OUR THEATER OF SEASONS: It was a dark and stormy night... when... suddenly...
Reports The Wild Bird Feeder: "Last week, when temperatures soared into the 50s, my daughter and I spent a glorious spring day in a nearby city. The warm wind caused sheets of vapor to rise from the piles of snow in the parking lots. I had to just stand there and watch this sight. What just a month ago was blowing snow, forming beautiful wind-sculpted drifts, was now white water vapor streaming off those snow piles!
More cool answers to your burning questions
Q. I've noticed that more and more garment-care tags have only symbols. None of the symbols, other than the one for ironing, means anything to me. Could you explain? BY ALLISON KAPLAN / Pioneer Press
Eggs: They're the shape of things to come
As this is an election year, the focus and chatter these days is on the White House and the premier room possessing a unique and seasonal shape: the Oval Office. Keeping with that theme, a campaign slogan for this spring's family get-together activities could be: "When you think eggs... think oval!" BY DONNA ERICKSON / Columnist
Colostomy patient can get support
Dear Abby: I am a 54-year-old married man with two wonderful children. Two months ago, I was diagnosed with colon cancer. Then I learned I would need to have part of my colon removed and would have a permanent colostomy. I was devastated. BY ABIGAIL VAN BUREN / Columnist
Eggs, they're not just for Easter anymore
What's fun to dye, delicious to eat, cheap to buy and, uh, really neat? Eggs, of course! The most recent USDA study comparing the cost of different protein sources rated eggs and ready-to-cook turkey as two of the best protein buys. BY MARY HUNT / Columnist
Salad days With the right plan, it doesn't take much land to grow an on-going bowl of fresh veggies.
Lifelong gardener Woody Carlstedt wants you to know you can grow an entire summer of fresh salad fixings in even a small city yard. BY MARGE HOLS / Pioneer Press
Go Ask Dad: Job loss hurts ego worse than wallet
Our son is living at home now that he has lost his job in the fast-food industry. The layoff was a blow to his self-esteem and his financial situation. Yet he's a resilient young man; we expect him to put down the video game controller and get back on his feet fairly soon. BY RICK SHEFCHIK / Pioneer Press
Hosts at a loss when she visits
Dear Harriette: My son and daughter-in-law visit my husband and me nearly every weekend. I have noticed that every time they visit, small items go missing from the house, things like pillowcases, earrings, books, all sorts of things. BY HARRIETTE COLE / Columnist