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the divine

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I haven't slept in 50 hours. [06 May 2004|12:52am]
[ mood | odd ]
[ music | Kidneythieves - 1998:Trickster [04] - Feathers ]

So I'm driving down the road the otherday, pass an overpass where they're mowing the mile long strips of lawn.

The scent fills the car; freshly cut grass. I think about how nice it is.

Then, in maybe a cortical short-circuit or somesuch, it occurs to me: i'm enjoying the scent of hundreds of thousands of blades of grass and plants being mutilated. I'm enjoying the scent of mass pain.

We never really think about those kinds of things, we're just used to it. We grew up to love it because it reminds us of our childhood and such.

There were children growing up in Krakau during the 40s. Would they react similarly to the scent of burning flesh? Could you make it suble enough to give them that happy-nostalgic feeling without them realising the horror of what it is they're enjoying?

In Apocolypse Now, Kilgore makes the comment about loving the scent of napalm in the morning. I always assumed it was the gasoline scent that he liked. it wasn't. if you're smelling napalm in vietnam, its mixed with the smell of the people its melted. that's what he loved. he was used to it.


[descant|9 voices]

Two hundred years, and still fighting. [28 Apr 2004|02:44pm]
[ mood | hmm ]
[ music | GMS - 2002:unreleased [] - LSD Story ]

The word tyrant does not describe a rule whom is absolute or cruel. It simply refers to a person who rules without being granted the authority to do so.

Monarchism and democracy are two sides of a long, endearing battle. In each, however, the leader is elected. The differance is the role of the long-seated religous movement.

We began as small bands of people; families. We wandered, did very little work and lived quite happily.

Once our groups started growing in size, the natural social order of a family broke down and we needed leadership. We became tribes. We chose our leaders for various reasons: age, wisdom, charisma, leadership, strength, martial abilities. We placed our governorship in our role models and we followed them.

Then religion came. We now had the chiefdom. We no longer selected our leader: God did. This trend did not end here.

We expanded and expanded. Things became too large for one man to handle, but God could not be defied. The chiefs became kings, their holdings kingdoms. Things continued this way with and the divinely placed rulers of man, whom in some cases were thought to be avatars of God ruling directly.

Then... Humanism overtook religon. And lo, the republic was born. Now Man, not god, would chose who the leaders would be.

So then, having written him out of the process so long ago, why does God still then have a stranglehold on our nation's politics?

[descant|2 voices]

State of the RC3 address [20 Apr 2004|03:33pm]
[ mood | somber ]
[ music | none ]

(for RC3 occupants / please read)

Last August, we settled the lawsuite that Pavilion Apartments were bringing against us out of court. In doing so, we managed to negotiate the amount that we'd have to pay them down by about $400. Since then, we have been making $187 payments every month, and have paid a total of $1522. Of that, $140 of it has come from the four people that still owe any money, which total $1552, and $661 has come from people who weren't at all involved. This is unacceptable.

I struck a deal with Karen last december that I (personally) would pay her damages share ($184) for her if she'd pay the rest of her rent ($268, 40% off!), and I even said that she shouldn't give me any money until Feb, because I didn't want to deprive anyone of Seasons gifts and whatnot. Haven't heard anything about it since. Kaly and Tim have money, but say they're waiting for the paypal addy (the paypal addy is, and yes i posted it recently). I don't even know what to say about Cody.

Moreover, because no one has been paying us, my mother has been paying from her own pocket to the tune of $561. This also means that she's paid more than any of us ever even owed. However, she is no longer working due to health problems and is going to be on disability, lowering her income to 70-80% of what it was, minus the overtime she was putting in weekly. This drop of nearly $800 a month means a) that she no longer has the money to pay for you guys, and b) that we need to recover that $561 eventually.

This is an incredibly stressful time for her and the whole family. The words 'life expectancy' have been mentioned as a possibility. We really need your help. Please pleeease pay your debts. Its been four years.

[descant|14 voices]

... [16 Apr 2004|03:30pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Peaches - 2004:Teaches Of Peaches, The [01] - Fuck The Pain Away ]

Oh, I almost fogot. I'm home. =j

[descant|8 voices]

[06 Apr 2004|08:07pm]
[ mood | blah|grr ]
[ music | none ]

Okay. So, just in case people don't know. I'll be home by 9pm St. Louis time this Friday. Like... yeah. In three days.

Just in case anyone is planning some kind of suprise thing, I'm completely down for it.

thats about it.

ohhh yeah. I think people have been reading my brain again in my sleep. When i started doing prototype clothing designs last year, one of my first ideas was for cargo trousers with tuxedo stripes down the sides. Well guess what!? right fuckin there: Next, which is a great company imho mind you, goes and does it. (zoom to see it). the pic is shitty, and it looks better in real life.

Whats more? again: McGruder is awesome, but I so made that joke like 3 weeks ago. Well, not the Colin Farrell one, but I was all like, "you'd think with all the linguistic accuracy, they'd at least get someone who isn't white."

ah well. I'll just have to have Will fashion me an aluminium foil hat. <{=p

I guess i'll do that name thing, cause I have enough of them. Thanks to tinkie.

...would still smell as sweet )

[descant|18 voices]

[05 Apr 2004|05:29pm]
[ mood | tryin hard to look like gary cooper ]
[ music | Evolution feat. Jayn Hanna - Walking on Fire (blank and jones remix) ]

So then... one more reason for sweet sweet kiya22Annaliese to hate me...

Spirit Of Ecstacy

a day at the beach )

Also, sparkmatch 2: electric boogaloo now has a rocking comparison feature. It's great. It tells me I'm more artsy, cooler, less cruel, less methodical, and less sloppy than kalyandraKaly. How great is that?

Oh, on another note, i'm thinking of doing some kind of poll... not sure what kind yet, probably something devilish and sexual. Cause then people will actually take it.
[descant|8 voices]

[30 Mar 2004|03:50pm]
[ mood | mad. mad with power. ]
[ music | Introspective - Analogy Gone Awry ]

So I'm set to leave Jolly Old and be back home in less than two weeks. All rejoyce. I have but one trip planned before I leave, and that's to Amsterdam. It should be fun. I get to stay with [info]a_lotta_renata, which honestly is the only thing making this possible. So all is good. I have a lot of papers to write. I should be writing one now. It's due tomorrow. I don't think I'm going to any more classes until my final exams. I have like... 5 late papers in my History class. Ah well.

In other news. I feel like a layabout. I don't really -do- anything during the day. Therefore, I reason, when I get home I'm going crazy with things to do. I'm going to work like a FIEND. I was thinking of going back to Convergys, just for the sake of missing the old tech support job and hatred of humanity, but I think Sasi Thai still needs me, and I miss them a lot more anyhow. I always felt like I belonged there like a member of the family, and so far I think it's the only restaurant I haven't embezzled from (I love them too much, and want to see them succeed). So... Yeah. Also, more school. I need a -lot- more school. I want to be teaching as soon as physically possible. I feel so behind. I can start subbing, which is awesome, once I have 60 credit hours of education. I will have 37 in a week or two... Which leaves... only 23-X-. I love summer classes, because the term is only 2 months long. Which means it's teh rox0r. Here's my insane schedule for this summer:

7 June - 1 Aug (mon-thurs):
0800 - 0945 : MTH 160c : College Algebra
1100 - 1215 : THT 108  : Acting I
1230 - 1350 : ENG 102  : College Comp II
22 May - 3 July (sat):
0800 - 1230 : HST 102  : American History II

Now you might be thinking, woah. That's madness.

Well... Yes. Yes it is. But there is a method:
See, after that, i'll only need 10 more credit hours, and most of my core componants will be done with. Which means that during the wretched fall, I only need to pick up my anatomy course (5hrs), my second Japanese course (3hrs), my Liberal Arts Seminar (3) and something interdisciplinary... like... Human Sexuality (which is bio/soc/psych) for another (3)... and that gives me... 64 credit hours, which means that i'll be able to start teaching, and I'll have my Associates Liberal Arts degree. Then on simultaneously to big kid's school, and little kid's school. One for learning, and one for teaching. And then the oodles of paedophilic indulgence.

Also, I had 200g of strawbaperries, a bluebree muffie and a pint o UNHOMOGENISED milk (which i like now. kinda. it's cheap here. remember that onion article "gasoline still inexplicably more expensive than milk?" Well, it's true. American dairies gouge prices.) for brunchfast.

Divinus' Friend Fusion
...before me, those who would be helpless were it not for the holy cue.... i really oughta get that checked. valentine's ...and i won't go into that. i'll pray you'll soon be better and i trully wish you good health and future, ...besides, we lost him in a pile of junk weeks ago. kaly "well tim and i paid for the lightbulbs, so ...worse and overdosing myself with motion sickness pills probably isn't helping much. The guy in Pi had it right, if you ...30% fine on your final tab if you waste food. *whew* It should be fairly obvious why I haven't been online ...but damn i can only talk about movies for so long durring the day before i start recomending really fucked up ...merry unbirthday to you. but not me. gimme presents =) still sitting around gary's until i figure out what's what. turning ...88... :/ Yes. Anyway. He's right up there with Einstein, totally. ...I am totally that child... I feel so ...I really mean. So you are looking at your user info now and going, "Wait? Who's this?" I changed my name. ...waiting for this friggin book for ever.) anyway, i hope everyone's doing well and are happy. :) Well, I think this ...

[descant|15 voices]

Faulheit macht frei. [11 Mar 2004|08:31pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | club nation cd1, track 11 ]

Well, spent last weekend in London again. It was a good time. A partial recollection of the events can be seen via [info]aestetix's account of them, readable here.

Also, since I think people skimmed over my last post, I'm actually leaving one of the pictures -outside- of the cut so people don't miss it. bwahah!

Technically, this isn't part of the London set, but it was from last week and is worth posting.

This is one of the gardens in Windsor Castle, Her Majesty's weekend home. This particular one is built in a now-dry moat.

More pics... yess... )
[descant|20 voices]

[04 Mar 2004|08:03pm]
[ mood | erg | hmm ]
[ music | chatter ]

thar be monstars here )
So yeah.

[descant|3 voices]

[27 Feb 2004|08:01pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | pink floyd - wish you were here ]

My dearest kiya22Annaliese,

I realised today that i've known you for almost seven years now. Somehow it doesn't seem that long, but i've known you for almost a third of my life. In those years, particularly the last four, you've shown me the full extent of my emotional spectrum. You've seen me at both my happiest and my saddest. You made my best of times, and my worst of times. Nonetheless, i love every moment of them, and i don't think i'd really change anything about them.

When i woke up this morning, I lied in bed for a while, and tried to think of all the things i wanted to tell you. I wish i could remember more of it... When I got to the lab today, I read over all my old entries about you. It was kind of nostalgic and happy and a little sad all at the same time.

Well... I just wanted you to know that you're wonderful, and I wish you all the best things, and I love you more than anything or anyone (except Jumby (meh, what can you do? :baste: )).

Happy would-be anniversary, pookah. <4

i lub j00,

p.s. also, you're still the bestest sex0rer i've ever met/whatever.

[descant|4 voices]

<3 [21 Feb 2004|02:44pm]
[ mood | tired / happy / cheffery ]
[ music | clicky click ]

Okay. here's a quick Valentine's day update, even though that was a week ago. Luckily, it will bring my lj almost up-to-date.

Well Iris and i had been talking about dark chocolate and how much we love it and how hard it is to find around here. So we made plans to get some of it. There was also mention of donnie darko (which rox0rs), which iris hasn't seen yet. So then the plans were expanded to be watch darko and eat chocolate. Then she thought that red wine would go well with chocolate. I agreed. Then i thought about how summer fruits were coming in. So the plan was further annotated to be me making dark chocolate dipped strawberries, raspberries, and banannas (well, she likes them), plus movie and wine. Then by circumstance it happened to fall on Valentine's day. (she didn't realise it at the time)... of course, we couldn't find a copy of the movie around here, so we ended up borrowing High Fidelity (which is, btw, a great valentine's movie), and ... erm... another movie, which wasn't really my first choice (even though it didn't turn out that bad).

So.... it was a quaint little one-sided valentine's celebration.

The next day i made a big mexican dinner (since it's primarily unavailable here outside of gourmet restaurants. yes, i know how fucked up that sounds.) Needless to say, the fajitas, quesadillas and beans and rice and cervesa con limón went over quite nicely. (so now they know i can cook)... So i made breakfast for everyone today. (cinnamon crème brûlée french toast (even though i didn't have the tools to fluff the eggwhites properly) with strawberry compote from scratch) Tonight, i'm supposed to make some good ole fashion american southern food, which means southern fried chicken and such.

it was and will be good.

also, went to Windsor the other day where The Queen lives on the weekends. It was gaudy as well, but the armoury was nice. [info]tesla and [info]neph, i saw more flintlocks than god (less than katie). I even saw an old flintlock pepperbox revolver. It was -awesome-. Also, they had a lot of mid-eastern/indian styled weapons. There were kukris, kopeshii, scimitarae, and... some other things with assinine misattributed plurals. Muskepods, for instance (also flintlock).

[descant|34 voices]

Last week... [17 Feb 2004|12:37pm]
[ mood | happy ¦ go ¦ lucky ]
[ music | Rennie Pilgrem - Nuskool Breaks Vol.... ]

So its been a while, cause i've been waiting to get my hands on a photoeditor. See... cause guess where i've been?

creepiest manic smile ever...

more paris and a wee bit o england too )

I'll mention the whole Valentines weekend bit in my next post....
[descant|24 voices]

PSAs [04 Feb 2004|05:13pm]
Payments for rc3 should be sent via paypal to

Also... HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY FOR youidiotkidlizzie fucking gnosis, the coolest kid in town.
[descant|16 voices]

[02 Feb 2004|05:23pm]
[ mood | good ¦ plenty ]
[ music | nutin ]

So there's a little pub in town (beer cart arms) that does an industrial/goth night on mondays that i might go to tonight... they're pretty keen. English kids rock that scene a lot harder than Americans do...

Moreover, after a rousing bit of darkwave, they finished off the night with Monty Python's always look on the bright side of life from life of brian. It was sooo awesome. :does the whistle bit:

ooh. and I saw a guy i think will would have liked. he had microchips implanted into his facial skin... It was... odd, but interesting too.

I also got a flyer from the venue that hosts other styles depending on the night. one of the bands was listed as:
BODYBAG (hardcore ska from switzerland)
now i don't know what it is about that line, but i fell over laughing. maybe its swiss ska... or hardcore ska... or just the allusion to the mortuary arts... but i couldn't breathe for a few seconds.

Went to london the other day. picadilly sucks. leicester owns it hands down. ate good italian, even though i hate going out for italian. our server was italian and emo. B( Took a ton of pics.

I GOT A VIDEO OF STREET SHAMANS DANCING SPONTANEOUSLY. I don't have it on video, but at one point, the guy, who kinda looks like Will's dad with glazed over white eyes, and maybe 5-10 years older, INVOKING THE ELEPHANT TOTEM. I saw it. It was -awesome-.

Also, the Trocadero is awesome too. its a big.. like... 7 story mall, with several of them underground that go under (and up in to) other buildings and such... its kinda spooky to think about, and it looks INSANE inside. its huge. it has a multitiered video game arcade which cody would have fallen onto the ground in orgasmic bliss. IT HAD BUMPER CARS AND A BOWLING ALLEY IN IT.

I went to the big Virgin store (which isn't that big), and told the lady their that i had just flown 10,000 miles to visit that store for two things: a) a virgin shirt, b) virgin cola. THE FUCKERS HAD NEITHER. I dejectedly told them i'd just take an S CLUB 7 cd and leave the country now. There was a certain sadness in their eyes.

(no, i didn't really buy the cd)

also i've visited states )

[descant|8 voices]

[26 Jan 2004|08:49am]
[ mood | meh ]
[ music | god is a dj or some shite downstairs. ]

So Ms. Perkins is getting the nickname of Chauntecleer... you know... the fabled cock of Canterbury. hah!

so i get into a lot of adventures every day, but i forget most of them, so i've started taking notes to i can itemize them.

so i woke up the other day with the intention of going down to a local snooker club. (pimp game, btw, and i haven't found a billiards hall yet) So anyhow, it smelled really bad out. I'm not sure why. It was... sulpherous... like rot almost, but that was only on my street. The new shortcut i found took me down a little narrow road my the rails and it smelled like what anna and I would call christmas smell... its like... wood burning, and a little bit of spice at the same time..? anyhow...

Lets see. I ran into a busker on the high street who was playing... A DIGERIDOO. I thought someone was playing leftfield, but it was this one pimp, just chillin in his army coat, playin away. I chilled with him for a bit, and a passerby droped a pound coin, which is unheard of as far as i've seen.

Erm... not much else new. It was Burns Night the other night. Apparently its the deathday of a famous Scottish poet, but thats all i could find out and don't have the time to research it since the union here is about to close. Point being, I had Aberdeen Angus Steak Pie, which was the best fucking thing i've had since I've gotten here. IT WAS SOOO GOOD. I also went to a trivia night at Casey's, a local Irish pub (which, btw someone tell Pud, had a pic of Flann O'Brian on the wall (who once said...)). They were all questions about scottish slang words and bands and stuff... I'da cleaned up if I had Chi on my team, i bet... First prize was £150 (or about 50 hours of labour back in the states). The first round was easy, it was a list of words and you had to know which were worth more in Scrabble... I was on my own team.. in the five rounds, I was in 1st, then 3rd, then held 3rd, then 7th, then last place by the end of the game... So i went from top to bottom, but was pretty 1337 overall. (really!)

I've noticed that I am thinish before I go to sleep and fattish when I wake up. For now, I'm thinking its because neph dips the Voudou doll of me in country gravy ~6 hours after I dip the one of him in tikka masala sauce, while I'm sleeping.... hmm..

Oh yeah. Went to Whitstable today. ITs a little fishing village in north Kent... It's, erm... really hard to find fish to eat there, surprisingly. I ended up without, but they had some AWESOME bakeries... but this brings me more to another point:

Before I explain why, you need to understand British roads... You know how in our subdivisions, there is kind of like, 2.5 lanes? two half lanes for parking and a full lane and a half for two way traffic? Well... all the roads here are like that, but instead, they're only two lanes. You can't park on the sides, but people do, so there is actually only one lane to drive in, and its two way... So everyone is always just driving around wherever at high speeds directly at each other, occasionally swirving to miss each other... oh, and EVERY ROAD is a series of blind turns... There are like, 6 places in this city where you can see further than 100 feet in front of you...
So anyhow, i sit above the driver, thinking that will be the safest placel, but still scenic... god its scary... they whip around turns at high speed, and the angle between my view and other vehicles is much more acute, so it looks like everything is going to hit us... and the bus driver will be like... 10 feet behind another car, and I SWEAR he will accellarate through two gears to close that distance and then brake hard so he doesn't the the guy... OH, and since all the trees go over the road 20 feet up, none of the other cars hit it, but they smack the damned bus so hard you think the window are about to break. SCARY.

Thats all. night.

[descant|10 voices]

[22 Jan 2004|06:04pm]
[ mood | academic ]
[ music | murmurs ]

Things are getting interesting in the UK... (politically speaking)

See, it works like this (afaik):

Currently, in england, all tuition costs for universities are subsidised, save £1125. This means that, for my MO friends, that every uni here in england, from Canterbury to Oxford to Cambridge (home of Dr. Hawking), costs a student about as much per year as about 5 credit hours of one semester at UMSL (sans text). Now, there is a vote coming up that, if approved, would allow the schools to charge up to £3000 a year (almost the cost of a full semester at UMSL), with certain exceptions for poor families, etc.

(i'm getting somewhere, i promise)

The legislation is being pushed by Tony Blair. Tony Blair, prime minister of the UK, is (alledgedly) a member of the Labour Party, which is the big party in gov't, followed by the Conservative Party, also called the Toris. They are nigh analogous to our democratic and republican parties. But... the Labour Party is largely socialist in nature. They like subsidised education.

(Now here's it starts heatiang up)

Not a lot of people like Tony Blair. He is distrusted by most for his overtly conservative views, and of course, for bringing the UK into a joint-invasion with the US under false pretenses.

In fact, also tomorrow there is a little something called the Hutton Report coming out. (Lord Hutton is the UK equivilant of a supreme court justice.) Here's what it's about in a few short sentences:
- In Sept. 2002, a man, named Campbell, published an intelligence report about Iraq saying that it definately had bio/chem wmds and could launch them within 45 minutes of an order to do so. This was largely what lead the few british people who supported the invastion to do so.
- A few months later (May), a 'senior staff member' of the gov't secretly met with the BBC and told them that the claims were, essentially, lies. Over the next few months it goes back and forth and Campbell is aquitted of purposely misleading the UK/Blair into war. As a side note, the secret informant is spoken of as a person who didn't know anything about iraq or weapons technologies.
-Two days later, the gov't confirms the identity of the informant as Dr. David Kelly, a high-ranking weapons specialist who definately -would- be in the know.
-Ten days later, Kelly is found dead in the woods near his home, with his wrists slit. 'suicide' is ruled, somehow.
-An official inquiry (investigation) is opened by Lord Hutton two weeks later.

So needless to say, the results of that investigation are also about to be given.

(that promised interesting bit)

So here's what -could- happen:

The Labour Party votes against the prime minister and school stays cheap. After that, generally ~24 hours later, a vote of no-confidence is called (like in Star Wars I: TPM). During that 24 hour window, the findings of the Hutton report come out, and the UK find out that the whole Iraq invasion was unjustified, and maybe there is a bit of murder involved. Then the no-confidence vote happens, and Blair resigns.

In other news, Marijuana is downgraded, logically, to a class C drug in the UK next week.

In the US, it is still a Schedule I, meaning:
It is impossible to use the drug without severe physical and psychological dependancies,
it has no medical uses
it has a high potential for abuse

This seems ludicrous, seeing as how a) it is prescribed for medical use in several states, there is no evidence of any addiction, let alone the severity required for schedule I. Unfortunately, in the US, drugs are assigned to schedules based on popularity/profitablity, rather than the actual criteria. This explains why herion is schedule I, but opium and morphine are schedule II, and why LSD is schedule I, and LSA is schedule III, despite all the similarities between these sets of drugs....

I mean... if you look at our scheduling system, it says that Crack is safer for use and less addictive than Marijuana.

well... those are my rants and such for today.
[descant|8 voices]

[19 Jan 2004|08:28pm]
[ mood | <4 ]
[ music | none. damned lab. ]

So I've used my entire budget for Jan already, and there's only... 10 days to go. =p I did buy some kick ass clothes though, which are abound in england.

See... clothes here are the fucking shizzle. That is to say, I love them. The only things I do not agree with at all are the shoes here. (sorry Chi)... They are abyssmal. Male shoes aren't too bad, although they do tend towards blockyness, and THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE HALF SIZE, so I have to wear a too loose 9 which hurts my feet. =(

also, female shoes (at least in canterbury) are showing two distinct styles. style a) the 80s pointy-toed high heeled pump. see here (i'm using the Next catalogue as an example, cause they're a kick ass store.). style b) is these nonheeled knee high suede boots with straps along them, which are fucking pimp as hell, seen here. I looove them to death, but only like 1 in 20 girls wear them, the rest do the fucking pumps. OFTEN IN HOT PINK.

Also, i've become somewhat disallusioned with females here. There are two contributing factors to this, also. a) While they are -amazingly- approachable (ie, oh look. a table with three girls at it. I think i'll just walk over there, sit down, and start talking to them. (which will sound amusing to those who know me at home because I would NEVER do that there)). See, as soon as I open my mouth, I have the upper hand, which is keen. Unfortunately, the conversations usually run the "so how do you like england" and "how accurate is Friends" and "ketchup? how interesting..." paths until they realise that there isn't much more reason to talk to me.. (or until dan comes over and sits down with his I HATE MYSELF AND I WANT TO DIE tshirt, which no one laughs at here, oddly.)

B gets its own paragraph because its teh important) I an competely totally and powerfully infatuated/enthralled with a girl here. Actually, she's another international student. She's from germany and is actually my age which is awesome. She's always looking at me when she thinks i won't notice (which feels amazing and entirely new, btw). I met her at a party one of the italian boys were throwing, where everyone had face paint on. She had swirls of blue and green. It was mesmerizing. I love the idea of spending a lot of time with someone, but not really knowing what they look like at first... But anyhow, all the international kids seem to like me, and we can actually talk about things beyond those mentioned in section A. OH YEAH, she told me that 'i was a lot more intelligent and (something equating to not-an-ass) than all the other american's she'd met (which i took as a personal compliment). oh yes, and I almost forgot. Her name is Iris.... It took me a while to figure this out (namely after doing the german-language-tango-but-out-of-practice-which-created-cute-situations dance) when I asked her how to spell the name... see, everyone was pronouncing it english style, so I assumed it was like... Eiris or somewhat. Nope. It's Iris. That means the actual pronuciation is... get this... ERIS. That's just a fucking sign. Whats more is, and this one is for Neph, that when I gave her my email addy, she asked me if the 23 part had anything to do with illumination... (so at this point, i'm like, OMGWTF-ITSHER), but it turns out that she has seen, and is a big fan of, THE FILM WHICH ELUDES NEPH AND ME TO THIS DAY.. I melted.

So thats it for now. Oh yeah, she has a boyfriend im Deutschland, which is teh suck.

And i had a cold today, and I think my host family doesn't like me being around the house even though i'm out of the house most the time, which is amazing since i'm in the host almost 99 percent of my free time at home okay kthx nite

pics still to come.

[descant|23 voices]

Live from the UK... [13 Jan 2004|03:39pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | clickclicky ]

Okay. Here's my first post from "across the pond." You know the "s are above the 2 here? Its madness. don't even ask where other things are. I'll take a picture of a keyboard later. Utter Madness.

So anyhow. I had a lot of things to write about, so i'm just gonna start streaming. )


[descant|15 voices]

... [07 Jan 2004|08:42am]
[ mood | leaving ]
[ music | Dune - 1996:Forever [15] - Winter Kills - [cv] ]

Well all, this is it. I'm about to leave for the airport. My next msg will be from school in Canterbury, UK, and probably not for a week or so. Excuse my absence.

..and wish me a good flight!

[descant|29 voices]

[05 Jan 2004|12:34pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Scott Bond Vs Solarstone - : [] - The 3rd Earth ]

For anyone who ever thinks their voice is insignificant and/or developers never read forums..

If any of you use Trillian Pro, you might be familiar with a few nice features:

The first is pretty basic. Your conversations are logged, and when you open a msg window, some of the history is displayed so you know where you are.

It's a nice feature. It was first suggested here.

Oh, but wait. There's more.

Are you irritated by having other friends with trillian, who each have 4 contacts, so your 50 friends now take up 200 contacts worth of space? Well, there is now something called the metacontact, a type of contact that maps to a person's other contacts. You create it, and list the person's contacts in it, in order of protocol preference, and it sends it to the first one that is available.

It is suggested here, and is also the first time the term 'metacontact' is used, which is now the official term, having been coined. =p

Its pretty cool to know that some of the features that I enjoy the most about a program today I helped to get implemented almost two years ago. =)

more later.

[descant|2 voices]

... [26 Dec 2003|03:42pm]
[ mood | wakey ]
[ music | Moby - 1993:Ambient [05] - Myopia ]

Everyone be talkin about thy xmas looting....

but i won't, too much. Suffice to say, that this was an xmas like I think its supposed to be, one small significant or utilitarian gift from the peeps who love me (which is not to say that those who didn't give me anything don't love me, they're probably as poor as I am (which is not to say that not giving me a gift equates to poverty, because its likely just a matter of convenience (which is not to sa... nevermind.)))

Anyhow, my family pitched together to get me a camera for my european/uk adventures. The little bastard is 3.2mps. Now, I was pretty impressed with the power of a 1.5 or so, but this is fucking insideiously good.

So, like all nacrissists with low self esteem, I've gone on a camwhore spree, which translates roughly to taking 50-60 some odd pics and filtering them down to two or three acceptable ones. Of course, my sloth also shows, because I figured the best time for it would be right after waking up, falling out of bed, with my whole world still awry. WHEEE.

\\the boy just woke up\\ )

Also, saw Peter Pan last night, but more on that later.

[descant|9 voices]

!! [21 Dec 2003|06:08pm]
[ mood | just slept like 12 hours ]
[ music | none ]

fly asian booty /
grinding on my face and such /
best birthday evar

Well, I went to kiya22annaliese's birthday last night. It was indeed teh good times. We started out at the Delmar Lounge, where I went through a few cordials and had a round of Guinness with phinktom. It was good.

then the strip clubs.

well, i've never been to a strip club before, and I always thought they'd be a bad thing. I always pictured them as like, the old fat 40ish hookers-between-work people you see on Real Sex way back when.


Well, they're not. We went to the hustler club, which used to be deja-vu. I felt real awkward for a bit, like... i dunno... kinda like an empathised shame? like it seemed that the girls on the tables were just kinda empty and drained and shakin through the hourly set-up routines for dollahs and such, but... after a few minutes, i realised that a) that's pretty much what I do as a server, anyhow, but I don't resent it; and b) they seemed very happy. They had a lot of innovation and adaptation in their performance depending on the people and the situation.

Most of the girls were -really- nice. When they found out it was anna's birthday, they went wild. (she eventually got pulled up on stage, adn with the nakedness, and the nighsexacts, but... who didn't expect that?) We ended up buying her private sessions and lapdances and things, and everyone there was sooo wonderful.

(and as a word of advice for anyone else who goes to a strip club, keep an eye on the not-neccisarily-attractive girls. they're there because they're professions with -mad- pole skillz. it was fucking amazing. It was like Sex De Soleil right in front of us)

all the girls were very nice and professional, except one, who bugged me. She was all hitting on [info]aestetix all nice-like cause he's supershy and it was his first time there as well. She acted like she was all bored and wanted to give him a proper introduction to the scene, which is keen. So she tells us, "i wanna get a drink with your friend later, but right now, he needs to get molested" or somesuch, and drags him off somewhere.

Well, she was trying to play the guilt game. She comes back later and is like, "you're friend was so shy and shakey that he got a lap dance (or whatever), and forgot to pay for it!" and i laughed at that. she then is going on and on about how she likes him so much, cause she's never given out free blah blah blah. So she's sitting there, and he has like, 7 dollars to his name (heheh), and she's all trying to convince him to buy her/them drinks for the better part of an hour. Eventually she leaves, and orders one on his behalf for him to pay for! The waitress was all like, "well, someone has to pay for this", and tom, being all logical and smooth, is like, "well. no one here ordered this, and no one here wants this. You're in a bad situation, but i suggest you collect the money from the person who ordered it, which would be the stripper.".

Needless to say, for all her efforts over for that hour and a half, she actually -lost- money. I guess she'll start doing transactions properly and up front now, and not just try the bait and switch. Its like if you go to a restaurant, and the server brings out something to the table and says, "here. the chef is sending this to you," or "here. the bartender wants you to try this," we all know, in teh service industry, that its gratis. if someone doesn't order something, they don't pay for it.

Anyhow... There were lots of people there (at the party, not the club), that I haven't seen in a while, so it was a good time overall. Also, i found the coolest gift for anna, so i felt good. See, I rarely get to give people things because I don't like buying meaningless gifts. I mean, they should be useful, appropriate, and remind me of the person i'm giving it to. I should see something on the shelf or jpg or whatnot, and say... "damn. I know whom that would be perfect for."

... but yeah.

[descant|8 voices]

The Great Paper Race [15 Dec 2003|07:14pm]
[ mood | worky ]
[ music | - psytrance/goa radio ]

Mr. Taine;

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, and you will, is to write a total of five (5) papers by 0700hrs tomorrow morning.

You have to write a research paper, two (2) opinion papers, and two (2) essays.

The use of nootropics are strictly prohibited; the use of stimulants are highly recommended.

The time is now 1914hrs; you have 11 hours and 46 minutes to complete your task.


(updates to follow)

Finished first opinion paper. 2335hrs; hail eris; 7 hours 25 minutes remain. You're working too slowly. I blame the damned topic. Abortion is too broad.

Finished first essay. 0146hrs; 5 hours 14 minutes remain. Picking up the pace. Governmental systems are easy.

0357hrs; Almost finished with second essay. Realised I had slightly missed the objective of the essay. Attempting to rewrite essay and integrate old essay. Using paint shop pro to help visualise. soo tired. fleeting. 3 hours 3 minutes remain.

Finished second essay. 0600hrs; 1 hour remains. That took for-fucking-ever. I think I may have passed out at some point, because I don't remember spending four hours doing this. My psych final is in two hours, and i leave in an hour for it. This would be a good time for me to read the material. My research paper (!!) and other opinion paper aren't due until 1500 and 1300, respectively. That gives me another 5 hours after class to complete my opinion paper, plus remainder of that plus 2 hours for my research paper.

end of updates
[descant|10 voices]

Reminders that g0d hates me... [12 Dec 2003|12:06pm]
[ mood | morningish ]
[ music | Orbital - 1996:In Sides, BD2 [05] - Box, The - [pt4] ]

so as a journalist, I am privy to lots of the benefits of the advertising hierarchies of evil capitalism. while being advertised to sucks pretty much all the time on the lower ranks, as you ascend, they become better. ie, everyone is entitled to commercials, which suck, but ceos have million dollar events thrown so they can get advertised to, etc.

so I get a free ticket for an advanced showing for Return Of The King for yesterday morning. I am so happy.

...but it runs 30 mins into my last scheduled honors poli sci class.


so it didn't get used. I figured outis would benefit most from it, but he had finals.


so i'll be seeing it with everyone else in a week, and thats good by me. =)

Quick note, for those of you still concerned about my possibly inability to go to Canterbury, it looks like its working out afterall. w00t. I have a plan A, B, and C to make sure it happens. I CANNOT FAIL! (but probably will somehow...)

The Box always reminds me of international intrigue.

OH, and guess what's coming out soon?

its represented by the function x0...

Thats right, motherfuckas.

see the posterz )
[descant|7 voices]

,... [10 Dec 2003|12:05pm]
[ mood | meh ]
[ music | none ]

Okay, what the fucking fuck.

I am what most people would call disallusioned.

wait, let me say this.

Schizophrenics often suffer delusions of persecution and paranoia. At least, thats what it says in my paper on the subject from the other day.

You know what? I don't know how any sane person living today DOESN'T feel like that. I mean, wtf. When was the last time anyone tried to get something done, and was -really- successful without the whole runaround and shit? huh? I don't think it happens.

I've actually gotten to the point where I -know- anything that I try to do is ultimately going to fail. I'm just still doing them to see if I can at least get fucked over in an entertaining way. I still laugh at the bank teller.

That being said, here goes:

My estimated cost of attendence for the Canterbury programme is between $6200 (assuming I just live there, take classes and eat only rice or something). The programme directors suggest $9200.

Federal student aid in the form of loans max out at about $1200 per semester, by federal limit. Because I paid my last semester by hand, I qualify for up to $2500. My school for some reason hates me, and does do Perkins loans, with have a limit of like $4000. And, because my family of three has a gross annual income of about $35k, (net income of about $12200), the school/govt assumes that we should have $6000 a year lying around for me to go to school, which pushes me about two and a half times above the grant limit.

So i'm trying to figure out how the other 40 students are going, because i've seen those kids. They're walmart wearing maladjusted poor kids too. I know they don't collectively have HALF A FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS IN CASH lying around, so how are they going??

So needless to say, I would need to raise at minimum of about $3700 in... 3 weeks. =p

Time to burn down the campus. =)

also, i think i'm sick. that 34 hour research writing bender musta weaken teh immunities.

update. i just found out that i can up that my $4k if i'm independant, or of my parents don't qualify for taking student loans on my behalf... excellent..

maybe there's hope afterall.

[descant|7 voices]

[09 Dec 2003|01:50am]
[ mood | tired | worky ]
[ music | A Beautiful Mind w/ Commentary ]

How to write a paper -- div style.

1) Find out about the paper 5 months in advance.
2) Wait until the day before its due
3) Play games and watch tele and things during the day you asked off work to work on the paper
4) decide to work instead of sleeping. make sure to eat a lot first and watch a movie so you're nice and sleepready
5) make drink‡
6) have im conversations, and watch research material in background with commentary track; giggle
7) [in progress]

‡ Pour strong coffee. Insert several ounces cask and cream liquour. stir with speculum. pour sidesnifter of frangelico. sip:sip

[descant|11 voices]

[07 Dec 2003|11:47pm]
[ mood | meh ]
[ music | Orbital - 1999:Middle Of Nowhere, The [05] - Otoño ]

So... It occurs to me that I have a net worth of about $500, which is about to go negative in the five digit range for student loans.

But, on the upside. Everything is nigh good-to-go with Canterbury. The only thing that can go wrong now is if I somehow can't get a passport int he next 4 weeks, or if they decide i'm not coo enough for student loans. or if i die.

i'm so hopeful i'm almost holding my breath.


i just watched Rules Of Attraction. I feel mentally dirty. Thats what i'm calling it. no explanations though for posters. none. at. all.

also. i'm busy as fuck. i'm talking like... busy like a post office in december, which is fuckall busy, i can tell you.

In the next 24 hours I have to:

write a news article on the meramec beat society
write a research paper (and do the research for it) on a beautiful mind that meets up to honours psychology standards (when the teacher hates me)
go to court. fucking court.
go to the damned post office and sit around for two hours in line to send off for the passport which i should have done last week (shhhh)

i don't want to write. anything. at all. i don't want to sleep or play games. im anxious and bored at the same time. grr.

i think of lj as a tie to a lot of people, and when they delete the ljs, i never hear from them again. it saddens me. =\

also, this is a happy song, i think, but it makes me sad. it means autumn.

[descant|8 voices]

[05 Dec 2003|09:00am]
[ mood | ! ]
[ music | Clash, The - 1990:London Calling [01] - London Calling ]

Okay, just for reference...

Airline tickets to London, UK cost a fuckload of money, and for some reason the city has like ¡ 5 ! airports in it..

(but that's okay.)

:biggest grin evar:

[descant|24 voices]

^ ^ v v < > < > a b b a s [30 Nov 2003|05:11pm]
[ mood | meeeh ]
[ music | Soul Coughing - 1996:Irresistible Bliss [10] - Sleepless ]

Soo.... i notice i haven't updated recently.

so here's the skinny, in as few bits as possible.

work is getting much busier, and the money is getting better. we had a spot on Show Me St. Louis, i'm still trying to digitise the video, cause i was on teh tele shakin' 'tinis. yeeeaaah.

thanksgiving was fun. ruinists + turkey + alcohol + orgies == teh fun (even though my neck is killing me now. heh)

i had a lot more to say, but its kinda fallin away now. =\

[descant|7 voices]

[09 Nov 2003|06:30pm]
[ mood | ungry ]
[ music | Binah - 1999:Caribbean Eclipse [05] - Crescent Suns ]

So I'm dropping my Japanese II class. Although i'm doing just fine in the class, I kinda had to miss a class last week, which took my attendence to a point where i'd lose two letter grades, and the idea of getting a C for an A doesn't strike me as fun.

Needless to say, I don't know if it'll be offered next semester. So.. i'm gonna branch out some more, but i'm not sure where. (okay, i'm pretty sure where, but i want other input too).

[ml_getter not defined] porro linguis
[ml_getter not defined]

Which language should Divie learn next? (check two)

[ml_getter not defined]

3 (10.0%) 3 (10.0%)

4 (13.3%) 4 (13.3%)

Esperanto (on own, heh)
3 (10.0%) 3 (10.0%)

2 (6.7%) 2 (6.7%)

German (more)
5 (16.7%) 5 (16.7%)

7 (23.3%) 7 (23.3%)

4 (13.3%) 4 (13.3%)

4 (13.3%) 4 (13.3%)

Japanese (more)
10 (33.3%) 10 (33.3%)

Latin (on own)
6 (20.0%) 6 (20.0%)

6 (20.0%) 6 (20.0%)

5 (16.7%) 5 (16.7%)

[descant|13 voices]

..... [05 Nov 2003|11:50pm]
[ mood | GRRR ]
[ music | Nine Inch Nails - 1994:Downward Spiral, The [04] - March Of The Pigs ]

Fucking christ, i'm going to sue everyone.

How the fuck hard is it for people to pay off a debt thats THREE FUCKING YEARS OLD.

I remind them a month in advance.... I suggest ways of scratching up money... I GO TO FUCKING COURT FOR THEM.

I could have just filed a Joinder Of Parties, so that the damned lawsuite went against everyone. A judge would have said, "Kaly, we're garnishing half your cheques until this is paid, oh, and don't think you'll ever get anything that requires credit again." same with everyone else. BUT NO. We went in front of the court, we got some $1200 of the debt REMOVED and settled so no one's credit was fucked, and all we have to do is pay ~$190 a month..
But nooo, we can't seem to do this...

Everyone on the lease has paid their debt. Some of the people not on the lease have paid their debt.

Here's what left:

1 lives in NJ, is given hundreds of dollars a month FOR FREE, and refuses to pay her debt.
1 lives in Kansas, is hopelessly unemployed, and has no money, at all.
2 live BACK AT THE PLACE WE LIVED 3 FUCKING YEARS AGO and somehow dont' have money for anything... except new dogs! !?!?!?!!!!111

Well.... here's the deal:

In a little over a week, if we can't collect $190, my ass goes before a judge for these people, FOR THE SECOND TIME, along with the leaseholders. The judge wears a pretty little robe and will, even though each and every one of us has paid -our- debt, will garnish our wages and forclose on our possessions to pay for OTHER PEOPLE.

So, here's the deal. If anyone out there wants to donate money for these people, its more than accepted.

leaseholders! xellie and terra, i need to know what you want to do about karen. We can still file for suite in maryland heights if you want to, or people can volunteer to pay for her, but thats like $450, which is a pretty hefty sum.

I dunno. Tell me what you people want to do, but in the mean time, we HAVE TO HAVE $190 in a week.

[descant|46 voices]

[04 Nov 2003|09:28pm]
[ mood | meh ]
[ music | Radiohead - 1993:Pablo Honey [02] - Creep ]

...somes likes to call me a wino... but i prefere street sommelier.

its been a while. nothing new, really. or lots of little things of note, but too much to go into without sounding lake a rambling geriatric.



oh yeah, also. I'm now published. w00t.

[descant|17 voices]

memetic nonsense. [17 Oct 2003|01:21am]
[ mood | meh ]
[ music | Muddasheep - 2003:Halfquake Amen [] - Ambience - () ]

:grumble, grumble:

ljmatch sexual goodness )

[descant|1 voice]

!! [09 Oct 2003|04:49pm]
[ music | Infected Mushroom - 1999:Gathering, The [09] - Over Mode - () ]

(Sorry for double posting, but these were too very seperate posts, and both are likely to draw comments, so its easier to sort this way)


As you already (should) know, the rc3 rent and damages from 2000/2001 are still unpaid. As of June, 2003, the leasees were brought before a court on this matter. At the time, the people of RC3 owed $2731.75 plus court costs, lawyers fees, etc (at about $3500 or so). Due to some good negotiating, we managed to settle for $2330 to be paid monthy over the course of 12 months beginning in August at a rate of $187.00 per month, and like $86 or so the last month. Now, the August and September payments have been made, and Pud is paying the entirety of the October payment.

This is a 30 day notice to all the people that you need to save some money for the November 15 payment.

For records, I have been keeping an accounting spreadsheet since I -started- collecting to pay for rc3 about two years ago. i'm including an image of that sheet, and a copy is available to anyone who wants it.

Although they might prove me wrong, I'm fairly certain, based on past experience, that Cody and Karen are unable and unwilling (respectively) to pay their debt, so we will likely have to somehow raise the ~$900 that they collectively owe us. Spread out among the rest of us, thats ~$150 for each of us.

I would like Cody and Karen to please leave a comment stating whether they will or will not be paying their debt so that we can "plan accordingly." (quotes are ominous, aren't they?)

As for the data in the spreadsheet, people are colour-coded representing how much of their debt they've paid. Red and yellow peeps really need to start gettin money together, green peeps are well on their way, and blue peeps have not only paid their debts in full, but are also paying towards the rest of yours. This will be updated every month as payments are made so you can keep coming back and seeing how things are going. You can also see how much you owe total, how much you've paid in the last few years, and how much you still owe. The payment in blue in representative of the settlement for less than the owed amount which lowers the amount that everybody owes rather than a payment made directly.

spreadsheet here )
[descant|10 voices]

OMFG [09 Oct 2003|01:50pm]
[ mood | GRRR ]
[ music | Nine Inch Nails - 1994:Natural Born Killers [02] - Burn - () ]

So there I am, in the pouring rain, about to board the bus, when all of a sudden the sponsor for the organisation (Student Activities Council) pulls me aside and tells me, "It has been decided that you shouldn't attend the NACA conference."

Apparently, at the monday general interest meeting, which I didn't attend to work so i could take off the weekend to go on this conference in the first place, the SAC body voted me removed from the conference at a vote of 9-4. The sponsor made the motion (which I don't even think he can do, since he's tecnically not a member) because he hasn't seen me at events and helping the organisation out. Ironically, the people who voted also haven't seen me doing anything for the org because they haven't been there helping out to see me. WTF. Its like being counted absent by a teacher, who stayed home sick, because she didn't see you in class.

What's more fucked up is that they didn't call me after the meeting to tell me this.
Whats even more fucked up is that -no one- told me the day after the meeting while i was sitting in the org's office for three hours, like I do everyday I'm there, to help out if needed.

Now I know a lot of people are like, "big deal, so you don't get to go to a shitty school event." Well... Since i'm the head server at the restaurant, I can't be taking off every weekend in a month. I skipped out on Archon and Phreaknic this month so that I could go to this damned conference. My grade in a class is getting dropped for this shite. I've neglected other organisations that I'm party to just to focus on this one. Well fuck that. I've helped them save upwards of $200 in their event costs just by showing them how to properly order and do things more efficiently, but nooo... the fuckers who don't do -anything- but come to the meetings and vote decided i'm useless, so fuck them. \Λ/

I'm about sick of my life being personally affected by the stupidity of others. Its getting difficult to manage / organise all my revenge plots.

I'm gonna burn this whole world down...

[descant|3 voices]

[09 Oct 2003|07:02am]
[ mood | absent ]
[ music | Cheese, Richard - 2002:Tuxicity [03] - Baby Got Back - [cv] - (Mix-A-Lot, Sir) ]

Okay. I'm off for the weekend to Little Rock, AR. I'm expecting the worst.

I'll be back monday, so I'll see you all then.

In the mean time, feel free to be honest. Cause thats one meme I can support.

[descant|4 voices]

... [08 Oct 2003|10:33am]
[ mood | mad... with power. ]
[ music | Kidneythieves - 1998:Trickster [04] - Feathers - () ]

Oh yes, I almost forgot... My bank.

I hate my Bank. It's Union Planters Bank. Here's how the story goes down:

Come home one day. There's a letter waiting for me. Its a notice that i've overdrafted my account, and I'm getting charged $29 for it, plus $5 per day since it occured, four days previous.

Actually, no, wait. It starts actually about eight months ago.
Its worth it... plus, divie launches evil plot against the evil capitalists and needs /your/ help... read on. )

[descant|14 voices]

[07 Oct 2003|05:12pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | Mansell, Clint - 1998:Pi Soundtrack [7] - We Got The Gun - () ]

So I started out by doing the Right Thing and patronising my local Schnuck's markets. For those of you who don't know, the unwashed masses are refusing to trade their labour for compensation to get more compensation (striking) here in St. Louis. Also, Schnuck's is a fairly small grocery chain that started here in StL. They have grown over the last few decades to about 50 stores, which are 24 hour bastions of "good stuff". Dierbergs, a similar chain (St. Louis has lots of independants. its odd), is also undergoing proletariat unheaval, as is Shop n' Save. :ahem: so yeah. I felt it was my personal duty to spend the last bit of change in the car on a bottle of perrier.

See, ideologically speaking, I've found that I have some atypical belief structures... I am, essentially, an anarchocommunist which leanings towards socialism for infrastructural development to get us to that point. I'm exceptionally liberal, but hold some beliefs which are traditionally conservative. I'm anti-union, for instance. This isn't to say that i'm not glad they were formed during the industrial revolution when they were necissary, but people aren't facing harsh working conditions for 20 hours a day for the cost of a weeks worth of food a month. No... now, they pretty much exist as special interest groups to extort companies. You want a 20¢ raise? Don't go ask your boss for it, or for that matter show them that you're worth it... no.. get together your associated workers, call a vote, and everyone strike until -everyone- has a 20¢ raise. Oh, and since you're not going to be working for two or three months during your strike, might as well ask for 50¢ to cover your percieved losses. Tossers.

Another 'conservative' view i hold is that of gun control. Recently, Missouri passed a concealed/carry law, becoming the 35th or so state to allow registered handguns to be carried on person. Now... I'm not one of those crazed nuts with shotguns mounted on my truck (and no, i don't own a truck (or rent)), or NRA wackos.... But I try to be a realist, and I only see two situations being workable in the US. 1) Absolutely no non-military people have firearms a la England (I think this is the ideal, of course). 2) Registered people without violent-crime convictions have access to firearms. I hate to say it, but if they are in the hands of the public / commercially available, criminals will have them. Whether it means robbing a gun store, shoplifting from walmart, buying them blackmarket from dealers (or at shows), whatever... people will get them, and the people who would be victimised by them need to have access to them too. Of course, i'm still for option A more, but i don't think Dr. Deliverance down in Alabama is going to go with it.

Sides... we've all seen movies, guns are pretty keen.

Other than that, liberal all the way. =)

[descant|21 voices]

[01 Oct 2003|05:42am]
[ mood | cybernetik, fools! ]
[ music | Devo - 1988:Total Devo [03] - Some Things Never Change - () ]

Okay, okay, its been a while. A long while, in fact. Almost two weeks.

I have been mad busy with work and school and school accessories.

On the upside, archon is this coming weekend, and the next one I'm going to be going to a conference in Little Rock :shudder: which will be a new record for the furthest south i've ever travelled. Aaaaand... if things go right, I may be going to Wash, D.C. next spring to lobby congress/senate. w00t.

Also, in a burst of pseudoartistic design and the first high-quality partial image of me ever seen on teh intarweb:::

Look what I picked up at the mall... )

[descant|9 voices]

birthday coffee reminder [12 Sep 2003|08:15pm]
[ mood | birthdayish | happy ]
[ music | none ]

coffee. central west end. tonight. 10/11 pm.

join meeeee!


[descant|10 voices]

Mother Fucking Fujitsu Heavy Industries One Crazy Nigga, Niggaaaah! [11 Sep 2003|09:53pm]
[ mood | disappointed | bleh ]
[ music | tokyo breakfast ]

So here's teh skinny how why life hates me.

Well, lets forget for the moment that its fucking impossible to find male pinstripe pants...

So i wait 24 hours to see if anyone else wants to attend my birthday stuff, and no one does, but that 24 hours is long enough for -both days- to spontaneously sell out, so no Opera for pud and me. =( Although I swear this now before god and man: No force on earth will prevent me from seeing Berlioz' Symphonie fantastique on halloween. NONE.

So i was supposed to go for coffee with a girl (a girl!) tonight, but there was no answer when i called. =(

Also, I was supposed to go out to see CITY Improv, but I didn't get to do that either because of transportation difficulties.

Yeah. I'm not too glad, so i'm goin to sleep or maybe drown in games.

glug... glub.

[descant|15 voices]

BIRTHDAY GOODNESS [07 Sep 2003|02:36pm]
[ mood | happy | planny ]
[ music | temp ]

Okay, listen up kids, cause this is how my birthday shishiznatch is going down.

- Friday, 12 September -

Dining6 pmthe Monarch
Dinner will be at the new Monarch in Maplewood. Directions and review available at the above link. Additional information available from the RFT review, which provides a more extensive review, but less general information. Dinner should range between $30 and $60 for most people.

Entertainment8 pmSt. Louis Symphony Orchestra
SLSO will be performing CARMINA FUCKING BURANA by Carl Orff. I don't think I need to say too much more on that matter. Also performed are two shorter pieces. I don't think I'll care much for Korngold, but the violin/cello concertante performed by the Sant'Ambrogios I suspect will be sublime. We're going to be seating in either the front parquet or the centre parquet, depending on how you all feel. Tickets are either $44 or $66 depending on which we decide.

CafeafterwardsCentral West End
To finish off the evening, we'll ambulate our way to the CWE for coffee at either Grind or Coffee Cartel, also depending on preferences of attendees. Everyone likes coffee. ...everyone...

So there's the plans. If anyone wants to attend, they need to let me know ASAP so i can make reservations for tickets and dining either today or tomorrow. Sooner is much better. I also understand that a few (if not most) my friends probably don't have $100 to drop into an evening of decadance. Luckily, there are multiple events. So you can just skip dinner, or the opera, or even just join me for coffee. I mean... You've gotta have a dollar or two lying around. =)

Also! This is not just for people I know personally. If we haven't met yet, this is a grand oportunity for it. Yes. So...

Who wants to come help me celebrate my birthday?

[descant|25 voices]

[29 Aug 2003|10:04am]
[ mood | wakey | happy ]
[ music | Man With No Name - Pipeline [(] ]

I love this stuff...

I've been going to sleep at 2am and getting up at 630am every day for the last three... last night i got to go to sleep early and wake up late this morning... and for my patience, reality has rewarded me. I throw on some soft ambient chills (via, and the heavy rain rocks me to sleep... lo and behold, a delightful night full of strange dreams (which oddly enough included some meta-themes from Freddy Vs. Jason (even though I haven't seen it, and for the most part hate the franchise(s))). So I wake up, nicely, in a dark room with soft slow grooves playing, and the light patter of rain (which went -all night-, apparently just for me).

Its a great day.

(also note that carries a nice psytrance/goa station for those of you who dig that too... and I know who you are....)

Not only is Robert Anton Wilson write-in running for the office of Governer of California, but his Guns And Dope party is a strange fusion of far-left AND far-right wing politics to unite -all- the radicals together... furthermore, he plans to make many acts Caligulan, such as the removal of approx a third of the legislature, to replace them with... ostridges!
[descant|3 voices]

... [28 Aug 2003|12:22am]
[ mood | happy | exhausted ]
[ music | [( psytrance shoutcast )][ Spacetribe - Geo Matrix ] ]

"It will be a great day indeed when schools have all the funding they need, and the air force has to hold a bake sale to build a bomber."
-poster mounted on teacher's office door

Started school yesterday... only three classes this semsester:

japanese II - continuation of japanese I, but now consolidated with more cute girls.

general psych - i managed to get the sponsor for the ueberelite ΨΒ society as my teacher, she's also a PhD and second most senior in the department. The problem is... she has another 84 students in her lecture, so i have to get her attention... i've already approached her to get an honours project going (which i got pseudoapproval from the chair for one), and now... not only does she know my name, but she stopped -me- a couple of times on campus to chat... things are going according to plan... soooon...

intro to american politics - introductory level class, but i had to start there... (not that our school offers much in the way of poli sci) still... our syllabus is opened with this quote that quite a few are now familiar with:
"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
-Herman Goering

The instructor made everyone list their favourite movie during attendance (required by the school for the first day)... half the students picked great films by directors like kubrick, gilliam, lynch, etc... the other half picked shite like "bad boys 2"... still. the instructor is well versed in films, -extremely- well versed. he's a big fan of gangster movies and I think i impressed him by suggesting a great one he hadn't seen (Once Upon A Time In America)... things here are also going well.

in addition, i ran into lots of old friends... aside from japanese which had about 50% of the same students, I ran into my old (very cute) friend Mandy, who I haven't seen in months... and another named Melissa who has the prettiest eyes i've ever seen (almost white with blue-green coronas).. what's more is that they both are at school and doing nothing during the time when I'm at school doing nothing as well... whee!

today i ran around with annaliese for doctors and shopping and general fun havery. it was great, even if i was -really- tired... oooh, and she stole me a speculum!!! plastic, but still a great coffee table piece...

also, Lumin's fins are more red and he's grown maybe 10-15% in the past three days...

[descant|3 voices]

[21 Aug 2003|04:20am]
[ mood | adoptive | tired ]
[ music | Takemura, Nobukazu - 2001:Child's View [06] - Let My Fish Loose - Aphex Twin Mix - [mx] - () ] I did some impulse purchasing today. I'm not prone to that kind of thing, but still.

So I got a fishie... A pretty fishy. In fact, I got a betta.

I would like to introduce you...

His name is Lumin. He is (i think, correct me if i'm wrong) a cambodian red pastel veil-fin. The cam sucks so he doesn't look all that great, (just like me, ha!), but he really is very very pretty.

I also learned something about walmart today (yes, i know, i know... but when you need something at 2am... its all I got).. They had small fishbowls and coloured glass beads next to the fishies. The bowls were like $3.00 for a quart and the rocks were about $2.00 for an 8oz. bag of yucky opaques. I almost got them... then I thought for a second... walked over to the crafts department. There, I found a half gallon cylindar for $1.50 and a 16oz. bag of opalescent clear beads for $2.00...



I'm thinking about breeding.

fish that is.

..with other fish. :sigh:

[descant|14 voices]

Quick... [09 Aug 2003|02:29pm]
[ mood | flat baroque ]
[ music | Orff, Carl - 1995:Carmina Burana [02] - Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi - Fortune Plango Vulnera - () ]

"You got no taste, man." -Neph in response to divie's voicing lack of enjoyment of Garth Brooks' No Fences album.

So had I been in Germany last month, I coulda caught the Jocelyn Pook ensemble... damn they're/she's amazing... If you haven't been formally introduced, aside from her own albums, she composed most of the Eyes Wide Shut soundtrack. She's got that nice middle eastern haunting classical style down to a tee.

In a related note, if things go right, I'll be seeing a performance of Carl Orff's opera, Carmina Burana... ON MY BIRTHDAY! haha! (more on that later) The Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra is doing a lot of good opera's this year. (Like Berlioz' Symphonie Fantastique! AIEE!) So if anyone else wants to attend any of these with me, you're more than welcome to... Tix aren't the cheapest... but it -is- the fucking opera...

I have an interview at a new little upscale thai bistro that just opened up in 35 minutes, so i'm off to finish cutting and dying my own hair.


[descant|10 voices]

A brief comment on astrology... [08 Aug 2003|05:37am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Muddasheep - 2003:Halfquake Amen [] - Ambience - () ]

Now i'm not really into astrology... I mean, not to the extent that some of my friends are... I don't read horoscopes or anything, or only mate with certain signs, but none-the-less certain trends to tend to exist... I'd like to think they don't, but... they're just so damned pervasive, its hard to avoid them.

So here's how I feel, typically, about people born under the various signs... (if you're curious, but not familiar with them, see here.)

Read more... )

[descant|27 voices]

Bringing communism back to the world, one kJ at a time... [29 Jul 2003|05:41pm]
[ mood | energetic ]
[ music | Snap! - 1990:Power, The [1] - Power, The - () ]

So I have this idea... i thought about it this morning on the way to school in that state of half-awake half-asleepedness (i wasn't driving).

One of the primary catalysts of communism is the removal of supply and demand through a production of supply approaching infinite and/or without cost. Demand inversely approaches zero, as does the motivational basis for demand (greed). This is especially effective if applied to a cost-of-living expense such as food, shelter, clothing, water, and... electricity.

I don't know about the rest of the world, but in Missouri, where I live, we have a law. Its a very smart law, works like this:
If you produce electricity and are on the grid, then you only pay for the difference between your energy use and energy production. Because electricity flows into the grid as well as from it, if you produce more electricity than you use, the local electric company is required to pay you for that electricity as the same rate you pay.

(ie, if you use 1e4 kilowatt-hours per year, and pay say... 10¢ per kwh, then you're bill runs about $1k a year. If you generate 5e3kwh yourself, your bill is only going to be $500 a year, and if you generate 1.5e4 a year, then they are required to pay you $500 and you're even.)

So... it begins with an investment... a small investment into a set of solar panels and turbine system or a paddlewheel in a creek or even a small windmill (there is also a nice 1.5¢/kwh tax credit right now for wind). It gets hooked up to a grid. Because the cost is finite and the resource is (reasonably) infinite, it will pay itself off and start producing a profit. (I love how communism always starts with profit...) Any profit produced is used to expand the energy production plant, like investing in a bank and reinvesting the interest. Eventually, with time, it (they?) has paid for itself and is now producing excess power.

From there, it snowballs (or napoleans... hah!). Once they become large enough, they start providing free electricity for whole communities (of course those communities are free to donate) and continues to use a portion of its 'income' to expand itself... after a while, it spreads to a district... city... county...

All it takes is a snowflake to build an avalanche (given proper conditions). The investment of a snowflake is a simple matter.


What do you think?

[descant|5 voices]

Interview and other random thoughts... [26 Jul 2003|08:50pm]
[ music | Perfect Circle, A - 2003:Thirteenth Step [02] - Weak And Powerless - () ]

Haven't really had the material for a full post in a while, so i've been collecting thoughts in a draft and am now getting around to posting it... but first:

I was thinking about this whilst listening to NPR today.. If i could interview GW Bush, but only ask three or so questions, I think they would have to be:
1.) More US soldiers have been killed during the occupation following the fall of the Hussein regime that during the removal of that regime. Does that disturb you, and do you still think that an American junta is what the Iraqi people want more than anything?

2.) During your first week in office, you suspended all funding for programmes in Africa to provide safe sex/std prevention education and supplies. Now you're sending in people to deal with the AIDS epidemic that has been caused by the lack of services like the ones you removed. Is this an act of hypocracy, or are you just putting your foot in your mouth? Also, how well are you expecting Africa to adopt the "Abstinance Only Education" programme?

3.) The unemployment rate is at 6.4%, the highest it's been since about 9 years ago right after your father stepped down. Gasoline is, on the average, more expensive now than it has ever been prior to your presidency. The national debt is about $6.7 trillion, also higher than its ever been, with 15.8%/$1.1 trillion of it having been accumulated during your three years of presidency (about 7.4 billion a week). Almost every single state in the Union is bankrupt... Do you have any ideas on how to improve the economy that do not involve reducing the tax burden on large corporations and the richest 2% of the population? Have you considered appointing Bill Clinton to your cabinet for economic council?


Thats the gist of it... the rest is mostly random and will therefore be cut )

[descant|10 voices]

Death to the demon, Yevgeny Nourish! [15 Jul 2003|06:16am]
[ mood | scholastic | awake ]
[ music | Dolby, Thomas - 1983:Golden Age Of Wireless, The [1] - She Blinded Me With Science - () ]

Okay... school update. Mostly boring, xept maybe for you academic types.

First of all, I'm still in negotiations with the exectutive dean. As of right now, she's not having the evil class count toward my gpa (which is now 3.54), but she is keeping it on my transcript... since I don't like the idea of it haunting me in two years, i'm pushing some more to have it removed, i may have to write a letter to the school's accreditation organisation (or at least threaten to).

Now then... given that I have a 3.54, I'm entitled to join ΦΘΚ (Phi Theta Kappa), which is our nat'l honour society. I get a funkly little cordon for when i graduate, and I automatically get a $1k scholarship just for joining. w00t!

So as I'm in the offices inquiring about the organisation, the guy tells me that ΦΘΚ offers extra benefits to active members (ie, the two most active students last semester got full rides at Wash U. ($39k/smstr) and SLU ($32k/smstr). So I'm thinking... "hmm.... maybe I should look into other organisations as well..."

ΨΒ (Psi Beta), our psychology honours society is überelitist and hard to get into... but.... I just happen to have the sponsor as my gen psych teacher fall semester... I will exert my influence. Yess.... Also up for consideration is the SMNEA (Student-Missouri National Education Association), which is basically an 'aspiring teachers' club, but they have good contacts with lots of local and national schools, which means better job findery someday... yes indeeed.. SAC/CCC (Student Activities Council / Club Coordination Council) are two not-so-dissimilar organisations. They basically manage all student government aspects as well as all on site concerts, plays, etc. Lots of fringe benefits there, like free food... so. much. free. food. Plus the idea of having political power over the student body... Haw Haw! (chick style). I don't know too much about ALH (Archaeology and Living History) yet, but they seem to do a lot of SCA style stuff, and the Professors Fuller sponsor them, so it could be fun... Don't want to take on too much though.

Oh yeah, next semester class lineup:
MTH:160c - College Algebra: Standard
JPN:104 - Modern Japanese II
PSY:200 - General Psychology
PSC:101 - Intro American Politics

Well, i need to run and take an exam and such...

[descant|21 voices]

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