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Tuesday, 3 June, 2003

eye on bloggers survey is now available

Thanks to my lovely wife and her excellent PHP skills, (anyone who wants a little help shifting over to MT, you know where to go) the "eye on bloggers survey" is now up & running. This exercise is part fun, part curiosity on my behalf and hopefully the same for those of you in the blogosphere who contribute to the results. This is my first attempt at setting up a logical and informative survey, so if some of the questions seem esoteric, you'll just have to excuse my amateur approach. We all have to start somewhere, eh?

I intend leaving the survey up until 30 june 2003, at which time I'll take it down and finish collating the data for publishing here. Hopefully, if a lot of bloggers contribute, we'll wind up with some interesting and informative results. At the least, it's an exercise in communication, and that's what blogging is all about, to me anyway.

So, my request to those of you who contribute, is to please advertise the thing to those you link to. I figure that way, given the old 'six degrees of seperation' thing. We should be able to collect the entire blogging community inside a month :)

Have fun with it, ladies & gents.

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