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  Eating disorders on the rise
Sufferers are getting younger
With the obesity epidemic front and center on the national health care agenda, it's easy to forget that millions of young Americans are literally starving themselves to death.


  Spring straining
After a winter on the couch, getting back in shape can really hurt if you push it.
When spring rolls around, many athletes and weekend warriors end their winter hibernation and hope to regain peak form in their favorite sport.

Parenthood linked to obesity
Turning Point: Girl learned to accept herself
Health calendar


Brevail could help prevent breast cancer
Excessive exposure to estrogen is thought to increase one's chance of developing breast cancer. After binding to breast cells, estrogen may send a message to overproduce new breast cells that could morph into a tumor.

Spring straining
After a winter on the couch, getting back in shape can really hurt if you push it.
When spring rolls around, many athletes and weekend warriors end their winter hibernation and hope to regain peak form in their favorite sport.

TV may affect toddler's brain
HARTFORD, Conn. — If Junior is hyper, could tons of tube time as a toddler be to blame? A study published today suggests television viewing by children at age 1 and at age 3 increases their risk of having an attention disorder by the time they are 7.

Parenthood linked to obesity
The more children a person has, the greater the risk that he or she will become obese, according to a new study from Duke University Medical Center.

Turning Point: Girl's effort to help others helped her accept herself
When she was a baby, Andrea Miller of Shorewood was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Doctors removed a third of her brain. That affected her fine-motor skills, hearing and eyesight.

Health calendar

Chickenpox vaccine doesn't always work or last through life
Medical texts describe chickenpox as a highly contagious but mild childhood disease that only rarely results in serious complications, a fact that has set off decades of controversy over whether the vaccine to prevent chickenpox is warranted.

Study shows stimulants curb growth
CHICAGO — New research bolsters evidence that stimulants like Ritalin used for attention deficit problems may stunt children's growth, but it does not address whether the effect is permanent.

'Morning-after' pill delayed
WASHINGTON — A scientific advisory panel's overwhelming vote three months ago endorsing over-the-counter sales of the "morning after" pill left family planning groups confident of the Food and Drug Administration's approval.

High-tech scan puts dirt, germs in a new light
WASHINGTON — With just a flicker of blue light, mothers one day may know for sure whether their children washed their hands before dinner.

Health bill passes House
After nearly five hours of passionate debate, the Minnesota House on Friday passed a comprehensive health care bill that would restore some of last year's cuts in programs for the poor and help contain soaring health care costs.

Bush signs protections for fetus during a crime
WASHINGTON — President Bush on Thursday signed legislation making it a crime to harm a fetus during the commission of a federal crime against a pregnant woman, and he declared that with the new law, the United States was "building a culture of life."

Bioethics panel seeks controls on fertility field
WASHINGTON — The government should more aggressively oversee the growing and largely unregulated fertility business, and Congress should set aside the divisive issue of human embryo cloning for research and ban other embryo experiments that virtually everyone deems unethical, President Bush's Council on Bioethics said Thursday.

Hormone wires brain's appetite control
New studies in mice suggest that the hormone leptin can fundamentally change the brain's circuitry in areas that control appetite.

Even babies aren't getting enough sleep
That teenagers are often so sleep-deprived they can barely crawl out of bed in the morning is not news. But researchers have found that these days, even many babies no longer sleep like a baby.


  LASIK questions
Dr. Stephen S. Lane at Associated Eye Care can answer all of your questions concerning vision correction laser surgery. Just click the link, type your question, and check back later for a response.

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