CSIS produces newsletters and other reports that
explore regional trends and analyze breaking economic
and political issues, and inform our readers about CSIS
Focus provides timely analysis of key activities
and trends in the Americas.
Focus is
a thought-provoking analysis of critical trends in
Canada and the relationship between Canada and the
United States
Asia and the Pacific
Comparative Connections,
an E-Journal on East Asia Bilateral Relations allows
specialists and non-specialists alike to stay informed
on selected bilateral relationships in the Asia Pacific
PacNet Newsletter
is a weekly faxed newsletter generated from a network
of policy research institutes. It is designed to facilitate
communication on fast-breaking regional events and
serve as a vehicle for sharing research results and
South Asia Monitor,
published monthly, assesses the key economic and political
developments in the region.
analyzes significant developments in Europe. It is
distributed in February, April, June, September, and
November; a special year-in-preview issue is published
in January.
provides executive summaries of events hosted by the
European Studies Program.
Turkey Update
is a periodic analytical report on the fast-moving
political and economic situation in Turkey as well
as the interaction of domestic concerns and foreign
policy issues.
Europe East is a periodic
report on the conference and research activities of
the Eastern Europe Project. The next issue coming
Russia and Eurasia
Assessment of the Russian Economy is updated
and revised every workday and provides a comprehensive,
current evaluation of Russia's progress towards a
market economy. It highlights the aspects of Russian
economic performance that are of special concern to
Western corporations, such as the revision of the
tax code, the production-sharing agreement, and the
environment for foreign direct investment. In addition,
the Net Assessment surveys the field of potential
candidates for the forthcoming presidential election
and discusses the possible impact their election would
have on trade and investment in Russia.
In International Political
is the first in what is intended to be a brief monthly
commentary on significant and durable issues of international
political economy
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Insights New
from CSIS, INSIGHTS is a bimonthly newsletter about new faces and
new activities at CSIS.
PROSPECTUS Highlighting the intellectual capital
of CSIS junior staff
and interns
Connections, An E-Journal on East Asia Bilateral Relations allows specialists
and non-specialists alike to stay informed on selected bilateral relationships
in the Asia Pacific region.
Newsletter A weekly publication generated from a network of policy
research institutes by Pacific Forum CSIS.
The brief newsletter is designed to facilitate communication on timely
and fast breaking events in the region and to serve as a vehicle for
sharing research results and analyses.