Liondawg(Jaime T)'s Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Liondawg(Jaime T)'s LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, May 25th, 2003
    10:02 pm
    I got sunburnt. At the beach today. That place I work. It was cloudy. All day. But I got sunburnt. Oops. Only on my face, cause it was to cold to have any other skin showing. Chris said it looks like I have permanent after-sex face. At least it didn't rain. I was there for 8 hours. Started at 8 am. Long day of nothing. Getting paid for nothing. No problem there. Gold Star. The beach that is. No one went swimming, too cold. Not that many people swim at Gold Star anyway. Kinda icky. LONG day. But better than the office. I'm tired.
    Machtay almost annual, May/June birthday, Memorial Day, Noah's college graduation party. Dragged Chris along and showed him off. Talked with Megan a lot.
    Then we went to see the Matrix. hhmmm... want the next one. Need to know the real ending. grr.
    Very tired. Sunburnt face sleepy. Early still a little, but going to bed soon. Very soon.
    Bay Club tomorrow, 11-7.

    I need more Chris. I was fine untill reccently with the switch from college, but I miss him a whole lot. I NEED more of him. It's making me nuts. Like several non stop days in a row. *sigh*
    Monday, May 19th, 2003
    10:25 pm
    I'm fighting off the yeasties. My first defense of acidophillus had some very interesting, but ineffective, yellow and perhaps blue(?!?)results. Tonight we are going for line of defense #2, vinegar bath.

    I think the universe is either playing a cruel trick on me, or it got me confused with someone and that someone else was a very bad person, and I am receiving their punishment by accident.

    Current Mood: cranky
    Saturday, May 17th, 2003
    9:53 pm
    the friends boys 4x was 3rd at Stotesbury again this year, im takling to erik. but malvern lost to roman catholic. erik called it a big upset. poor joe. havent seen him since the fall, at head of the schuylkill.
    9:40 pm
    note to self...

    3 choklit points, hauler of the welcome wagon
    Friday, May 16th, 2003
    5:15 pm
    Chris just called me, and we talked about the whole transfering far the best i can figure is Vassar. I'm just a wreck, trying to sort this all out.
    I'm just so bitter. College is supposed to be the greatest, and so far all it has been, every aspect of it, is misery.
    12:34 pm
    At Hofstra. Came out last night, and stayed over night till today. Had to do a dialogue w/ Jenni thismorning, early for her communications final. Then we finished cleaning up her room, and pakced everything into her car. I'm so jealous, her room is huge, the whole suite is, the bathroom is so big, there's two sinks for the 4 of them. It's like the size of a COmstock double back at school. And her bedroom is almost as big as mine was, plus the commonn room, ugh, I'm just so jealous. Now we are just sitting around, have been, and will be for like another hour, cause she has a playing final at 3 30, then we are going back to H*ton, and unpacking.

    Hung out with Chris yesterday, before he drove me over to the Hof. Pool. It's heated, explaining why its open so early. ANd there's a duck that keeps flying in, thinking its a pond or something. Oh yeah, good stuff. Again, to anyone with the means, I highly advise it. And then again in the shower in the poolhouse. THings are working out pretty well, I must say.

    Current Mood: happy
    Wednesday, May 14th, 2003
    9:00 pm
    and i was doing so well...
    damnit, i forgot to take the pill today untill almost 7:30pm. no sex for me for a week. (not like i'm getting much play home for school anyhow)
    Tuesday, May 13th, 2003
    9:38 pm
    I went rowing today. A short one, weather not the best, boats not in good shape. I'm not in good shape either.
    Monday, May 12th, 2003
    10:25 pm
    afd continues
    I also missed my last fruiting day, what was it, 3 years I think? I believe it was Sept. 8. What fruit am I? I'm pretty sure I decided on one...

    Ok, here's what I've come up with for the code:
    DC2.Mfl+dc Gh L W T Pllt Sku Cau A- Fr++^ Nn M+ O H $- D F-o R+ Ac+ J++ S+ U I- V+ Q Tc+ E++ Df++
    10:12 pm
    It's been so long since I've been in there, I have forgotten a whole bunch of stuff, for example, what the DC tags mean, and what was in my own dragon code.

    My computer seems to have forgotten too, as it doesn't post my sig when I ask it too. SO I can't even find my original dargon code, I'm making it up again, trying to keep it as similar as possible.

    I know, I sound like a huge dork.
    9:32 pm
    Was half way through typing a most excellent update last night, but then it went away. So I'll try again, with today's additions, but it wont be as good.

    Adam, you'd be very proud of me. Yesterday I figured out how to use internet on my laptop in my room, and I did it all by myself. Are you still reading, btw? Leave me a comment?

    Our boys came in second at states this weekend again. F.A. beat them. Again. They really thought that this was going to be it. Oh well, one more chance at scholastics. Oh, the FA boat is a little different, Andrew got mono, so he's not rowing. A younger kid is stroking, forget his name.

    Went over to Chris's today. Had a "picnic." No, we didn't actually have a picnic. We chilled out on his boat at the dock and then shared a sandwich in the car on the way back to his house. I'm sure you can all guess what we actually did on the boat, seeing as this was only the second time we've been together since we got home. It was nice. I reccomend it, if you have the means.

    I'm so bored. No one else is around, still at school. I thought it would be better to be home. But I'm still in such a rut, mentally, emotionally. And things, like this weekend at states, just keep making it worse. I'm still so bitter about everything. Why do bad things happen to good people? I'm a good person, right? Will SOMEONE acknowlegde me? I don't know what will make me happy, Chris keeps asking me what would, and I don't know.

    I freaked out about the birthday thing last night. I dunno, I just feel a little neglected in the house, like I went away, so we don't really have to act like I'm still part of the family. I came home 5 days after my birthday. Mom did send me balloons and an ice cream cake, and some cards, but that was it from the family. Not that I don't appreciate it, but things are always done a certain way around the house, and it seems like I was just glossed over. I asked when I got home if we could have a family birthday cake, to both parents, earlier in the week, and then when I brought it up yesterday, my mom was like, "oh, I forgot!" That made me feel great. I have to ask to have a cake with the family, and then they forget that I asked. I feel so dumb.
    So tonight mom made steak and mac & cheese and fruit for dinner, and we had chocolate cake, and my brother got me a gift certificate to Book Revue. Happy Birthday to me.
    Ok, all that makes me sound like a monster. Chris was so good to me for my birthday. He made a pretty yelow and green and purple box with a butterfly on it, and a button necklace, and got me another pretty necklace with a green thing on it, and a pair of emerald earings, and 2 dozen roses in a pretty glass vase. He's so good to me. And Jack made a a card, and gave me some art and stickers.

    Current Mood: stuck
    Friday, May 9th, 2003
    11:40 am
    Over the river and throught the woods...
    Goin to G'ma's. Ok, actually going to NY states wtih HHS crew, but same thing.

    I'm a little disapointed that we don't even have a boat entered in the girls open 2x. We've held that title for the last 3 years, and now we are just handing it away, most uncool.

    Only three boats entered due to lack of head coach: girls and boys quads, and a four, don't remember if it was boys or girls.

    Mommy and me are leaving in a little bit to get there to set up and everything before tomorrow. The team is coming up late morning-ish Saturday.

    I'm going to have so much fun, I hope the weather is nice, get to play and watch races, and not get all nervous, cause I'm not rowing. And see all my local crew buddies. To bad they arent going to Stotesbury, I'm disappointed at that too, scullers going to prom instead of that race, we never went to prom. Wimps.

    But they are going to Scholastics, and it is on the Cooper River, so I'll get to see Joe and all the Philly crews at a last race.

    I havent gotten to go for a row yet, I've been so busy. Monday or Tuesday, I hope.

    Hearing from Eric Weber from the Bay CLub about that guard job on Monday too.

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: Going to the Zoo~Peter Paul & Mary
    Thursday, May 8th, 2003
    11:47 pm
    I'm having men problems.
    Chris and I are SO different, it's bothersome. Especially at school. We make each other miserable there a lot. ANd I think he loves me a whole lot more than I love him, and I don't want to hurt him, or break his heart. I let our whole thing get way out of hand. I didn't mean for it to get like this. I knew his vices way back at the beginning, and I should have listened to myself. Ther are REASONS why I always said that if we had met on LI, we I never would have given him a second look.

    And Erik, who I'm seeing this weekend at a regatta, we've been flirting for like a year and a half. It's getting a little serious. And honestly, he's got more gooing for him in my eyes than anyone I've ever been with. He's got most of what I want in a guy. He's an intellectual challenge for me, he rows, he's a little out of the mainstream, that's three big things that I don't have right now that I want. And he's reasonable, as far as I can tell. So that's four things.

    And now I'm talking to Kurt again. We decided to be friends. I'd like to see where that goes, cause I think that would be tons of fun, I love that N.port bunch. I've had some really good times with them. I could see us becoming friends on the level of my friendship with Kevin. Like platonic I love you friends who understnd and are different in some ways, but know each other and will always be there. That would be great.

    So what do I do?? I just don't know. I ALMOST wish that Chris would screw up in some big way so I could take a break from him. I'm really not ready for this settled thing. I want to go be a single girl. I want to try new boys. Maybe I'd go back, but there's so many more fish out there I'd like to have a taste of. I've just let this get out of hand, and I don't know how to stop the landslide with out seriously hurting him.

    Current Mood: confused
    Wednesday, May 7th, 2003
    9:08 pm
    Mr. Balkon's funeral service is at 9:45 on Monday morning at St. Pat's church in town.

    If anyone wants to go, why don't we go together?
    5:12 pm
    Ok, I've gotten nearly everything squared away upstairs, all my clothed put away and everything. There's just a couple really heavy things that I need my brother to help me carry.

    TOmorrow morning at 10 I have an interview for that lifeguard job at the Bay Club.

    I didnt go rowing today, I hope I get the chance tomorrow.

    Friday mom and I are heading up to Saratoge and Grandma's, as is it States for the HHS crew kids. I'm playing like assistant coach. Pitch the tent Fri. night, then the coach/bow/cox meeting is early in the AM on Saturday, which is why we(me) gotta be there so, cause the team isnt coming up till Saturday afternoon, cause they dont have any early races. Only racing 3 boats, the good ones, cause the head coach, Rob, has to go to his brother's college graduation(his parents are making him). So Mrs. Lathem, who is an assistant coach, is in charge, and I get to do the grunt work, which I like, like rigging checks, and fixing stuff.

    AND I get to see the Friends Academy kids, who I was supposed to hang out with last time I was home. Yay!

    I think the readjustment to home food, as oppised to Saga, is making me not feel good.

    Current Mood: bored
    Tuesday, May 6th, 2003
    10:46 pm
    Ok, talking, making small talk, catching up, even if I did have to start, but this is good.

    Current Mood: not so jittery any more
    10:07 pm
    Ok, I'm home. Chris found my bathing suit and flipflop in his room, under the furniture. It took 6 1/2 hours to get home, tons of fun in the car with mommy.

    My stuff is now all over the tv room, I started to bring it upstairs, but didnt get very far. That and going for a row will be tomorrow's projects.

    Going along to states with the crew team and playing like assistant coach all weekend.

    There's so much on my mind right now. I need like a hot bath or something.

    Readjusting to home, realizing I don;t have to wear flipflops inside all the time and I wont get an evil floor disease. That my house is not my building. To use my inside voice, cause everyone can here me, not that they couldnt at school, but here they care. Have to re-figure out how to make meals for myself, that the nice ladies arent going to have it already made and put it on a plate for me.

    Current Mood: still jittery!
    Current Music: Rent.
    10:02 pm
    Ok Kurt, lets go here. I wrote you an email, you unblocked my screen name, get on with it. Too bad you don't know my new one. PressShift1. It's your move here, I'm going nuts already.

    Current Mood: jittery
    Monday, May 5th, 2003
    11:13 pm
    Ok, all done, just gotta hand in my paper to Claudette tomorrow morning, and get the last few things out of my room, and then I'm coming HOME!

    It seems so weird, completely going home, with all my stuff, for 4 months. That 1/4 of college is done.
    12:25 pm
    Deep Breaths.
    Ok. My mom should be here in five hours or so.

    I need to finish my paper on Shelley.

    Meeting with this girl tonight about working with the Smith Opera House next semster in her place while she's abroad.

    So I have to eat dinner with her, and my mom, and Chris and whomever else at 6.

    Need to finish packing, including getting the rest of my stuff out of Chris's room, and some stuff out of Fran's up on the hill.

    I just sent an email to Kurt, cause I found his address, proposing platonic friendship.

    I want to go rowing. I NEED to go rowing.

    Current Mood: Wired.
    Current Music: catch22
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