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[18 Sep 2002|10:30pm]
I lied, here's another post.

Preferably to someone who doesn't already have a livejournal... Does anyone want my "~Downsideup" username? I gave ~vitabrevis away. And yes, for those who have yet to ask [because some of you already did] I am deleting this user name. If you want details, contact information, whatever- You'll find out how to contact me through my user info. Let me recommend the e-mail. Which will be left availible until "The Move".
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It's my duty to please that booty. [18 Sep 2002|01:15pm]
Don't you know what you wear under a kilt?
Your wife's lipstick.

Another reason why Samuel Jackson is one bad mother...

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behavior that was quite beyond the pale. [17 Sep 2002|08:37pm]
My mom bought me things and let me smoke a cigar in her car.
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Hey, I guess I should have changed the batteries in my mouse [17 Sep 2002|05:16pm]
The best thing about today is I can take a nap,
and not have to wrry about not being able to sleep tonight.

Aloof and animalistic, you belong to the Gangrel Clan. Closely associated with werewolves, you are the shapeshifting vampire. You prefer nature than to live in the city and prefer the company of animals than of humans. You are more known to keep to yourself then to help others. You are the lone wolf of the decendents of Caine.

What Vampire Clan Do You Belong To?

Test Created By [info]oronoda

I am going to KMART.
I will try to get my mother to buy me towels.

Good luck to me.

What Planet Are You From?

this quiz was made by The Autist Formerly Known As Tim
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[16 Sep 2002|09:21pm]

What is funny, is that the two people I showed this page too were like "Where do I get a secret code from?". Goobers. I love you all. I almost freaked out at the amount of shit I had to do today. There is just so much. I have to go through all the boxes I packed months ago, removing and moving and redoing. So here I am fretting my asscots as I pulled open a box, and ontop of everything was a fortune that said "Patience is the best remedy for every trouble."

I'll be the gimp-suit wearer tonight. I am still in the process of "Doing", but I took a time out to love my boyfriend. And eat dinner. And have a vanilla coke. I'm moving all my finished boxes to the garage. This is making things much more organized for me. I'd say something more but seriously nothing more has happened today.

Except for the part where MSI tickets sold out before my sister bought them. I guess I will keep trying ticketmaster and call Fletchers to see if there are any to spare. Kind of a bummer. But its the kind of bummer where I don't have time to be bummed. I'll let it slip for now. It's time to unpack the books, sort my books from my sister's books, and repack the books.

I found a lot of old poetry.
I'm going to post it later and embarass myself. >D
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14:59 + 1 [16 Sep 2002|12:51am]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | toilets everywhere, flushing in unison ]


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[14 Sep 2002|11:34pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]

Urge to get laid [by competant source] rising... Rising...

*thinks about futility of situation*


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DO YOU LIKE BED ACTIVITY? [14 Sep 2002|11:05am]

For whom does the human skull shed tears? It sheds tears for you.

I am alive. I bet you didn't know that. I'm here, no one is here. This room smells like. Post.. sex.. mortem. So I will probably run away and puke in a moment. Or clean things up. Kevin is so gross sometimes. I think its an Aries thing. Either that, or he has no sense of smell. But he did have to go to work at 9:30 this morning so I'll clean up for him. Blort. I need to call the electric company but Kevin won't let me. Need to call the cable/phone too. Why is it that when I want to draw for a specific purpose, I can't? I want to draw for a specific purpose and I can't right now. I even have smooth bristol board and new micron pens. I think I'm going to go stare at some tattoo flash for a while and pretend its helping me.

As far as the art trades for Ryann, Neo, Auric and Visage go I am done all of them but I probably won't get them up until after I move. Next week is going to be maximum confusion week with me packing and whiping my HD and rebuilding everything and then getting the hell out of here. I'm sure ya'll can understand that in one way or another.

For now, It is time to go defunk the room. Like I said, I'm still alive. But ready to go whenever you are, Lord.

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alone of sorts [13 Sep 2002|03:57pm]
[ mood | relieved ]

I may cease being Urbanharpy when I leave.

Today I feel sick. I'm clammy. Cold. My eyes hurt. I am very conjested. I took four sudafed. Now it is running into my stomach. Making me feel sick. I feel sick. Like over-excited. As I did when I was on Paxil. My eyes keep tearing up. This is a fun sort of sickness, it is.

Today Kevin and I changed our apartment. It is no longer on homestead avenue so it won't be a hole anymore. There is a gate around a parking lot to park in. We will be near the mailboxes and the pool/leasing center. We aren't on the road that isn't shown on the map for more-than-obvious reasons. All because... Kevin's parents stopped by Canby to check it out. And said they didn't like the apartment to the people who work there. Sometimes being treated like a child is a good thing. Ke's parents rock.

Kevin is at work right now. I feel bad for him. He has had to work a lot of overtime this week. Managers don't get paid overtime so you can see where this becomes a bad thing. His only employee got hurt in a bus accident and the shop is being remodeled. So. Yeah. I feel bad. Poor woof... Even his boss had to come in and work some hours.

I think I'm gonna go buy MSI tickets now... *DROOL*

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Hey there, blimpy boy, flying through the sky so fancy free [12 Sep 2002|09:07pm]
[ mood | discontent ]

Just because you have a valid reason to, doesn't mean you should hold a grudge against someone. You have nobody's life to waste but your own. You know. So I am still waiting for Kevin's dad to come rescue me. Its all good, he called. Twice. To let me know he was on his way. I love sweet people. This is going to be another weekend where KeKeKe has to work and I get to sit around tha hizzouse jerkin' my turk.

Shit is buggin' my brain meat but I don't feel like it tonight.

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ride to pandapaws picnic [not the renfaire *hugs carm*] [12 Sep 2002|06:15pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]


A repost, with more added. I would like to go to this. I went last year and I had fun. Its the best and only way I'd have Wez, The Pikesville and the Some&Nother-bunnies; in one place at one time for goodbye hugs. If they aren't going I don't know why I'd go. As it stands, I am going to the PA renn-faire on the 29th. So Kevin can drive 30 minutes out to pick me up instead of an hour.

But... If you guys are going, I'd want to go.

Wez Weasel you are a doll to offer a ride, but I'd feel really stupid having you drive from Fredrick to go back to Fredrick to drive back from Fredrick to go back to Fredrick in one day. Fredrick being a generalization as far as where Glen Echo is, I know its out that way... Or am I wrong?

Anyway, I haven't asked anyone on egroups yet so, yeah. I can probably just find a ride whose going in the same direction as me. I'm gay, so I posted this in Bludstone's comments. Another reason why I shouldn't be allowed to have more than one window open at a time.

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sand niggers [11 Sep 2002|10:39pm]
Why do you show close-ups of their hands? They were alive. You killed them. Someone killed them. Someone is dead. Close ups of bodies, still breathing. Maybe not. Maybe I'm just seeing it. Close-ups of chests and ripped clothing. Sand covered patriots. They are dead now. A person. One person. Times 360. All that love and hate and emotion you pretend doesn't exist. So you can shoot it and make it dead. Its a contorted position on the ground. Three days old, rotting loudly if you get close enough. Its never going home again.

I believe in Hell just to placate my fears of you going anywhere but there.
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[11 Sep 2002|10:01pm]

Good day, Sad boyfriend, Aalbaich dru me, Corey loves my art for him, More art coming, Furniture bought, Ate meat for din din, Need to cash checks, Macrophile porn is stupid, Mom is a fat mongol vampire, Pushabou is the cutest girl in the world, I dreamt about girl sex. My reproductive system is inflamed.
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SO HAPPY [i have lost my edge] SO HAPPY [11 Sep 2002|12:50pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | msi? ]

Instead of going back to work after my lunch break, I am going to Ikea to buy furniture! Isn't that weeeiiirrrd? Uhh. Yes. I just have to sit through three service calls. And then go shopping for mee-maw. Mee-mah. However you spell what I call my grandmother. At least I don't call her Swamp Mo. I want more andes chocolate mint babies. I've been drawing really stupid situational macrophile porn all day. Maybe /that/ will be my first portfolio.

"Micros getting sucked into giant cunts and shit."

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[11 Sep 2002|07:29am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | i hate you i hate you ahhhh.. i hate me ]

You will live in Apartment.
You will drive a Olive Green Kompressor.
You will marry DreamShatter and have 5.3 kids.
You will be a Decepticon in The Right arm of Voltron.


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[10 Sep 2002|09:41pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

Bitch whine gripe. I hardly slept. I closed my finger in a cabinet. My dad yelled at me for walking down the stairs and threw chapstick at my brother. I had to actually /work/ during work today. I overcooked my green beaners. They don't make Bill Hicks DVDs for US DVD players. I am ovulating with a greatness. A very bad, painful greatness. That makes me susceptible to getting pregnant. Now that I'm not on birth control, every month I become paranoid that I could be pregnant, and every month my reassurance looks a lot like this:


My sister brought home delicious andes mint chocolate babies. I want to monkey kiss Kevin and I can't until the lease is ready to be signed. I have to unpack all of my boxes one by one and re-organize them to take only what I need. I didn't think about that whole "I can keep shit here at home" thing. Now that we have two rooms free to use. For keeping shit. For me. At home. Visage sent me homeade cookies two months ago and they never came. SOMEONE ATE MY COOKIES AND THEY SUCK!

But I haven't done anything today and I should. I need to. So I will.
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blark [10 Sep 2002|07:51am]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | my art blows ]


Blark blark... If my penis was small I would stick it in an electrical outlet. If I had a pan full of cous cous I would use it for lubrication. Cous cous is pretty disgusting when it goes cold. My tum tum hurts and there is nothing I can do about it. I have to go to work soon. Green beans are on my mind. Soon being five minutes from now. I have a box of Krispy kreme Juniors on my desk. Some day, despite the fact that she has been spayed, my sister's cat Daffy is going to lay a giant egg.

Fierce grape gatorade.
I believe in none of the things you stand for.

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Munyeca. Yo te ciaro. [09 Sep 2002|04:06pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | coil - things happen ]

WHEE. Whee because I found a tupperware tub full of ferret supplies. So I packed the supplies I already had into those supplies and now I should have enough supplies to last me a good fucking while. At the least. I also found a literal assload of medicines, hair and body products to take with me. Its the second box of them I've got. So much shit I'm taking with me. I don't even know, I think I'll end up throwing half of it out once I get there. I feel embarassed for having this much... Stuff. Its probably not even that much to some people. I guess. I don't even know. Why am I typing?

I found this little tidbit in my closet. I wonder what it refers to.

Left behind.
Places in time
Times of my life
Faces dissapear
I won't forgive you
Out of the noise
Placating fears
There is a home for this
Every chance I get,
I burn it down.

Atlanta by STP is still my favourite song. I'm so tired from packing. I don't know when I'll ever be done. If I'll ever be done. There are things I want to do before I can do them. That bothers me. I am definetly going to leave a lot of this shit behind. Only two more weeks, yes... I am still planning on going to MSI. Since I will have to come home anyway to retrieve my cat. And possibly my ferrets. I really need to go to wal*mart.

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[07 Sep 2002|12:52am]
[ mood | crushed ]

Good Lord, I feel like crap right now. I want somebody to push me down in the road and run me over so I don't feel like such crap right now. Then I could maybe even go to sleep. I took a bunch of melatonin tabs and now my mouth tastes like forbidden cherry dust puke. I wanted Kevin to pet me but he fell asleep instead. I feel so rejected. Then he stole the majority of the "bed" so I had to get up and go be depressed online.

If I had a car I'd go roam the streets for someone to give me attention tonight.

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[06 Sep 2002|09:16pm]
I almost cried when I read that.
I fucking hate the government.

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