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An Unkindness of Ravens
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Sionnain's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, April 22nd, 2004
    11:00 am
    10:45 am
    Brief update...
    My tkd instructor announced to the school, assembled for testing results, that they were taking over the program and that Kim was going into the air force.

    Not a mention of my name.

    I'm hurt by that, and sad because I won't see the kids again since I'm in the EVENT.

    So my TinyOnes teaching is over, a month early. I'm relieved in a way, sad to leave them, and mad as hell I didn't even get a brief mention of my service.

    And I really, really need an umbrella.
    8:19 am
    My one update for the day, probably until Sunday:

    The Event is upon us.

    Gods save my soul.

    I got home last night at 10:30, with similar schedule planned for the next three days.


    Current Mood: busy
    Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
    9:16 pm
    You guessed it...
    7:00 pm
    OH yes
    I'm still at work.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    3:59 pm
    I've Decided, re: Ouija Boards..
    I had Eric all talked into doing the buy-it-now option for this lovely 60 dollar Celtic Ouija that was just beautiful, before I stopped to think for a minute.

    Rational thought (Thank you, Donn), what if I don't like working with them? What if I have no talent for this? What if I find it a nuisance and don't have any use for it? What if, what if...what if I spend close to 80 dollars on something I then never use and have to discard or let gather dust??

    So I'm going to buy a parker-brothers Ouija. Maybe the glow-in-the-dark one. Because I can add symbols on it if I want. The point is, it is a tool and it doesn't have to be fancy or showy or any of that stuff. BUT, if I like using it, I'm going to get one because I likes the pretty celtic one:) I like nifty looking ritual things, okay? However, I think I best wait on spending that much money on one until I know for sure I want to use one OFTEN ENOUGH to warrant spending that amount of money on it.

    I also want those gothic tarot cards, Leilah Wendell's books (she did the tarot cards too), and I just ordered a new book at Barnes and Noble since I got a 10% off my already-discounted rate (I'm a member, thanks to Kim, a present for xmas), the John Coughlin "Out of the Shadows" book.

    And, in less spiritual matters, I want the little fireplace thing for my backyard and would love to have it by Beltane.

    I have been a crazy working monster today. I worked at the back table with my coworkers from around 11:30 until about five minutes ago. It was nice and made the day go by fast...I just hope I'm not here too late tomorrow, since THE EVENT is imminent!!!

    Current Mood: cheerful
    10:31 am
    Some More Spiritual Ramblings
    So I'm thinking about my vows to my deities and pledges and what they want from me and so forth. And new things, and elements, and thoughts running through my head on my Wednesday Morning Spiritual Dialogue. Or, really, my Daily Spiritual Dialogue, more like it.

    So it's more spiritual Rambling in order!

    yes, more of the same spiritual stuff )

    I think that is about all for now :)

    Current Mood: determined
    8:32 am
    The Event Draws Near and TinyOnes Scandal
    I'll be in the office from around 8-12 tomorrow, with a few trips scheduled, then at various events. I won't be online at all so I need to get my fix today unless my help is required for event preparation today.

    I'll be so glad when this is over.

    Was just pulled aside for an hour to do a project, though it is nice to stay busy, now my thoughts are all scattered around :)

    So last night MIGHT have been my last night teaching.

    Because this story became longer than I expected... )

    On the good side of things, I can probably now do things more during the week and get back into a workout schedule. Also, I'm thinking of taking some classes at the craft studio this summer--maybe another photography class or a ceramics one. It will be nice to do something fresh and new. Plus, I can devote more time to spiritual things, which makes me really happy--I'm excited about being able to devote so much time to Holly and Ivy, and whatever else I can be of use to. At least H&I; APPRECIATES the time I spend there and my talents. Yay, I love you guys! ((((HUGS)))))

    And of course I know Kim always appreciated my time with the TinyOnes, and that is really all that matters. That meant way more to me than stupid old head instructor's opinion anyway.
    (((Hugs))) to Kimberly too!

    I probably have more ranting to do, but it is more metaphysical/spiritual stuff and shall have to wait for me to get my thoughts in order.

    Current Mood: busy
    Tuesday, April 20th, 2004
    1:42 pm
    Tell Me...
    A Ghost story, involving you, if you have one.

    I like to read about people's experiences with ghosts. It doesn't have to be shocking, amazing, or irrefutable. I just want to hear them.

    If you want to share, that is.

    Current Mood: geeky
    1:31 pm
    Are there bunnies in there???

    This is cute! Altough, really, kind of scary.

    Current Mood: amused
    10:49 am
    Mirror Scrying Stuff
    Seeing Into Darkness
    Scrying Using the Black Mirror
    by Katlyn Breene

    The following excerpt comes from a book-length work on scrying and magick mirrors.

    The black scrying mirror, or magick mirror, is a powerful psychic tool )
    10:33 am
    I loooooove rain...mmmmmmm.

    Current Mood: happy
    10:06 am
    The resort we're staying at in September

    Current Mood: excited
    8:39 am
    Lovely Weather
    I love cloudy, rainy, fall-like days. Mmmm. Happy Shannon.

    I am ready to get The Event started. I think once I'm in the middle of it I'm going to be fine. I just want it start already. So it can be over :)

    Yesterday after work I made a point to relax. I went home and a lovely nap in my chair, after being hot and stuffy at work, and then got to take a ride in [info]paigemom's new car! It was spiffy and fun and I loved the sunroof. Even if the car is named CuCuchlain, my Goddess's ancient foe, it DOES have all black interior :) Seriously, it is a lovely car and I think it suits Rhomylly well :)

    Eric and I had dinner and watched Freaks and Geeks all night. I think the fact that show was cancelled after one season was CRIMINAL. NBC never gave it a chance--they scheduled it badly and kept moving it, never promoted it--and it was seriously the best show on TV after MST and Futurama if you ask me. We have the DVD and have been watching around 4 hours of it a night! I think we still have two more DVDs to go. And then we can watch them all over again with commentary! Yay! We're dorks, okay?

    We didn't watch the show ALL night though, and I'm in a fabulous mood this morning, *evil grin*.

    I also got my Hekate necklace charm thing. It's a key, on a black cord, and the key has skulls on it. Seriously it is really sort of silly, but it works for ritual jewelry for Hekate, who is a Goddess of the underworld, who led me to the skeleton totem, and whose symbol is a key. AND it was only 2.50 on ebay ;)

    I also performed a protection ritual, to keep "uninvited guests" out.

    Details of my Ritual for Warding )
    Anyway, I felt nothing out of the ordinary in the house last night, and I slept very well without a care in world.

    That might have had something to do with something else, though, *snort*. Still, I feel good about what I did and pleased that I did it. I'd actually not done a house-blessing ritual at all, so it seems appropriate to wait until now for some reason.

    I thought about just buying a Ouija board at the store and decorating it with my own symbols, because I want to be able to use one soon, like after Beltane. But I still think it would be better to make my own. I tried playing with an interactive one online at the Museum of Talking Boards site,
    (, follow the links to the interactive Ouija if YOU DARE! Seriously they're funny to play with), and all it spelled out was HOT CUP.

    Rhomylly told me the spirits wanted me to have a nice cup of tea. Isn't that lovely of them :)

    Current Mood: amused
    Monday, April 19th, 2004
    2:52 pm
    Continuing to choke on an odd combination of rage/laughter....
    Tangible Ways You Can Reverence Your Husband
    Make it obvious to others and your children that your husband "wears the pants" in the family (Ephesians 5:23)

    Do not speak to your husband sarcastically or in a condescending manner (Proverbs 21:19)

    Don’t contradict him in front of others (Proverbs 31:12)

    Don’t talk for your husband or interrupt him when he is speaking (1 Corinthians 13:4-5)

    Treat your husband in private as respectfully as you do your pastor, neighbor, or friend in public (1 Peter 2:17)

    Do not bring up his shortcomings to others (Proverbs 31:23)

    Do not compare your husband unfavorably with other men (Philippians 4:11)

    Listen to his opinion carefully and try to understand him (James 1:19)

    Respect his requests by trying to do as he asks, even if it does not seem important to you (Ephesians 5:24)

    Respect his position in the home so that he can depend on you to do as he asks even when he is not there (Proverbs 31:11)

    Do not nag, pester or quarrel with him about things you want done, but tactfully appeal to him (Proverbs 27:15)

    Rearrange your schedule so that you are available to spend time with him and meet his needs (Titus 2:4)

    Do not try to manipulate or bully him by making a threat, whining, crying or withholding marital privileges (Proverbs 25:24; 1 Corinthians 7:4-7)

    Praise him for his good character qualities (Proverbs 14:1)

    Admit it when you are wrong (James 5:16)

    if I could never talk to Eric in a sarcastic manner, a lot of our conversations wouldn't be nearly as amusing

    Current Mood: nauseated
    2:43 pm
    Yeah, I'll get right on this.
    When a wife expresses herself in the home it is to be with a meek and quiet spirit. The word meek is the Greek word praeoV (prah-ooce' 4239) which means mild or gentle. The word quiet is the translation of the Greek word hsuciou (hay-soo'-khee-os; 2272) which means to keep your seat, to be tranquil, peaceful or undisturbed by outward circumstances. Therefore, this is not an injunction to keep silent, rather, when she does express herself it is in a gentle, tranquil way not in a bold, assertive, brassy, loud way.

    "God's Blueprint for Wives".

    If you don't fear your husband, it says, you will have to answer to god!

    Current Mood: nauseated
    2:18 pm
    Beware the evil of TELETUBBY SYMBOLISM!!! And evil POKEMON and ROLE-PLAYING games!!!!!!

    Imagination? NOoooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    Gods, give me a break!

    Current Mood: irritated
    2:10 pm
    A good article by Leilah Wendell
    On Necromancy:

    Um, but I'm not going anywhere near cadavars.

    Just so we all know.

    I ought to post this in dark paganism :)
    1:29 pm
    Ghostly Ruminations and Ramblings....
    Thank all the gods they are turning the air on by the end of the week here. I can't imagine why they just can't do it now, esp. with THE EVENT set to occur, but hey. Whatever.

    I had a nice lunch sitting outside with C and talking. I mentioned the ghost thing. She said that maybe since I was thinking I MIGHT be wanting to explore this stuff I was sensing things that were already there? I don't know, I know the house wasn't haunted or I never would have bought it.

    I don't believe in "ghosts" really. I think anything significantly horrifying--or exhilirating, for that matter--sticks with a place, in an "energy imprint" kind of way. So is an exorcism a "cleansing" of that bad energy? I'm kind of inclinded to think that way.

    But, what makes this all wrong is, if nothing horrid happened in my house (and I checked--realtors are legally bound to tell you that before you buy the house, and our realtor was our friend), what was it hanging around last night and on Friday?

    Can those energy imprints pick up a spark of somekind and travel around? That sounds kind of nuts.

    I also researched the word "Necromancer", and this is what it said:
    1. The practice of supposedly communicating with the spirits of the dead in order to predict the future.
    2. Black magic; sorcery.
    3. Magic qualities.

    In the sense of word origins, number one is correct. The word is of greek origins: Necros for corpse, manteia means divination.

    Ah, Greek.

    So I guess, like the Ouija board, Necromancy gets a bad rep. Well, I have read Anita Blake books and I am not raising zombies or anything, and if I get a hot vampire lover out of the deal...*snerk* So, I am not upset with the word.

    Good. One issue solved. I can say I am learning necromancy and just have to explain it is fundamentally different from necrophilia, LOL.

    So, do I have experiences with ghosts? I have one really creepy story. Behind a cut for lenght (AND CREEEEEEPPPINEEESSS...OOOooooOOOOoooOOOOooo....)
    My Weirdest Ghost Story )

    I have other "weird instances" like most people do. I think I channeled the first time at 12 at a "Seance" at my birthday party. I distinctly recall the sensation of my friend's grandfather trying to talk. That was a memory that didn't surface until recently and I found it mildly interesting. As kids, we accept and believe in this stuff so much more.

    And I think that if I believe this story of mine, then I have to accept that there ARE ghosts and not just "energy imprints", as I thought. Because that was a brand new condo, no one ever was killed there, and so where did the ghost come from?

    I don't know what to think, but I sure do like having a little project to research :)

    Current Mood: curious
    11:55 am
    On the Current Health of my Furball, Lord Luna
    He's fine.

    He's eating pellets again, taking treats, producing droppings, and hopping around like a little crazy bunny.

    Of course, he hates the pineapple juice with a passion, but he's only got two more days of it.

    I'm so relieved he's eating again. He's been eating hay, greens, and now pellets again. *whew*

    Thank you all for your advice and good wishes.

    My little guy is a well-loved lagomorph :)

    Current Mood: relieved
    Current Music: Tori Amos
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