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BREAKING NEWS: Iranians Will Fight Until Victory Is Won!!!!
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 9:10 am    Post subject: BREAKING NEWS: Iranians Will Fight Until Victory Is Won!!!! Reply with quote

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Violent clashes rock N. Eastern Iran
Daneshjoo Information Services
Mar 27, 2004

Violent clashes rocked, yesterday, the N. Eastern City of Gorgan as the regime special forces and its Afghan mercenaries moved in order to smash a peaceful protest actions against existing poor conditions and the repressive measures in the region.

Clubs and chains were used against young protesters who exited from a Volley Ball competition by shouting slogans against the local officials.

The brutality of the regime forces lead to the anger of the protesters and hundreds of residents who retaliated to the regime's plastic bullets, clubs and chains with pieces of stones and metallic and wood bars detached from public materials.

Several buildings, including mosques, banks and the governmental TV-Radio station were damaged or set on fire along with several patrol vehicles and TV mobile transmitting unit.

Tens were injured and arrested at the issue of the riot and the situation is very tense in the city and its neighboring areas.

Clashes rock Kashan
Daneshjoo Information Services
Mar 20, 2004

Sporadic clashes rocked, yesterday, the usually very calm City of Kashan as the Islamic regime's security forces intervened in order to break a workers demo in a brutal manner.

Clubs and chains were used against striking employees of the Kashan Textile and their family members and supporters. The repressive forces sent from Esfahan have injured and arrested several protesters.

The situation is tense in the city and employees refuse to continue work unless their conditions are met.

Festival of Light and Fire, A Defiance of Ruling Clerics
Iran va Jahan News Services
Mar 17, 2004

The inherent sense of Iranian nationalism has always manifested itself during the darkest hours of Iran's turbulent history and delivered the nation from certain collapse. To date Iranian nationalism remains the most potent weapon against foreign occupiers and the present day ruling clerics.

For the last 25 years of the Islamic rule, the Iranian New Year Nowrooz, and the Red Wednesday fire Festival, which falls on the last Tuesday evening of the Iranian year, have been the battleground between the Iranian culture of joy, knowledge and life and the non-Iranian culture of mourning, ignorance and martyrdom.

When Ayatollah Khomeini tried to ban these celebrations, the uncompromising reaction of the Iranian people forced him into his first unprecedented retreat.

In more recent years, the coinciding of the Arab lunar calendar and the Shiite mourning month of Moharram with the solar Iranian calendar and the new year celebrations, gave the impression to the clerics that they can use this opportunity to ban these pre-Islamic celebrations at least while they fall in the month of Moharram. Instead the celebrations became even more poignant and more symbolic in terms of showing defiance to the imposed non-Iranian culture of the ruling clerics.

Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani issued his decree by stating earlier this week: "The superstitious ceremony of Chaharshanbeh Suri is incompatible with the dignity and understanding of the Muslim Iranian nation".

The Islamic regime's security forces tried to reach a compromise this year by not banning the celebrations but declaring only certain official parks in the cities for lawful celebrations. Yet the people and the youth in particular once again turned the Red Wednesday celebrations into a combat zone for the test of forces.

As the youth jumped over the bonfires the traditional ancient rhymes were replaced with anti-government ones. "toop, tank, feshfesheh Akhoond bayad koshteh sheh" " Cannons, Tanks and Firecrackers We must kill the Mullahs".

In the Haft-Howz, Falakeh Dovvom and Nirooye Havaii, districts of Tehran more than 10,000 people had gathered. Some women openly removed their scarves encouraging others to do so too. In Mohseni Square, the youth fought back the Law Enforcement Forces. At least 20 government forces were reported badly beaten up by the crowds. In Amir-Abad district the people joined the students and more anti-government slogans were shouted. Police patrol cars, which attempted to disperse the crowd, drove away from the scene as the people started throwing home made grenades at them. In Aryashahr, the crowd were throwing pictures of Supreme Leader, Khamenei and Islamic Republic flags on to the bonfires.

Other districts in Tehran like Javadieh, Ferdowsi and Noor similar scenes continued. In some districts the noise prevented the telephone reports from making their reports audible.

Not far from Tehran, in Karaj, the house of the Friday Prayer leader was set on fire copying the similar action by the people in Fereydoon Kenar .

In Yazd, between 7000-8000 people gathered in Atlasi Sq and attacked the known regime agents.

In Booshehr, one revolutionary guard is reported killed.

In Shiraz, the people attacked government agents who were filming them and broke their cameras.

In Kerman, the people were shouting, Referendum, Referendum, This is the cry of nation.

In Sarab, Azarbijan, where the people have a fierce reputation for their fighting capabilities, the local Baseejis were on the run while shouting Allah-Akbar.

As in last year Iran's Kurdistan contained the biggest scenes of celebrations. Huge bonfires were reported from Marivan and Sannadaj, with the youth openly taunting the regime's forces.

Even in many other places throughout Iran where the celebrations were less political, young boys and girls circled around bonfires, held hands and danced to the music. An unthinkable act in the month of Moharram, even in the pre-Isalmic revolution of 1979.

So on a night where the Islamic state run TV even resorted to showing popular American films to encourage the people of Iran to stay indoors, the fire of Zarathustra remained defiant and rekindled.

Oil Sector Workers in Iran on Strike!
Translate Report From
Mar 17, 2004

This news story was reported by the Iranian Labor News Agency (ILNA)
and was found on Briefly translated into English it says that:

Approximately 500 oil sector workers have blocked the road between
Khoramshahr to Ahvaz. They are reportedly in the second day of their strike. The factories they work at apparently manufacture oil pipes.

Regime anti-riot forces start attacking
SMCCDI News Services
Mar 16, 2004

The Islamic republic regime's anti-riot units and plainclothes men have opened the charge, at this time 21:35 local time, against the demonstrators in southern Tehran, Esfahan's Tchahr Bagh and the city of Mashad by using knives, clubs and chains. Unconfirmed reports are stating about the use of plastic bullets in Esfahan and the Sadeghieh square of Tehran.

Several have been badly wounded during the attacks but fierce resistance is being made by thousands of young Iranians, male and female, who are opposing the attacks by the use of all available tools and especially Molotov cocktails which were made for such eventuality.

Sporadic and minor clashes start with night fall and streets enflame
SMCCDI News Services
Mar 16, 2004

Sporadic and minor clashes have started in several areas of the Iranian Capital, Tehran and its suburbs, especially in the southern, eastern and western areas as the night has fall and streets are enflame with thousands of fire set for celebrating the traditional but banned "Tchahar Shanbe Soori".

This time is no more the security forces that are taking initiative of attack but young exasperated Iranians who are throwing hand made grenades and powerful fire crackers against them and forcing them take distance. Several security patrols cars and bikes caught in the middle of the crowd have been damaged by fire or abandoned as its occupants preferred to escape from crowd which is making use of the sirens and speakers of governmental confiscated repressive tools for broadcasting songs under the desperate eyes of the regime forces.

Same trend is getting followed in several provincial cities, such as Esfahan, Shiraz, Hamedan and Kermanshah.

Never, never, Iran had witnessed such celebration as the issue has become of a matter of National and Freedom emblem for millions of Iranians.

The night is just at its start and major actions of defiance are expected till the early hours of Wednesday.

Noise of fire crackers and celebration start to echo in Iranian cities
SMCCDI News Services
Mar 16, 2004

Noise of fire crackers' explosions and celebration have started to echo in most Iranian cities before the night fall. Millions of Iranians have come into the streets, in the late hours of the afternoon, in another show of defiance to the regime and its security forces which are staying, for right now, afar contenting to look the crowd.

In practically each street and avenue of main cities, such as, Tehran, Esfahan, Shiraz, Mashad, Tabriz, Kermanshah, Hamadan, Oroomiah (former Rezai-e) large fire crackers are exploding as a prelude to a massive and unprecedented celebration of one of main Iranian cultural heritage and Islamic taboo breaking events.

The night will be very long for the regime forces which have tried to get ready for avoiding popular demos and riots at the occasion of such night and thousands of freedom lovers are intending to create another nightmare for the ruling clerics.

Young freedom lovers are using various occasion in order to throw the big home made fire crackers under the errant security forces cars and motorbikes that are trying to reach their posts. More actions are planned for after the night fall.

Regime deploys thousands of forces in the streets
SMCCDI News Services
Mar 16, 2004

The Islamic regime has deployed, at this time 18:00 Local time, thousands of its forces in the streets and avenues of main Iranian cities in order to avoid any popular riot from taking place at the occasion of the banned "Tchahr Shanbe Soori" (Fire Fiest).

Special forces of the Pasdaran brigades, Bassij force, Law Enforcement Forces, Anti-Riot units and even Islamic brigades are in a wait mode watching, for right now, the crowd which is becoming bigger and bigger. Traffic jams in main cities, such as, Tehran are blocking their fast move.

The night will be very long for the regime forces which have tried to get ready for avoiding popular demos and riots at the occasion of such night and thousands of freedom lovers are intending to create another nightmare for the ruling clerics.

Young freedom lovers are using various occasion in order to throw the big home made fire crackers under the errant security forces cars and motorbikes that are trying to reach their posts.

A lumber depot belonging to regime's affiliates has been set ablaze in the southern part of Tehran and It's like the sky's falling down. The Bazar perimeters and many official buildings are under massive watch as rumor has been spread that people will burn down all vestiges of the regime.

Noise of fire crackers' explosions and celebration are echoing in most Iranian cities before the night fall. In practically each street and avenue of main cities, such as, Tehran, Esfahan, Khorram-Abad, Mahabad, Shiraz, Abadan, Babolsar, Mashad, Tabriz, Marivan, Babol, Bandar e Anzali (former Bandar e Pahlavi), Kermanshah, Hamadan, Oroomiah (former Rezai-e) large fire crackers are exploding as a prelude to a massive and unprecedented celebration of one of main Iranian cultural heritage and Islamic taboo breaking events.

More actions are planned for after the night fall.

Unrest and clashes continue in N. Iran
SMCCDI News Services
Mar 15, 2004

Unrest and violent clashes continued, today and for the 3rd consecutive day, in Fereydoon-Kenar and spreaded to the neighboring cities of Babolsar, Khezer-Shahr and Babol.

Thousands of residents came into the streets especially in Fereydoon-Kenar and resisted to the brutal assaults of the regime forces. Several more demonstrators have been wounded in the today's clashes after the regime heliported special forces opened the charge.

Barricades have been formed and tires set ablaze by the residents who are defended by armed masked young freedom fighters.

All night long, noise of sporadic shootings where heard in the city and a man hunt was organized by the regime forces trying to arrest those involved in the organization of the popular resistance.

Sporadic demos took place in Babolsar, Khezer-Shahr and Babol where the crowd came into the streets by shouting slogans against the regime and its leaders. Road blocks have been instated by the regime forces in order to keep the demonstrators separate .

The situation of the region is very tense and the security measures have been increased in the cities of Amol, Now-Shahr and Chaloos.

The Hardliner Candidate who sparked the riots resigns amidst full blown riot!
By Spenta / Activist:

Latest news from Peykeiran in Persian:

English Synopsis Below:

Latest News from Fereydunkenar: Moghdad Najaf Nejhad Resigns:

He finally resigned from Parliament. As a result of the rioting of the people in Fereydunkenar Mr. Moghdad fearing for his life and possessions finally resigned from Parliament. It must be noted that the Guardian Council dismissed 3 ballot boxes in order to 'appoint' Moghdad Najaf Nejhad as the winning candidate to the 7th Parliament over Dr. Hojatollah Roohi.

The latest news from Fereydunkenar, 6.30pm 24 Esfand
After hearing news of the attacks by the Sepah (Revolutionary Guards) the people headed towards the Revolutionary guards headquarters were they fought the Revolutionary Guards and the soldiers. There are reports of gunshots being heard from inside the Revolutionary Guards compound.

Major Victory for the people of Iran!

Not only did the sham elections NOT get ignored, but the people protested in massive waves. And when attacked they fought back, taking over half the town, freeing prisoners and setting fire to the home and office of the local Mullah representative of the Supreme leader. Not only did the brutal shootings not stop them, but in an immensely bold move, the people then atacked the Revolutionary Guards HQ!!! And the bogus hardliner candidate just resigned!

Many of the Injured are children in Fereydunkenar Uprising!

Report, Persian To English Translation and Comments by Spenta an Activist
Mar 14, 2004

From Iranvajahan in Persian (story reported on Peykeiran and also web sites)

1. Over 5 were killed and many with bullet wounds admitted to the hospital. The regimes forces did open fire on demonstrators.

2. 1 police station was taken over by the people, releasing many of the arrested demonstrators. Half the town was under the control of the people.

3. The erruption occurred as a result of 3 suspicious confiscated ballot boxes that led to the hardline victory in the recent elections in this town, which the people were protesting until the brutal suppression of the regime's forces. Ironically the hardliner candidate had announced that he did not need the people's vote to get elected.

4. The number of injured is too high to estimate. Many of the injured are children, because the regime's forces opened fire at a time when children were walking home from school. Hopsitals in in the town, and adjacent Babol and other cities are full of injured.

5. An eyewitness reports that there were approximately 5 thousand people demonstrating peacefully when the regime's forces opened fire, prompting the people to take over the police station and assume control of half the town. After numerous failed attempts at negotiations between the representatives of the people and the local governemnt, in frustration the people set fire to the home and office of the local friday prayer leader (a Mullah).

End of story

Comments by Spenta an Activist!

Pretty soon they will be doing a h.e.l.l. of a lot more than setting fire to the homes and offices of the Mullahs.

In the last revolution you had Palestinian gunmen killing Iranians, and Palestinian & Libyan trained Islamist terrorists from the MKO and Chereekan e Fadayee, attacking government buildings, police stations and military bases. Much of the killing and the violence was committed by Arab and Iranian terrorists and mercenaries, and young men which they lured with machine guns and promises of wealth. Most of the people were too traumatised to say or do anything, and the majority of the violence and brutal killings were carried out by these professional death squads. Afterwards 16 and 17 year old males with machine guns formed the dreaded Komeeteh groups, local revolutionary vigilante squads in charge of each neighborhood, and everyone feared them a lot more than they had ever feared Savak. These vigilante groups then became the Revolutionary Guards.

This time there are no trained terrorists and mercenaries attacking the regime. This time you have grandmothers, children, husbands, wives, students, boys and girls who will let the Mullahs know how the nation of Iran has suffered in the last 25 years.

Can they take on the Revolutionary Guards?

Yes. An organised nationwide mass demonstration will cripple them easily. There simply isn't enough of them to contain mass demonstrations everywhere!

There aren't enough Revoltionary Guards to keep the people at bay, and based on all accounts more than half of the existing Revolutionary Guards in Iran are no longer loyal to the Mullahs. This is why they execute some of the most decorated and respected Revolutionary Guards leaders, to send a message to the more than half who no longer support the regime. Of course this will fail, since it will delegitimise the rulers even more.

If you add up all the foreign fighters,Sepah, Basij, and paid chomaghdarans, you still will not have enough to contain the first mass nationwide demonstration. And these shootings of the regime in the last month, are only recruiting more for the waves of mass nationwide demonstrations that will paralyse the regime.

The bogus elections have made it impossible for anyone to defend the regime inside the country, or claim that it represents the will of the people, and all the shootings throughout Iran in the aftermath are only recruiting more for the final showdown. For everyone they shoot is a symbol that recruits thousands! And once the shooting begins, (as it it already has in all 4 corners of Iran) then it really is over, given Iranian history!

Interestingly the BBC/Muir set are reporting that the people are taking the sham elections well, and they don't care. But then again thats what the western correspondents were filing from Moscow in the last days too, all is well Very Happy This is probably the exact opposite of what I heard from recent travellers who report very open and bold opposition to the regime is evident everywhere in the form of people defying the regime's rules, more anti regime grafitti evident everywhere than ever before in the last 25 years (the regime can't keep up with the nighttime graffitti operations anymore), people openly criticising the govt. everywhere, and people talking about another "enghelab" for the first time in 25 years!

Ongoing Rebellion in Fereydunkenar!
SMCCDI & Others -

Mar 13, 2004

The demonstrations began some hours ago. Fereydunkenar is a small town in the northern province of Mazandaran. The people attacked and were able to liberate a building used by the Islamic Republic's security forces (Sentry Post #2). They then started moving to the city of Babolsar, but were soon confronted by Mazandaran's provincial security forces. They've been pushed back into Fereydunkenar and the latest news I've heard is that the small town is now divided between the rebels and the security forces and the scene of fierce street battles.

At least 5 people have been killed and scores injured.


Deadly clashes rock northern Iran
SMCCDI (information Service)
Mar 13, 2004

Deadly clashes rocked, today, the northern city of Fereydoon-Kenar located by the Caspian sea in the Mazandaran province. Several protesters have been killed and tens of other wounded and arrested.

Several official buildings, including the Security divison, have been damaged as the crowd retaliated to the regime forces extreme brutality and use of lethal force.

The situation is very tense and the regime forces have blocked all accesses to the city in order to avoid the spread of riots to the neighboring cities, such as, Babolsar and especially Amol where sporadic clashes have happened in the last days.

Tens of female students arrested in south Tehran
Mar 10, 2004

Tens of young female school students were arrested, today, after they came into the streets of the poor suburbs of Tehran, sucha s, rey and Eslamshahr and shouted slogans against the regime and its leaders.

The brave students faced the security forces and the plainclothes agents by shouting slogans asking for free elections and the dismantelement of the repressive Bassij force.

Security forces stayed affar during the demo as hundreds of residents had joined the protesters but proceeded to their arrests at the end of the action.

The situation in most areas of the Capital is very tense and schools are closed in many districts as the regime wants to avoid more demos to take place especiall with the approach of saturday morning and the banned Fire Fiest on Tuesday.

Iran Teacher Strike Forces Many Schools to Close
Mar 9, 2004

TEHRAN -- Iranian teachers striking over pay have forced scores of schools nationwide to shut down in the Islamic Republic's biggest industrial dispute for at least two years, teachers and parliamentarians said on Tuesday.

Though frustration over low pay and poor living conditions are widespread in Iran, nationwide strikes are rare in the oil-rich country where hardline judges tolerate little dissent.

Teachers said the strike had not been orchestrated by any labour organisation but had caught on by word of mouth. Labour unions are typically weak and disorganised in Iran.

"We're getting news that most schools are closed because of the teachers' strike and more will be closed until their demands are met," said a parliamentarian, who asked not to be named.

Teachers, who began the strike last week, staged protests outside schools in many cities, including the capital Tehran.

"We should be respected and have better salaries to be able to teach the next generation," said Alosh Hosseini, a 43-year-old father of three who earns a month as a teacher in the northwestern city of Urumiyeh.

"With this salary I cannot even pay my rent," he said. Like many of his colleagues in the public sector, Hosseini has been forced to take a second job driving a taxi to make ends meet.

While teachers said the strike was not politically motivated, some analysts said it could spark a wider crisis.

"It might lead to a political crisis because teachers' influence extends from the working class to the intellectual elite," said Hossein Mirzamani, a political science lecturer at Tehran University.

But another analyst said it was unlikely the strike would spread to other sectors and the approaching Iranian New Year holiday beginning on March 20 would deprive the strike of much momentum.

While Iran's economy has grown strongly in recent years, state employees in particular often complain their low wages are constantly eroded by inflation running at around 16 percent.

Last week, scores of teachers gathered in front of parliament and chanted slogans against the authorities for ignoring their demands.

The main association for school teachers, last week warned of the consequences of a lengthy strike. "This event might lead to a national challenge and ignorant officials are responsible," the Teachers' Organisation said in a statement.

Education Minister Morteza Haji on Saturday promised to resolve the dispute, the official IRNA news agency said.

"There is no cause for anxiety. The problem will be solved in the next days," he said, without elaborating.

Pupils Join Striking Teachers Against Security Forces
Iran va Jahan
Mar 9, 2004

London -- Pupils in a school in Hamedan, west Iran, joined ranks with their striking teachers and repelled the Islamic Law Enforcement Forces (LEF).

The LEF had targeted the Kothar school in Hamedan, and wanted to intimidate the striking teachers to go back to the classrooms, but the pupils who were outraged by watching the way their teachers were being treated, attacked the LEF and drove them out of school.

The protests soon spread outside the school and the pupils targeted government buildings. LEF anxious about the protests spreading and in fear of more people joining the pupils retreated and were content on containing the protests inside the school.

This morning, there are reports of more students protesting in support of teachers in Jomhouri Ave. Tehran.

In Ardebil and Isfahan the strikes are reported to be solid, and there are irregular classes in the rest of the country.

In Karaj, 700 female students joined their striking teachers.

Iran's teachers are now in the third day of their strike and have vowed not to teach until their demands are met.

Regime forces beating up Iranian women and supporters
SMCCDI News Services
Mar 8, 2004

The Islamic regime's forces and plainclothes agents intervened, at Laleh park of Tehran and its surrounding areas, in order to smash the celebration of the "Int.'l Women Day" by beating the female protesters and their male supporters.

Clubs and chains were used against hundreds of brave women of different ages showing once again the brutality of the theocratic regime which has based one of its main pillars on a back warded and sword forced imported ideology dating of 14 centuries to go and which discriminates women.

Faces of several women were seen in blood and many had injuries on their faces.

Several male supporters who intended to oppose to the brutal repression were beaten up badly and were seen laying on the ground.

Police Crack Down on Demonstration in Tehran

KRSI Radio & Iran va Jahan
Mar 8, 2004

Eyewitness reports from Tehran to KRSI radio station in Los Angeles indicate that a gathering by Iranian women and young men commemorating women's day, in Laleh Park, is being savagely repressed.

Chants of " Non Violence" were filled in the air when the police charged the demonstrators.

Hundreds of women defy the regime by gathering
SMCCDI News Services
Mar 8, 2004

Hundreds of Iranian women along with their male supporters have gathered at this time (17:00 local time) at the Laleh Park located in the center of the Iranian Capital.

They have defied the non declared official ban and the massive presence of the regime forces by reaching the Park located in the Fatemi avenue (former Aryamehr).

They are shouting slogans, singing the baned "Oh Iran!" and making speeched under the desperate eyes of the regime forces which have stayed affar from attacking them till now.

High security measures adopted to stop "Int.'l Women Day" celebration
SMCCDI News Services
Mar 8, 2004

High security measures have been adopted and will be applied, later today, in order to stop the planned celebration of the "Int.l Women Day". The regime forces have been mobilized, especially in the Capital, to crackdown against Iranian women and their male supporters by pretexting the unlawful nature of the gatherings.

While the right of making peaceful demonstrations is recognized by the Islamic regime, its Ministry of Interior has not issued any response to the formal request made by several feminist organizations.

Iranian Women who are representing the majority of the Iranian Nation have been struggling, since the conception of the Islamic republic regime, to keep their rights which have been mainly revoked and disregarded.

They have all been subjected to the Sharia Apartheid Law and discriminatory measures while hundreds of them have been killed and thousands wounded and forced to leave their job for their braveries and having defied the backwarded regime's ideology. Several of them were killed on January 7, 2003, as they defied the regime and its taboos by burning their veils. Savage militiamen used of their knives and acid base substance to kill and wound several of them with the benediction of the regime's hardliners and the silent complicity of the sham reformists.

One of the Iranian Women's main slogan, since the Islamic revolution of 1979, has been the famous and so many times shouted: "Na Roosari, Na Too Sari" (No Veil, No submission).

It's to note that the Iranian Women had one of the most freer life styles during the former Iranian regime while some of the familial law had been changed according to their rights and many other were under discussion in order to secularize them. Many of them, unveiled, were exercing high rank professions and functions, such as, Ministry of State, Ambassador, Policewoman, Military Officer, Fighter Pilot, Doctor, Teacher, Nurse, Ingenior, Actress, Director and various other jobs.

Knowing these historical facts, some demagogue International Reporters, such as Christiane Amanpoor of CNN who's of Iranian origin, tried to promote the sham theory of reforms under Khatami's presidency and to cover this flagrant discrimination by pretexting that "Iranian women situation is better than in Saudi Arabia as they're allowed to drive car".

Ms. Amanpoor was able to take back her father's home, confiscated during the revolution, following several reports which highly credited the so-called reformists in the eyes of the unaware world opinion. She's married to M. Rubin who was the White House Speaker during the Clinton administration.

Iranian Teachers Start Intermittent Strikes
SMCCDI News Services
Mar 6, 2004

Thousands of Iranian teachers have started a one week intermittent, or roving, strike protesting empty official promises, and persistent repressive and discriminatory measures against them. Teachers are seeking better classroom conditions, living wage salaries, release of their jailed colleagues, and the public trial of those involved in the deaths of two of their colleagues killed during the teachers demonstration of January 2002

Strikes have been reported in most areas of the capital and the provincial cities of Esfahan, Mahabad, Shiraz, Hamadan, Kermanshah, Mashad, Amol, Marivan, Khorram-Abad and Oroomiah (former Rezai-e). In Oroomiah (Rezai-e) teachers report, or show up, but refuse to enter classrooms and actually teach. Teachers in the cities of Rasht, Yazd and Bojnoord are expected to join the strike as early as tomorrow.

The strike and probable radicalization of their movement will present the regime with grave problems as millions of young Iranians will be sent out into streets in the current explosive situation. Millions of students stayed in school courtyards, despite official injunctions and demands, in a sign of solidarity and rejection of official orders. In the courtyards students made their plans for the religiously banned "Fire Fest," and the "celebration" that they'll make during this tabooed night of demonstrations. The banned "Fire Fest" will be celebrated this year on March 16th, despite coinciding with the religious month of Moharam. Iranians are planning for wide scale celebrations, and the rejection of the Islamic regime and its despotic ideology.

Mass protests rock Iranian cities instead of religious mourning
SMCCDI News Services
Mar 2, 2004

Thousands of Iranians seized, this evening and for the 2nd consecutive night, the religious ritual of Ashura in order to come into the streets and to show their rejection of the theocratic regime.

Slogans qualifying the regime as tyrannical and despotic were mixed to the noise of fire crackers and gave again a total different aspect than a religious mourning which the regime has based on it one of its ideological bases. Many slogans accused the regime to be the real mastermind behind the today's deadly explosions of Karbala and Baghdad as many Iranians still remember the scandal over the bombing of the 8th Imam of the Shi-a, in Mashad, which was in reality carried by agents of the Islamic regime instead of opponents who were executed few years ago for such charge.

Sporadic clashes leading to injuries and arrests, among the demonstrators and also the regime forces, rocked several areas of the Capital and also several provincial cities, such as Esfahan and Shiraz. Hand Made grenades and incendiary devices responded to the regime's men clubs, chains and tear gas which were used against young Iranians striving for freedom and an end to the promotion of the culture of mourning.

Several security patrol were damaged by the incendiary devices thrown by the crowd angered by the persistent repression and back warded ideology.

Most perimeters to Madar, Mirdamad, Zarab Khaneh Shahrak Gharb, Tehran Pars, Narmak, Vanak, Eslam Shahr, Dolat, Tajrish and Vali- e-Asr (former Vali-Ahd) were closed in the Capital due to the wide scale demos and sporadic clashes. The same security measure were instated by the regime's local forces in the cities of Esfahan, Abadan and Shiraz.

2nd night of Fire Cracker "mourning" leads to more arrests
SMCCDI News Services
Mar 2, 2004

For the 2nd consecutive night, tens of young Tehrani residents have been arrested following the brutal attacks of the Islamic regime's militiamen and plainclothes agents who have intervened, at this time (22:00 IR local time), in order to stop hundreds of protesters to transform, once again, the Shi-a religious mourning of Ashura into another show of rejection of the Islamic religion and the theocratic regime.

Clubs and chains are used against demonstrators gathered in the Madar and Tehran Pars areas of the Capital.

While most official mourning places such as mosques have been emptier than any year, the noise of fire crackers and celebration is covering the usual noise of mourning ritual.

Tens arrested following sporadic clashes in Tehran
SMCCDI News Services
Mar 2, 2004

Tens of young Tehrani and Esfahani residents were arrested, yesterday evening, following the brutal attacks of the Islamic regime's militiamen and plainclothes agents who intervened in order to stop the hundreds of protesters to transform, once again, the Shi-a religious mourning of Ashura into another show of rejection of the Islamic religion and the theocratic regime.

Clubs and chains were used against demonstrators gathered in the Madar, Shahrak Gharb, Tehran Pars and Narmak areas of the Capital and the N. Chahr Bagh of Esfahan.

While most official mourning places such as mosques were emptier than any year, the noise of fire crackers and celebration was covering the usual noise of mourning ritual.

Mourners beaten up in Izeh
SMCCDI News Services
Feb 28, 2004
Security agents of the Islamic republic regime attacked a ceremony commemorating the deceased demonstrators of last week's sham election and brutally beat many of the innocent mourners. Mourners of last week's sham election demonstrators murdered by regime security thugs were viciously beaten in Izeh when they requested the return of bodies for proper burial.

The vicious beatings occurred when regime security thugs refused to return the bodies to the families, and then demanded huge sums of money for the remains of the loved ones. Realizing the ceremony mourners had witnessed an illegal extortion demand from the security thugs, they proceeded to attempt to intimidate the witnesses by beating them.

Brutality and outright murder is used by the regime's so-called security forces to intimidate demonstrators, and others that do not agree with the Iranian rulers dictates.

The situation in the entire region is very tense and many people have reportedly been arrested and held by the Iranian regime's security apparatus.

Protest wave rocks more provincial cities
SMCCDI News Services
Feb 22, 2004
A growing wave of national protests continues to rock Iran with the latest turmoil occurring in the provincial cities of Ardel, Kiar and Farsan. As recently reported in many other cities, the peaceful demonstrators were viciously attacked by regime security forces while marching and vocally expressing their opinions of the regime and it's leaders. Using plastic bullets, tear gas and clubs, regime security forces set upon the peaceful demonstrators inflicting injury to tens, and unlawfully arresting many more.

The brutal attacks by the regime's security forces infuriated the demonstrators instigating a riot that resulted in damage to public buildings and security patrol vehicles. It is anticipated that the intensity of the demonstrations nationwide will increase as regime security forces attempt to muffle public descent and become more desperate.

The situation in the region is very intense and most Iranians expect the violence to escalate.

What the BBC Didn't Report from Iran Elections
Iran va Jahan - English Version
Feb 22, 2004
Following the election sham in the Islamic Republic, several towns and cities in Iran have become unstable and widespread clashes are reported from them.

In Dehdasht (old name Belad-Shapoor) between 2 to 9 people are reported to have been killed in the clashes. People started protesting after the cheating just became too brazen.

In Firoozabad, Fars, people clashed with the Law Enforcement Forces when a cleric by the name of Yunesi-Sarcheshmeyi was declared the winner. One conscript soldier is reported killed. It is not certain whether he was on the side of the people or against them. The people have set fire to banks and all shops are shut.

In Miando-ab, West Azerbijan, some of the cheaters have publicly confessed how they were taught by a cleric to remove the voting stamp from their ID cards and vote again.

Marivan is still reported to be tense after several days. People have beaten up one of the candidates by the name of Ali Karimi, after he was seen in public.

In Izeh, the outgoing MP who clashed with the bodyguards of a judiciary official after pointing out the cheatings, is said to have died after going into a coma as a result of his injuries.

In Bam, the quake victims have protested at their ongoing conditions by gathering in Sardaran-shahid Square.

Today in Isfahan, more than 25000 people in three locations, Nikbakht Court, AhmadAbad Square, and in front of the provincial government building have gathered after a saving account was declared bankrupt one day after the elections. Even though the authorities knew about the bankruptcy before the elections. Several banks have been attacked and had their windows broken.

In Malekan in East Azerbijan, people were told that 45000 are eligible to vote, yet the number of declared votes for candidates totalled 50000! Everyone including children and old people have poured into the streets of Malekan and there is non-stop running battles with the Law Enforcement Forces.

Today Mehdi Karubi, the outgoing speaker was asked why he is in the 31St position in Tehran election results. His reply was "Because people boycotted the elections".

For those of you who can read Persian, see Jamshid Barzegar's analysis for BBC world service. He seems to have accepted the official figures of 40-50% turnout without questioning the credibility: and ignored what the people from Iran have reported to the website:

Sporadic clashes rock cities in NE Iran

Feb 22, 2004

Sporadic clashes, often very violent, rocked, today, several provincial cities located in north east Iran, such as, Mashad, Sabze war, Neishaboor and Tchenaran where the security forces and their Afghani members intervened to smash the popular demonstrations.

The protest actions with slogans against the regime and its leaders took place following the electoral frauds witnessed after the successful boycott of the sham elections.

Clubs and tear gas were used to break the peaceful demos and lead to the popular anger expressed against the regime's official buildings and its security patrol cars.

In Sabze war, several residents were injured and in Tchenaran casualties have been reported.

Eight Die in Vote Result Disputes in South Iran
Feb 22, 2004

TEHRAN -- Eight people have died in clashes with police in two towns in southern Iran over disputed parliamentary election results, local officials said on Sunday.

Four died in the town of Firouzabad in the southern Fars province, in protests on Saturday when the governor's office declared an unexpectedly high turnout in a tight race between a reformist and an Islamic conservative candidate.

"People were calling for the votes to be recounted to stop any possibility of vote-rigging," a local official, who declined to be named, told Reuters.

Another four were killed in the southwestern Khuzestan province when police clashed with a group of people protesting about election results in the town of Izeh, the ISNA students news agency reported, citing an unnamed local official.

The protesters had tried to storm the governor's office and attacked government and judiciary buildings in the town, the official said.

In Firouzabad, a crowd of several hundred people grew angry after one protester was shot and wounded by police.

The protesters began damaging police cars and attacking government buildings and in subsequent clashes "unfortunately three civilians and one policeman were killed on Saturday morning," the local official said.

Islamic conservatives were on course for a big win over reformist allies of President Mohammad Khatami on Sunday in an election branded unfair by Washington due to the prior disqualification of more than 2,000 reformist candidates.

Clashes rock Esfahan
SMCCDI (Information Service)
Feb 22, 2004

The brutal intervention of the regime's security forces and anti-riot units lead, today, to clashes in the City of Esfahan which has been scene of brutal repressive actions following several popular demos in the last two years.

Tear gas and clubs were used against hundreds of demonstrators who gathered to protest against another financial fraud linked to several regime affiliated having collected millions of dollars, in Iranian currency, and then having declared bankruptcy.

The most violent clashes happened in the "Jey" avenue and in the Chahr-Bagh area where the crowd, angered by the brutal official respond, took on several public buildings and patrol cars by smashing their windows and windshields while shouting slogans against the regime and its leaders.

The situation of the city was already extremely tense following sporadic clashes and demos which took place, yesterday, following the sham elections held on Friday.

Hundreds of special forces are patrolling the streets by mid day and trying to identify the "counter revolutionaries" and "Trouble Makers" while questioning the residents.

Protest actions spread to several cities
SMCCDI (Information Service)
Feb 21, 2004

Protest demonstrations spread to several Iranian cities and erupted in various parts of Tehran today. Sporadic demonstrations reportedly rocked Abadan, Marivan, Arak, Eshfahan, Malekan and Hamadan. Anti-regime demonstrations in Izeh turned deadly with, apparently, loss of life.

The regime's reaction to the demonstrators expressing their legal right to protest yesterday's sham election has been predictably brutal. In every instance, the regime's security forces have conducted themselves as though they are foreign oppressors intent upon occupying Iran.

Tehran has been placed under strict martial law with regime security forces deployed throughout the city. In spite of the menacing security forces, young people are circulating on motorized cycles calling for an overthrow of the regime.

The general impression found among residents is that the regime must be removed, if necessary, by armed force.

Deadly clashes rock southern Iran
SMCCDI (Information Service)
Feb 21, 2004

Deadly clashes rocked, today, Izeh located in southern Iran, as the regime's security forces entered in action in order to smash the local popular rally against the evident fraud in the sham elections.

Special heliported troops were sent from Ahwaz to back the local Bassij force which was unable to block the protesters from occupying several official buildings. Noise of heavy shoutings were heard in several areas as especially fire was open from sky against the demonstrators.

Several demonstrators, including Abbas Moossavi a local banned candidate who had contested the ballots, have been killed so far and tens of others are injured.

Angry crowd helped by masked freedom fighters have destroyed several patrols and take over the arms and ammunitions kept in the local Bassij center.

A chase and run guerilla war is taking place and the situation has been reported as chaotic while most roads have been blocked.

Please Sign Important PLEA FOR JUSTICE - BAM QUAKE GENOCIDE Petition
To Show the World Our Unity, Solidarity and Determination For Free Referendum In Iran Now With BIG NO to any kind of Islamic Regime Election Game, Victory Is Ours!

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 10:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is this the beginning?
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 12:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hopefully this is the beginning of ending the mullahs' regime. It's time to kick them out, once for all! Keep up the courage!

Best Premises,

Martin Lindeskog - American in Spirit.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 2:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's definitely the beginning of something.. Iranian people have every right to rise up and take these criminals down!!!!
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 22, 2004 5:50 pm    Post subject: excellent Reply with quote

Excellent thread and keep up the good work -

From the Netherlands..
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 7:37 am    Post subject: k Reply with quote

These actions must be successful and the Iranian people must take their homeland back from such a terrorist regime!
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 12:42 pm    Post subject: Iranian teachers start sporadic strike Reply with quote

Iranian teachers start sporadic strike

SMCCDI (Information Service)
Mar 6, 2004

Thousands of Iranian teachers have started a week long strike in sign of protest against the empty official promises and the persistent repressive and discriminatory measures against them.

Observed strikes have been reported from most areas of the Capital and provincial cities, such as, Esfahan, Mahabad, Shiraz, Hamadan, Kermanshah, Mashad, Amol, Marivan, Khorram-Abad and Oroomiah (former Rezai-e) where the teachers have attend school but refused to be present in the classrooms. Teachers of other cities, such as, Rasht, Yazd and Bojnoord are expected to join the strike as early as tomorrow.

Teachers are still asking better conditions, the release of their jailed colleagues and the public trial of those involved in the deaths of two of their coleagues killed during the Teachers demonstration of January 2002.

A spread of their strike and the radicalization of their movement will face the regime with a grave problem as millions of young Iranians will then be send to streets in the current explosive situation.

Millions of school students stayed in the courtyards, despite the official injunctions, in sign of solidarity and rejection of the official order speaking more of what they're planning for the religiously banned "Fire Fiest" and the "celebration" that they'll make during this tabou breaking night. The banned "Fire Fiest" will be celebrated, again this year on March 16th, despite coinciding with the religious month of Moharam and Iranians are planning to make wide scale celebration and rejection of the Islamic regime and its ideology basis.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 1:22 pm    Post subject: Riots Breakout in Bam Reply with quote

Riots Breakout in Bam

March 06, 2004

TEHRAN -- Residents of the quake-hit city of Bam in southeast Iran rioted in anger at continuing difficult living conditions more than two months after the massive tremor, a press report said Saturday.

They burned cars and destroyed containers after a demonstration on Thursday degenerated into violence, the reformist daily Shargh reported.

It quoted provincial authorities as saying that agitators on motorbikes incited the demonstrators, prompting police to intervene during the night.

The authorities said there were no casualties, but the Fars news agency quoted Bam's Friday prayer leader, Asghar Asgari, as saying that two people were wounded by bullets fired in the crowd.

Shargh said the demonstrators, who numbered 500 at one point, protested at the indifference of the authorities, saying promises of officials had not been kept while they continued to live in tents and with inadequate sanitation.

The provincial governor's office accused the media of exaggerating the extent of international aid, leading the residents to believe that reconstruction would be easy.

The historic city of Bam and its region were devastated on December 26 by the worst earthquake in more than a quarter of a century, which killed some 43,000 people.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 7:47 am    Post subject: Re: Iranian teachers start sporadic strike Reply with quote

stefania wrote:
Iranian teachers start sporadic strike

SMCCDI (Information Service)
Mar 6, 2004

Thousands of Iranian teachers have started a week long strike in sign of protest against the empty official promises and the persistent repressive and discriminatory measures against them.

Observed strikes have been reported from most areas of the Capital and provincial cities, such as, Esfahan, Mahabad, Shiraz, Hamadan, Kermanshah, Mashad, Amol, Marivan, Khorram-Abad and Oroomiah (former Rezai-e) where the teachers have attend school but refused to be present in the classrooms. Teachers of other cities, such as, Rasht, Yazd and Bojnoord are expected to join the strike as early as tomorrow.

Teachers are still asking better conditions, the release of their jailed colleagues and the public trial of those involved in the deaths of two of their coleagues killed during the Teachers demonstration of January 2002.

A spread of their strike and the radicalization of their movement will face the regime with a grave problem as millions of young Iranians will then be send to streets in the current explosive situation.

Millions of school students stayed in the courtyards, despite the official injunctions, in sign of solidarity and rejection of the official order speaking more of what they're planning for the religiously banned "Fire Fiest" and the "celebration" that they'll make during this tabou breaking night. The banned "Fire Fiest" will be celebrated, again this year on March 16th, despite coinciding with the religious month of Moharam and Iranians are planning to make wide scale celebration and rejection of the Islamic regime and its ideology basis.

This is Significant...!Thanks Stefania..
The struggle is never futile... For King & Country! Btw, any Persian chicks looking for a good man - give me a call! Wink
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 12:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

More teachers join strike on 2nd day of protest action

SMCCDI (information Service)
Mar 7, 2004

Thousands more of Iranian teachers joined, today, the 2nd day of a one week intermittent, or roving, strike protesting empty official promises, and persistent repressive and discriminatory measures against them.

The strike has spread to several more of the capital's academic areas and to most provincial cities, such as, Sannandaj, Ahwaz, Rasht, Kashan, Babol, Dezfool, Zahedan, Bojnoord, Bandar Anzali (former Bandar Pahlavi), Esfahan, Mahabad, Shiraz, Hamadan, Kermanshah, Mashad, Amol, Marivan, Khorram-Abad and Oroomiah (former Rezai-e). While most of the active duty teachers have showed up at schools but are refusing to teach, hundreds of their retired colleagues made, in most cities, a morning gathering in front of the local official centers of Teachers Funds in order to protest against the persistent degradation of their conditions and the non fulfillment of promises made to them.

In several cities, such as, Gorgan and Yazd, the docile and officially created Teacher associations had spreaded the rumor that all the teachers conditions are fulfilled in order to avoid the strike to go on but teachers have denounced such usual demagogy and are planning to join the strike following a last meeting with the regime's delegates dispatch to these areas.

In most schools, students shouted slogans in support of their "Spiritual Fathers and Mothers" which in many of them minor clashes and altercations have been reported between the students and the regime's agents.

The strike Teachers are seeking better classroom conditions, living wage salaries, release of their jailed colleagues, and the public trial of those involved in the deaths of two of their colleagues killed during the teachers demonstration of January 2002.

It's to note that the radicalization of their movement will present the regime with grave problems as millions of young Iranians will be sent out into streets in the current explosive situation. Millions of students stayed in school courtyards, despite official injunctions and demands, in a sign of solidarity and rejection of official orders. In the courtyards students made their plans for the religiously banned "Fire Fest," and the "celebration" that they'll make during this tabooed night of demonstrations. The banned "Fire Fest" will be celebrated this year on March 16th, despite coinciding with the religious month of Moharam. Iranians are planning for wide scale celebrations, and the rejection of the Islamic regime and its despotic ideology.
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 1:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wow! This is great news!
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

High security measures adopted to stop "Int.'l Women Day" celebration

SMCCDI (information Service)
Mar 8, 2004

High security measures have been adopted and will be applied, later today, in order to stop the planned celebration of the "Int.l Women Day". The regime forces have been mobilized, especially in the Capital, to crackdown against Iranian women and their male supporters by pretexting the unlawful nature of the gatherings.

While the right of making peaceful demonstrations is recognized by the Islamic regime, its Ministry of Interior has not issued any response to the formal request made by several feminist organizations.

Iranian Women who are representing the majority of the Iranian Nation have been struggling, since the conception of the Islamic republic regime, to keep their rights which have been mainly revoked and disregarded.

They have all been subjected to the Sharia Apartheid Law and discriminatory measures while hundreds of them have been killed and thousands wounded and forced to leave their job for their braveries and having defied the backwarded regime's ideology. Several of them were killed on January 7, 2003, as they defied the regime and its taboos by burning their veils. Savage militiamen used of their knives and acid base substance to kill and wound several of them with the benediction of the regime's hardliners and the silent complicity of the sham reformists.

One of the Iranian Women's main slogan, since the Islamic revolution of 1979, has been the famous and so many times shouted: "Na Roosari, Na Too Sari" (No Veil, No submission).

It's to note that the Iranian Women had one of the most freer life styles during the former Iranian regime while some of the familial law had been changed according to their rights and many other were under discussion in order to secularize them. Many of them, unveiled, were exercing high rank professions and functions, such as, Ministry of State, Ambassador, Policewoman, Military Officer, Fighter Pilot, Doctor, Teacher, Nurse, Ingenior, Actress, Director and various other jobs.

Knowing these historical facts, some demagogue International Reporters, such as Christiane Amanpoor of CNN who's of Iranian origin, tried to promote the sham theory of reforms under Khatami's presidency and to cover this flagrant discrimination by pretexting that "Iranian women situation is better than in Saudi Arabia as they're allowed to drive car".

Ms. Amanpoor was able to take back her father's home, confiscated during the revolution, following several reports which highly credited the so-called reformists in the eyes of the unaware world opinion. She's married to M. Rubin who was the White House Speaker during the Clinton administration.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Regime increases pressure on identified opponents

SMCCDI (information Service)
Mar 7, 2004

The regime's pressure has been increased from the begining of the Iranian week, Saturday, on identified opponents who have had judicial problems.

Arbitrary arrests, search of homes and cars, questionning and threats are used against those who had been formerly jailed but released while several new arrests have been made among student, teacher and worker activists.

The regime seems to be preparing itself for an International diplomatic confrontation and is intending to pacify any threat coming from whitin the country.
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Radio Farda

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 10:56 pm    Post subject: Campaign to End Violence Against Women Reply with quote

Summary of Iran Stories in Today's Broadcasts
Monday, March 08, 2004
RadioFarda's Coverage of the International Day of Women

•As thousands gathered in Park Leleh near Tehran University to take part in the rally called for by “Campaign to End Violence Against Women,” the police and plainclothes security forces blocked the way and announced that the permit for the rally has been revoked by the interior ministry, whereas organizers at the Women's Cultural Center were told by the office of the Tehran prosecutor at 11 AM that their event was banned, although neither the prosecutor's office nor the police could produce a written order. At 6 PM, an hour after the organizers had left the scene, the police said the event could go on, but soon moved in to push event goers out of the park. People began shouting slogans as they were being pushed to the southern gates of the park, which were closed. In their slogans, they called for a referendum on the regime and the repeal of discriminatory Islamic laws. (Ali Sajjadi)

•In a letter to Irene Khan, secretary general of Amnesty International, the website invited her to Iran for a first-hand observation of the problems faced by Iranian women. (Shireen Famili)

•In a speech at the UN International Labor Organization, Shirin Ebadi said she was wearing black to show her grief on Women's Day. “The failure by governments across the Islamic world to respect women's rights has hampered even hesitant steps toward political change, she said, adding that “the rights of women and democracy are one and the same thing.” The position of women in Islamic countries is due to the patriarchal system in these countries, which reject democracy, as well as gender equality, she added. “An Iranian woman faces an easier situation than women in hard-line Saudi Arabia, but still needs her husband's permission to work, travel or divorce,” Ebadi said. Speaking alongside Ebadi, Carla Del Ponte -- chief prosecutor of the U.N. war crimes tribunal -- said women have raised their profile on the international stage over the past decade. (Mahmonir Rahimi, Geneva)

•Three prominent female authors take part in today's RadioFarda Roundtable, which is focused on the Iranian women's movement in the Islamic Republic. Author and Johns Hopkins University English professor Azar Nafisi says it is ironic that in the era of the Islamic Republic, which tries to take away women's rights, the issue has taken center stage. The Islamic Republic could not take away from the Iranian women their past achievements and the world's advances in women's rights. Author and Britain's York University professor Haleh Afshar says: The Islamic Republic never wanted the women to have freedom and equality, but the Iranian women resisted. Author and former UN representative in Afghanistan Parvin Payedar says the Iranian women have a long way to go, even though their efforts, along with the realities of a modern society, have helped them resist the Islamic Republic in a campaign to regain the rights they had gained under the former regime, such as equality in marriage and divorce. However, she adds, many of the rights, such as the right to choose their dress, travel abroad, equality in marriage and divorce, and many other rights have been taken away, as the Islamic Republic legalized a patriarchal order. (Shahran Tabari, London)

•Several prominent writers based in Iran, Europe and the US took part in the first online seminar organized by the website. UCLA professor Nayereh Tohidi said women in Iran have reached a level of awareness, as a result of the confluence of local and national conditions with international movement for women's rights. Magazine editor Shoaleh Irani said the Iranian women's movement has an organized structure and has grown horizontally by adopting such causes as the plight of street children and the environment. Women's rights activist Maryam Khorasani said the women's rights movement has succeeded in broadening awareness about women's issues beyond the intellectual community. Writer Soheila Vahdati said the destiny of the women's rights movement should not be linked to that of any other political movement. Writer and activist Marzieh Mortazi Langaroodi said in the past 100 years, all decisions affecting women in Iran have been made by men at the top, and in the Islamic Republic these decisions have always focused on the preservation of the regime itself. (Maryam Ahmadi)

•The UN and Geneva University invited 2003 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi to Geneva. She is scheduled to speak at the Swiss parliament, as well as at an event organized by the Parsian society. Geneva-based organizer Alireza Vaez-zadeh tells Radio Farda that Parsian's goal is to promote the peaceful movement of the Iranian people towards democracy. Former UNESCO advisor and Tehran-based commentator Ehsan Naraghi, who is in Geneva for the event, tells Radio Farda that the event is organized by young Iranians who are eager to introduce to the world a woman who has earned the Nobel Peace Prize for her work. For a change, he adds, a positive aspect of Iran's ancient culture and civilization is being shown to the world. (Mahmonir Rahimi)

•For the first time, many universities are holding events on women's rights on the International Day of Women, Tehran-based activist Mahin Khadivi tells Radio Farda. Violence against women is accompanied by laws that do not protect the victims, Tehran-based sociologist and women's rights activist Shahla Ezazi tells Radio Farda. (Kianusch Faried, Vienna)

•Women play a key role in the democratization process in Iran, Illinois State University and Toronto University professor Mohammad Tavakoli-Taraqi tells Radio Farda. Due to the pressures and restrictions, a major evolution has taken place within families, which makes gender equality a possibility in Iran, he adds. (Maryam Aghvami, Toronto)
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