Angeles' Journal
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Below are the 7 most recent journal entries recorded in Angeles' LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, June 9th, 2004
    1:24 am
    la la la la la.

    tucson stars maynard stars stars stars brena thinking of you magdalena la la la la la ahm james and his wiiine 'for burning brides. his hair. josh billy third row yes my dress jer-o-d. jeordie. hee. maynard? yes in jeans even. tuscon is awful in the day so flat like all of az but at night i love it. stars clear skies. apc.

    i love apc. x 999999999999999999999999999999999999900000000000000000001thousandmillioninfinityx45532623
    Saturday, June 5th, 2004
    2:57 am
    oh well then i'm not so like that anymore.

    got on the board and was not typing right and talking to people and john came on aim and was like i'll call you, cuz i said i wish i had somebody to talk to instead of typing so we talked for like two hours. about teresa. a lot. she fucked him over again. and i started bawling.. and we talked. it was really nice. really, really nice.

    3AM. nervous. anxious. scared to death. i'm scared of leaving... there. i'm scared of having to come back home after it all. i don't want to. i'm not there yet, and i know i wont want to.

    i think he's gonna come out here in october for elliott smith stuff, the memorial. showed him pictures of my box, my ES box and he said he wanted it so i said i'd send him that amazing show for his birthday and he said he was thinking that i should have meeting people ie easy and he would get it for me buti hve it, so maybe something else.

    k i'm not packed at all, and i dunno when we're leaving, so i should go to bed in order to be able to wake p at some normal hour.

    12:25 am
    sonci youth is co good.


    they're good. i knew this. tomorrow i have to get up if i wake up and buty a tiekyt eks ei'll forget.

    um. more music. red hour painters and dayrfeam nation. i can't fucking tyoe.

    i'm so excited. but my hands are almost kinda sorta numb.


    i don't knwow haen when i hve ot get up. but it's beforw 10 but i wont beause that wont happe,,uh selling out.


    k yeah sonic youtj. h. youth. i'm dizzy.
    Friday, May 28th, 2004
    9:21 pm

    wasting time + ring the bells.

    friends as lovers + riverview.

    spilled milk.

    billy, i hate you. you're brilliant and i hate you. and you better put new music out soon, i'm tired of everything being fucking unreleased and everything in chicago.
    Thursday, May 27th, 2004
    10:40 pm
    pip gets his money from that guy in the graveyard. oh man. nathan isn't happy and that bothers me. i'm in a good mood but i can feel it's one that'll go way down so i'm depressed i'm in a good mood. how... lovely is that.
    6:19 am

    6/19 - Dante's - Portland, OR - 21+
    6/20 - To Be Announced
    6/21 - El Rey Theater - Los Angeles, CA - All Ages
    6/22 - House Of Blues - Anaheim, CA - All Ages
    6/23 - DNA Lounge - San Francisco, CA - 21+
    6/24 - To Be Announced
    6/25 - Fenix Underground - Seattle, WA - 21+

    i guess i hope for another date in pdx in an all ages venue on the 20th.
    Tuesday, May 25th, 2004
    10:21 pm
    elliott smith - june 2, 1998.

    i've heard a track and about a minute of the second... and let me tell you. this is the best boot yet. surpasses all i've heard. i'm not kidding. angeles was first... and the picking at the beginning? amazing. ah god.

    and he plays roman candle + no name #1. i can't waaait. i love the rc stuff.
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