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fly asian booty / grinding on my face and such / best birthday evar
Well, I went to annaliese's birthday last night. It was indeed teh good times. We started out at the Delmar Lounge, where I went through a few cordials and had a round of Guinness with tom. It was good.
then the strip clubs.
well, i've never been to a strip club before, and I always thought they'd be a bad thing. I always pictured them as like, the old fat 40ish hookers-between-work people you see on Real Sex way back when.
Well, they're not. We went to the hustler club, which used to be deja-vu. I felt real awkward for a bit, like... i dunno... kinda like an empathised shame? like it seemed that the girls on the tables were just kinda empty and drained and shakin through the hourly set-up routines for dollahs and such, but... after a few minutes, i realised that a) that's pretty much what I do as a server, anyhow, but I don't resent it; and b) they seemed very happy. They had a lot of innovation and adaptation in their performance depending on the people and the situation.
Most of the girls were -really- nice. When they found out it was anna's birthday, they went wild. (she eventually got pulled up on stage, adn with the nakedness, and the nighsexacts, but... who didn't expect that?) We ended up buying her private sessions and lapdances and things, and everyone there was sooo wonderful.
(and as a word of advice for anyone else who goes to a strip club, keep an eye on the not-neccisarily-attractive girls. they're there because they're professions with -mad- pole skillz. it was fucking amazing. It was like Sex De Soleil right in front of us)
all the girls were very nice and professional, except one, who bugged me. She was all hitting on aestetix all nice-like cause he's supershy and it was his first time there as well. She acted like she was all bored and wanted to give him a proper introduction to the scene, which is keen. So she tells us, "i wanna get a drink with your friend later, but right now, he needs to get molested" or somesuch, and drags him off somewhere.
Well, she was trying to play the guilt game. She comes back later and is like, "you're friend was so shy and shakey that he got a lap dance (or whatever), and forgot to pay for it!" and i laughed at that. she then is going on and on about how she likes him so much, cause she's never given out free blah blah blah. So she's sitting there, and he has like, 7 dollars to his name (heheh), and she's all trying to convince him to buy her/them drinks for the better part of an hour. Eventually she leaves, and orders one on his behalf for him to pay for! The waitress was all like, "well, someone has to pay for this", and tom, being all logical and smooth, is like, "well. no one here ordered this, and no one here wants this. You're in a bad situation, but i suggest you collect the money from the person who ordered it, which would be the stripper.".
Needless to say, for all her efforts over for that hour and a half, she actually -lost- money. I guess she'll start doing transactions properly and up front now, and not just try the bait and switch. Its like if you go to a restaurant, and the server brings out something to the table and says, "here. the chef is sending this to you," or "here. the bartender wants you to try this," we all know, in teh service industry, that its gratis. if someone doesn't order something, they don't pay for it.
Anyhow... There were lots of people there (at the party, not the club), that I haven't seen in a while, so it was a good time overall. Also, i found the coolest gift for anna, so i felt good. See, I rarely get to give people things because I don't like buying meaningless gifts. I mean, they should be useful, appropriate, and remind me of the person i'm giving it to. I should see something on the shelf or jpg or whatnot, and say... "damn. I know whom that would be perfect for."
... but yeah.