camera! Yes! I'm so ugly. Don't look at my photos pleeeeeze.
I want to say thanks to the world for absolutely fucking nothing! You all suck. I feel so alone, no one ever reads this journal, or even comments to let me know that I'm not suffering alone. It's cold here, and I want to die, but I cannot figure out how many of you to take with me when I go.
I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said I have bipolar disorder, which makes me different enough to be interesting, but the same as all the other cool people with bipolar disorder.
You should all do this quiz! It's amazingly accurate. You just put in your name and birthday, and it will tell you you're a moron.
That's enough for now. But I'll leave you with this thought - sharing your life with strangers on the internet is the cheapest form of therapy available. Leave a comment and tell me I'm beautiful.
Created with the Gregor's Semi-Automatic LiveJournal Updaterâ„¢. Update your journal today!
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4:25 am
so yes... i can't sleep
I am on allegra and I can't take my little white ambien pill to get to sleep because of possible drug interactions so I will be awake all night I am trying to weigh out which is worse now possible drug interactions or no sleep at all for johanna
current mood: awake
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| Tuesday, April 6th, 2004
5:55 pm - screw it, i'll make this a public post
What: Johanna's 21st birthday celebration
where: magic stick (yes i am aware it is lame, but quite frankly, i dont know where else to go.)
When: this thursday night... around 11:30
who's invited... YOU i want anyone and everyone i know to come... i want to have funnnn
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1:11 pm
maybe it is just because I'm sick but i this is really freakin cute.
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| Saturday, April 3rd, 2004
10:12 pm
1: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says: by others as a measure of the sincerity and depth of a person's commitment.
2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?: a bright pink pillow
3: What is the last thing you watched on TV?: a tv show on gender identity crisis.
4: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is: 1:24 5: Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?:1:23
6: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? tv is on
7: When did you last step outside? what were you doing?: when iwas walking from my car to my apartment about 30 minutes ago 8: Before you came to this website, what did you look at?:email... Instant messages 9: What are you wearing?: lip ring, nose ring, conch ring, star earrings, hoop earrings. black cardigan, black and white striped tank top. pink sleepy pants, black fuzzy socks 10: Did you dream last night? yes. dreamt it was the apocolypse. that God came and opened up the world. there was a huge crack that everyone looked in. when you looked in it you saw hell. God then told us that the world was going to end in 2 days,i think. and told us exactly what time. when the time came everyone was doing what they wanted to when they died. I was listening to a certain song, although I dont remember which one... i think lovesong by the cure. In the last 2 days of the world everyone got terrified from seeing hell and tried to apologize and pray for forgiveness, but it was too late. I was very scared and confused about where I would be going. yeah... my dreams are intense 11: When did you last laugh? on the phone with ryan a little bit ago
12: What is on the walls of the room you are in?: louis armstrong as a kid, photo's EB tookl, a black and white photo of hippos 13: Seen anything weird lately?: hmm... not so much.
14: What do you think of this quiz?: its alright. different from most others 15: What is the last film you saw?: 28 days later
16: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?: at the moment, a foot massage.
17: Tell me something about you that I don't know: one of my pinky's is mych shorter than the other, and my thumbs are the same ring size as my ring finger. my hands are a bit confused. 18: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?: that is a hard question. I can't help but thing of a political answer... but since i cant, i guess i will say that i would change american music so that it is about the MUSIC. not the artist's appearance/life/personal business
19: Do you like to dance?: sometimes
20: Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?: umm... i have no clue
21: Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?: if i ever have a child, and if it is a boy, I want to name him Jhonen
22: Would you ever consider living abroad?: i think about it all the time. I think i will eventually
23: Will you pass on this survey?: LJ, baby.
current music: coldplay
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| Friday, April 2nd, 2004
12:25 am
I feel so dead emotionally lately. I feel like i have no purpose and am just drifting around with no destination. I have no idea where my life is going. I don't know what I want to do with anything. All i know is what is going on in the present. I have been having trouble challenging myself lately as well. which is strange, because normally I love that. Normally I love hearing other's viewpoints, and talking and reading up on important issues and such. but i have just been sitting around... its really starting to get to me. i need new people to hang out with. i need some different people to talk to. my sister is thinking of moving to Austin in the fall, and i am wondering if maybe i could go too... who wants to hang out sometime? someone different for a change?
current mood: curious current music: yeah yeah yeahs
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| Wednesday, March 31st, 2004
9:50 pm - cutest puppy EVER.
| Monday, March 29th, 2004
10:58 pm
so, I got my lip pierced today. its a small hoop in the center. exciting. i think i like it alot, but it hurts like hell right now. i will put pictures up as soon as i can fix my web camera
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| Sunday, March 28th, 2004
9:15 pm - put me on a ship that is sinking
the new Vast cd is amazing. there are a couple songs on it that just kill me. i can't explain it other than to say that i wish i could live forever inside those songs. no, not listening to those songs... but inside them. i just want to curl-up on my bed and put them on repeat for days. exaggeration? no way. i am in love with them.
current mood: dying current music: vast... "dont take your love away" and "lost"
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| Tuesday, March 23rd, 2004
9:24 pm
4:28 pm - imagine what lonliness can drive someone to do, now multiply that times me and multiply that times u
I dont know where my paranoia comes from, but it comes. I have been sleeping more than normal for me lately (which means less to normal for most people). I want to do something tonight. For some reason i am sad today... I have no idea why... I just don't feel like sitting here, i guess. anyone want to do something? go see Dawn of the Dead?
current mood: tired
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